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The Beginning Of Destiny: The Hoenn Chapters

"ABSOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" In her run to find Absol she almost forgot about Kelsey.. Almost. She whirled around and punched him in the face, "SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!" Then she took off in the direction the noise came from.
"NO!" Kalseng shouted. "My music, my Absol!" Kalsen rocketed off behind her. "Pheus! Idon! I'm gonna need you if we're gonna beat the girl who forgot her pokemon!" Kalseng called. That left poor tyler alone with an injured Ivysaur and an embarassed face. "I'd think you'd run faster if it was tyler ina speedo instead of an Absol!" kalseng teased.
In two seconds flat Killian had found the Absol. Her reaction was to hug it so hard it fainted and then caught with a Pokeball. "Oh yeah! I caught an Absol! Let's see... Female. Level twenty-two... Wo... I will name you Tsukiko!" She let the Pokemon out and smiled, "Welcome to the team... Wait a minute! The team!" She returned the Absol and took off back to the group, "What I miss?"
Tyler quickly punched him in the face "shut up!!!" he yelled as loud as he could. Chasing after Killian "Killian, wait!" he said dissapearing into the distance, out of Kalseng's sight.

He kept running after Killian "Wait, wait!" he said as he kept running after her "Wow, she has a lot of run energy" he said panting as he continued to chase after her.

Ivysaur was hopping from branch to branch chasing after Killian also "Saur!' it yelled as Tyler noticed something, he pulled out his pokedex and pointed it at Ivysaur. While they were still running the pokedex began to talk "Ivysaur, the plant pokemon" it said beforegiving an explination. Tyler put away the pokedex.

"Awesome, Ivy saur you learnt Vine Whip?" he asked smiling, still chasing Killian.
"Well, Tyler chased after you, I embarassed him, he punhed me in the face, he yelled, all the pokemon woke up, and now they look very peeved and are about ot attack all of us..." Kalseng explained. "So not much, really. You just missed the usual. Which reminds me, HELP US!"
"aw crap" moaned Tyler as he saw the crowd of angry pokemon aproach them. He looked back at his pokedex and saw that ivysaur had these moves; Vine whip, stun spore, tackle and growl. Tyler looked up at Ivysaur and smirked "Everyone back up" he said as he backed up "Okay ivysaur! Stun spore, now!" he said as Ivysaur shook vilontly and yellow snowflakes seemed to drop from the heavens.

It landed on the eery pokemon and Tyler smirked.

"Now would be the time to attack, so we can run!" said tyler looking at Killian and Kalseng
"Sucker. Hey where'd Tyler go..." He ran in and she blinked. She looked at the Pokemon and sighed, then she smiled the sweetest smile she could muster, "I'm sorry for disturbing you." There were practically stars around her, "Will you ever forgive me?" They all nodded and wondered off then she turned to Kelseng and Tyler and glared, "You didn't see that. I was not cute or pretty. Got it?"
"Oh no. I took pictures. And in that one moment, I gave them to Pheus, and dragged hiim into my pokeball. So, I have blackmail. You cutey-wutey. I can see why Tyler fell for you. Anyway, I'm off to rustboro." Kalseng said. He started to walk, and then ran for his life away from Killan's killer death punches.
"GET BACK HERE AND FIGHT LIKE A MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She yelled, chasing after him, "NO ONE CALLS ME CUTE AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!!" She finally caught up with him and she beat him black and blue, "Never call me cutey-wutey." As she said that she shrivelled up her nose in disgust.
Tyler blushed hard. He turned to Kalseng "Yeah YOU BETTER RUN!" he said turning back to killian, he smirked "Don't worry, i wont tell" he smiled as he started to walk the way that Kalseng and killian ran.

"We'll ivysaur, there they go again" he smirked as Ivysaur nodded

"Ivy-saur!" he said as tyler chuckled smiling and watching the two bicker.
She smiled at Tyler, "Thanks." Then she glared at Kelseng, "Give my the camera." He rufused, "Now." He did and she crushed it in her bare hands, "Next time I will hurt you. Got it?"
*an hour and a half of walking and wound nursing later*
"Hey guys, I think I can see the rustboro Contest Hall over that hill!" Kalseng yelled. He ran up to the top of the hill. "Rustboro... I'm home... for the first time in eight years... I'm home... Amber... Where is she?" Kalseng ran towards rustboro anxiously. As Killian and Tyler approach the hill, they see a bustling city filled with people, a three-story contest hall, a 2-story gym and various other buildings, all built of stone. "Slowpokes!" Kalseng called. "You guys are gonna miss the rosebud opening to the contest! It's supposed to be the MOST romanticthing of all! No joke, that's how tthey open! With the most famous contest coordinater, Landon and his roserades, rosealia, and budew! Come on! I dln't wanna miss seeing you two look loving into each others eyes as the rosepedals fall from the ceiling!" Kalseng mocked. "Seriously! I wanna see it! COME ON!"
Those words got Killian going... but just a little different than what most people would do, "SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She ran over and punched him again, but soon forgot about it, "I can't believe Amaya and Kuro evolved!" Her eyes filled with hearts, "I love them so much!"
Tyler banged Kalseng with his pokeball on the head "shut the heck up" he said running into rustboro city "Fine, we'll go, but not like that, i just wanna see it" he said smuggly at Kelsang.

