• Welcome back to Pokécharms! We've recently launched a new site and upgraded forums, so there may be a few teething issues as everything settles in. Please see our Relaunch FAQs for more information.

The Chatlog Topic!

20:24 Darkmau5 Oh, sure!
20:24 Darkmau5 Clevr~
20:24 Darkmau5 ...
20:24 Tunduli Mmmkay, I'll do that~ ♥
20:24 Darkmau5 NOT AGAIN
20:24 Tunduli ...
20:24 Tunduli dooooooon't. :|
20:24 Darkmau5 MY ARCH NEMESIS
20:25 Tunduli Lemme correct it for you |D
20:25 Tunduli *Cever
20:25 Darkmau5 ...
20:25 Tunduli ... ef
20:25 Darkmau5 xDDDDD
20:25 Darkmau5 logs
20:25 Tunduli effffffff efffffffff effffity efff efffffffffffffff.

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20:11 Darkmau5 I've recently started enjoying indie~
20:11 Darkmau5 ...As in]
20:11 Indie ...
20:11 Darkmau5 Indie music xD
20:11 Darkmau5 *-]
20:11 Indie feels violated :<
20:11 Darkmau5 xDDD
20:11 Indie is logging that first
Topics of discussion: Starcraft 2, Sem, Queen Bitch of the Universe, sigging, unconditional love, snowmen, cookies and knives~ A standard day in 'Charms Chat ^^

