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The Chatlog Topic!

[20] <Tangrelle> I need a Maggyo Egg
[20] <Tangrelle> That's a girl
[20] <Tangrelle> And I will dress him as a man
[20] <Tangrelle> For he is the Trap Pokemon

[15] <Carmen> I found out that posts count in the wiki and staff room
[15] <Carmen> Which explains Katie's post count XD
[15] <Tangrelle> ...
[15] <Tangrelle> I bet c:
[15] <Tangrelle> But not really, prolly :>
[15] <Sem> Katie has a 1up topic there
[15] <Sem> she just posts "1up"
[15] <Sem> she's a spammer
[15] <Carmen> XD
[15] <SirRed> XD

Katie~ D:<
Carmen Alejandra said:
[20] <Tangrelle> I need a Maggyo Egg
[20] <Tangrelle> That's a girl
[20] <Tangrelle> And I will dress him as a man
[20] <Tangrelle> For he is the Trap Pokemon


'Hey, look at that PokeMon? Is it male or female?'

'Gee, I don't know for sure, but it looks like a male...'


...We all knew it was going to happen.

00:30 Tangrelle Remember
00:30 Tangrelle Your big film
00:30 Tangrelle :O
00:30 Carmen ...What?
00:30 DaftSoul ...What?
00:31 Database waitwhat?
00:31 Tangrelle Carmi's a star!
00:31 Carmen :o
00:31 Tangrelle In movies such as "The City of Carmenlantis
00:31 Tangrelle Or shows like "Carmen House"
00:31 Tangrelle Carmen's Anatomy
00:31 Tangrelle Top Carmen
00:31 DaftSoul Dammit Data, it's <ellipse><capital W><hat?>
00:31 Tangrelle Carmi's Kitchen
00:31 Tangrelle Carmivivor
00:31 Tangrelle Carmimon
00:31 Toru Oh oh
00:31 Tangrelle I mean really
00:31 DaftSoul Carmeval
00:31 Toru Alien vs Carmen
00:31 Tangrelle YOu're all so behind in the times
00:31 DaftSoul Pronounced Carmevil
00:32 Tangrelle C-ON!
00:32 Carmen Carm evil? D:
00:32 Tangrelle :>
00:32 Toru xDDDD
00:32 DaftSoul xDD
00:32 Tangrelle Carmen tale
00:32 Tangrelle One Carmen
00:32 Tangrelle Carmiruto
00:32 DaftSoul Element Carmens
00:32 Toru Carmen Beats
00:32 DaftSoul Carmenlied?
00:32 Tangrelle THat was a hit
00:32 Tangrelle I remember that one
00:32 Toru Lucky Carmen
00:32 DaftSoul PokeCarmen...
00:32 Tangrelle She even has Cereal Brands
00:32 Database okay, Tan's second ATS question is interesting
00:33 Tangrelle Like Carmi Nut Carmenos
00:33 SirRed Carmen Tale
00:33 Tangrelle Heehee :>
00:33 Tangrelle Of course
00:33 Tangrelle She even has a country named after her!
00:33 Tangrelle new Marmen
00:33 DaftSoul Carmifornia?
00:33 Tangrelle New Carmen*
00:33 Tangrelle That too
00:33 Toru And don't forget the Carmibean
00:33 Tangrelle She's very famous
00:33 Database You people are being seriously creepy.
00:33 DaftSoul Carmlantis!~
00:34 Tangrelle And of course, she debuted in
00:34 Carmen :O
00:34 Tangrelle D:<
00:34 DaftSoul Carmany
00:34 Tangrelle is all finished :>
00:34 Toru Around The World in 80 Carmens
00:34 Toru Yeah, I'm done too.
00:34 Carmen My alert has never been set off so many times before XD
00:34 Tangrelle Carmen=The equivalent of a day, dictated by Carmen :x
00:34 Tangrelle Oh golly
00:34 Tangrelle Sorry XD

It's amazing how much you can do with Carmen xD
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*** KoL joined #pokecharms
00:44 DaftSanta ...
00:44 DysTuvai ......
00:44 +++ ChanServ has given halfop to KoL
00:44 DaftSanta coughs
00:44 DysTuvai And as if on cue
00:44 Freta ................................
00:44 DysTuvai PINGAS
00:44 KoL PINGAS
00:44 DysTuvai XDDDDDDDD
00:44 Freta xD
00:44 DaftSanta KoL
00:44 DaftSanta xD
00:44 Freta xDDDDDDDD
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Rex got his hardhat and a new title~
=-= YOU are now known as Scout
=-= YOU are now known as Toru
=-= User mode for Toru is now +r
<Toru> Ahem.
=-= Brendan is now known as Heavy
<Heavy> NO! >:(
<Heavy> <<
=-= Heavy is now known as Brendan
=-= YOU are now known as Scout
<Scout> Um, No.
<Scout> BOINK!
=-= Brendan is now known as Heavy
<Heavy> NO!
<Heavy> SANDVICH :3
* Heavy noms on sandvich
<Scout> What the hell was that crap!?
<Scout> That Heavy's a freakin' Spy!
=-= Rex is now known as Engineer
<Heavy> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6THpBDFIH3k
<Engineer> Spah sappin' mah Sentry...
<Heavy> scout is mamma
=-= Engineer is now known as Rex
<Scout> Indeed I am
<Scout> Mainly because I bitch you around
<Heavy> ...
<Heavy> some people think they can outsmart me
<Heavy> *sniff* maybe...
<Heavy> ... I have yet to meet someone who can out smart bullet
<Rex> Boolet* =p
* Scout drinks some 'Bonk! Energy Drink' and dashes off into the distance, dodging all of the Heavy's minigun boolets
<Scout> SEE YA, FATTY!
=-= YOU are now known as Toru
=-= User mode for Toru is now +r
<Toru> Yeah.
<Rex> Someone log that.

