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the arrow game ^ < v

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
^ You have a better chance of being right if you don't guess the person above you
< Is running for dear life for staging a rebellion and accidentally calling Secad stupid
V It was that person I swear!
^ Hey! I did no such thing...
< Is mad at Psycho for blaming it on me
V How does all this happen when I'm not looking?
^ I'm a dude playing a dude disguised as an another dude!
< Is hiding from lady secad until I can build a time machine to flee into the timestream.
V Shall give me a Latte
^ Too bad, no pie for you!
< *starts fight with groudon by slapping it with an old fish*
V Will join my fight! (which will probably take a while,........)
^ I don;t think I want to.....
< *shoves fish in groudon's eye while laughing at partyman about to get eaten ;D *
V Laughs with me


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
^ Get 'em yourself
< Has three Blue-Eyes White Dragons
V Is a fan of PINGAS
^ Only if PINGAS means people in near-death gates and smores
< *gives gruodon a swirly in a whirlpool*
V Will join my fight!
^ still looking for partners, eh?
< *wraps Groudon in toilet paper, and summons a zombie kyogre* (alternative evolution of Zombie Magikarp)
v is slaughtered by zombie magikarp
^ Only because it evolved into zombie Feraligatr :o
< *stabs Groudon with 8 1/2 foot knife (don't ask where I got it)*
V Will call the marines into the fight (marine means water so they should be good against Groudon.............. Right?)

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
^ Only if you put me in charge of the sharp blades department
< Is sharpening his katana
V Hold still, I wanna see if it's sharp enough yet
^ No way, man! *Fi melts*

< If you want a fight, I'll give you one! *Fi and I combine into an awesome, pyrokinetic anthro-gerbil*

V Now, who wants to get whooped? *weilds fire katana*

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
^ Now that's what I'm talking about!
< It's been a long time since I had an exiting fight!
V Come at me with all you've got!
^ Okay, but I warn you, I fight dirty.

< *charges Monkey head on, but then turns suddenly and slashes his side while licking his head*

V Who likes to fight dirty? I do!

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
^ Well if that's how we're going to play...
< *Thows kunai knives at Secad as a distraction while coming at her and slashing her arm. Then I pull out a second katana and start spinning*
V Dodge this!
^ No, I'll go kamikaze like I usually do.

< *melts blades by increasing the temperature of her katana's flames and give gerbilly uppercut that leaves a bloody lip and nasty scratches*

V *Jumps behind you using gerbil legs and gives back kick*

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
^ You are a worth opponent indeed
< *Pulls daggers out of sleeves* Not as effective as katanas, but they'll have to do for now.
V *Attacks with simultanious horizontal and vertical slashes*
^ Oh, ho, ho! You go at me with the blades, again! *melts blades*

< *Chooses to make the fire katana inexistant again and decides to go hand to hand*

V *Jumps over you multiple times to confuse you, then uses the water vapor in the air and a small flame to create a smoke screen to hide while I roundhouse kick you in the face*

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
^ You've melted all my blades, so hand to hand it is!
< *searches for Secad through the fog*
V Found you! *Jumps on your shoulders and starts slapping your cheeks to annoy you and make you vaguely dizzy*
^ Idiot! How dare you slap me like a little girl! *bites Monkey's hand*

< Is preparing to do something fun, for me at least

V *Grabs and and twists you around, making you spin over onto your back*

You've got to love akido, don't you?

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
^ Got very annoyed, but not as dizzy as I would have hoped
< Plan B time >:D
V *Uses that fun little combo I used on Axel in my recent fic chapter. Puch to the stomach, elbow to the back, knee to the face, kick to the chest* How d'you like that?
^ Do you even realize that being part gerbil now I am way tougher? I've been hit in the gut by tougher people.

Ooh, and thanks for helping my stiff back, though the knee to the face and the kick to the chest wasn't welcome, I will survive.

< *Prepares to use fire cocoon*

V *Covers you in a head-to-toe fire cocoon that has 360 coverage while wiping blood out of eye*

Only one who is like me can get out of there without being burnt. Try your best.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
^ Curse you!
< Would be able to get out if I still had some blades... Maybe
V Ow! It burns! Ok, I concede. You win! Now let me out!
^ Ok
< Got jealous of Fi, so I made a deal with the devil and got a very powerful shapeshifting electrokintetic fox named Jessica
V Sorry, I need to find a soul for the deal, so I used yours!

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
^ Bitch please. I have no soul.
< *Is still in fire cocoon*
V Where's Secad? Only she can release me from my torment
^ Um...... *Sticks Psycho Monkey in vacuum chamber briefly, depriving the fire of oxygen and freeing monkey*
< Is trying to merge with Jessica
V Will help me get my head out of my foxes ass (Don't ask!)