[20:32:25] <LoN> Hey Sem, how come your sig is under construction?
[20:32:42] <Sem> Because
[20:32:53] <Sem> the charms relaunch raped my sig
[20:33:02] <Sem> by putting in a scrollbar
[20:33:07] <Sem> and I couldn't make it go away
[20:33:19] <Sem> so I'm just gonna put in a new sig when I can be bothered
[20:33:21] <Sem> until then
[20:33:26] <Sem> "Under construction"
[20:35:03] <LoN> Semmy Sem Sem
[20:35:08] * LoN is making a bunch of SC2 sigs for the sake of it
[20:35:15] <LoN> If I put your name on the Zergy one, would you take it? :p
[20:35:20] <LoN> If not I won't put your name on it xD
[20:35:27] <Sem> Make it Kerrigan and I will
[20:35:32] <LoN> I love your frame of mind sir
[20:35:35] <LoN> Deal is done
[20:35:38] <Sem> Zerg'd Kerrigan of course
[20:35:47] <LoN> Sem, thats the only kind ;P
[20:35:49] <LoN> ...
[20:35:52] <Sem> Nah
[20:35:53] * LoN shuts up and makes it
[20:35:57] <Sem> she's pretty cool as a human too~
[20:35:58] <LoN> I know there's real human one
[20:36:17] <Sem> she's just... not at her full potential when she's human
[20:36:30] <Tunduli> KAPOW
[20:36:32] <LoN> She's made up of more sentimental human and less KAPOW
[20:36:33] <Sem> she's not the queen bitch of the universe when she's human |D
[20:36:34] <LoN> Yes, thank you Elise
[20:36:36] <Darkmau5> WOKAP
[20:36:37] <LoN> XD
[20:36:43] <Jenova> Hey
[20:36:51] <Jenova> That's offensive in my language >:U
[20:36:53] <Tunduli> You're welcome ♥
[20:36:59] <Sem> What's offensive?
[20:37:06] <Darkmau5> KAPOW or WOKAP?
[20:37:13] <LoN> Well now you've offended her twice :|
[20:37:13] <Darkmau5> What does it mean?
[20:37:18] <Jenova> Both, and it was a joke xD
[20:37:21] <Sem> Dark's a douche
[20:37:22] <LoN> ...
[20:37:23] <LoN> :|
[20:37:24] <Sem> ololo
[20:37:24] <Darkmau5> ...
[20:37:28] <Darkmau5> D:
[20:37:29] * LoN doesn't understand anyone these days D':
[20:37:31] <Jenova> Hence the >:U
[20:37:48] <Darkmau5> LoN; There's no understanding 'Charmsians. xD
[20:38:01] <Sem> Gee I'm thirsty...
[20:39:02] <Jenova> But yeah, I was joking around because of an incident at school xD
[20:39:31] <LoN> ...Sem, do you want it to say Sem or Queen Bitch of the Universe? XD
[20:39:32] * LoN giggles
[20:39:41] <Jenova> xD
[20:39:45] <Jenova> what
[20:39:56] <LoN> Kimmy: -> See "Kerrigan"
[20:40:49] <Sem> As I am an admin I need to stay professional
[20:40:54] <LoN> Oh true
[20:40:56] <Sem> Queen Bitch it is |D
[20:40:57] <Jenova> ...
[20:40:58] <Jenova> xD
[20:41:01] * LoN giggles
[20:41:05] <Sem> lol I kid >>
[20:41:06] <Sem> <<
[20:41:09] <Sem> Sem is fine~
[20:41:15] <Jenova> Queen Sem
[20:41:28] <LoN> Queen Sem...
[20:41:31] * LoN ponders
[20:41:32] <Jenova> ...For some reason, that sounds fitting.
[20:41:39] <Sem> No :0
[20:41:42] <LoN> XD
[20:41:49] * LoN has THE POWAH!
[20:41:51] <Indie> it rather does :x
[20:41:52] <LoN> But yeah, Sem
[20:41:57] <Sem> I would never presume to be an equal to the great Queen of Blades
[20:42:02] <LoN> Higher, naturally
[20:42:46] <Sem> Actually Sem would be lame
[20:42:51] <Sem> put "For the Swarm" or something
[20:43:00] <Sem> something that'll make me smile
[20:43:01] <LoN> Okay
[20:43:02] <LoN> XD
[20:43:11] * LoN puts Sem ILU4EVA
[20:43:17] * LoN puts For the Swarm instead
[20:43:37] * Sem plays Phoenix Wright
[20:43:40] <LoN> My unconditional love for you doesn't need to be quite as public
[20:43:40] <LoN> Good idea
[20:43:42] <LoN> xD
[20:43:54] <Sem> It should totally be public
[20:44:04] <LoN> You think so?
[20:44:10] <Sem> of course :0
[20:44:15] <LoN> :'D
[20:44:42] <Darkmau5> OBJECTION!
[20:44:45] <LoN> :|
[20:44:49] <Sem> stfu dark
[20:44:49] <LoN> Overruled, sir
[20:44:51] <Sem> no one loves you
[20:44:58] <Darkmau5> Take that.
[20:45:02] <LoN> Wait what
[20:45:06] * Teapot wanders off to change Sem's custom title~
[20:45:12] <LoN> ...
[20:45:15] * LoN is curious :o
[20:45:15] <Darkmau5> ...
[20:45:17] <Sem> What no leave my title alone >=o
[20:45:22] <Sem> I am the last of the Snowmen
[20:45:45] * Indie used *Hairdryer* on Sem
[20:45:53] <Indie> ;O
[20:46:03] <Teapot> It doesn't affect the wild SEM!
[20:46:08] <Indie> O:
[20:46:17] <Sem> The ice in my veins is too cold to melt |D
[20:46:25] <Teapot> Sem's Ghost/Ice?
[20:46:33] * Darkmau5 puts a shawl, hat and mittens on Sem and a carrot for a nose :>
[20:46:34] <Sem> I dunno, am I?
[20:46:52] <Sem> Finds it weird how Dark doesn't just say scarf
[20:46:54] * Tunduli starts something for LoN
[20:46:55] <Sem> it must be "shawl"
[20:46:59] <LoN> :'D
[20:47:00] * Jenova puts a warm heart where Sem's heart should be
[20:47:05] <Darkmau5> The school concert kid's better.
[20:47:18] <Sem> What no Mother
[20:47:22] <Indie> the girl at our school is better as well~
[20:47:23] <Sem> I am not Frosty the Snowman
[20:47:25] <Darkmau5> Shawl, scarf, same difference.
[20:47:30] <Sem> I will not fill your hearts with joy >=o
[20:47:41] <Rex> Sem is Jack Frost.
[20:47:44] <Tunduli> also
[20:47:46] * Tunduli giggles
[20:47:49] * Indie fills Sem's heart with toastie biscuits
[20:47:50] <Teapot> He'll fill it with knife, though. ♥
You forgot scarfs. Or scarves. Or shawls.

