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Ask to Join Spy Pups

Zigzag's eyes widened after Saturns last comment, but he didn't stop looking to and from the two leaders like he was watching a tennis match. He looked across to Gero and Ace and whispered. "Pass the metaphorical popcorn folks, this one is gonna get ugly." In his best wrestling announcer voice.
"Hey, you ruined the show! And yeah, I really hate you now.." Gero said growling in his biggest growl ever. "You didn't see how aggressive I am, and I am really mad right now!" he said ready to really attack Saturn. His stare was angrliy. His teeth were open, his legs were moving in a fast away, and started to chase Saturn.

The breeze started to rise up.
Saturn raised an eyebrow and jumped over Gero. "Pup, listen, I don't have time for your nonsense, we should be heading off now" She said coldly, then turned and trotted to the gates, where all of the other teams where heading. Saturn crouched low and watched some pups roll around and cause each other to fall face-first into the ground multiple times.
Ace sighed. He was probally the only one, scared of Saturn. Making him feel as the runt of the group. He followed Saturn, trying not to be knowticed. "I cant believe this. A female scares me. Heck, she might even be out group leader for all I know." Ace sighed. "Is it too late to change my team? Or do we even have the choice?" Ace questioned.
"Hey Ace, come check this out" Saturn called said pup, turning to look at him. She covered the thing with her two front paws and waited patiently for Ace to come, if she even was. 'The poooor pup, he probably feels like the runt' She thought coldly.
Ace smiled surprised. "I-I? What!? I can't believe this?" Ace smiled. He rushed over to Saturn. He took his time, as she could be evil the next minute. He lied down beside her, questioning what she had for him. "W-What Is it?" Ace Asked, in the most curious way.
Saturn smiled "I only just managed to save it from those hyperactive pups" She said, removing her paws to reveal a royal blue rose that glowed brightly. "Isn't it amazing? I've never seen anything like it before" She said, leaning down slightly to sniff it. "And it smells like chocolate!" She exclaimed, jerking back with a content smile in her face and her eyes closed shut.
"Woah!" Ace smiled. He took a closer glace at the flower, then took a sniff. He quickly retreated. "Wait? Isnt Chocolate Poisonous?" Ace asked, worriedly. With his vast knowledge being in a pound, for maybe a year he knew Chocolate was poison. He tried taking a bite of a Chocolate Bar, until the pound keeper took the bar, and frowned. "NoNo! Chocolate is Dog Poison! I dont want you to die on my watch!" The Dog Keeper frowned.
"Well first, you've got to-- Oh, well..' Gero said. "She is just messed up 100% no doubt. She wants to me to not make it and she makes it. I just
hope she won't make it. Then, I won't care if I don't make it." he thought, sighing. He saw a butterfly a bit further, and he knew not to chase it. Thanks to his training, he wouldn't chase anything that saw was harmless. He only chased things that were not any seen of peace to him. He looked away from Saturn to his left to the flowers.
Saturn frowned "I'm not affected by it, it just smells like chocolate, but it's not chocolate" She said quietly, smelling it once more before sitting up. "Your alright pup, you've got that right" She said, placing a paw on Ace's head, lightly patting it.
"Oh, eh my bad." Ace smiled. He walked back over to Saturn and the Chocolate smelling Flower. He took another whiff then smiled. "Man, Chocolate smells good. Now I want to eat the flower." Ace smiled. Ace smiled, as Saturn patted his head. He felt beneath her, but continued to ignore it for now. He continued to whiff the Flower, wafting the aroma to his face.
Saturn lay beside Ace and watched as he took continuous whiffs from the chocolate-smelling flower like it was a drug. "Well, I surly don't want to know what you'll be like when your high" She said, also taking a whiff of the flower, not even bothering to retaliate.
Ace started laughing. "Haha!" He smiled. "I'm not going to get high! I don't even know what getting high is. I just like the smell of this flower. It smells awesome. Like Chicken, and Turkey, or something like that." Ace smiled. He awaited to be called for his first mission, as he kept continuously sniffed the flower. "I think I have a problem." Ace smirked.
Saturn sat up "Well- whatever" She muttered, refusing to say anything she will soon regret. "Hn..." She muttered, watching Ace. 'He's acting just like Mercury...I miss him so much.. ' Saturn thought, laying down beside Ace but placing her head on his back, watching the other pups running around.
Ace smiled, as Saturn placed her head on his Back. "Wow, One second she threatened me, the next she's as nice as a Ladybug." Ace smiled. He didn't really understand his statement really. He didn't even know many things that were nice, him being in a pound his whole life. He ignored it for now, and contined sniffing.
Saturn felt a sudden twist in her heart 'Now I see, you took Mercury away from me only to give me Ace in return? Alright world, I'll protect Ace like he's the only thing I got left, witch is kinda true' She thought, removing her head from Ace's back and rolling onto her back, turning her head so she could watch Ace, but not like she used to, it was more of a loving curious way.
Ace felt strange, as Saturn removed her head from his back, and rolled over, to start watching him. "Hopefully this is going to be over soon." Ace though, giving out a fake smile. Ace decided not to move, as he was awaiting the Trainer to assign his group thier first mission. He didnt take, whiffs of the Chocolate Smelling Flower, or Roll around. He was practically a statue.
"Nothing, I'm just really tired." Midnight lied. He felt as if Saturn was being over protective over Ace, and that she was acting like a mother. He put on a fake smile, hoping the Saturn would eventually leave.
Saturn sighed "Liar" She said coldly to him and stood up, walking away from him, a pissed expression melting into her face. 'No more, he's getting the worst treatment from me' She thought, laying down in a bush. 'See what trying to be protective over someone gets you into? Being cold is better if you ask me' Mercury said, appearing beside the suddenly shaken mix breed. "Wow, calm down Merc, trust me, I'll do my best and I will avenge you, those men have no idea what they're getting themselves into" She said, earning a smile from her ghost brother as he disappeared.

