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Ask to Join Tales of Aquearias

Valkry shrugged and tucked her dagger back into her arm guard. She relaxed her shoulder before moving to pick up her traveling companion. She wrapped her arms under his legs so that he was held bridal style, “the Silverrock tribe. They live far from here so I doubt you might know of them”.
the Elven nodded. " Well the nearest trade town is a few miles that way." He said pointing in the direction. " He should be fine in a couple of hours." The elven said before jumping to the next tree.

Abigale looked at the filthy orcashi. How dare she pick up her lord. She let out a breath as she walked beside her keeping her head as calm as possible.

The prisoner chuckled before letting out a breath as he continued to lead them.

Stevens looked at the group. " We could've talked earlier. You could've surrendered peacefully and everyone other than the people in this room would still be alive. but instead you continue to harm people. " Mam." He said to the girl and motioned her to come his way. Two Navy rifle men had their guns pointed at Lazlo. " Now once more I offer all of you the chance to leave this man's side unless you wish to join your friends out there.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
As soon as Tarkrax and the Blood Axes landed on the port of Grandwinter, they began sacking it, destroying the shipyard down to the wooden planks of the pier. The building that was apart of it was soon on fire too. A great smoke rose as they destroyed it. They celebrated by eating the remains of the Aquestrians who guarded the shipyard.
"So you're friends with old Blubberfins?" Edward smiled. Blubberfins did not look happy. "He recently took a break. To help the Merrymores, I think."

"I was looking all over for you, Shaun." Blubberfins looked at Shaun. "I was worried you'd get hurt."

"I am not hurt. I thank you for your care though." Shaun smiled at Blubberfins but Blubberfins did not respond.

"Not by these guys. By the Orcashi. They come in numbers to this island. The shipyard's been razed. I saw it on fire. We need to act now."

"You're telling me they picked on this island all for nothing?" Edward laughed. "You're a jester, you know nothing about the art of war..."


"I warned you about a possible attack." Ursula pointed her eyes on Edward. "Yet you did not respond. I told you that our scouts on ships in the sea said they believe the Orcashi just want fur cloaks for the winter. You should hand them over and maybe they won't attack."

"Are you nuts? Orcashi would never attack for the sake of getting winter coats. How stupid do you think i am? The Orcashi would only attack if they needed to. Winter coats are beyond their mindless brains. And Orcashi wouldn't even be in Flovia! You are the stupid one here!" Edward raised his voice.

"No, sir. I have information from reliable sources..."

"Sources which are not here to verify their information. Sources which could be very well made up."

"What do you think i'm saying, my lord?!"

"You are making it up! Most likely a plot to get rid of me so you can have Grandwinter for yourself. Yes, i see it now. Lady of Grandwinter, Lady of Glacaria, Lady of Whitewood...what next? Fish Empress?" Edward spat in disgust. Many of his guards laughed at Edward's comments.

"How dare you..."

"How dare you try and betray me. There's not a single flame coming from the shipyard as far as I can see."

"Sir, she is right. The shipyard HAS been taken..." Blubberfins tried to defend Ursula.

"You're trying to have a say in all of this? You're a jester. Every single word that comes out of your mouth is either a joke or complete filth in the case of this. Don't try being serious!" The room laughed except for a few, that being the children, Logan, Shaun, Imogen and Ursula.

"He HAS a point." Logan yelled. "I saw them attack Whitewood for a fact!"

"Silence! You didnt die because you were such a coward you didnt even participate in the battle!" Edward cackled. "That makes no difference. You werent in the battle itself, you were not witness to it! Well, Logan, you can stay here for what you've said." This made Logan gasp. "Blubberfins, you can do whatever you'd like. Go ahead, kill me."

Blubberfins just looked at Edward. Edward laughed. "I knew you didnt want to." He laughed. "Ursula, you can very well damm get out of here. Round up any troops you need and send a hunting party south to the shipyard. If there's a problem, you'll find them. It will very much help you with your damm point! Now, be gone! I wish to only see you with the head of an Orcashi. And if not then we can say i was right, which i am."

