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The Beginning Of Destiny: The Hoenn Chapters

OOC: There is no actual "story" in this RP because I like freedom, it's more or less, everyones journey in Hoenn, you learn, you grow, and cross paths with each other over time, perhaps a story will form from this, who knows, we'll see what happens. My character is in the "Main stream character bio thread"


Xiraiya was laying in the grass, the sun was warm and comforting, he had decided to take a break from walking and have some lunch, there was a light warm breeze, a smell was in the air that hinted of a new spring on it's way.
He turned to look at his Pokemon eating beside him, the Pokedex calls it a "Bagon" but to Xiraiya he is called "Cloud", he smiled at the unusually colored Pokemon eating it's food fast enough to make you wonder if it even chews first.

"Slow down cloud, we have all day and I don't want you choking on your food....again" Xiraiya said, looking slightly worried, Cloud kept on eating and then began choking, waving his small arms in a flurry he managed to sort him self out before letting out a small sigh of relief "Bagon!" it cried happily.
Xiraiya smiled and patted the Pokemon's head "You never learn your lesson do you?" he said smiling.

Xiraiya looked up at the sky "You dream of soaring through the sky someday don't you Cloud?" he turned his head to find Cloud already asleep on the ground snoring loudly, Xiraiya became lost in thought only to be interrupted moments later by a strange noise.
He looked up at the sky "Huh?, it almost sounds like..." at that moment, he saw a flash of green in amongst the clouds "A Pokemon?" he said to himself. Quickly grabbing his Pokedex he held it up hoping to find out just what it was he saw "Damn... out of range" he mumbled.
Thinking about the strange green creature, Xiraiya eventually drifted off to sleep.

OOC: I know the rules about Legendary Pokemon, but knowing they would always be out there somewhere I thought it would add to the feeling of the Enviroment for people to get glimpse of something like Ray sometimes since technically he is forever flying.
[size=10pt]Tyler walked along the grassy field with Bulbasaur walking along beside him. Tyler smirked and looked at Bulbasaur, still smirking. Bulbasaur stopped and looked over, catching sight of the Bagon and the trainer. Tyler stopped and took notice of Bulbasaur's eyes. He turned around a saw the two figures, asleep on the grass. Bulbasaur started to walk toward them. Tyler's eyes folowed it's movements.

"Bulbasaur, no, leave them be" he spoke as Bulbasaur stopped in it's tracks and turned around, to see the trainer on his knees. Bulbasaur, looked back at Bagon and created a small frown on its face. Tyler bit his lip and looked down at Bulbasaur. Petting him "Yes, i understand that you want to play with Bagon, it would be fun, but their...asleep" he smiled as he picked bulbasaur up and put him on his back, giving him a piggy-back ride "C'mon, let's go" smiled Tyler as he began to walk, when bulbasaurs foot accidently slipped and hit one of Tyler's pokeballs, it rolled over to the trainer and hit his foot.

"Bulba..." it said smiling at Tyler, trying to look innocent.

"It's ok Bulbasaur, it was an accident, i hope it just dosen't wake them up!" he said to bulbasaur as bulbasaur nodded and made a worried face at Bagon. It bit it's lip and let out a slight sigh "Yeah, Bulbasaur, you beter hope the Bagon dosen't have a temper, he might know a fire-type move" Joked Tyler as Bulbasaur's eyes widend, not getting that Tyler was joking, it gulped.

"Bulba...Bulbasaur..." it said worried.
Killian smiled at her Riolu, "So, what are we going to do today Amaya?"

The small, dog-like Pokemon looked at her in confusion, "Rio?"

The tomboy giggled and patted her beloved Pokemon on the head, "I know we travel with Emy and Emily, but they're taking a nap." She motioned to the two girls. One was holding a Chingling close to her and the other was sleeping peacefully with a Budew laying on her back. The kind girl's eyes softened as she looked at her two friends. She brought out a piece of paper and wrote a note for the other girl's, it read:

Dear Emily,

I'm going to train with Amaya and Kuro a bit, so don't worry about me, okay? Go ahead without me, I'll catch up. I'm going to look around the Hoen region so Amaya, Kuro, and I can get used to it. I might even find an Absol! Well, I better be off. See you later!


