@gutens i also have questions about your OCs powers. Specifically Blaze. What does it mean to heighten fire strength by 10%? does your character have in-born powers apart from those three you've listed? I have another question. With Static, does it count to touch him with other stuff (ex. ropes lassos etc.)? How long will the paralysis last? How is he fast? Did he practice running, or have another power that helps him go faster?
imo, your character isn't too fleshed out with his powers + other stuff about him. The age is also over the age rule too, and the way of application is also very non-fleshed out. "Just Chosen to go in"? There isn't a school that does that, Only recommendations or passing a test...
Sexuality means the gender class of your character (ex. straight, gay, lesbi, etc.). I just have lots of questions because your OC is not fleshed out enough with backstory of how he got so fast, and how his powers work (specifically Blaze and Static).
You also forgot to add "Thunder Quack" to your bio..
@Cryronn the Mudkip
i also wanted to add to my character's power that he can control the gum from anywhere within 5 meters from walnut. So he could technically just use his hands to move the gum around, (ex. like floating swords or homing knives).