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the arrow game ^ < v

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
^ Not entirely...
< That's the last time I go on vacation and leave numerous n00bs to run wild
V Evil Space Monkeys! Go forth and restore order in any way you see fit! That also means giving no harm to those who are innocent of these crimes. Now fly!


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
^ The meaning of life, the universe, and everything.
< Porygon get!
V Doesn't actually understand why I am so excited about the above.
^ Okay. *retrieves cookies*
< *eats cookies* You never said I couldn't eat 'em.
V Shall be blamed for eating cookies.
^ I'm not gonna do it! You just inhaled me!
< Is inside of kirby (or Brendan...or whatever)

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
^ It's not like I don't care, I just don't care
< Wasn't getting an internet connection in my house so I'm outside stealing internet from my neighbor
VTell them and you will never see the light of day again

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
^ Hello thar. Enjoying the last day of your life?
< Holds a sword to Jirachan's throat
V On your knees. I want to see you beg for frgiveness.
^Why me? Jirachan told on you!
< *puts Colt Revolver to back of Psycho's head* You just lost the game *pulls trigger*
V Will applaud