She smiled at her Shinx when he walked over to her, "Come on Kuro, you're coming too." She had caught the Flash Pokemon right before they took the ferry from Sinnoh. She walked through the brush, her two Pokemon following loyally behind her. Killian didn't like using Pokeballs so she let her Pokemon run free, as long as they didn't go to far away she knew nothing bad would happen. She had only battled three wild Pokemon when she came to the edge of the forest and she continued pushing her way, trying to find the perfect training ground.

She was walking through a grassy plain when suddenly she heard a boy's voice playfully teasing his Balbasaur, "Yeah, Balbasaur, you better hope that Bagon doesn't have a temper, he might know a Fire-type move." She headed toward the voice and saw a Trainer and a worried looking Balbasaur.

"Balba... Balbasaur..." It said worriedly.

She walked over to them, "Hi! I'm Killian, do you want to battle?"
Bulbasaur slightly turned it's head when the trainer asked if they would like to battle. Bulbasaur smirked and jumped off Tyler's back, hitting the ground hard. Bulbasaur let the smirk slip from his green face and he looked up to Tyler. Tyler looked down at bulbasaur, then looked up at the trainer.

"W-Well, im kinda just a pokemon breed-" he said stopping his sentence, after looking at bulbasaurs face. His face was happy and energetic looking. Bulbasaur thought it was a good idea "Well, yeah, sure, why not" he smiled as he nodded, taking bulbasaur over to the other end of the field as her. He smiled, and so did bulbasaur.

"Bulba, Bulbasaur!" he said outloud, getting in a ready position.

"Alright, i'll be using Bulbasaur, how 'bout you?" he asked as he smiled at the girl trainer. Watching her pokemon, she had a shinx and a Riolu. Tyler took notice of the Riolu "Hmmm, that pokemon is a little rare, i wonder how she obtained it..." he thought inside of his head, turning his attention abck to the battle, and the girl.
Killian looked at Amaya. The little Pokemon nodded, "Okay! I'll be using Amaya!"

"Rio!" She cried energetically, happy to finally be in a real battle. Then the dog-like Pokemon turned to Kuro, "Rio luuuuuuuu." It said apologetically. The Shinx just growled encouragingly, "Rio!"

The black-haired girl laughed, "That's the spirit!" Then she turned back to her opponent, "I'm Killian! She's Amaya -she pointed to her Riolu- and he's Kuro -she pointed to her Shinx-. How about you go first?"
"I'm Tyler, and this is Bulbasaur, nice to meet you" replied Tyler as Bulbasaur smiled at both pokemon, and Tyler nodded. He looked down at Bulbasaur, then he looked at the girl and her pokemon. He smiled.

"Okay, thanks!" he managed to escape from his dry mouth. He pointed toward the Riolu "Alright Bulbasaur, C'mon, Use growl, then use tackle!" he spoke as Bulbasaur nodded. He set aim at Riolu and got a little closer. He growled at the Riolu, lowering her defence. Bulbasaur smirked and ran closer to Riolu.

"Okay Bulbasaur, Now, Tackle attack!" Yelled Tyler as Bulbasaur nodded and got really close, all of the sudden he jumped into the air and leaped toward Riolu.

[OOC: Sorry its such a lame post, i didn't know what to write :)]
Killian smirked, "Bad move. Amaya Force Palm!" She yelled, Babasaur couldn't move in time and was hit full on by the powerful attack.
"Bulbasaur!" yelled Tyler as he saw Bulbasaur get blown away with the powerful attack. Tyler looked at Bulbasaur as he got up "Okay bulbasaur, good try!" he said as Bulbasaur nodded "Ok this time, use absorb!" he said as little green orbs started flowing out of Riolu and sunk into Bulbasaurs skin.

