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Ooooooooh!!!! Looks legit! Go MASTERBALL! *a shiny Arceus comes out nad falls over the earth* Nooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!

I drop an alcohol prep pad.
.... alcohol? prep? pad???? :o *goes crazy for no particular reason* *gets hit by a familiar masterball and falls off a cliff*

I drop the "familiar" masterball.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
My need for combat pushes me to far so I challenge the three to a battle. Against one we'd be even. Against two it would be a worthy challenge. But against three? I am quickly overwhelmed by a barrage of kicks from Hitmonlee, a flurry of punches from Hitmonchan, and costant roundhouse kicks and slaps from Hitmontop. Left battered and bleeding with a broken arm, I finally admit defeat before falling unconscious. I'm taken to a hospital, but as I don't have health insurance they leave me to die from my wounds.

I drop health insurance
I find some health insurance and say yay! I'm so happy I go to a shop and buy a lottery ticket. turns out that I've won £10,000,000! Then I get told that the shop I bought it from wasn't allowed to sell tickets, so I jump of a cliff and land on the world's most pointiest rock.

Drops the world's most pointy/iest rock.
I use this pointy rock to make a spear and go on a rampage! Afterwards, I have a nice stick with twelve heads held in a row, I then use this stick to decorate my room. However, as the heads decay, insects swarm and take over my room one night. Among these creepy crawlies is a very poisonous scorpion, which stings me, and since Jerty stole my health insurance, I die of the poison.

I drop a scorpion (one with small pincers=very poisonous)

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Food! I pin the scorpion's tail to the ground and cut it off rendering the creature hamless so that I can eat it. Little do I know this was a radioactive scorpion, thus turning me into an incarnation of the Spiderman villian by the same name. Our friendly neighborhood Spiderman confuses me with the Scorpion and begins fighting me. When the real Scorpion shows up, Spidy and I team up to take him down. After Spiderman thanks me for my help, I die from radiation poisoning.

I drop Spiderman's autograph
Huh, what's this? Ehh might as well sell it on Ebay. OH MY FREAKING GOD!!!! $999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999!!!! I'm rich!! Yes police? WHAT?! It's now illegal to sell stuff on EBAY?!?!? CURSES!!!!!!!! I fling my body off my rooftop and fall into my neighbor's pirahna infested pool.

I drop the pirahna infested pool.
The vase breaks on the floor. My mum comes in and thinks I broke the vase, and points a shotgun at me. I then shout, "Mommy! No! It was the Angel!" while pointing up to the heavens where Angel is now, but since the story would be complete bull in the real world, she blows me apart with the shotgun.

I drop a shotgun

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
*kicks shotgun* Guns are a weapon for the weak!

Alucard from Hellsing: Oh really?

Me: Oh shit!

Alucard shoots me until I'm a pool of blood, flesh, and shattered bone with his bad ass shotgun all the while laughing evilly.

I drop a trashbag full of my remnants
Once again, the said item drops in front of me. Someone who shouldn't see it sees it, and thinks I'm responsible, and kills me. Except 'vase' is replaced by 'monkey remains', 'mum' is replaced by 'monkey minions' and 'shotgun' is replaced by 'poo'

I drop monkey poo

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Dammit! I just took a shower too. *gets back in shower* Unfortunately I miss a spot and no one wants to get near me for the rest of the day because I smell like poo. Since no one is talking to me, they can't warn me that the conviniently placed hole from a few pages back has returned and is now in front of me. I fall in and break my neck.

I drop shampoo
Sweet! an iPod!
Officer: Miss, did you steal that iPod, just now?
Me: No, no, no! You don't understand! I-i-i-i-i just found it?
Officer: That sounded like a question. Get in the car. You're gonna be in the cell for a long, long, time.
*get's shot with his gun before getting in the car because I was refusing*

I drop, my new ice cream flavor. (according to somebody it's called 'Crap Cream') Enjoy!

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Now how can I eat ice cream if you drop it on the ground. Ijit. I walk to the ice cream place down the street and order a soft vanilla ice cream with sprinkles because seeing the fallen ice cream activated my desire for some. Once I'm well fed I start to walk home. As I near the final stretch I get hit by a car while crossing the street.

I drop the free ice cream coupon I got
Me: Oh, Sweet! *skips off to the ice cream store*
Clerk: What flavor do you want?
Me: I have a coupon.
Clerk: Good for you but what flavor do you want?
Me: Noob, look at the coupon!
Clerk: I don't see how this is going to help.. *looks at coupon* You little thief you stole a million dollars from the bank! *calls police*
Me: You'll never take me alive!!!! *jumps off the rooftop*
Officers: We'll he's dead now so I guess we can take him. *starts shooting me with mini nukes*

I drop a mini nuke shooter (but the mini nukes have the power of a thousand nukes)
...Need I say it?
I shoot everyone I hate with the nuke shooter but because I couldn't escape in time, I die along with them.