When it comes to referencing Team Fortress 2, me and Data are superior :p
[21] * SCT has a very odd obsession with multicolored lights >w>
[21] <&Chi> Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day (As described by Dresden Codak)
[21] <&Chi> You must spend the entire day in costume and character. The only rule is that you cannot actually tell anyone that you are a time traveler. Other than that, anything's game.
[21] <~DoctorOak> how many, SCt?
[21] <~DoctorOak> are there 3?
[21] <~DoctorOak> 2?
[21] <~DoctorOak> 5?
[21] <~DoctorOak> or
[21] <@DysTuvai> .......
[21] <~DoctorOak> ARE
[21] <@DysTuvai> THERE
[21] <@DysTuvai> ARE
[21] <@DysTuvai> FOUR
[21] <~DoctorOak> THERE
[21] <@DysTuvai> LIGHTS
[21] <~DoctorOak> FOUR
[21] <~DoctorOak> LIGHTS
[21] <&Chi> ...
[21] <Carmen> XD
[21] <SCT> XDDDDDD Can't stop laughing XD
[21] <Carmen> I don't even know what that was supposed to say
[21] <&Chi> Are there are four there lights four lights?
[21] <Pheonix> XD
[21] * %KoL flies in the PINGAS Star Destroyer
[21] <~DoctorOak> XD
[21] <~DoctorOak> I totally need to do that for our next 404 page
[21] <&Chi> Yes
[21] <SCT> XDDDd
[21] <&Chi> Do it
[21] <&Chi> Do it now
[21] <~DoctorOak> I think Luxio's time is done
[21] * %KoL supports this notion
[21] <SCT> If I see that again I will just start laughing uncontrollably

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
This post is powered by KoL memetics.

* KoL drops in on a steamroller
·DysTuvai· ...
[100]«SCT» Wryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?
·DysTuvai· See
·DysTuvai· I pictured him doing that
·DysTuvai· there's a massive
·DysTuvai· long
·DysTuvai· drawn out
·DysTuvai· slowed down
[100]«SCT» PINGAS?
·DysTuvai· Yes.
[100]«SCT» ....Yes that.
[100]«SCT» XD
* KoL has actually heard a several-second-long PINGAS before
·DysTuvai· So have I
·DysTuvai· that's the one that came to mind i thinks
[100]«KoL» Also, the steamroller has Robotnik's face on the front
[100]«SCT» XDDD
·DysTuvai· ...... TOTALLY. XD
[100]«KoL» ...and a bust of King Harkinian mounted on the back
·DysTuvai· for that extra MAH BOI effect?
[100]«KoL» Oh yes
[100]«KoL» MAH BOI Inc. is like the next Acme, except the products actually work
·DysTuvai· its probably powered by exdeath-derived fossil fuel
·DysTuvai· Pe-troll-eum.
[100]«KoL» It was, until he violated part of the contract agreement
·DysTuvai· I guess he...
[100]«KoL» Then, the agreements were null and void
* DysTuvai sunglasses
·DysTuvai· ........
·DysTuvai· VOIDED the contract.
[100]«KoL» We believe (being Exdeath and all) that he did it on purpose
·DysTuvai· for the lolz of it.
[100]«KoL» Yup, but we got him back
[100]«KoL» Someone cut down a tree and pushed it over so it landed on him
[100]«KoL» Adds insult to injury in his case
·DysTuvai· Yup xD
[100]«KoL» That tree could have been his brother or best friend
·DysTuvai· ... then he got tired and slept
[100]«SCT» XDDDD
[100]«KoL» Makes me think of Darth Vader for some reason...
* DysTuvai proceeds to log this, because everyone knows that Exdeath's worst enemy is the logging industry.
·DysTuvai· And knowing is half the battle!


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Tangrelle Hijiri said:
[15] <Carmen> I found out that posts count in the wiki and staff room
[15] <Carmen> Which explains Katie's post count XD
[15] <Tangrelle> ...
[15] <Tangrelle> I bet c:
[15] <Tangrelle> But not really, prolly :>
[15] <Sem> Katie has a 1up topic there
[15] <Sem> she just posts "1up"
[15] <Sem> she's a spammer
[15] <Carmen> XD
[15] <SirRed> XD

Katie~ D:<

I hate you all. >=O

Aside from Red and Carmen. They're lovely. ♥

That said...
[me=Linkachu]is getting mildly irritated by stuff like this tbh. :p[/me]
Louie We need WAY more good PRPs.
17:05 Toru Yeah
17:05 Toru Things got so terrible, Sem had to take action
17:05 Louie Yeah.
17:05 DS|K-ON Mreep.
17:05 Indie sigh :>
17:05 DS|K-ON Moar PRP's.
17:06 DS|K-ON Why oh why did Medicine Quest dieeeeeeeeee D''':
17:06 Rain D:
17:06 DS|K-ON ...Lolrhyme.
17:06 Louie shrugs while Dark cries.
17:06 Louie Heh heh, rhymes.
17:06 *** Tuncake joined #pokecharms
17:06 Louie OK.
17:06 DS|K-ON slaps Louie so he cries
17:06 Tuncake O:<
17:06 Indie Nuuu :<
17:06 DS|K-ON ...Hey Tun xD
17:07 Indie Don't die again
17:07 Indie :<
17:07 Tuncake Nice message to greet me with, DS c:
17:07 Louie cries while choking on wine.
18:05 Tunbear|Spriting Stop saying people are talking when they aren't :c
18:06 Rex ...
18:06 Indie :c
18:07 Tunbear|Spriting c:
18:07 Indie c:
18:07 DS|K-ON :c
18:07 Indie o3o
18:07 Tunbear|Spriting >:C
18:08 Indie :>
18:08 DS|K-ON D:<
18:08 Indie :<
18:08 DS|K-ON :x
18:08 Indie :D
20:35 Furijigrow When brendan makes me play with him I somehow fall asleep every time D:<