If we weren't proud of being crazy, we'd probably be really embarassed. xD


22:54 *** louie joined #pokecharms
22:55 Darkmau5 capitalizes that L
22:55 LoN /nick Louie
22:55 *** louie is now known as Louie
22:55 Darkmau5 ~
22:55 Louie Ugh
22:55 Tangrelle Actually
22:55 Louie my sister's emo
22:55 Tangrelle Louie will be Daiyousei ♥
22:56 SirRed capitalizes on DS leaving his left flank unprotected and attacks his fort D:<
22:56 Darkmau5 ...
22:56 Louie ._.
22:56 Louie FAIL
22:56 Darkmau5 arms the ballista's and throws boiling oil over the walls o:<
22:56 Tangrelle LEAPS OUT OF DS' HAIR
22:57 Tangrelle MAULS RED
22:57 Tangrelle D:<
22:57 Tunsplooey What's FAIL, Louie? :>
22:57 Jenova ...
22:57 Louie Dark doesn't have a fort anymore
22:57 Darkmau5 ...Whoa, Tan has an aggresive side?
22:57 Tangrelle What~?
22:57 Tunsplooey Oh
22:57 Tangrelle And he has a fort, silly
22:57 Tangrelle It has just been attacked
22:58 Tangrelle GO TUN GO
22:58 SirRed is mauled...with friendship
22:58 Tangrelle FOLLOW UP WITH JEN
22:58 Louie gets a bazooka and fires at DS's fort
22:58 Tangrelle D:<
22:58 Darkmau5 Base to Tun Airforce, we need your assistance!
22:58 *** Jenova_ joined #pokecharms
22:58 Tunsplooey flies in and DEATHUGS Louie
22:58 Tunsplooey ♥
22:58 Darkmau5 catches the bazooka's rocket WITH HIS EFFING TEETH
22:58 Jenova_ ...
22:58 Jenova_ YOU IMPOSTOR
22:58 Jenova_ DIE
22:59 Louie throws his emo sister at DS
22:59 Darkmau5 throws boiling oil at imposter Jenova
22:59 *** Jenova quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by Jenova_))
22:59 *** Jenova_ is now known as Jenova
22:59 Darkmau5 catches and throws it at Sem
23:00 Darkmau5 wakes Louie from his dream :>
23:00 Louie Then we all die
23:00 Louie the end
23:00 Louie :3
23:01 Darkmau5 'Sir, the Scientology Church has been spotted!'
23:01 Darkmau5 'Dangit! Attack them with our long-distance COMMON SENSE rockets!'
23:01 Darkmau5 'Aye, General!'
23:01 SirRed shuffles out :x
23:01 Louie My fort is made of angels
23:02 Darkmau5 'The Red Army is retreating, sir!'
23:02 Louie and I throw wine at kids
23:02 Darkmau5 'Good! Now just to destroy the Angel Fort!'
23:02 *** Tunatata joined #pokecharms
23:02 Tunatata punches Louie in the face
23:02 Darkmau5 'Fire up the NO RANDOMNESS rockets!
23:02 Tunatata I win :>
23:02 Jenova ...Tun
23:02 Tunatata is put down
23:02 Jenova How ironic
23:03 Jenova just defeated a rattata
23:03 Louie falls onto the ground and drinks some wine
23:03 Tunatata ...
23:03 Tunatata xD
23:03 Tunatata ... oh
23:03 Tunatata I dropped a t
23:03 Louie punches tun in the face
23:03 Louie D:
23:03 *** Tunatata is now known as Tunattata
23:03 Jenova HOLY SHIT
23:03 Jenova A SPEAROW
23:03 Louie im gonna die
23:03 Darkmau5 renders Louie in half with his halberd
23:03 Darkmau5 NO
23:03 Darkmau5 UNDERAGE
23:03 Tunattata pokes Louie in the eye
23:03 Darkmau5 DRINKING
23:03 Tunattata there c:
23:03 Louie AH
23:03 Darkmau5 >:D
23:03 Tunattata anyway uh
23:03 Tunattata I'll be heading off now |D
23:03 Louie IT WAS PEPSI
23:03 Darkmau5 logs, btw
23:03 Louie AGGH MY EYES

I'm not sure if we should be proud of this. It's too crazy even for our doing.

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22:04 Louie SLOWPOKE
22:05 Louie USE BUBBLE
22:05 *** Tunattata quit (Quit: GAME OVER. Please inser- OH MY GOD MY AAARRRMMFMGRLJgnjrmledmkmalsmkeelsddnnngghghhhh </3)
22:05 Jenova ...
22:05 Louie YOU WIN 12 EXP
22:05 Jenova Someone should log that xD
22:05 Louie is evoling...
22:05 Jenova ...And when they do
22:05 Jenova They should cut out my comments
22:05 Louie Congratulations! Louie evolved into Arceus
22:06 Louie DA DA DA, DA NA NA NA NA NA NA

