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Open Star Wars: The Old Republic RP

Kira looked through the glass and made her decisions. She pulled out her com. "You owe me favor Dredigan..." she hissed into the com. "Indeed... what is it?" Answered the man. "I need your men at the temple now..." the com ended and she waited. Half an hour passed as the com blinked signaling their arrival. The bounty hunters rushed in with smoke bombs. The entire temple was covered in smoke inside and out. Kira put on heat goggles and shot a bullet through the glass shattering it. She rushed in and went straight to the library. She switched to her pistol as she Send several rounds into a Jedi, trooper, and a citizen. As she entered the foggy library she ran to the vault and began her work. She finally breached it and entered. A wall of holocrons stood in front of her. A computer sat in the center of the room. Kira searched for the holocron finally finding it. It levitated down to her and she snatched off. Kira heard the troopers into the room. A purple light saber could be seen. "Damn..." she hissed the clanking came closer. Gunshots were heard but they weren't aiming for her. The light saber could be heard slicing down several people. As the smoke cleared her Zillith entered the room as her purple light saber shut down. "Need some help?"
Demens entered the temple but not on the mission he changed direction to where the Jedi and started to slaughter the Jedi that tried to stop him. Sparks that flew off begun to light fire around everyone. He stopped at the sight of the apprentice he had, he stuttered as his apprentice engaged him in combat. His apprentice was well trained and now held the title of knight so he proved a challenge. The Jedi fought hard thinking that Demens murdered Tai but in reality Tai Venth was Darth Demens "I'll kill you for what you did" he shouted as they clashed their sabers "you killed my master" he brought his blue saber forward. Demens was reminded of who he once was and started to get sluggish in his combat "I... didn't murder Tai" the smoke started to clear "Don't you recognize me, I am Tai" the smoke completely cleared and his face was clearly visible surprising the Jedi with him falling to his knees. Demens lifted his saber bringing it down cutting the young Jedi right down through him.
(This is probably what I would look like ether one of this)


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HK-97 nods, his various bolts whizzing and whirring as he performs his calculations.
"Explanation: On Korriban, there is the Sith Academy, where you were trained. There is also Czerka Arms, where I was manufactured." He pauses, waiting for Novian to understand.
"Follow-up: There are other HK-series hunter-killer droids being manufactured at Czerka Arms, at this moment. Revelation: I cannot get close to the Academy or Korriban without the help of a Sith in disguise."
Walks out of the Jedi temple and gets into an X-wing going ready to go to Tatooine to search for Jedi young lings.
Takes off and drives all the way to Tatooine and lands.
Looking for his secret Jedi Padawans.
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Kira and Zillith took off down the hall but was soon stopped by three Jedi. They turned and ran down another hall until reaching a dead end. "Shall we?" Kira asked as she tossed a grenade at the wall. It blew up places my a hole in the wall. Zillith took Kira's hand and leaped out.
"So you want me to go to the place that is the complete opposite of where I need to be. What do I get out of it?" Novian says as he crosses his arm.
HK-97 brings up a datapad.
"Offer: It would be relatively simple for me to clear your bounty and records. And however many credits you would want."
HK nods, putting away the datapad.
"Declaration: I can requisition you a shuttle upon mission completion."
He pauses.
"Addition: I wish to set free the other HK-series hunter-killer droids at Czerka Arms."
(I realized unnamed my Jedi after my other Sith. Her new name is Ziri) Ziri spotted the explosion and rushed to it. As the two landed on the grounded they turned to Ziri. She activated her dual bladed light saber and got into her battle stance. "I'll handle this..." Zillith announced as her purple light saber egnited. They lunged at eachother clashing back and forth.
Novian raised his head up slightly, as if to consider the droids offer. "Fine. When do we leave? I need some things from my ship." He asked HK.
HK nods, putting away his blaster.
"Declaration: We will leave in an hour. My ship is at the Mezenti Spaceport."
He starts to walk away, but then turns back.
"Warning: Do not try to run. I will find you."
Jusnu nods with daggers in his eyes and leaves. He proceeds to go to the lower hanger. His ship, the Cravingbird, is still in the place as it was before. Novian enters the vessel. Inside the ship, Novian takes out some old, however regal, Sith robes. He throws them inside a bag and takes out two, large durasteel wristbands, obviously made for protecting his hand. Finally, he reaches for a black box containing an old, red bladed lightsaber. It had been years since he touched it since his departure from Korriban. After throwing all those things inside a travel pack, he leaves the Cravingbird and calls for a taxi. Destination: Mezenti Spaceport.
HK-97 waits at the spaceport, in front of an Imperial cargo shuttle that had obviously seen its fair share of weather. He fiddles with a vibroknife as he waits.
Novian arrives with a bag in his back. "Is THIS your ship? The Cravingbird could get there much faster than that piece of junk." He sighs and puts on his wristbands, and tosses HK a comms.
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HK-97 nods.
"Explanation: Your ship would get us killed the moment we entered the atmosphere. A subtler approach was needed."
Demens regained himself as he stood outside of the Jedi temple his saber in hand but deactivated. He begun to walk to where he felt a clash in the force "I have a bad feeling about this" he whispered as he came to face a duel between Zillith and a Jedi he didn't recognize. He ignited his sabers and begun to enter the fray of the duel.
HK's ship arrives at Korriban. He nods to Novian.
"Instruction: An inspection team will arrive shortly. Your new identity is Tevelen Kann, a Sith Lord apprenticed to Darth Imperius. The officer who will greet us is named Khawn Overvile."
(OOC) I decided to take out Khawn from the story. Felt like it'd be a waste of a good character. BUT that does not make him fodder. Given that he's still my character, he can't be killed via god-modding.

Novian nods, and puts his cloak on. He opens the landing pad. "Officer," he says in a demanding tone, "Don't mind my droid, Scrap. He's a big old pile of rusted old scrap, like the name suggests."
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Finds his little Jedi Padawans and then takes his Temple guardian mask off.
"I'm glad your all safe!" As all his Padawans running towards him to give him a hug.
"Heh get in here." As all his Padawans hugs him all at once.
"Can't breathe!"
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"Alright since I'm back let the real training begin!"
"Today! We will be learning!" He shouts out
"The dark side of the Force!" Yells out a young Force sensitive named Hantert
"No you young lings are not ready for it. But Today we will be learning about protective stuff such as the Force barrier so let the training begin!"
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(OOC: please do some research the rules of the Jedi stop any of the members from practicing the dark side of the force. It is forbidden or else you are expelled and become either a grey Jedi or Dark Jedi depending on the level of dark side study so please do research on this.)
(OOC) I'm playing a Force sensitive character. Both Jedi and Sith (or Grey Jedi) are Force sensitive. Jedi still don't use the dark side. Just as a character can't be Sith and Jedi simultaneously.
I turned into a Temple Guardian
Oh and I'm really sorry Light sith were not a thing in the time of the old republic.
And I'm teaching Force sensitive not Padawans.
(Ooc) if you play a light side Sith inquisitor in the game, you are considered devoted to the Empire instead of yourself, eventually gaining the title Darth Imperius.