...'S Tan, btw~ (And, awkwaaaard)

20:25 Zachary didn't wanna bother you
20:25 Zachary :x
20:25 Mugi Nonsense.
20:25 Mugi Why the hell else am I staff?
20:25 Zachary because you look good with balls
20:25 Zachary er
20:25 Zachary pokeballs*
20:25 Toastie XD
20:25 DS|K-ON ...xDDDD
20:26 Mugi It does have to be said
20:26 Mugi I do have some rather awesome balls.
20:26 Zachary indeed
20:26 Zachary look at them
20:26 Zachary nice and big
20:26 Zachary they could take down a Tyranitar!
20:26 DS|K-ON ...Stop it, you guys are killing me
20:26 Zachary killing you with what?
20:26 Zachary Killing you softly?
20:26 Mugi With balls?
20:26 Zachary killing you roughly?
20:26 *** Mugi is now known as Database
20:26 Database Also with balls?
20:26 Zachary simply displaying out magnificant balls?
20:27 Zachary our*
20:27 DS|K-ON 20:26 Zachary Killing you softly?
20:27 Database They are indeed magnificent.
20:27 DS|K-ON With my song?
20:27 Database Except Zachary.
20:27 Database He's got a peasant's balls.
20:27 Zachary yeah :(
20:27 DS|K-ON ...xDDD
20:27 Zachary they're not so supple
20:27 Zachary and not grand like Petey's
20:27 Zachary is jealous of Petey's balls
20:27 Database Be jealous of my balls, bitch.
20:27 Zachary just you wait
20:27 Zachary i will steal them
20:28 Database My balls are mightier than yours.
20:28 Zachary and wear them with pride
20:28 Database You will never steal my balls!
20:28 Database I shall guard htem with my life
20:28 Toru So
20:28 Zachary the peasants will rebel and steal your balls D:<
20:28 Toru Your balls may look cool
20:28 Database If they rebel, I'll take their balls away.
20:28 Database I can do that, you know.
20:28 Toru But what can you do with your magnificent balls?
20:28 Zachary you may take away our balls
20:28 Database Toru: awesome things.
20:28 Zachary but YOU WILL NEVER TAKE OUR-
20:28 Zachary i dunno
20:28 Zachary what can you not take away?
20:28 Zachary out post count?
20:29 Database no, I can do that.
20:29 Zachary well fuck you can literally rape us of everything
20:29 Database Yes, yes I can.
0:29 DS|K-ON And will.
20:29 Zachary DS you got horrible balls
20:29 DS|K-ON is logging this, btw~
20:29 Zachary go sit in the corner
20:29 Database goes to steal like 500 posts from Zacky to show how awesome his balls are
20:29 Zachary i want -500 pots
20:30 Zachary posts*
20:30 Zachary so i can be like
20:30 Zachary "I got no balls :("
20:30 Database but see
20:30 Database that's the thing
20:30 Database you'd still have your peasant balls
20:30 DS|K-ON ...I have more balls then you, Zacky.
20:30 Database you'd just not have any posts. :D
20:30 Zachary my balls have senority, DS
20:31 Zachary shakes them in his face
20:31 Database You have old balls?
20:31 Database (will this ever get old?)
20:31 Zachary i was around longer then ost people on chat
20:31 Zachary so my balls are superior
20:31 Zachary to an extent
20:31 Database except they can't steal people's souls
20:31 Database like mine
20:31 Database so nyeh.
20:31 Zachary no but mine randomly burst into fire and stuff
20:31 Zachary so its really awkward
20:31 Zachary :T
20:31 Database Your balls are on fire?
20:32 Zachary indeed
20:32 Zachary my balls are on fire
20:32 Database Sounds painful.
20:32 Zachary i need to get some ice for them
20:32 Zachary :T

Manly conversation. Deal with it.
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StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
General evolutionay biology stuff leads to weird shit:

