Royal dashed over to Amy, then chirped, "Are you ready to go?"
Marilynn flew in silence. There were still tear trails on her face, and as if in rememberance of her dear Duosion, she chose to wear a dark blue dress. As for her hair, she went with a messy rattail. Her alias would be 'Clover' once she met back up with the group. To further distance herself from her 'June' disguise, Marilynn decided ahead of time to wear maroon-colored contact lenses. The scientist knew she couldn't use Cobalt, as he would he recognized.
Marilynn flew in silence. There were still tear trails on her face, and as if in rememberance of her dear Duosion, she chose to wear a dark blue dress. As for her hair, she went with a messy rattail. Her alias would be 'Clover' once she met back up with the group. To further distance herself from her 'June' disguise, Marilynn decided ahead of time to wear maroon-colored contact lenses. The scientist knew she couldn't use Cobalt, as he would he recognized.