Kalseng felt the flames lick his forehead before he quickly vanished. He just suspended his own existence for a few milliseconds, and he reappeared. Without a second's notice, he saw a blade swinging towards him. Kalseng threw up a hand, and was instantly met with a blade. It clanged with his own, and he was forced to restrict his own movements to solely defensive ones. His speed was matching Yoshimitsu's blow for blow, but his strength wasn't keeping them off of him. As he went to block a swing, it broke through Kalseng's defenses, sending his arm backwards. The blade sliced both his arm and across his chest, slicing through both his shirt and a small amount of his own flesh. Kalseng was soon falling, his mind racing to find the right element. Anything to save him, anything!
Kalseng's impact was cushioned by a surge of white energy, reverting him to his blank state. He looked back up at Yoshi, his white eyes piercing through the tense air. "You reverted me," He started, his voice returning to its echoing state. Kalseng tossed his hair back, readying his fist. The energy swirled around it, and Kalseng focused hard. Soon, his entire body shifted, his jacket morphing into a long sleeve one. The color shifted to yellow, and the energy on his hand elongated. It turned into a long barrel, a handle resting in Kalseng's hand. It suddenly shuddered and became a long gun, a large sight on the top. It was yellow in color, a thunderbolt pattern running on the edge. It was a long-range one, but it didn't fire bullets.
"Hammer of the gods," Kalseng commented. He raised the gun up and pointed it at Yoshimitsu. He pulled the trigger back, and condensed lightning energy, almost a beam, shot out from the barrel. It twisted around as it moved, becoming a spiral as it traveled. It was locked on to Yoshimitsu's very essence, ready to track it to the ends of the earth if it had to.
It would follow Yoshimitsu until he died.
Kalseng's impact was cushioned by a surge of white energy, reverting him to his blank state. He looked back up at Yoshi, his white eyes piercing through the tense air. "You reverted me," He started, his voice returning to its echoing state. Kalseng tossed his hair back, readying his fist. The energy swirled around it, and Kalseng focused hard. Soon, his entire body shifted, his jacket morphing into a long sleeve one. The color shifted to yellow, and the energy on his hand elongated. It turned into a long barrel, a handle resting in Kalseng's hand. It suddenly shuddered and became a long gun, a large sight on the top. It was yellow in color, a thunderbolt pattern running on the edge. It was a long-range one, but it didn't fire bullets.
"Hammer of the gods," Kalseng commented. He raised the gun up and pointed it at Yoshimitsu. He pulled the trigger back, and condensed lightning energy, almost a beam, shot out from the barrel. It twisted around as it moved, becoming a spiral as it traveled. It was locked on to Yoshimitsu's very essence, ready to track it to the ends of the earth if it had to.
It would follow Yoshimitsu until he died.