·DysTuvai· honestly
[100]«DS|K-ON» We'd need huge-ass wings.
·DysTuvai· i don't see the human race evolving.
[100]«DS|K-ON» True.
·DysTuvai· not by natural selection anyway
[100]«DS|K-ON» We have no reason to.
[100]«DS|K-ON» ...Oh, BRB
·DysTuvai· unless a huge cataclysm shakes the planet and forces humanity back into the wilds to be forced to survive without any vestige of ability to do much
[100]«DS|K-ON» Except brain development?
·DysTuvai· ...... honestly
·DysTuvai· considering the fact
·DysTuvai· that the smart people are not breeding
·DysTuvai· and the fucking idiots are
·DysTuvai· .....
[100]«DS|K-ON» We need to get more herbivorical.
·DysTuvai· yeah. XP
·DysTuvai· ......
·DysTuvai· FUCK THAT.
* DysTuvai eats a million cows.
* Toru brandishes his ham
* Sem devours some babies
·DysTuvai· If evolution intended for us to NOT be omnivores, we'd lose the traits adapting us better to carnivorism than herbivorism XP
·DysTuvai· well, intended
·DysTuvai· it's not like it has a will of its own
[100]«DS|K-ON» Doesn't evolution teach us that herbivorical species are more peacefull and defensive? It's a matter of giving up your spareribs for world peace... Well, I choose spareribs xD
·DysTuvai· .................
·DysTuvai· pffffffffff.
·DysTuvai· peaceful and defensive my ass.
[100]«Sem» Hi DS
·DysTuvai· Herbivorous species can be angry grouchy territorrial fucks.
·DysTuvai· too many rs
[100]«Sem» have you ever heard of an animal called the elephant?
[100]«Sem» yeah
[100]«DS|K-ON» Sem~
·DysTuvai· Rhinoceri.
·DysTuvai· certain antelopes.
[100]«DS|K-ON» ...Well, they have reason to hate us.
·DysTuvai· it's not just us though
·DysTuvai· it's anything that steps onto their immediate area. XP
·DysTuvai· also
·DysTuvai· most lifeforms -are- carnivorous in one way or another.
·DysTuvai· mostly because plant material takes very specific adaptations to break down effectively
·DysTuvai· and even then it is usually done through bacterial symbionts!
·DysTuvai· peacefulness has fuckall to do with diet.
·DysTuvai· xP
[100]«DS|K-ON» ...May I just say
[100]«DS|K-ON» You'd make the best biology teacher ever.
·DysTuvai· xD
·DysTuvai· Until I'd slaughter the class for being a bunch of high pitched little fucks.
·DysTuvai· XD
·DysTuvai· yeah. explain that to the comittee.
·DysTuvai· "I warned them about opening the cage with the exotic mantids. told them, dog."
[100]«Database» teach it at college level, then :p
·DysTuvai· ... they'll probably open the damn cage anyway
·DysTuvai· XD
[100]«DS|K-ON» Students or high schoolers, they're all 'brave'
[100]«DS|K-ON» ...I feel a YEEAAAHHHH joke coming up
[100]«DS|K-ON» ...
[100]«DS|K-ON» 'Horacio, the victim was killed by a horde of carnivorous insects after opening their cage to impress the female students.'
[100]«DS|K-ON» 'Well then I guess you could say...'
[100]«DS|K-ON» *sunglasses*
[100]«DS|K-ON» 'He got horm'owned.'
·DysTuvai· Yeah, well, he shouldn't have bugged the chicks.
[100]«Zachary» "Horacio, the victim was murdered by a bunch of mutated tentecled pigs with bone protusions that they can use for weapons. They began to horribly sexually assult the victim before starting to rip out their organs through their nose and then proceeded to make them listen to Justin Bieber before killing them with a gunshot to the head."
[100]«Zachary» "Dude, I can't even..."
Seconds later:

22:21 DysTuvai also, Zacky
22:21 *** Stamgalaki quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
22:21 DysTuvai mutated tentacled pigs, you say?
22:21 DysTuvai Well
22:21 DysTuvai I guess this is our most...
22:21 DysTuvai *sunglasses*
22:21 DysTuvai Boaring case ever
22:22 DS|K-ON logs /that/
22:22 Sem Stel make an awesome Horatio ;D
22:22 DysTuvai I am puns, after all XD
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[18] <FutachimaRX> Eleven Pichus strumming
[18] <FutachimaRX> Ten Wailords leaping
[18] <FutachimaRX> Nine Lopunnies dancing
[18] <FutachimaRX> eight miltanks milking
[18] <FutachimaRX> Seven Swannas Swimming
[18] <FutachimaRX> Six Blisseys Laying
[18] <FutachimaRX> FIIIIVEEEE
[18] <FutachimaRX> GOLDEN
[18] <FutachimaRX> Four Mukkubirds
[18] <FutachimaRX> Three French Snakes
[18] <FutachimaRX> Two Hatooboos
[18] * DoctorOak sets mode: +bb *!*@SystemNet-3781365F.gw.smartbro.net *!*luttonyfa@*.gw.smartbro.net
[18] * FutachimaRX was kicked by DoctorOak (just to be anti climactic (banned) #18)
[18] * FutachimaRX (Gluttonyfa@SystemNet-3781365F.gw.smartbro.net) has joined #pokecharms
[18] <FutachimaRX> andafarfetch'dinawepeartree :>
Carmen Alejandra said:
[18] <FutachimaRX> Eleven Pichus strumming
[18] <FutachimaRX> Ten Wailords leaping
[18] <FutachimaRX> Nine Lopunnies dancing
[18] <FutachimaRX> eight miltanks milking
[18] <FutachimaRX> Seven Swannas Swimming
[18] <FutachimaRX> Six Blisseys Laying
[18] <FutachimaRX> FIIIIVEEEE
[18] <FutachimaRX> GOLDEN
[18] <FutachimaRX> Four Mukkubirds
[18] <FutachimaRX> Three French Snakes
[18] <FutachimaRX> Two Hatooboos
[18] * DoctorOak sets mode: +bb *!*@SystemNet-3781365F.gw.smartbro.net *!*luttonyfa@*.gw.smartbro.net
[18] * FutachimaRX was kicked by DoctorOak (just to be anti climactic (banned) #18)

Dammit Carmen! Xo

... You have to admit it's still funny

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Megan and I, responding to a rather lulzy spambot post that has since been removed:

hongyanzhen said:
Do you think shanghai escort service providing elite shanghai massage and Trailer parts such as air brake chambers.Our online kitchen cabinets wholesale store has a huge selection of discount kitchen and Bathroom Cabinet Bathroom Cabinet at wholesale prices.louis vuitton There are thousands of gucci 2010 on sale on our website , louis vuitton handbags, gucci or purses, replica bags outlet, cheap watches,三替杭州搬家是一家专业性的杭州搬家公司,搬厂搬床信誉第一.建筑厂商杭州新天地Hangzhou xintiandi.