Ursula just stared at Edward. She didnt say a thing. He had given the order she needed but he was angry at her for some reason. Maybe this bet will finally prove Edward wrong. Ursula stormed off after gathering the scattered forces she needed, which were around Grandwinter. A small hunting party of elite troops were established and, without warning, she fled to the southern plains with them. At least she had given her daughter Imogen a kiss before she left. She told them to keep her safe.
Once the elf left, Valkry flopped David over her shoulders like a sack of potatoes. She grunt quietly at the effort but planted her feet steadily with each new step. Her back straightening to hold the new weight until he recovered, “Let’s just keep moving and hopefully we don’t get interrupted on this trip again”.
The prisoner nodded as he continued to walk. He kept his mouth shut wanting to appease the orcashi. "If he stays unconscious for too long I'll carry him for awhile." He said as he continued to walk forward.

Abigale frowned as she continued to walk close to her lord making sure the orcashi didn't try and tear his skin off and use it for clothing.
Valkry stepped one step away as the other woman got closer, sending a curious and warning look at her before she continued, “I don’t get you folk. To jumpy, to worried about things. I won’t hurt him if that is what you are worried about, my bosses will probably be having business with him later as it is”.
"It's simple." The bandit said with a smirk. " She's one of those crazy stalker types. You should look at her movements when she's around the person." He said before closing his mouth again.

She returned the look. " Just don't do anything to him filthy beast or I will show you just how much my whip stings."
“Stalker types it is,” Valkry sighed and fully turned her head to look at her newer female companion. She narrowed her eyes and threatened to toss him over to her, “would you rather carry him and tire yourself out to the point that if we are attacked again you can’t do anything? Would you really risk that? Because you can carry him if you like.”
" Will...you...both shut up." David mumbled. " What the hell hit me I can't move." He said. He then whispered. " Please don't let her carry me." He said.

" Fine." She said as she walked ahead to scout the area.
“Paralyzation poison tipped arrow,” Valkry shruggedher free shoulder, “There was an elf but I dealt with it. Your friend wasn’t to happy that I picked you up. I described that we were heading to the next town for trade stuff and now we are talking. Our prisoner is walking ahead of us and I’m keeping an eye on him as we speak”.
"Relax I'm not going to try and pull anything." The bandit said. " And call me Cullen, Cullen Heart." He said as he continued to scout the area.

David nodded. " Guess I am useless." he said weakly and he laid his head on her shoulder.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
The statement said by Stevens would test the room's loyality. The guards who were taking care of Anna Gutstide let go of her. Suddenly, the room was divided. Men and women from the other houses turned on each other and aimed their muskets at each other, many drawing their swords and edging closer to the weaker ones. Lazlo's guards stayed loyal but were distracted by the others. Anna, who had felt the release of the two guards, stabbed at both of them very quickly. She darted towards Stevens. The room errupted as men who were supposed to be loyal to Lazlo started attack his guards. The room was chaos, beating and fighting, blood everywhere.

"Let me help!" Anna exclaimed. She stabbed through the backs of some of the guards providing the barricades.

"Get her!" Lazlo ordered, pointing to the young woman. But Lazlo lost sight of her and his guards did not respond. Lazlo took one step forwards before he found himself surrounded by other guns. They all surrounded him and these were not Stevens' men.
Ursula took her group south towards the shipyard. She had a great number of spearmen with her, as well as a few blunderbuss wielders, archers, swordsmen and axe throwers. They edged towards the end of a hill where they saw smoke rising. "Is Edward blind?" Ursula asked the group. "There was smoke here the whole time!" A group of heads turned as a high pitched scream came from the back of the group. A man had died. In the arms of a few of them was an archer, who had a large bloody hole in his body.

"He's dead." One of the few blunderbuss men said to Ursula. "Someone stabbed him from behind."

"Could it have been an Aquestrian? Edward might be sneaky trying to pick us off."

"I don't know."

"Send some men back to get medical assistance. They can warn the others at least."