"Bulbasaur!" he said as he regained some energy to battle. Bulbasaur looked at Tyler and Tyler nodded.

"Ok, now use Tackle! But try to dodge if she uses another attack!" yelped Tyler at bulbasaur as Bulbasaur nodded and began the fierce attack, noticing any attacks that were going to be given off by Riolu, and if Killian's voice could be heard.

"Bulba!!!!" Yelled Bulbasaur, again trying to tackle Riolu.
Killian smiled, "Dodge and use Iron Tail!"This time the Balbasaur was warned and moved, but it was still hit by the powerful attack. Before said Balbasaur could recover she yelled, "Poison Jab!" Amaya ran toward the Balbasaur and hit him with the super effective attack.
Before the poison jab could hit, Bulbasaur jumped out of the way, and where the pokemon used to be, a dust of smoke from the attack wa sin it's place. Bulbasaur was panting, He had not yet seen a battle like this before. She was tough alright, but, she didn't know what Bulbasaur was capable of. Tyler smirked and turned to Bulbasaur.

"Bulbasaur, use Absorb and then use tackle attack!" he commanded as Bulbasaur nodded. Bulbasaur started to use absorb and only drained a small amount of Riolus energy. He then started running to do the tackle attack, but right when he got close, Tylers voice echoed in Bulbasaurs head "Remember Bulbasaur, if the pokemon knows how you do an attack, always make it complicated so he/she can not follow" echoed the voice as Bulbasaur nodded, when it got very close, it turned and ran up a tree. It then kept jumping form tree to tree confusing Riolu.

"Bulbasaur!" echoed Bulbasaurs voice rom one of the many tree's in the area. Tyler smirked.

"Thats it Bulbasaur, perfect job!" he smirked as he looked at every tree, still trying to figure out which one he had gone into.
Killian looked at Tyler mischievously, "Did you forget? Riolu's can sense Auras." The little Pokemon closed her eyes and then glowed faintly, her eyes snapped open and turned to the tree Balbasaur was in, "Okay! Amaya use Shadow Ball!" Amaya sent out the glowing black ball and it knocked over the tree.


I'm going to let you decide if Balbasaur gets out in time or not. I mean, he is your Pokemon.
Tyler chuckled "Nope, i didn't forget!" He said smiling as Bulbasaur smirked. Bulbasaur was standing right behind Riolu "Right before you hit the tree, Bulbasaur jumped out using quick attack, thats why you didnt see him, he went so quick" Said Tyler smiling. Bulbasaur then w jumped into the air high. He then did a flip in the air and then jumped down, trying to tackle Riolu.

"Good Job Bulbasaur!" he said smiling as Bulbasaur nodded and smiled, still going in to try and hit Riolu.

"Bulba!!!!!!" it yelled as it cam thundering down, using quick attack to speed up

[OOC: It's ok, you can still say it hits sometimes :)]
"Idon! Use Ice beam on the ground! Protect the Riolu!" Kalseng shouted. The dewgong's Ice beam shot at the ground, sending a wall of ice soaring upwards, stopping the bulbasaur.
"Shame on you!" Kalseng turned to Tyler. "You don't attack baby poemon!" Kalseng scolded. Dewgong nodded in agreement. "Fight somene at your own level!" Kalseng added "Like me!"
She looked in surprise at the boy, "It's okay we're just battling." Then she turned back to Tyler, "Stop using Tackle. You should try using Razor Leaf that way Amaya can't attack Balbasaur in close quarter. Amaya Shadow Claw!" The attack hit Balbasaur across the face and he cried out in pain. "Good job!" Amaya stood a little ways away from Balbasaur panting, but was still ready to fight.

