As years have passed, many people were sent to the Isle of Oblivion. A dungeon sealed and forgotten by many. The fog and the perpetual cold tempest, make it unreachable. The prision holds many dangerous foes that were locked in there for their war crimes.
The dungeon is guarded by nymphs, these masked the island in the fog that never goes away. Skolligans and Humans have worked together to escape, but were not able to. These two races often fought together against the Onis, evil creatures from Kokerkipi. Their leade, Taartaten, created curses on her cauldron, and one of these made the Skolligans to turn against the Humans. They fell into an endless war as Taartaten expanded her territory and created a powerful army.
The savagery and bloodbath broke through all of Calchevult, and this gave Taartaten the chance of enslaving all races. Nymphs, Tengus, Skolligans and Humans. All of those that weren't captures ran away to the southern area of Skolrya. The land was blessed and defended by all, there they created their society, and there, they struggled to conquer back what once was theirs.
The boat left the harbor of the Oblivion Isle. This time not with guards, but with fugitives. The amalgamate of Skolligans and Humans, together, fought to keep their strenghts during the cold storm and the blinding fog. One human yelled atop the boat. "One! Two! One! Two!" as the groups of fugitives rowed through the stormy water. Most of them tired from fighting off the Nymphs and guards. Everyone helped the boat to keep moving, and mothers who had theirs sons while locked up were making everything they could to keep their offspring in warmth.
One cloaked figure rowed alone, at the far end of the boat. Her snout was visible and her yellow eyes glistened as she kept rowing and looking forward. The Skolligan wore wool clothing, stolen from a dead guard and the cape, full of stitches, had a pale-purple color. The gust of wind pulled her hood back, revealing the scarred face of the Skolligan and most part of her poorly-cutten hair. The ears hade hole markings as one, circular, silver ring decorated her right ear.
Days passed as the fugitives were getting more and more tired. The rain stopped and the fog ceased, but the clouds and the wind gusts persisted. The food was scarce and fishes were rarely caught. The Skolligan held her hood above her head with one hand, trying to cover her face from the cold winds. They had to survive a few more days, and so the challenge went on, all the way to the harbor of Skolrya.
Clouds cleared and everyone looked happily at the sky. The sunset smiled upon them, glistening on the pale, dark, blue waters. The coast was visible among everyone as they rowed faster and faster. The loud cheering made everyone forget about their miserable conditions. But that wasn't the harbor of Skolrya, it was the Suzao-no bay. This detail didn't come to the mind of the fugitive's heads, as they scurried to leave the boat.
The guards stopped them from walking out of the harbor. "Fugitives?" They yelled. The man that led the boat to the Bay nodded. The guards went back to their normal stance, and so, every fugitive started to walk through the streets.
The Skolligan looked at the two golden coins on her hand. "Well, nowhere to go now...", she said as she walked through the street market.