As a small splinter group ran back to the fort, the others moved closer to the shipyard. They were surrounded by a woodland as they moved closer. Shadowy figures danced around them. Then, they hit the members at the back of the group. As they collapsed, Ursula and the others looked back. Multiple members had been killed. All of the archers had died. Some of the axe throwers and thrown their axes at the men only to have them picked up. They caught sight of them before they were stabbed. Ursula and her group were now surrounded by them. At first, she thought that Edward had ambushed them but now, she found that it was her original idea. They were green Orcashi, drooling from their mouths. They surrounded the group. Ursula closed her eyes.
“Don’t care what your name is,” Valkry huffed as positioned him to be in a more comfortable position. She tightened her grip so he wouldn’t fall, “just listen when someone says something next time. Attacking outright may be good if you know for sure who your enemy is but when you don’t know the chances you should allow yourself some more time to think. The elf simply wanted to know what we were doing”.
David nodded as he rested his head on her shoulder. "thanks for saying yes even if you continue to keep to yourself. I'm greatful that you came with." He muttered as he closed his eyes.

"Maybe you don't." Cullen said. " Frankly I don't care that you don't care. Just wanted to tell you that so you won't continue to call me prisoner." He said as he slowed his pace he looked onwards as he showed them the path to the city.

Stevens nodded. He handed her a more sharper blade. He looked at the situation and chuckled I guess they really weren't loyal to you." He said as he took a step forward taking out his dagger."

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
Using her new sword, Anna Gutstide hacked through her way through the followers of Lazlo, who were fighting amongst each other. Anna had managed to gather a number of supporters amongst this mess. They started pointed their guns towards Lazlo but they were distracted by a number of swordsmen who hacked their way towards them. Anna crept up to each of the swordsmen and assassinated them from behind. She sped walked towards Lazlo. Lazlo, who was in a raised position standing in front of his chair, opened his mouth wide amongst the sea of chaotic supporters.

"The tide has turned." Anna said to Lazlo loudly, staring him in the eyes. She marched forwards and swung her sword at Lazlo's head. Lazlo turned to grab his sword but he found it had been taken.
A tall, thin brown haired woman burst through the doors of Grandwinter's court. Edward Seaseal instantly recognised her. "Samantha!" Edward smiled. This was his wife to be, Samantha Soulsea, who would be his second wife, and would change her name to Samantha Seaseal eventually. Samantha looked furious.

"I have recieved a letter from soldiers from Ursula Icevale. She wrote to me detailing sightings of Orcashi on Whitewood and now on the shipyards of this island, and, funilly enough, she was right! I went for a walk around the island and the entire shipyard is on fire! She wrote to me saying that you made fun of her despite her legitamate claims that there are Orcashi on this island! But then you exiled her and forced her out! I met up with a group of messengers looking for medical help at the doors of this fort but they were denied entry! Those messengers just told me that Ursula's gang were all murdered by Orcashi in the shipyard!"

There were gasps. "Calm down my dear." Edward responded. "We tried to help all we-"

"No you didn't! I was there, part of Ursula's gang myself before i decided to go back! I disguised myself! Ursula is dead because of you!"

Imogen Icevale was crying at the news of Ursula's death. Shaun O'Hearty really wanted to confort her. Everyone seemed fired up about Edward.

"Wow! What a great ruler, you, are King material my friend!" Blubberfins exclaimed. Her sarcastic comment made some people laugh, including Edward. But Edward soon snapped out of it whilst the others laughed. Edward's newfound seriousness caused him to go beserk.

"You are a mere Jester, a joker...a filthy rat! How dare you make fun of me! Guards, execute him!"

"No!" Shaun O'Meany shouted. Edward's guards slammed their boots on the ground and moved over to Blubberfins. Samantha, meanwhile, edged closer to Edward.

"Please, Edward. We still have our wedding..." Samantha smiled cutely at Edward to soothe the man down. She approached his seat.
Stevens casually walked up to the man and gently put his hand on Lazlos shoulder before pressing the blade against him. "You should've accepted my offer when you had a chance." He whispered.
“Let’s keep moving. No time to stop,” Valkry pushed on Heart’s shoulder to make him move before she stopped, “actually leave. You’ve showed us the way to our destination and I agreed to let you go once you had. You may leave”.