SCT says:
That.... is perhaps the most meaningful spam post ever
Schrödinger's Chat says:
Why yes, I always order a carburettor along with my prostitutes.
SCT says:
Elite Shanghai massage?
SCT says:
About time somewhere served Sangheili
Schrödinger's Chat says:
Schrödinger's Chat says:
also, i just get the mental image of these asian sluts carrying /trailer parts/.
SCT says:
XDD I got that image when I read it out loud XD
Schrödinger's Chat says:
(pouncenoms you) xD
SCT says:
*nompouncepurrr*~ <333
Schrödinger's Chat says:
Schrödinger's Chat says:
Schrödinger's Chat says:
Schrödinger's Chat says:
SCT says:
SCT says:
It's like a rap
SCT says:
Bathroom cabinet, *record scratch* bathroom cabinet!
21:22 Kalseng walks up to Jenova
21:22 Kalseng awkwardly strokes her face
21:22 Jenova ... Kal what are you doing?
21:22 DaftSnow ...
21:22 Kalseng Shhhh
21:22 Kalseng You have mustard
21:22 Kalseng On your cheek
21:22 Kalseng removes the offensive liquid
21:23 Jenova ... I don't like mustard.
21:23 Kalseng moonwalks away

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StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
[100]«DaftSantana» You know your parents hate you when you're called Carter Carter...
·StellarWind· ...... Lol.
·StellarWind· Well
·StellarWind· Technically
·StellarWind· Mario's full name is Mario Mario <<
·StellarWind· and Luigi's name is Luigi Mario. <<
·StellarWind· And together they are the Mario brothers. wtf.
[100]«DaftSantana» ...xDDD
[100]«LadyYellow» ...stupid ass movie...D:<
·StellarWind· wait. what?
[100]«LadyYellow» And they weren't even brothers T-T
[100]«LadyYellow» They have a scene about there names in the god awful movie
·StellarWind· Oh wait, the Super Mario Bros movie?
[100]«LadyYellow» Yeah
·StellarWind· My gods
·StellarWind· that movie
·StellarWind· was pure sillyness
·StellarWind· and had about fuckall to do with Mario
·StellarWind· I mean. Daisy as an archaeologist? >>;
·StellarWind· or whatever she was
[100]«Alice» wait, I thought Peach was a con artist?
[100]«LadyYellow» Bowser looked ridiculous
[100]«LadyYellow» And they didn't even call him Bowser D:<
·StellarWind· "With us we have the rising princess of the field of archaeology, miss Daisy Genericlastname. Miss Genericlastname, could you sum up your discovery for us?"
[100]«LadyYellow» Not in the movie, Data
[100]«LadyYellow» XD
[100]«Alice» she keeps getting herself kidnapped so she can claim on life insurancew
[100]«Alice» or something like that
·StellarWind· ..... xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
[100]«Alice» she splits it with Bowser
·StellarWind· Totally!
[100]«Alice» Mario hasn't got the memo yet.
<join> DarkSoil (Mibbit@SystemNet-B7292C47.upc-a.chello.nl) has JOINED #pokecharms 9:41pm
[100]«Alice» I mean, for god's sake she's been kidnapped and TAKEN AWAY FROM THE DAMN PLANET.
[100]«Alice» TWICE.
[100]«Alice» And Mario still follows like a retarded puppy.
[100]«DarkSoil» ...xDD
·StellarWind· That said, Data
·StellarWind· It's either that
·StellarWind· or back to unclogging pipes
<quit> DaftSantana (Mibbit@SystemNet-B7292C47.upc-a.chello.nl) has QUIT 9:42pm "Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"
[100]«Alice» True.
·StellarWind· 'sides
·StellarWind· he gets to travel the world
·StellarWind· meet interesting creatures
·StellarWind· and stomp on them
[100]«Alice» and take their money.
·StellarWind· He seriously needs to lay off the shrooms though
[100]«LadyYellow» And eat Mushrooms
[100]«Alice» and do giant mushrooms.
·StellarWind· ...... xDDDDDDDDDDD
[100]«LadyYellow» ...XDDDDD
[100]«Alice» .... that was scary.
[100]«Alice» SO INTENSE
[100]«DarkSoil» YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!