Tyler ran over to the building and walked in. Light pouring out into the evening sky. Tyler ran in a smiled "haha, it smells nice here" he said grabbing three seats for everyone. Ivysaur layed beside Tyler.
"Yay! I've always wanted to see this!"
"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen!" The emcee yelled. "Featuring the lovely tallents of the rose family, please enjoy the Rosebud Opening!" As soon as she stopped, glowing rosepedals flew from a roserade, which gently lifted up, and glided down, falling like slow rain, drizzling down in a steady shower from the sealing. A pretty, shining aura surrounded each petal individually, as they fell gently from the ceiling. Next came a shining poweder from the sealing, which sprinkled down, making the room practicalyl sing with delight and beauty. The rose family began to sing a beautiful melody, which was soon harmonized with by Kalseng's lute. Then finally, a giant rose of Magical rosebuds appeared in the air, supported by magic leaf, appeared, and bloomed all at once, letting a thousand tiny, aprkling rose petals fall down. Two people from behind Killian and Tyler stood up, accidentally pushing Killian and Tyler into each other. The magic rose petals fell down from the ceiling as you two gazed into each others eyes.

OOC: sorry I was late... I wanted to describe it in detail... please disregard Tyler's post?
Killian blushed bright crimson and turned away, "Sorry." She mumbled. Oh my god! I can't believe that happened... Though the music is pretty... She caught Amaya smirking and glared, "Hey I see that!"

Ha ha! I got a picture. She waved a camera and Killian couldn't grad it without giving way everything.

She glared at Amaya, "I will get that camera." Amaya just laughed.
[OOC: deleted it, and remember to write more and not in a block]

Tyer blushed alot, and got up fast, recovering form the fall. He bit his lip "Cl-Clumbsy people" he said as he turned his attention back to the show "V-very nice show" he said turning to Killian, looking her eyes. Her eyes sparkled like gems.

Ivysaur put Tylers hand on Killians. Tyler looked down "Ivysaur!" he said as he forgot to take his hand off of hers. He got lost in her eyes, and forgot about what was going on.
Killian couldn't turn away and felt her blush darken, He has amazing eyes... She noticed. She could tell Ivysaur and Amaya were working up a plot... But she couldn't look away...
"Amaya, that's not nice. Give them this once." Kalseng continued playing, and then all of the roses walked into the audience, until they found Killian and Tyler, laying on each other, and pulled them to center stage, where they formed a cascade of magically glowing rose pedals around them giving them their own little world. Thhe budew floated atop them, and let a small trickle of rrose buds fall onto them, blooming as they touched the two's skin. Tyler looked into killian's eyes, and killian returned the gaze as the budew enveloped them in a giant blooming rose. The music became amplified, and the crowd started to chant softly. "Kiss her! Kiss her!" they chanted, and the music became slowand soft to provide and ample mood.
Tyler's blush was visable and wa shuge. There hands were still together. Tyler listend to the crowd and blushed even more, if thats possiable. He looked into the crowd and then at killian again.

"Aww man, now what?" he asked blushing more and more every minute, forgetting to let go of her hand, and still gettig lost in her eyes. He looked into the crowd once more and saw Kalseng.
Killian heard the crowd and, if possible, turned redder, "What do we do?" She whispered quietly. I bet Amaya set us up... Grr... This is so embarrassing...
The budew pushed Killian and Tyler's heads closer together, and began to sing in harmony with Kalseng's playing. The rosebuds began to shimmer and glimmer in the light, and the rosebud they were standing in came to full bloom. The lights dimmed and the audience's chanting became inaudible as tyler and Killian became lost in their own world with each other. The mood was perfect, and the music was soothing. This was their chance. Now or never. The choice was their's to make.
Tyler bit his lip, blushing hard. But all of the sudden, it seemed like they were there alone. Like there was no one else in the world there. Just them. She had perfect eyes. She was cool, pretty kind and really his type. He didnt know what to do, because he again got lost in her eyes.

Ivysaur smiled and watched the whole thing in amusement. He watched Tyler blush hard seemed to be laughing his head off.

"Ivysaur" he said to Amaya smiling. Ivysaur chuckled and watched the two on stage. Ivysaur looked around and everyoines eyes wer on them, nobody wasent watching.

But for some odd reason...Tyler really wnated to kiss her
Killian was losing it. How? No, it wasn't her evil little sister. No, it wasn't her friends trying to force her into a pink dress. She was starting to like Tyler. She had NEVER had a crush on a guy. EVER. So why now? Was it her evil hormones or was it the scene they were in. Or maybe... Maybe she'd found a guy that fit her standards. She could already hear her mom AND dad laughing at her and her friends teasing her about it. But was it really that bad? Maybe it was worth it... Maybe...