Her head turned to stare in the direction they were going, her dagger sliding from its place so she could get rid of any restraints that they had kept him in.
Heart nodded as he put his hands in his pockets as he walked onwards trying to find a way back to his viliage. "Try not to get into any trouble. Or help strangers you don't know much about."

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
Lazlo fell to the ground as blood rushed through the floor. Heads turned as the internal fight stopped. Anna Gutstide looked at the corpse of Lazlo Stortor then at Stevens. She smiled at him. "Hey! I was going to kill him." She stood over Lazlo's already dead body and took out the weak head off the body with a blow from her sword as compensation.
Samantha went to hug Edward. She didnt know what she was thinking before she whipped out a dagger from beneath her legs and stabbed right through Edward's heart. Edward bled and screamed. "What...have you done?!" Edward exclaimed. These were his final words as his body rested against the throne.

The room gasped at that event. They hadnt expected Edward's own fiance to do this. The guards that surrounded the seat marched up to her. "Who are you trying to protect? Your master? He is dead!" Samantha yelled. "I am the next in line here! Edward said so earlier!"

The people in the room started to give her support. "We all wanted Edward dead anyway." Logan Whitewolf stated. "We need to act firm now and prepare the defences from the Orcashi! That is why you killed him is it not?"

"You are correct." Samantha grinned. "He was ignorant to the people that live here. The Orcashi are coming for us all. I saw with my own two eyes. We will all die if we do not act. Prepare the defences!"
Valkry slid her dagger back into place. Tightening the cloth with one hand was hard but she managed. Her grip on David grew firmer as she readied herself for social interaction, “hopefully you can walk by the time with her to the village. I’d rather not get to much attention drawn to use immediately”
David tapped her shoulder. "Well I'm starting to get feeling back to my limbs." He said. "I should be able to walk soon."

Good." Abigail said as she stayed close to her Lord.

"Over kill." Stevens said as he looked at the decapitated body. "Alright those of you who are alive have three choices. One you can die in service of your fallen lord. Two you can go back to your island and no harm will come to you are three you can join me and my master in conquest of not just Flovia but of the entire world."
“Once you think you can walk tell me. I hate to sound rude but I can’t be wasting strength in carrying someone capable to walk,” Valkry huffed and took a step away from Abigail, eyes looking her over with a wary caution, “I also believe it would be best if we break companion at the closest tavern instead of straight away. Might draw less suspicion if we are being pursued”.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
Anna started to speak. "I will certainly give my support. Lazlo was a tyrant. I'm-"

"Annastasia Gutstide!" A voice shouted from a man who marched up to Stevens. The man was short, of his late 30s, possessed an extremely hairy face with a grey beard and there was a line of blood angled diagonally on his face. "You're one of the last Gutstides now! Most of them have been killed by his men."

"I do not care." Anna said to the two of them. "They were on the wrong side. There's noone worse than Lazlo Stortor." She looked at the short man.

"Oh that's right, i haven't been introduced to him yet, have I?" The short man chuckled. "I'm Captain Darryl Morgan, one of Lazlo's right hand men. I too dispised him, but I never said a thing, until I picked up a sword and started fighting his unarmed guards here in the hall. There are two poor women being locked up here by him. One of them was a companion of mine for many years. Both of them married their way into Lazlo's ranks but Lazlo locked them up for being treasonous." Darryl reached into the pockets of Lazlo's ragged trousers and produced a key ring with keys for the prison cells. "This...should unlock both the cells." Darryl showed both of them the keys.

"Excellent. We must free them at once." Anna stated. She turned to Stevens. "I'm sure everybody who is alive in this room will pledge their loyalty to you. All of Lazlo's main supporters are dead or turned against him at the last minute. You shall have no trouble recruiting us."
He nodded as he leaned on the Orcashi. " If I accidently kick you drop me." He said. " I'm trying to get my legs to work. Also I know you don't care about me one way or the other. The feeling is mutual by the way but if you want a full time employment I could use you as a permanent body guard. Some one who I can trust won't do anything to me while I sleep." He said.