Alice is Data and LadyYellow is SirRed. XD

Doctor Oak

Staff member
.:00:06:07:. <Tangrelle> Hey hey
.:00:06:15:. <Tangrelle> I need a name for some badass swordsman-type
.:00:06:37:. <Tangrelle> But I'm not good at anime-whatever names soooo ♥
.:00:07:47:. <@Sem> Whatever you do
.:00:07:52:. <@Sem> don't name him Zacky
.:00:08:01:. <@Sem> ... oh wait
.:00:08:02:. <@Sem> he's not here
.:00:08:05:. <@Sem> well that's no fun
.:00:08:19:. <Carmen> And you're probably better off not giving them a Japanese name
.:00:08:43:. <@Sem> Armin
.:00:08:52:. <Tangrelle> Well
.:00:08:56:. <Tangrelle> I'm naming a Kirikizan
.:00:08:58:. <Tangrelle> I feel I should
.:00:08:59:. <Tangrelle> :x
.:00:09:05:. <Carmen> XD
.:00:09:10:. <@Sem> But that's so cliche
.:00:09:18:. <~DoctorOak> Kirikizan is a Red Power Ranger
.:00:09:23:. <~DoctorOak> so name him Jason
.:00:09:35:. <@Sem> Name it Jason9
.:00:09:38:. <@Sem> -*
.:00:09:42:. <Carmen> XD
.:00:09:43:. <@Sem> Alex inb4'd
.:00:09:44:. <Tangrelle> XD
.:00:09:55:. <Carmen> Alex inb4'd by like five seconds
.:00:10:08:. <@Sem> I wasn't looking at the chat I didn't see D:
.:00:10:12:. <@Sem> don't judge me
.:00:10:12:. <Carmen> lol
.:00:13:04:. * ~DoctorOak judges Sem
.:00:13:10:. your nick is now Judgey-Wudgey
.:00:13:12:. <~Judgey-Wudgey> G
.:00:13:12:. <~Judgey-Wudgey> U
.:00:13:13:. <~Judgey-Wudgey> I
.:00:13:14:. <~Judgey-Wudgey> L
.:00:13:14:. <~Judgey-Wudgey> T
.:00:13:15:. <~Judgey-Wudgey> Y
.:00:13:25:. <@Sem> OBJECTION
.:00:13:29:. @Sem was kicked by ~Judgey-Wudgey (DENIED #46)
.:00:13:30:. joins: Sem (TehSem@SystemNet-3A750285.austin.res.rr.com) [10 users]
.:00:13:35:. <Sem> HOLD IT
.:00:13:46:. Sem was kicked by ~Judgey-Wudgey (TAKE THAT! #47)
.:00:13:47:. joins: Sem (TehSem@SystemNet-3A750285.austin.res.rr.com) [10 users]
.:00:13:52:. * Sem pouts
.:00:13:54:. <Sem> fine
.:00:14:44:. <Tangrelle> ...
.:00:14:46:. <Tangrelle> EUREKA
.:00:14:52:. <~Judgey-Wudgey> fuck off apollo
.:00:14:54:. <~Judgey-Wudgey> no one likes you
.:00:14:56:. <Tangrelle> :B
.:00:15:12:. <Tangrelle> My Chords of Steel get me all the madams :>
.:00:15:26:. <~Judgey-Wudgey> like phoenix's adopted whore daughter?
.:00:15:32:. <~Judgey-Wudgey> GOOD PICK UP THERE, MATE
.:00:15:42:. <Tangrelle> I know :D
.:00:15:51:. <~Judgey-Wudgey> I know one magic trick she can't pull
.:00:16:00:. <~Judgey-Wudgey> making her crabs disappear
.:00:16:14:. <Tangrelle> And how do you know that D:<
.:00:16:29:. <~Judgey-Wudgey> the terms of my settlement do not allow me to discuss that event
.:00:16:49:. <Sem> ... adopted whore daughter XD
[19] <Tangrelle> ...I just realized
[19] <Tangrelle> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGiW-jLYM6U
[19] <Tangrelle> how much Araragi
[19] <Tangrelle> Looks like Miss Frizzle in that first shot
[19] <Tangrelle> :x
[19] =-= Judgey-Wudgey is now known as DoctorOak
[19] <DoctorOak> ...
[19] <Sem> Oh my gods
[19] <Sem> You've kind of just killed Araragi
[19] <Tangrelle> I think it's beautiful D:<
[19] <DoctorOak> miss frizzle = ... magic school bus woman?
[19] <Tangrelle> Pretty sure
[19] <Tangrelle> I always called her that
[19] <DoctorOak> oh, I clicked the link
[19] <DoctorOak> I see now
[19] <Tangrelle> I forget her actual name
[19] <DoctorOak> y'know
[19] <DoctorOak> I wouldn't be surprised if sugimori based her design on her
[19] <DoctorOak> :x
[19] <Carmen> XD
[19] <Tangrelle> XD

You know it to be true D:<
19:05 SanTun_Claus: Also when I scream really loudly because I've just stabbed myself in the foot, my parents don't react.
19:05 Krampus: Stab them in the foot.
19:05 SanTun_Claus: Then when I giggle really quietly they're like "HEY ELISE WHAT IS IT IT BETTER NOT BE SOMETHING NAUGHTY"
19:06 Krampus: ...
19:06 Toru: ...
19:06 DaftSanta: ...
19:06 Toru: Something naughty xD
19:06 Krampus pictured Toru shouting that right there.
19:06 Sami: Be grateful whilst you still have your parents. Especially during the Holidays. Some people no longer have that.
19:06 *** Sami quit (Quit: )
19:06 Toru: ...
19:06 DaftSanta: ...
19:06 Krampus: ...
19:06 SanTun_Claus: ...
19:06 Krampus: Pwnt.
19:06 DaftSanta: xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
19:06 SanTun_Claus: .. good job at making me feel bad, Sami >>
19:06 Krampus: Krampus approves.
19:06 DaftSanta is so logging that xD

Tun talking about her parents. Krampus is Karu~
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SirRed> And I shall stab your first born child, Toru :T
<SirRed> As their Uncle, I can do that D:<
|<-- SanTun_Claus has left irc.systemnet.info (Quit: Sit back, matter of fact, teasing, toying, turning, chatting, charming, hissing, playing the crowd ...)
<Toru> Yes, but...
<Toru> Am I going to have a child?
<Krampus> No.
<Krampus> I'll make you sterile before you get the chance.
<Krampus> omai
<Toru> Precicely- WUT.
<Krampus> My heart is all aflutter~
* Krampus then realises he hates this.
* Toru draws Foresharn
<DaftSoul> Run for the hills, Toru
* Krampus uses Snow Tsunami.
<DaftSoul> Ruuun!
<Toru> Here, I'll make it /all better/- MFFFFFFFF
* Toru is trapped in moar snow
<Krampus> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cp_sXpNnFmQ
* DaftSoul turns snow into water with fire D:<
* SirRed stops the snow and builds a house :'D
* Krampus is a water spirit, kkthx ♥
<DaftSoul> Whoops
* Krampus uses pressurise~
* DaftSoul runs
<Toru> DS you idiot
* Toru blocks with WALL OF IRON
|<-- Krampus has left irc.systemnet.info (Broken pipe)
<Toru> See?
<DaftSoul> ...It's super effective!
<Toru> Works every time :3
<DaftSoul> xDDD
* Toru is logging that, too
-->| Krampus (chatzilla@148BCAA6.C8B6B602.57F8794D.IP) has joined #pokecharms
<DaftSoul> Do~
* Krampus back attacks~
<Toru> OH SHI-
19:24 SirRed makes windows in his snow house and starts to bake a pie :D
19:25 DaftSoul is distracted by smell of Red's pie
19:25 Toru: It better be Cherry Pie~
19:25 DaftSoul: That's Karu's line D:<
19:25 SirRed: It's Apple D:<
19:25 Toru: :o
19:25 DaftSoul: Works for me, Red~
19:25 Krampus: Thank you, DS<3
19:25 *** Krampus quit (Broken pipe)
19:25 Toru is finding this hilarious
19:26 DaftSoul: ...xDDDDDD
19:26 Toru: Karu is so unstable

