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*folds arms and glares at fake Princess of Darkness* I'M THE REAL ONE!!! The fake Princess of Darkness obivously disagrees and we fight. In the end, I defeat her, but as I'm about to take off her head, she throws dirt in my eyes then takes off my head instead.

I drop myself
You fall into a vat of pudding. It makes me laugh so hard my intestines fall out and I die because I can't digest food.

I drop a flaming bag of dog crap.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I'm smarter than the people who stomp all over it, so I dump a bottle of water on the flaming poo to put it out. What no one told me was that there was a ton of pure sodium in the bag. For those who don't know chemistry, pure sodium explodes when it reacts with water and there was enough sodium in that bag to blow off my leg. Unable to crawl away, I slowly bleed to death.

I drop 10g of pure sodium
Oh no I am soo not falling for that! *throws bottle away*


*Chuck Norris runs up and pwns Aura for throwing bottle on his head*

I drop Chuck Norris's little finger

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Hey, fingers aren't eatable, they're 90% bone! *flicks finger away and continues search for a more substancial meal* I never find said substancial meal and die of starvation.

I drop a frying pan and half a dozen eggs. Have at it!
I grab the glying pan and start hitting all the eggs (seeing as I hate eggs). Unfortunetly, I hit Arceus the pony in the eye with one and I ceise to exist.

I drop the ocean

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I go swimming as I always do when I go to the ocean. This time I decide to go further out than I've ever dared before only to get caught in high tide and dragged out to the middle of the ocean. To a shark I look like a lost seal and get my leg eaten off as a result. The blood pouring from my wound attracts more sharks who all beging a feeding frezy on me.

I drop shark teeth.
I play around with the Shark Teeth until I cut off my arm with them... then I pass out from the smell and get murdered by a serial killer.

I drop the smell of blood

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
You activate my blood lust which has me going on an indescriminant killing spree. The poice try to stop me, but are also taken down in my meniacal murders. It takes the National Guard using AK47s to bring me down.

I drop grenades

I get in an arguement, by saying it's a crocodile, not and alligator and it decides to eat me as punishment.

I drop the underline button

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I push it to see what happens. The text looks more serious when its underlined and as I hate serious I turn it off. It's only as I fall that I realize that the underline was a floor and I just jumped off a cliff.

I drop strike through
Oh a button?! I wonder what would happen if I pressed it... *is cut in half*

I drop the fact that I have to go to bed (continue taking over the world please). Bye!

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Going to bed? But I just woke up! Cursed time zone differences! *Pops a blood vessel in rage and gets an anurism*

I drop a useless medical kit

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Axel NO~O! Oh my only reason to live is now a slattered pancake of flesh and bone! *draws sword* Good by cruel world! *commits sappuku*

I drop a ball of aluminum
It lands on my throat choking me. I try to get it off but its barbed so it rips my throat off and my body is eaten by a cat

I drop a mad cat
Kirby inhales me causing him to become........ ZEZZY KIRBY!!!!! But the awesomeness of it destroys the universe.

I drop a white board

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Hot! HOT! And it tastes like poo! *gags* And stinks! My brain imploses from all the negetive stimulation.

I drop positive stimulation
The positive stimulation gets into my head and makes me think very happy thoughts, such as me being able to fly, thus leading me to jump off a cliff.

I drop an angry Primeape.
Wild Primape Appeared!

Toru sent out Bidoof!

Wild Primape used FALCON PAUNCH!

Bidoof dies...

Wild Primape used OH.K.O!

Toru dies a slow and painful death...

I drop a dead Bidoof.
I pick up the game, put it in my wii and play it for several hours. After falling asleep, I wake up to an eerily glowing screen. I touch the TV and am pulled inside the game, where I get repeatedly beaten up by the game's avatars for eternity......
Stupid paranormal crap.
I drop a can of condensed milk.
The can of condensed milk falls on my head then bounces off. I rub my head in pain and pick up the can. I open the can and it explodes. Owwie.

I drop THE GAME, which I just lost.
I run around screaming "I lost the game!"

Then some random guy comes up and says "I won the game last night... I think you should win it too."

Of course, to win the game you have to think of the game while... ummm... your in bed with someone of the oppisite sex... ... ... ...

Rather than have to do that, I kill myself.

I drop that random guy that won the game.
I get mad at how he won the game and kill him but he was the disguised president so I get in a awesome 12 minute gunfight with the secret service which I won. In celebration, I drink a huge glass of Coke and choke on an ice cube.

I drop a pair of pants

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I could use these, I only own two pairs of pants. Damn! They're two sizes two small. Oh no! I can't get them off! They're stuck! In my struggle to remove the pants, I get a hernia and some how die from that.

I drop Fuzzy Wuzzy, the bear who had no hair and wasn't very fuzzy.