Stevens nodded. "When you free everyone I would like to speak to heads of the remaining houses. I want to tell you what will be happening." He said.
“I believe you already have one of those,” Valkry hummed as she eyed Abigail once more. Her eyes picking apart her weapons before turning back forward. She let her free hand rest on her hip to counter balance his weight, walking a smidge faster, “and I’m not to sure that my employers would appreciate you hiring me away from them”.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
Anna and Captain Morgan nodded. "Will do." Morgan replied. "Though most of them are dead."

Anna and Morgan then seperated as they went to speak to each of the remainders of each house. They all seemed to be in agreement. The ones who would normally disagree were dead.
Logan Whitewolf and Wyatt Wartusk inspected the ranged defences: archers and blunderbuss wielders. "There aren't enough to hold this fort." Wyatt said to Logan.

"No...but we can deploy strategies to slow them down. So long as we hold the hall, that's all that matters." Logan pointed to a large metal bucket of oil.

There was a large cheering sound coming from below them. Logan peered over to see hordes of Orcashi marching forward towards the wall. Wyatt looked at Logan. The two of them raced over to the hall.
"They come!" Wyatt exclaimed. "The ranged defenders won't be able to defend on their own. We need to deploy armed swords fighters!"

"I see." Samantha nodded. "We may need to retreat to another location."

Imogen Icevale was crying. "We're all gonna die...it's Edward's fault..." Shaun O'Hearty walked over to her to try and confort her.

"No we're not. Don't worry...even if we lose here...we can go to Scalia. The people there can help us."

"That's a good idea." Samantha responded looking down at Shaun. "If the defence is compromised, we flee straight to Scalia. The island of Glaciara is too small to defend. Shaun, Imogen, see to it that we have plenty of ships to escape to. We will have to go to the northern shipyard in order to leave."

"Yes mistress." Shaun nodded.

"Take Wyatt's children too, Walda and Wally. Blubberfins, go with them."

"But mistress, i can fight!" The old jester shouted. "Never forget that it was I who was exiled from the Scalian army!"

"And now you are a jester. Protect the young ones. Only come back when you are sure they are safe. I realise your strength."
"Someone who won't try to do anything to me while I sleep." He repeated. His leg twitched. "Anyways who do you work for I can try and cut a deal with them.

Stevens turned and walked back to his ship.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
Hilda Seaseal was in the middle of writing a letter to Grandwinter when she was alerted by one of her crewmen to go into the fort on Storm Island as it had been taken. There, she saw the battered Flovian lords discussing many a thing. The battle was over and bridges were being built.

Wallace Wavell stomped over to Hilda. He had a look of concern on his face and his white robes and black jacket had blood all over. "Hilda." He said looking at his friend. "Syd and Walda Seaseal are dead. Many of us have died."

Hilda had a look of shock on her face. "My family..."

"All whiped out. They should have known better."

Rebecca Stortor edged towards the seat of Storm Island. The lords all noticed her. There was silence as she was accompanied by Genevieve Grimsdale. "Listen here. I am the last Stortor. Indeed that is true. But, i never wanted to rule this place! And you lot deserve this 'Stevens' to tell you what to do."

Anna Gutstide walked towards Rebecca. "What will you do, my friend?"

"I will leave the island, with poor Geneve." This produced a series of gasps. "Anna Gutstide will be the new inheritant of Storm Island whilst i am gone. I will write to you all, but I guess, i'm out."

The two women escaped to the docks. Anna Gutstide was placed on the seat as ordered. Captain Morgan walked with the two women trying to convince them to stay. Genevieve was very sweet and kind to Morgan but Rebecca was furious. She insisted the Captain have nothing to do with them. Rebecca took Genevieve's hand and the two paid a shipman to drive them out of the docks. Once outside of the proximity of Storm Island, they had no clue where to go, just somewhere safe.
Zanzibar Boghall's men cleaned the decks of his ship. Admiral Boghall had recieved word that Lazlo Stortor's plan had gone off the rails. In hearing this, he immediately ordered his ships to fire on any approaching navy vessels. Zanzibar made an impressive speech about how it was time for the navy to split open. Boghall asked his men to call themselves the new pirates. During this gathering, a small ship passed through their blockade. Zanzibar's men hopped aboard and captured the crew: One ship master and two women: Rebecca and Genevieve.