"Rio!" It smiled. It looked worriedly at the Balbasaur, "Rio?" The Balbasaur got up and Amaya sighed in relief. Then the Riolu turned to the Dewgong, "Rio! Rio, rio luuuuu... ri riolu..."
"Gong! Dewgong gong gong!" Idon said. What's wrong boy? What's going on? A loud roar split the air, and a giant dragon was seen tearing through the sky to the east. "What is that?" Kalseng asked in wondor. "Is that what you two are freaking out about?" The dragon disappeared past the horizon, and in a split second, the roar was beyond earshot.
Tyler gave a devistating look at the girl who blocked the attack.

"What is wrong with me? What is wrong with you?" he chuckled turning to her "Were just having a battle, and you mihgt have not noticed, but the Riolu is jsut the same a bulbasaur" he said rolling his eyes and turning back to the battle.

"Bulba......." it said in pain, still standing.

"We'll the only attacks Bulbasaur knows is Quick attack, Absorb, Tackle and Growl" He said smiling "But you'll find out why later, the reason im using tackle so much" Smiled Tyler as he turned to the girl again, that stopped the battle "And as for you" Tyler chuckled "Bulbasaur is a grass-type pokemon, your dewgong is an ice and water type pokemon, Bulbasaur would have the advantage" he said turning back to the battle, once again. He the pointed at Riolu "Bulbasaur, once again, tackle attack, but also blend it with a quick attack, times two!" commanded Tyler and bulbasaur nodded and smiled. He ran at the riolu once, more, moving at an agility that was nearly blind to the human eye. Well, in Tyler's eyes.
OOC: Kalseng=male.

"Dewgong is ICE. Bulbasaur is GRASS. with a well placed Ice Beam, I could take you down. Or just Body Slam you to ou are no more." Kalseng informed him. "Butt, what was that in the air? It was so majestic... but I can't think of what it could be..." Kalseng became lost in thought for the moment.
The Riolu looked at him in annoyance, "Rio! Riolu, rio, rio, luuuuuuu, lu, rio! Rioluuuuuuuuu!" She cried waving her arms for added effect. Her back was to the advancing Pokemon, then without warning, she turned around and hit Balbasaur with Poison Stab. Balbasaur hadn't been expecting that and was hit, sending him flying backwards.
"Dewgong gong gong! Dewgong! Dewgon DEWGONG!!!" Idon yelled.
"What is up with you two?" Kalseng asked. He placed his hand on the flailing Riolu's head. "You can communicate through Aura's, right? Well, then try it. Kalseng opened his mind to the small riolu, atempting to communicate.
[OOC: Sorry :p, thought it was a she :p]

Tyler chuckled "Whatever" He said as he turned to the battle. His eyes flashed with fear and worry when bulbasaur got hit back with the attack. Tyler ran over to bulbasaur "Bulbasaur, are you ok?" asked Tyler as Bulbasaur got up, panting, and losing its energy. But Bulbasaur nodded and turned around smirking.

"Bulbasaur" it said slowly, in pain. Tyler smirked.

"Killian, you shouldent have done that" he said smirking and looking up at riolu who was turning a little pale "You know how Bulbasaur is a grass-poison type?" he asked as Bulbasaur smirked "Bulbasaur is able to poison at touch if he really wants to" smiled Tyler "And Riolu is looking a little pale to me" he said getting up "All right Bulbasaur! Use Absorb!" he said as Bulbasaur nodded and let green orbs sink into his skin. He looked a little better, but not alot. Tyler then looked up at the boy with the dewgong "Well, i thought i heard somehting, but i thought it was just me" said Tyler and bulbasaur nodded.

"Bulba, Saur saur, saur, Bulbasaur, Bulbasaur, Bulba, Saur!" added Bulbasaur as Tyler looked at him

"Bulbasaur seems to be saying that it was some type of Pokemon?" he said as Bulbsaur nodded and fell down. Tyler's eyes widend as he ran over to Bulbasaur. Bulbasaurs eyes were shut. Tyler smiled and looked at Killian "Great Battle, your very strong, but, battling isnt our thing, i wan't to be a pokemon breeder, not a trainer" smiled Tyler as he got up. He dislatched a pokeball form his belt and pointed it toward bulbasaur. A red light flashed out and caught bulbasaur. It sucked him in and Tyler smirked "Good job bulbasaur, i'll let you rest fro now" Tyler said smiling.