(Just so you know, Saturn is the only one that can see Mercury, unless stated otherwise.)
Ace smiled, then frowned. He felt bad, he had driven Saturn away. "Great, I have her get sad because of Mercury, and now he driven her away. He sighed, a nd then face planting into the ground. He got up, then grabbed the chocolate flower. He placed it in his fur for now, as he didn't know what to do with it.
Saturn ruffled her fur silently, glaring at pups that managed to spot her, making them turn away and shudder out of fear. 'Yeah! Be afraid!' She thought coldly, crouching down lower to the ground.
Ace watched, as Saturn threatend the other Pups. "I would not want to be in a fight with her." Ace smirked, then continued on. He slowly crept up on the other Pups, scaring the ones he could find. He strayed clear of Saturn, but didnt hesitate to tackle his team members. He continued pouncing on the Pups.
Name: Indigo
Code Name(: DW687
Gender: female
Looks: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/38/b8/4d/38b84d55a1017734391074497799b4f6.jpg (Not a puppy!)

From the building connecting to the wide, open field walked another dog. Looking around, she noticed a wide variety of dogs already there. She decided to go introduce herself to one. The shorkie picked up the pace as she trotted over to a dog of unknown breed. "H-" She couldn't even finish her greeting before she was tackled by another dog. The poor Shih Tzu/Yorkshire Terrier mix fell to her side due to a size difference, but she picked herself up almost instantly. Shaking herself off, she glared over to the bigger dog. "And who might you be, hm?" she asked in a high-pitched voice. "My name is Indigo. I'm your new teammate. At least, I think I am."
"Hey! You stole my kill!" Ace growled at Indigo, then walking away. He looked over at his 3 teammates. "Sarurn scared me, while the other two? I somehow want to strangle. How the heck Did I think of that?" Ace questioned as he walked around. He felt like talking to the other two, but didnt have the guts. He wanted to talk to Sarurn, but felt like he was get tackled. Although he liked tackling others, he didnt like it the other day around.
"Kill!?" Indigo replied, scrunching her snout up in disgust and turning back to the rather beautiful, blue-eyed dog she was trying to introduce herself to earlier. "Hello... I'm Indigo. What's your name?"
"Saturn" She said uninterestingly, crawling out of the bush and shaking the leaves that clung to her fur, making them sway to the ground limply. "Ace get your shepherd tail here now!" She barked at said pup, noticing that he was breezing away.
Ace, jolted up. Then rushed over to Saturn, as scared as he could be. "Yea? What is it?" He asked worriedly. He was scared out of his mind. What he hoped for was a mission, and Saturn was calling everyone over, the thing he dreaded was Saturn using him as a Slave.
"If this is one of those girly pups, your going through the trauma with me" She said quietly in him ear, gesturing to Indigo with a scowl. 'Your definitely suffering with me if Indigo us one of those pampered girly-girl pups' She thought.
Ace frowned. "Uh, OK! Your the boss." Ace smiled. He then frowned, looking over at Indigo. "He then gestured her to run. "This pup is crazy! She full on insane!" Ace though, frowning. He then gave Saturn the chocolate flower. He wasn't sure what he would do with it, so he placed it in Saturn's ear.
Perking an ear up, Indigo listened to Saturn's words, absolutely dumbfounded about how anyone could think she was a pampered dog. Choosing to act as if she hadn't heard her, her ear went down to its usual position, her head unmoving from facing the other dog. I'm not pampered! she thought, emotions welling up inside her. They have no idea... They don't deserve to know. Let them think what they will. I'll tell them at some point.
Turning her body to completely face the Jack Russel, Indigo copied her head dip, pulling her lips back in a half-smile. "Why, hello there, Xandy! It's a pleasure to meet you! I'm Indigo!" Pushing Saturn's comments away from her mind, the shorkie sat down on the grass, licking a paw nonchalantly. "So has the mission team been selected yet? I'm not late, am I? I was told I was chosen, but now I'm no so sure..."