I drop an annoying person that I hate.
I suddenly step on a (appearently hated guy).
Appearently hated guy: OW! You mind?!?
Me: Sorry...who are you?
Appearently hated guy: I don't know...
Me: You don't know...
Appearently hated guy: What did you think, b***h! *beats me up*
Me: Dude stop! *calls the cops*
two minutes later...
Cop: Freeze!
Appearently hated guy: I-I-I...can explain!
Cop: Too late! *finally arrests guy*
Appearently hated guy: You'll f***king pay, b***h!!! *shoots me with a nuke shooter.*

I drop a sandwich I ate before th crime.
Me: Ewwww it's got saliva on it. :-X I'm NEVER going to eat that.
Random Guy: I dare you to eat that.
Me: What the h**l??? I would never eat it!
Random Guy: Then I'll make you. *shoves fallen sandwhich into my mouth.
Me: O.O.... ........

I drop an American flag. (not supposed to, but, eh, I'm dead already!)
The flag falls to the ground, I take out a match and shout 'This is my favorite part!' and light it on fire, because that's what you have to do if the American flag touches the ground. But there is gasoline everywhere, which also catches fire and burns me

I drop a pot of gasoline
Me: What in the world am I supposed to do with gasoline? Well, I can't even drive yet so it's useless to me. *gives gasoline pot to random 4 yr old child*
Random Toddler: Apple Juice! Apple Juice! *drinks pot of gasoline* (I've actually seen this happen before....) *dies*
Random Toddler's Mom: You killed my baby! My precious baby! *takes out M-15 and kills me on the spot*

I drop actual apple juice. XD
Mmmm... apple juice :D *drinks it all up* Oh, wait... no! I'm allergic! I get hives! *face swells up and I suffocate* Ga...h...

I drop my hived-up face.
Ew? I'm conveniently playing golf. FOUR! (or fore, or whatever they yell xp) I hit the hived-up face and it hits the flag pole, exploding into a million firey pieces and they set the whole hole (hole 17) on fire, burning me, and all the rest of the people with it.

I drop a golf club (iron!).
Yummy! *applies knives to teeth* Dinner Time!!!! *chomps down hard* OWWWWW!!!!!!!! *cries in pain*

I drop my teeth with the knives attached.
Yuck! Modified dentures! What, are these for old people who can't chew well? XD
Said old people come after me pretty slowly, but I underestimate how slow they are and they catch up to me and suffocate me with love and hugs. XP

I drop a walker. XD
................. *checks watch* Eh, might as well... *Transforms walker into giant robot* Wait what?? NO!!!!!!!!!! *robot thinks I'm Fallen Angel and shoots me with an ion blaster*

I drop that same robot.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
*gets in a giant mech I don't know how to pilot* Let's party giant robot! By some miracle I figure out how to pilot the giant mech I stole and beat the giant robot in an awesome battle that left a ton of collateral damage. I then accidentally hit the self destruct button. My remains are unrecognizable.

I drop the pilot to the giant mech I commandeered
*pokes with a stick* Are you dead? *burns with lighter* You are now :D *walks away and falls over a cliff* Wheeeeeee!!!!!! *lands on a thousand ice shards*

I drop ice.

Mkay back to reality.

I take said ice and toss it over the cliff gzh walkd off of which was actually a volcano causing a chemical reaction (somehow, I hate chem so whatever) and kills me in the process.

I drop a request letter to "To whom may ever pick up this letter" yaddayaddayadda, "shall bitch slap gzh" yaddayaddayadda, "If Fallen Angel may happen to die."
Hmm... Should I? Nah I won't *throws letter over that volcano I fell into* *walks away* Hmm... why do I have a feeling I'm being watched? *gets bitch slapped* WTF! Get off me! *The Chupacabra attacks and eats me* Ow...... *groans final word in this world* Mom....

I drop the Chupacabra.
AHAHAHAHAHHA! Good job, Chuck. *pets Chupacabra mindlessly not knowing that it doesn't like to be petted* *Chupacabra eats me* Hi gzh! Watcha doin in a place like this?

I drop stomach acid.
Oh, hi Fallen Angel! Small world isn't it? Hey wait? What's this? AHHHHHHHHH IT BURNS!!!!!!! *gets devoured by the acid*

I drop Fallen Angel.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
*Catches Falle Angel* Living up to your name eh? I would throw you over the side of that cliff, but the last time I did that there was a rope tied to that person and I got pulled over the side too. So instead, I'm going to walk over to the convienently located hole and throw you in there. *throws Fallen Angel* Have... fun? Dammit! I should have checked for ropes! *gets pulled into the hole.

I drop rope.
OOOOH look rope!!!!!!! *grabs rope and pulls* HEAVE! Oh, hi Fallen Angel! Hi Psycho. Bow to me or go down the hole again! *cuts rope attached to Psycho and he falls in again* *walks away and falls over a bridge* Wheeee!!!!!!

I drop a Mamoswine.
*sidesteps* Hey look Cerberus! fresh meat! *watches Cerberus eat the body, then walks away and falls into Psycho's hole...again*

I drop a spike

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I catch the spike and drive it through gzh's head. That's for being stupid. For procrastinating on finishing my next chapter, I slam my head on my desk to drive in some motivation but end up giving myself a concussion. As I fall out of my chair, I hit my head again getting an aneurysm.

I drop the next chapter of my fic (It'll be up by the end of the night promise ^^;)
Hmm? What's this? Oh.. it's a chapter to Psycho's fic... *rips and throws away* *gets flaming coal flung at me* AAHHH!!! IT BURNS!!!

I drop a hole.
Turns out, you dropped a Black hole, so I got sucked in. D=

I drop a white hole X3 (The opposite of a black hole. It exudes light and energy, as opposed to sucking it in.)