He walked over to Killian and put out his hand to shake "You and your riolu make a great team, but make sure to get some medicine into him, before he faints of poison" he said as he handed her a bottle that was sprayable "Here spray this on him, he'll feel better, then give him a rest, he deserves it" he smiled as he walked over to the tree the dewgong was freaking out at "Hmmm....now we have to figure out what that was" he smirked clibing up the tree and standing beside the boy and his dewgong.
Killian sweatdropped, "Amaya's a girl... Oh well!" She sprayed the potion on Amaya.

Amaya walked over to Kelseng, I AM NOT WEAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am exetremely proud of my awesome powers thank you very much! And don't think I can't protect myself! I am a level sixteen Riolu! Killian hatched me about a week ago, so I'm not a baby! And that wasn't just any Pokemon! That was a Dragonite! The Pokemon ranted a bit more before stopping and then left the surprised trainer to march over to Killian, who was watching in confusion, "Rio, rio, ri!"

"Uh.... What did she say?" Then she glared at Amaya, "You didn't give her 'The Speech' did you?" The Riolu nodded, and Killian groaned, "Sorry about her." She earned a glare from Amaya, "She does the same thing when you call her cute... She got it from me." The black-haired girl laughed nervously, "I'm a tomboy.. It's what we do."
"Hi. we haven't formally met. My name is Kalseng T'Audor." kalseng said exteneding his hand towards the other trianer. I travel with Idon, my Dewgong, and Pheus. my Haunter. We're a pretty Kick Ass team if I do say so myself." Idon nodded. "And for the record, My haunter has learned how to manipulate Nightmare into a form of sweet dream, no healing, but no pain from sleeping. Go, Pheus." Kalseng said as he tossed out Haunter with his other hand. "Pheus, aid the poor Bulbasaur's dreams, would you?" Kalseng politely asked. "Now, what's your name?"

OOC: ehhh... gotta greet two at once

"And as for you, young Riolu." Kalseng said. "I want you to try talking to me without me putting my hand on your head anymore. Just for extra challenge. And are you sure it was a dragonit? I've never seen a dragonite..." Kalseng extended his hand toward the other trainer. "Nice to meet you all. I'm sure you saw my pokemon already. I'm a travelling storyteller, so I think I'll be a bit more interesting than your average trainer." Kalseng smiled sweetly. ""And embrase the fact that you're cute, Amaya. It will do you good. Imagine all the things you can get guy Riolus to do."
[OOC: sorry, i meant she, for riolu :p oh yeah, and should i evolve my Bulbasaur soon?]

Tyler smiled and shook his hand "Nice to meet you, im Tyler" he said smiling as Tyler looked into the sky and looked back at Riolu "Hmmm...." he murmurd as Tyler turned around and looked at Killian "Hey, what did Riolu say?" asked Tyler as he walked over and sat down near Riolu "Oh and by the way Killian...?" he asked as he looekd up at her, standing up.

"Where did you get Riolu's egg, i mean. Isnt he a pretty rare pokemon?" asked Tyler in his best interest to find out how, and where this pokemon of the past came from.
"Achoo!" Kalseng let out a fake sneeze. I'm sorry, I'm alergic to greedy pokemon breeders." Kalseng laughed. "I was kidding." Kalseng jumped down from the tree, unharmed, and walked off towards the direction of the dragonite, and then stopped. He sat on the ground, and shouted at the two in the tree. "I'll wait over here! If either of you want to come, just jump down and walk to me when you're done."

OOC: Can you tell I'm trying to get a plot going? Lol.
"Wazzup! I'm Killian!"

Amaya made a face, Ewe... That would be abusing my powers... And besides I don't like guys like that.

