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Post Your Trainer Card

This is mine trainer card, one of each generation. All my favorites


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my sinnoh dream team.... half of them are lost but I am now training their daughter and son! no choice if I wanna be ready for the next competition! my current team is really weak for now
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I'll go ahead and post all the cards I've made, with a bit of explanation for each one.
The first team I ever beat a Pokemon game with, on Yellow version. I remember switching out the Dugtrio for Pidgeot every now and then. I did and always will prefer Hypno over Alakazam.

I use this team almost every time I play through 2nd gen or its remakes(in which case I evolve Togetic and Sneasel). I actually did find a shiny Sneasel on my first copy of Gold, hence its placement here.

The usual Sapphire team. This is where I started naming my trainer "Catz" for some reason. Delcatty proved to be quite the champ despite its horrible stats, and I loved my idea of using 3 water types with a different secondary type. I sometimes switched out Swellow for a legendary, but he is easily my fave early-game bird Pokemon. So much more awesome than Starraptor IMO.

Team for my most recent run of Platinum, my favorite Pokemon game. On my original run, I hacked in a Mantine to get him early and didn't use any fire-types. That Flareon saved my ass multiple times in this run, and Noctowl was pretty sweet too.

White may have been my least favorite in the series, but I like this little team I assembled. Excadrill plowed through most things that gave me trouble. Sigilyph is my favorite flying type, and Emboar is just awesome.

I liked Emboar enough to use it again in the 5th gen's superior sequel. This was also my first time using Ampharos, Banette, and Skarmory. Shoehorning the latter two in posed a problem, as none of these guys could Surf, so I had to box one of them whenever I needed to do so.

I was originally going to use only Kalos Pokemon for my run of X, but Raichu sort of shoehorned itself in early, and I had to pick up Delcatty after using it successfully in 2 other games. I'd say Clawitzer is my fave.

Last and certainly not least, my "main" competitive team as of right now. It may look like a questionable choice, but I've won quite a bit with these guys. Using underrated Pokemon is my specialty, after all. Sandslash in particular came all the way from my Sapphire version to join me.

Anyways, sorry for the long post, but I figured it'd ultimately be more organized than eight separate posts.
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OK, here are the 4 cards I made of my teams in X, White2, White and Diamond

Jasper - Delphox
Vesta - Gogoat
Felicity - Talonflame
Jeff - Snorlax
Deena - Dedenne
Lennon - Emolga

Azalea - Serperior
Isabelle - Lilligant
Lexi - Galvantula
Lennon - Emolga (yes, he has the same name as my Emolga in Pokémon X)
Shigeru - Sawk
Fez - Unfezant (how original of me XD)

Kyle - Samurott
Fez - Unfezant (Again shares a name with another one of my Pokémon from White2)
Danae - Mienshao
Ema - Emolga (Her name is pronounced like Eee-ma, not Emma -_-)
Lorenzo - Chandelure
Amelia - Lilligant

Belafonte - Empoleon
Maya - Roserade
Nicki - Pachirisu
Electra - Luxray
Dave - Togekiss
Alex - Gardevoir

Not shown are Venus the Munna, Lola the female Meowstic and Coco the shiny Dedenne.
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The team I used when going into the Elite Four in Diamond. Maybe not Dialga, I made it faint. But I forgot what other Pokemon I used in that spot so, I filled it out with Dialga! He is my favorite legendary, after all.
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This is my Dream shiny team That I'am trying to make.
I was really close when I needed Rayquaza, then three got stolen, well at lest that I don't give up. Now I have Rayquaza I only need Charizard, Luxray, and Gallade.
Other then that it's a really interesting combo.

I just wanted to make someone who's a huge fan of Pink.
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After many months I've found that this is the best team for me. I'll put down their names(they're all male with the exception of magnezone wich in turn is genderless) Magnezone - Metaray
Hydreigon - Draco
Charizard - Fireheart (Traded over) - also my mega evolver (Y)
Yanmega - Nitrofly
Gliscor - Slash
Lucario - Goku
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This is mine with my Y team (which is also my dream team):

Charizard (male) - Ladon
Jolteon (female) - Lucia
Flygon (female) - Jayda
Aurorus (female) - Princess
Gengar (male) - Casper
Lapras (female) - Aurora

They're awesome :)
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Meet my team

Fire Team
Ghost Team
Dragon Team
Fairy Team
Ghost Team
Grass Team
Electric Team
Water Team


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This is the team I used on my adventures through Kalos. So I figured since I spent so much time with them, it was only right for these companions to be on my card:
Getsu the Greninja, Jasmine the Mismagius, Sir Pent the Serperior, Magus the Charizard, Curry the Volcarona, and last but not least, Shijii the Mawile.
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This would be my dream team if pokemon would be real:
Jolt, the Jolteon

Chimychar, the Infernape

Pippy, the Empoleon

Gecky, the Sceptile

Ryu, the Dragonite
Rono, the Aggron

This would be my team in the beginning of my pokemon adventure if pokemon was real. I would have chimchar and treeko as a baby, given piplup as official starter, given dratini, aron and eevee by dad, then evolve jolt while battling Misty. The others evolve on the way to Sabrina.
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my pokémons nickname are Tor the Lucario, Elle the Gardevoir, Lamia the Milotic (Lamia are basque siren) and... well, i dont have a nickname for the others yet (suggest any if you want).
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Here are the two teams I currently have in Pokemon Y. One is my main team, the other my for fun team.

I also use these teams for Roleplays I participate in.
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