"What do you want with us?!" Rebecca exclaimed.

"You two are beauties...I could make a lot of money from you two..."

"Hands off me! And her!" Rebecca shouted.

"I gotta get some currency..." Zanzibar commented, smiling.

Genevieve produced a large bag of coins. "Take this!" She cried.

"You are quite the rich one arent ya?" Zanzibar give an evil grin. "Fine then, if that's how ya gonna play! Take them to Kespur!"
“I do not have permission to say. I’ve never actually met them either. It’s always through messengers and middle men,” Valkry admitted. Her brain went over all the times she had at one point met with the next mission giver. It went over all the late nights slipping past guards and other patrons to meet in shadowy back alleys where the next piece of parchment waited, “They are quite secretive and do not like to draw to much attention to themselves”.
He nodded. "I think you can let me down." He said. "I'm starting to feel by feet." He said. "If you change your mind let me know." He smiled as he looked at her.

Stevens undressed the blood stained clothes. He put on his new shirt and pants before walking into his captain room.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
Genevieve sighed. What mess had she gotten them into now? She stood on another ship, urgently waiting the arrival of Rebecca. It took much screaming and fighting before she got aboard. Boghall’s men tended to them as the ship made it’s way to Kespur. A young goon of Boghall’s approached Genevieve.

“I recognise you.” He said. “What did you say your name was again?”

“Genevieve Grimsdale.” She replied.

“Huh. I thought the Grimsdales all died! My name is James Grimadale!”

Genevieve looked at him. “You are...”

“One of us. Hehe.” He chuckled. The ship then arrived at Kespur, so he said nothing. As the wooden plank went down, James pushed the two of them into the docks. James smiled as Genevieve looked in horror.
Captain Eden was bickering with Boghall’s guards, low lives who took care of Kespur’s dock. She had rowed with so many of them asking for a ship to take her back but all had refused. She gave up, then went to the tavern to find people who would support her. She found no one who gave her support. All around the island, people hated her. She decided to take a stroll on the beach when she saw the Boundrights, Boomer Barrol and Blake Blackwater mourning Elliot Boundright at a self-made grave. She approached them.
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Valkry stopped and pulled her traveling companion off her shoulders. Her hands stuck onto his shoulder so if he fell she could catch him but her eyes stayed trained on the road ahead of them. Her free hand held behind her back as she waited for him to find his footing.
He put his feet to the ground and stood. He wobbled a little bit before standing. He smiled "I think I'm fine now. Thanks for carrying me." He said smiling.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
Captain Eden approached the people at the grave. "Excuse me...do any of you know a way off this island? I seem to be stranded here."

Blake Blackwater turned his head as soon as he heard the young woman's voice. His eyes gazed upon her. "Captain Ellie Eden...from Admiral Water's fleet...how did you get here?"

"Woah wait...You're from Water's fleet?"

"My name is Blake Blackwater. I fled Water's ship during the Battle of Cordona. I don't know why...I was a coward..."

"You deserted? Wow...You must be that Blackwater flirt Water spoke of."

"You know Water well? You look like...ha!"

"You're laughing at me? I am Captain"

"Ellie Eden." Blackwater chuckled as his friends turned to focus on the conversation. "You got abused by a certain Admiral Saul. Yes. I know, because my family were friends with him. He was expelled from the navy when that happened. I think he's dead."

"Don't you talk of him." Eden pointed at Blackwater. "Blackwaters are always filthy aren't they?"

"I didn't support Admiral Saul. Do you know why I brought him up? He grew up on this island. I only just found that out. Why are you here?"

"A certain Zanzibar Boghall captured me with his fleet. He threw me on here." Eden replied.

"I see. I thought you were just investigating the site of your abuser for a second there! The Boghalls are utter filth. The Sauls may be gone but their friends the Boghalls set up base here. Though few numbers in their actual family, they did hire a number of levys from this island. Funny old island this is...it's only got a tavern...yet so many came from here in the past...It seems to be a prison island."