Karu, you're awesome when you quit. OH WAIT NOT THAT YOU AREN'T WHEN YOU'RE ALIV- *lollipop'd*
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19:11 <Tun> Oh oh oohhh
19:11 <Tun> You should liek
19:11 <Tun> copypasta it
19:11 <Tun> c:
19:11 <Tun> So I can reeeaaad it.
19:12 <DaftSanta> Sure thung~
19:12 <DaftSanta> ...
19:12 <Tun> ♥
19:12 <DaftSanta> %thing
19:12 <DaftSanta> ...
19:13 <Tun> ...
19:13 <Tun> xDDD
19:13 <DaftSanta> *thnig
19:13 <DaftSanta> ...
19:13 <Tun> ... xDDDDDDD
19:13 <DaftSanta> *THING
19:13 <Tun> logs

PS. - I feel really bad after the Sami thing. </3
12:51 Carmen Why are we getting so many people on 'Charms?
12:51 Stamgalaki Becaiuse we own
12:51 Stamgalaki *Because
12:51 Carmen ...
12:51 Karu We're short of some people still.
12:51 Carmen *many mean people
12:51 Carmen XD
12:51 Tun Because I lure them in and then keep them in small cage- ... I mean, what Stam said.
12:51 Stamgalaki Oh then because they h8 on us. they get justiceified
12:52 Stamgalaki No you don't Tun
12:52 Stamgalaki because mean people don't come to owning places...
12:53 Stamgalaki Even tho we own
12:53 Karu They do.
12:53 Karu To get owned.
12:53 Tun I started writing that before Carmen corrected herself, though :X
12:53 Stamgalaki YES! Correct
12:53 Carmen XD
12:53 Stamgalaki That's ok then
[17] -->| KoL (Mibbit@SystemNet-621653A3.bb.sky.com) has joined #pokecharms
[17] =-= Mode #pokecharms +h KoL by ChanServ
[17] <Jenova> I feed on a very specific yet varied diet.
[17] <Jenova> Hi KoL :D
[17] * KoL waves
[17] <KoL> Y'know, I follow a very strict dietary plan as well
[17] <Jenova> We're talking about what would we be like as pets
[17] <DarkSoul> A pet KoL would feed on PINGAS
[17] <StellarWind> Oh gods
[17] <KoL> ...
[17] <KoL> NO
[17] <KoL> HELL NO
[17] <KoL> FUCK NO
[17] <TobiasAurelio> Bye bye, DS :3
[17] <Tangrelle> XDDDDDDDD
[17] <KoL> DS, get out of my chatroom
[17] <DarkSoul> xDD
[17] <Tangrelle> My KoL is on a diet of Fresh PINGAS
[17] <Tangrelle> None of that canned stuff
[17] =-= YOU (Tangrelle) have been booted from #pokecharms by KoL (Oh you can fuck right off for that)
[17] -->| YOU (Tangrelle) have joined #pokecharms
[17] =-= DarkSoul was booted from #pokecharms by KoL (Insert something witty here)



Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member

(posted because I was asked to XD)
The Ramblings of Tun and Toru...

Toby Jones says
Awesome >:3
I've just been playing loads of Strategic games on my VBA |D
Super Robot Taisen
Which is awesome
Elise Prentice says
Toby Jones says
It really is
It's not just like
Cool Mecha 1 destroyed Cool Mecha 2
When you attack the enemy
There's a battle sequence added in
If you play as Kyosuke
You eventualy get to pilot this eppic mech called the Altesein
Elise Prentice says
Sounds fun
Toby Jones says
*fetches image*
And there's this character you'd love
Called Excellen
Elise Prentice says
I'm just doing embroidery
Toby Jones says
That's like
Elise Prentice says
Toby Jones says
Completely different to what we're talking about xD
Elise Prentice says
Toby Jones says
Tun: ... Embroidery~
Elise Prentice says
Oh, I'm on my blackberry so I can't get pics :c
Toby Jones says
Another Skype-log:

[8:40:19 PM] Martin J. Punch: oh
[8:41:04 PM] Martin J. Punch: a while ago in school, a guy in our school who was rehearsing for the school play (Oliver) came in late to class (due to said rehearsels)
[8:41:24 PM] Martin J. Punch: and he just said
[8:41:33 PM] Martin J. Punch: I was doing Oliver
[8:41:46 PM] Martin J. Punch: and we were just like rofl/>>
[8:44:38 PM] Jesper Stoffer: xDDD
[8:44:50 PM] Martin J. Punch: and the teacher just replied
[8:44:57 PM] Martin J. Punch: how does Oliver feel about that?
[8:47:20 PM] Jesper Stoffer: xDDD
[8:47:28 PM] Martin J. Punch: what fun~
[9:00:59 PM] Jesper Stoffer: I-I-I SAID WAR!
[9:01:03 PM] Jesper Stoffer: WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR?
[9:01:16 PM] Jesper Stoffer: ABSOLUTELY NOTHIN'~
[9:01:24 PM] Jesper Stoffer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5O19LaLId0
[9:01:30 PM] Jesper Stoffer: Jesper Stoffer stops being random xD
[9:07:31 PM] Martin J. Punch: nice~
[9:09:01 PM] Jesper Stoffer: Inoryt<3
[9:09:06 PM] Jesper Stoffer: SADNESS
[9:09:09 PM] Jesper Stoffer: AND DESTRUCTION
[9:09:11 PM] Martin J. Punch: D:
[9:09:13 PM] Jesper Stoffer: WHO WANTS TO DIE
[9:09:16 PM] Martin J. Punch: stop emo-ing
[9:09:17 PM] Jesper Stoffer: WHAAAA!
[9:09:19 PM] Jesper Stoffer: Xdd
[9:09:22 PM] Jesper Stoffer: ...
[9:09:24 PM] Martin J. Punch: that's Sem's job
[9:09:30 PM] Jesper Stoffer: *xDD