Killian turned to Tyler, "She ranted a bit about how strong she was. Yeah they're rare." She smiled, "I got it as an early birthday present from my cousin Riley. He breeds Lucario."

OCC: If I don't continue I've fallen asleep.
[OOC: lol, i might have noticed, oh and also, i just wanted to see where she got her, i didn't mean it like that :p]

Tyler smiled sarcasticly at his joke and then rolled his eyes when he hopped down. Tyler turned his attention back to Killian and chuckled "Hey, have you noticed that trainer and the bagon over there, their pretty heavy sleepers" chuckled Tyler as he smiled "So, you knwo where you got him?" asked Tyler.

"Awesome, you cousin breeds them?" asked Tyler as he smiled "thats cool, i want to be like that one day, when i get older, im probably going to own a breeding farm or daycare" he smiled and his eyes sparkled in the sun. For some odd reason, Tyler enjoyed talking to Killian, it was like they had met before in another life.
"Killan and Tyler sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Kalseng sung out. He laughed at his song, and then turned back around.

Kalseng pulls out a lute from his bag, and begins to strum it. He rocks back and forth with the music, and begins to sing. As his sound carries out through the forest, little animals like furret and linoone come out of hiding, aand stare at Kalseng. He is compleely lost in his music, and doesn't notice that poochyena and zigzagoons are gathering around him, along with the above mentioned pokemon. Kalseng continues to play, and Amaya turns her head towards Kalseng, craning her neck to listen as closely as she can.

OOC: I'm sorry, is it okay that Amaya's listening? She wasn't doing anything important...
Killian punched Kelseng, turning bright red, "Shut up!"

Amaya smiled at Kelseng, Pretty music...

Killian sweatdropped, "Okay...." Then she looked at the sleeping trainer, "I wonder when they're going to wake up..."
Tyler's eyes widend at the song kalseng started to sing. HIs cheeks heated up and a red blush took place of his tan skin on his cheeks. Tyler ignored Kalseng and turned back to Killian "A-anyways...." he said as he got up "We should go now" he said, smiling at Killian and jumping down he walked over to Kalseng and stopped when he heard the music "Kalseng...where did you learn to...." he stopped.

He took notice of the pokemon gathering around and all of them gazed into the music. Tyler smirked "You really are good" he smirked walking over to a shady tree and sat down. He let out bulbasaur. Bulbasaur opend its eyes and heard the song. It slowly limped over there and closed it's eyes again. Drifting back to sleep with the music.

Tyler smirked "hm hm" he chuckled as he just listend to the music.
Kalsang stopped his song, his eyes still closed."Pheus, go give them a nightmare to wake them up, please?" Kalseng requested. He then continued his song, attracting more attention as he arrived at the softest and slowest part of the song.

Pheus glided over to the heavy sleepers and started to give them a dream to wake them up.

Kalseng finsihed up his song, which made all of the nearby pokemon, albeit Pheus, who was hard at work, fall asleep. Kalseng quietly walked over and sat next to Killan and Tyler. "Like it? I learned how on my travels. The singing I heard once though, in a dream Pheus induced. And the lute playing? Yeah, learned that on my way through Johto and Kanto." Kalseng whipsered.
Tyler took notice of this and gasped heavily. "Damn it, Kalseng, don't you understand?" he thought to himself in his head. He ran over ot bulbasaur and woke him up. Bulbasaur got up and murmerd.

"Bulba...?" it said drowsily.

"Bulbasaur, please use absorb on the haunter" he said as Bulbasaur nodded. Before the haunter could wake them up, the absorb hit the haunter, making him go back. Tyler ran infront of the haunter, blocking the people.

