Hello! This RP is about you turning into a pokemon, please, ask @OZZIEMON to join, ok, You fall into a realm of Pokèmon and you have no idea what happened, Kinda like pokèmon mystery dungeon, KINDA. Ok, we'll have a guide to show us around, also, if your interested, here is the link for the discussion, also Ask To Join: http://pokecharms.com/threads/pokeworld-discussion-thread.13076/#post-260968 (Ask to Join - PokéWorld discussion thread)
Rule Time!:
1. No Legendaries!
2. Don't overpower your character(s)
3. No foul language or intense romance
4. No PokèPerson should be the same
5. Have Fun!
Ok the form is in the Discussion, Here's Mine:
Name: Nuri
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Ninetales
Shiny/normal: Shiny
Personality: Arrogant, Mischievous, Kind-Hearted
Other: Wears a red scarf
Nuri was sitting outside, Playing LOZ, with her Kitten lying beside her on his cushion. Nuri saw a flash of bright, white light. She stood up and put her game down before she started running towards it. Nuri peeked from behind a tree to see a Portal. It looked like a Universe to her, but being the curious kid she was, she walked up to it and it began to suck her in. "Eek!!!" Nuri screamed before she was warped into another dimension, and she was falling...straight into a lake... Nuri gasped as she swam up and onto the banks. "Wha?" Nuri thought as she looked around. She felt...oddly different, and when she looked down, she was furry, with four legs! Nuri gasped and looked down in the lake to see her Reflection. It was a Majestic creature, wait, it's a Shiny Ninetales! So pokèmon is real! Ben was right! Nuri frowned at the thought of her friends getting worried over her. Just then, someone tapped her wet shoulder.
Rule Time!:
1. No Legendaries!
2. Don't overpower your character(s)
3. No foul language or intense romance
4. No PokèPerson should be the same
5. Have Fun!
Ok the form is in the Discussion, Here's Mine:
Name: Nuri
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Ninetales
Shiny/normal: Shiny
Personality: Arrogant, Mischievous, Kind-Hearted
Other: Wears a red scarf
Nuri was sitting outside, Playing LOZ, with her Kitten lying beside her on his cushion. Nuri saw a flash of bright, white light. She stood up and put her game down before she started running towards it. Nuri peeked from behind a tree to see a Portal. It looked like a Universe to her, but being the curious kid she was, she walked up to it and it began to suck her in. "Eek!!!" Nuri screamed before she was warped into another dimension, and she was falling...straight into a lake... Nuri gasped as she swam up and onto the banks. "Wha?" Nuri thought as she looked around. She felt...oddly different, and when she looked down, she was furry, with four legs! Nuri gasped and looked down in the lake to see her Reflection. It was a Majestic creature, wait, it's a Shiny Ninetales! So pokèmon is real! Ben was right! Nuri frowned at the thought of her friends getting worried over her. Just then, someone tapped her wet shoulder.