Finally accepting Blake's presence, Eden nodded. She had not trusted him but this remark seemed to make her more attatched to him.

"Are you the Captain Eden?" Myra Boundright asked reached out to give her a handshake.

"Yes. And you are?" Eden shook Myra's hand.

"Myra Boundright. The girl next to me is Barbara Boundright."

"Hello." Barbara shook Eden's hand.

"And why might you be on this island?"

"Our parents died. Captain Boghall captured them. We fled the ship at the last minute."

"That's good that you got here...but you could have chosen a better island...this is still Boghall territory!" Eden laughed. "Whose grave is that that you are grieving on?"

"Our brother, Elliot." Barbara stated. "He was wounded in the battle, so we had to tend to his wounds...he didnt survive though...we made a make-shift grave for him here on the beach. It's miles away from our home on Ordon...but what if we don't make it? Plus we can't carry him around forever!"

"Sad to hear it. Your brother...was he young?"

"Yes." Myra responded. "Only about 14. He was a strong fighter and a kind young man. He would have been a good captain."

Boomer Barrol emerged from behind the grave. "Boomer Barrol, Ma'am. One of Oceana Floyant's engineers."

"Oceana Floyant? So you worked alongside Water's mother."

"Several times. I was responsible for placing explosives during the battle of Cordona."

"Ah yes, i do recall Water saying she had left the responsibility for the explosives to Floyant's fleet. Allabastor is dead now. He was killed by Lazlo Stortor's men."

"It looks like the Boghalls are working for Lazlo Stortor. Zanzibar's no longer a captain i think you'll find. But news has reached the island that Grand Admrial Stevens has attacked the island. That's what i've heard from the people in the tavern...and news reaches us pretty slowly...so who knows?" Blackwater explained.

Eden nodded. "And Boomer...what made you come here?"

"I deserted like Blake...but only because I believed we were being treaty very poorly. My grandfather Barry Barrol and I were a team. When he sacrifised his life for Cordona, i felt betrayed. Someone needed to go and help him. But I couldnt. Oceana didnt care. She only cared about victory. I left during the height of all of that. I met Blake, heard a voice in our heads and we talked in the tavern. We naturally gravitated towards Kespur. We found the girls at the docks with Elliot. It looks like we were all chosen to be in a group for a reason."

"I am sorry about your grandfather...he seemed like a great man..." Eden responded.
“No problem,” Valkry rumbled as she crossed her arms behind her back. The orcashi quickened her pace, eyes narrowing in now on the town infront, “Let’s go. We have a lot of ground to cover and I’d rather not get in when there is little light left in the sky. Who knows how innkeepers charge rates around here”.
David nodded as he fallowed her with Abigail on his heels. He kept his eyes peeled for any unknowns that might come towards them.

In the tree line the Elven Archer stalked them.
Valkry tugged the nite from her pouch, scanning it over and over again to give her something to do. She picked apart the letters and the cursive to see if there was any thieves can’t slid into the message before she started to tear it up, ripping the prices into tiny bits that she let float slowly from her hands, “if we don’t see eachother after today ever again. I do hope you both live a long life”.
Same to you." David said as he looked at her. He smiled. "And if down the line you change your mind about being a permanent body guard the offer will still be on the table." He said. He stopped and sniffed. He looked to the town and saw smoke rising up from the town. "Something's happening." He said.

Acurian landed his ship. "We're here." He said to his travling companions he ushered them to fallow him as he walked into the fog covered island.
Valkry started to pick up her pace into a run. She tugged her hood up to help cover her face, eyes stuck on the swishing plume of grey cloud as it rose. Her heart started to beat wildly, “Then let’s go check it out. I’d rather not have the closest place to get a drink around here burned down if it’s a city fire”.
David nodded as he started to run towards the city. He smelled the smoke and coughed a little bit as he drew near. He saw most of the building were burned down as the bodies of the town's people were scattered all around. He let out a deep breath as he walked in. " Looks like they were attacked by something." He said as he tried to get rid of the flames burning his shirt in the process.

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