"You dont understand, thats a Bagon right there, and we dont know if he has a temper, and Bulbasaur is injured, we don't know if its safe or not, and alot of other things" Tyler said as Bulbasaur nodded and went back to sleep. Tyler sighed in relief and went back to the tree.
Kalseng sighed. "Pheus has complete control over the dreams he induces. Knowing him, it would have been nice." Kalseng turned to the sleeping Amaya. He placed his hand on her head, and placed his hand on his temple. AFter a few moments of concentration, Kalseng pulled back.
"Damn..." He said quietly "I thought aura worked two ways... Oh well. Shall I gently lul the sleeping pokemon awake, or leave them be? i'd like to get going, so the two of you can come with me or not. Or we can wait here a while." Kalseng looked back out at the crowd of sleeping pkoemon. "Huh. Didn'tt get that many last time. Nor did I atract a gibble last time." Kalseng observed.
Killian watched the two boys bicker for a while then looked at the Bagon, "Don't wake him up, he needs his rest." Then she turned to Tyler and smiled, "I think it's great you want to open a farm for Pokemon." She looked at Kelseng, "I might travel with you.... As long as it's okay with M&M. Watch this." She kissed Amaya on the forehead and she woke up, "Ta-da!"
"M&M?" Kalseng asked. "You mean that foreign candy? What's that got to do with anything?" Kalseng wondered, then shook his head and got back on topic. "So, we going soon, or not?" Kalseng asked quietly.
[OOC: your allowed to evolve your own pokemon, right?]

Tyler chuckled "Haha, nice one" he smiled at Killian "It would be cool for all of us to travel together. i also want to be a pokemon coordiantor too, so you guys can go to all the gyms, while i do all the contests and breeding" smiled Tyler.

He then got up "So, shall we go pokemon hunting?" asked Tyler as he turned around to see the two pokemon trainer's faces "hmmmmmm?" he questioned smiling at the two.
Amaya laughed, "No! M&M stands for Emily and Emily. They're my two bet friends I'll travel with you to the next town and ask them. If they say yes, then sure. If they say no... well then I won't." She grinned at Tyler, "Sure! I was hoping to find an Absol!"
"Sure. I guess... I mean, why not! Getting my haunter to evolve into a Gengar would be nice, and maybe get something along the way. Besides..." Kalseng stared off into the distance. "I want to learn more about that Dragonite..." He looked back at them. "And I'd LOVE to see this romance develop." Kalseng said, grinning broadly. "With a little of my music, some flowers and a dinner at moonlight by a riv-"

OOC: Yes, you can evolve them. And which one of you just slapped me?
"SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Killian screeched and punched Kelseng hard across the face. Amaya smirked cruely and chuckled, "Oh crap..."

"Rio i Rio lu lu lu lu ri! Ri-o-"

"You shut up too!"
Tyler smiled "An Absol!?" he asked smiling "I hear those pokemon are wonderous creatures" he smiled as he started wlaking over to bulbasaur. He started petting him. Bulbasaur all of the sudden got up. Tyler widend his eyes and blushed at Kalsengs comment "Shut up!" he said punching Kalseng

"Bulba?!" it asked in excitement as Tyler got up.

"What?" he asked as Bulbasaur went over to the tree they saw the dragonite at. He then started to climb it. When he got to the top the wind started blowing the bulb on his back and then petals came floating in the wind. One touched bulbasaurs bulb on its back and Bulbasaur started to glow. Tyler was shcoked. He ran over to the tree.

"I think its evolving!" said Tyler as he looked in amazement. ALl of the sudden, where bulbasaur was, an ivysaur stood.

"IVy saur, saur saur saur!" it said jumping down from the tree. Tyler turned around and looked at the two pokemon trainers, then at the pokemon. He started to pet ivysaur "Wow bulbsaur, it took you a year to evolve" chuckled Tyler.
"Ouch... I got punched twice in the face..." Kalseng high fived the little riolu. "nice. We'll team up on them till we find them making out. Then we tease more." Kalseng said. "This'll be one fun adven-" Kalseng snapped his head in another direction. "Do you guys here that?" Kalseng asked. A faint noise is heard in the distace. "I think it's an Absol... My music?" Kalseng said.