Amaya watched her confused trainer in amusement... Enjoying every minute of it.
ALl of the sudden, Tyler got this urge. This urge to kiss her. He bit his lip and looked down, he then looked up and then really started to like her. All of the sudden, without control, his head started to move forward. He didnt know what was happening.

All of the sudden, his face began to go closer to hers, was he going to kiss her? He was all so confused. But his head started to move closer to her, his lips almost meeting with hers.

Ivysaur stopped laughing and looked closely. Their lips wer close to meeting. And their faces were close together. Ivysaur sensed that Tyler wasent the one controling his body. For some odd reason, he sensed he wanted to, but he wasent.
Killian was lost in her thoughts when she noticed Tyler's face had moved closer to hers, Oh my god! Is he going to kiss me? Am I going to stop him... That's when she realized something, she wasn't going to. Her face darkened, I've never felt like this before...

This is fun. Amaya whispered to Ivysaur.

Maybe she wasn't going to kill Amaya after all....
Tyler's lips graced the edge of Killian's as his head moved in closer, and in a flash, the rosebud shined with an auro, like that of magical leaf. The world faded away, and the two's liips were touching A it closer, and it would be a kiss. not just very close lips.
All of the sudden, their lips met. Tyler closed his eyes. "Am i...enjoying this? What came over me? what made me do this?" he thought in his mind. But he didn't care.

They were kissing now, it felt pure and happy. He felt joyful. It was something to remember. Ivysaur gasped and turned to Amaya "Ivysaur!" it said to Amaya, surprised that their trainers were kissing.

Tyler was lost, and he was enjoying it. He didn't know what happend, and where he was. But he was....happy
Killian and Tyelr melted into each other, feeling eachother's hearts against their own. They felt alone with each other. The kiss brought them closer, and they closed their eyes. They felt a feeling of ecstasy from one another, forgetting about everybody and everything else... only focussing on their happiness...
Her eyes widened, he was kissing her! Her mind went completely blank as she lost the ability to think. Slowly, unsurely her arms wrapped around his neck and she gently kissed him back.

Amaya smiled at Ivysaur, Score.
haunter was sitting by Amaya and Ivysaur, who looked at them, and used ghost-telepathy. "What are you talking about? Everything's perfect. They're together... wait... where's Kalseng?" Haunter, Amaya, and Ivysaur began looking around for Kalseng.
Ivysaur smiled and gave a high-five to Amaya "Ivysaur, saur saur!" he said as he turned his attention back to the stage and the two trainers. Tyler put his arms around her and kissed her. The crowd started to cheer and clap. Tyler slowly let go of the wonderful kiss and removed himself from her.

"Whoa" he managed to let out smiling at her. He bit his lip and blushed "your a good kisser" he chuckled as he took her hand and brought her off stage. He went and sat down at the table. Ivysaur walked up to him and jumped on his lap.

"Ivysaur?" he asked raising his eyebrow smirking.

"Haha, very funny" he said smirking at Ivysaur, then smiling at killian again, then turning back to the show.
Kalseng stood above them on the balcony. He was watching them carefully waiting... just waiting... I see you... this time you're not running away... Kalseng ran back through the hallway leading to the balcony, catching Amaya's eye as he turned.
Kalseng quickly turned corridors, looking for a way to the contest coordinators room... It owuld lead him on stage if need be... but if he timed it right, there would be no need... I'm almost there... just a few more turns...
Killian smiled back at Tyler, "You too." Then she was glomped from behind by two girls.

"Killian! i knew you'd fall in love!" The shorter, blond-haired girl said.

The brunette turned around and smirked, "You have to be an amazing guy to have gotten Killian. I was worried there would never be a guy good enough for her! There was this one guy but she ended up 'adopting' him. Did you know Killian's never blushed?"

"Until now." The other one giggled.

Killian turned pink, "What are you guys doing here?"

"We love Roselia and Budew! Why wouldn't we be here?"

"So tell us about your boyfriend."

Killian sighed, today was going to be a long day...
Tyler blushed "Yeah, she's pretty amazing" he said to the brunette, shaking his head, going back into reality mode "Tyler then turned to Ivysaur.

"Ivysaur? Where's Kalseng?" he asked him looking around the contest hall, not seeing him anywhere. He got up and looked around. Ivysaur shrugged "Ivy- Ivysaur!" said the confused pokemon.
Haunter used telepathy on AMaya and Ivysaur "Guys! I think I found him! He's on his way to the coordinator's room! I think we can head him off if we hurry! And maybe we won't need to worry about him screwing this up! And Amaya, your trainer can hold her own against these two. Let's go!" Haunter dashed towards the hall leading to the coordinators preperation room.
Killian was ran off with them and explained to them about everything that had happened when she had left.

"Of course you can travel with him!"

"As long as you check in with us wherever you go!"

Killian smiled, "Sure!"