Jesper Stoffer is me, aka Dark Soul for the ones that don't know, and Martin, c't Indiees/Solstice~
19:44 DaftSoul: My birthday is awesome 'cause if you add 20, you get 42 D:<
19:44 DaftSoul: >>
19:44 biomechArtisan: Hmph. Beakman wannabe XD
19:44 Zacky: Daft i always knew you were 12
19:45 DaftSoul: ...
19:45 DaftSoul: I'm not, though.
19:45 Zacky: oh
19:45 DaftSoul: Add three years, Zacky.
19:45 biomechArtisan also damnit
19:45 Zacky: so your 16
19:45 biomechArtisan: if only i could animate
19:45 Database: biomechArtisan: draw lots of pictures and stick them together? :p
19:45 biomechArtisan: I would TOTALLY make an animation of a Waruvile doing a haters gonna hate walk
19:45 biomechArtisan: and apply Crocroll to it
19:45 DaftSoul: ...Twelve plus three is sixteen?
19:46 Database: Zacky can't do maths.
19:46 Zacky: shut up, i can't fuckin do math >:(
19:46 Database: Plus it's 12 + 2, fool
19:46 Database: So YOU can't do maths either
19:46 biomechArtisan Zacky is SO ZETTA SLOW.
19:46 DaftSoul: I'm 15.
19:46 Database: Oh, wait
19:46 Database: when was your birthday?
19:46 Zacky: Petey, you can't do math either
19:46 Tuncake: ... xD
19:47 DaftSoul: But you're right, I /can't/ do f*cking maths xD
19:47 Database: Zacky: Lies! I can do maths, I just forgot DarkSoul was due to get older sometimes. :p
19:47 Database: *sometime
19:47 Zacky goes to sit in the Dyslexic's suck major ass at reading, spelling, and math Corner
19:47 Zacky: >:(
19:47 biomechArtisan: ... I wish I could summon Megan over here simply to make up for the mathfail XD
19:47 DaftSoul: xDDDDD
19:47 Database: yeah, my maths is actually really fail to
19:47 Database: *too
19:47 DaftSoul: logs this
19:47 Database: not because I'm dyslexic or anythign, I'm just thick.
19:47 Database: :p
19:47 biomechArtisan: ..........
19:47 biomechArtisan: ANYTHIGN.
19:47 Database: ...
19:47 Database ragequits.
19:47 biomechArtisan: XDDDDDDDDDDDD
19:47 biomechArtisan: LOG THIS TOO
19:47 Database ragequits life.
19:48 Tuncake: D:
19:48 biomechArtisan cues the Emo music
19:48 Zacky: raegquit all you want, fool
19:48 Tuncake throws a lovepastry at Peteybase
19:48 DaftSoul: I WILL~
19:48 Zacky: i am superior in math retardation D:<
19:48 Database hands Stel the world's smallest violin.
19:48 Database: Zacky: you're just a superior retard, honey.
19:48 biomechArtisan: Data
19:48 Zacky: oh hell no
19:48 biomechArtisan: I STILL don't get that joke XD
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People discussing how to make a Tuncake. C:

18:34 DaftSoul We put Tun in acid to dissolve her, then remove the acid so we have Tunpowder. Then we just add water and c'est fini~
18:35 Virgil I keep my Tunpowder in the kitchen cabinet next to the paprika
18:35 Tuncake ...
18:35 Tuncake imagines a scene of Virgil's kitchen
18:36 DaftSoul Doesn't it work great with certain kinds of sweets?~
18:36 biomechArtisan Tun Powder: for that extra touch of plush in food
18:37 Stamgalaki Lol, not buying Tun powder if It's made of Tun
18:37 Tuncake Teehee Stel c:
18:37 Virgil you need Tunpowder to make Scottish Plushie Cake
18:37 Zacky now that we got that done and out of the way xP
18:37 Tuncake ... |D
18:37 Stamgalaki lol
18:38 Virgil it can also be used to untangle hair and heal sunburns
18:38 Stamgalaki ... K buyin Tun powder for my hair
18:39 DaftSoul Adding it to your daily coffee will, over, time, increase your ability to draw.
18:39 DaftSoul drinks gallons of coffee with Tunpowder
18:39 Stamgalaki EEeEEEE! except I don't drink coffee

* Tun sits, jarred, in Virgil's kitchen o:
23:35 Sandile: Rex
23:35 Chi: KITTY
23:35 Sandile: I want to say
23:35 KoL: My ass > Your face

Some people know exactly what the other's going to say.

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
Just before that...

<Dwayna> You can be a gentle woman and spoil chicks
<Jenova> Hurrhurr
<Rex> I worked hard on it.
<Dwayna> ... Rex worked hard on being a gentlewoman?
<Dwayna> :x
<Jenova> xD


<Rex> It's like the issue I had with Buizel when I first joined the site.
<Staffgalaki> What Issh u?
<Sandile> ...
<Sandile> XDDDDD
<Staffgalaki> ... I didn't mean to do that
<Staffgalaki> I... I meant Ish you
<Dwayna> ... lawl


Resident Furry
<Carmen> This is why I'm hot
<Carmen> This is why I'm hot
<Carmen> This is why I'm hot
<Carmen> This is why
<Carmen> This is why
<Carmen> This is why
<Carmen> This is why I'm hot
<DoctorOak> ........
<Carmen> !
* DoctorOak smacks Carmen
<Carmen> XD
<Tangrelle> Carmi er :x
<DoctorOak> cut that out
<Rex> ... XD
<Carmen> Okays XD

This is what happens when I share DJ Earworm with chat.