Yay I in. :3
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08:35 Blazi Goddamit
08:35 Blazi Don't die on me D=
08:36 Blazi revives chat with kick to the ribs
08:37 *** KoL quit (lava.systemnet.info saphira.systemnet.info)
08:37 *** Belle quit (lava.systemnet.info saphira.systemnet.info)
08:37 *** SirRed quit (lava.systemnet.info saphira.systemnet.info)
08:37 *** baratron quit (lava.systemnet.info saphira.systemnet.info)
08:37 *** Rex quit (lava.systemnet.info saphira.systemnet.info)
08:37 *** Sem quit (lava.systemnet.info saphira.systemnet.info)
08:37 *** Darkmau5 quit (lava.systemnet.info saphira.systemnet.info)
08:37 *** Kamaran quit (lava.systemnet.info saphira.systemnet.info)
08:37 *** Tangrelle quit (lava.systemnet.info saphira.systemnet.info)
08:37 *** LoN quit (lava.systemnet.info saphira.systemnet.info)
08:37 *** Teapot quit (lava.systemnet.info saphira.systemnet.info)
08:37 Blazi ...
08:37 Blazi Shit


Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
22:02 Jenova I FOUND EL
22:03 P_M|writing Who are you naming El?
22:03 Jenova Wooper
22:03 Jenova ...
22:03 Jenova HOLY CRAP
22:03 Jenova "Adamant nature. Somewhat vain."
22:04 Jenova This is /definitely/ El
22:04 P_M|writing Yes!
22:04 Jenova Best day ever 8D


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
Psycho Monkey said:
22:02 Jenova I FOUND EL
22:03 P_M|writing Who are you naming El?
22:03 Jenova Wooper
22:03 Jenova ...
22:03 Jenova HOLY CRAP
22:03 Jenova "Adamant nature. Somewhat vain."
22:04 Jenova This is /definitely/ El
22:04 P_M|writing Yes!
22:04 Jenova Best day ever 8D
That Wooper is faaaaaaabulous.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Blazi said:
08:35 Blazi Goddamit
08:35 Blazi Don't die on me D=
08:36 Blazi revives chat with kick to the ribs
08:37 *** KoL quit (lava.systemnet.info saphira.systemnet.info)
08:37 *** Belle quit (lava.systemnet.info saphira.systemnet.info)
08:37 *** SirRed quit (lava.systemnet.info saphira.systemnet.info)
08:37 *** baratron quit (lava.systemnet.info saphira.systemnet.info)
08:37 *** Rex quit (lava.systemnet.info saphira.systemnet.info)
08:37 *** Sem quit (lava.systemnet.info saphira.systemnet.info)
08:37 *** Darkmau5 quit (lava.systemnet.info saphira.systemnet.info)
08:37 *** Kamaran quit (lava.systemnet.info saphira.systemnet.info)
08:37 *** Tangrelle quit (lava.systemnet.info saphira.systemnet.info)
08:37 *** LoN quit (lava.systemnet.info saphira.systemnet.info)
08:37 *** Teapot quit (lava.systemnet.info saphira.systemnet.info)
08:37 Blazi ...
08:37 Blazi Shit


That's pretty damn hilarious. What great timing. XD

Sir Red

Charms' Caped Crusader
Dark Soul said:
You forgot scarfs. Or scarves. Or shawls.

If we weren't proud of being crazy, we'd probably be really embarassed. xD


22:54 *** louie joined #pokecharms
22:55 Darkmau5 capitalizes that L
22:55 LoN /nick Louie
22:55 *** louie is now known as Louie
22:55 Darkmau5 ~
22:55 Louie Ugh
22:55 Tangrelle Actually
22:55 Louie my sister's emo
22:55 Tangrelle Louie will be Daiyousei ♥
22:56 SirRed capitalizes on DS leaving his left flank unprotected and attacks his fort D:<
22:56 Darkmau5 ...
22:56 Louie ._.
22:56 Louie FAIL
22:56 Darkmau5 arms the ballista's and throws boiling oil over the walls o:<
22:56 Tangrelle LEAPS OUT OF DS' HAIR
22:57 Tangrelle MAULS RED
22:57 Tangrelle D:<
22:57 Tunsplooey What's FAIL, Louie? :>
23:03 Tunattata anyway uh
23:03 Tunattata I'll be heading off now |D
23:03 Louie IT WAS PEPSI
23:03 Darkmau5 logs, btw
23:03 Louie AGGH MY EYES

I'm not sure if we should be proud of this. It's too crazy even for our doing.


I'm rather disappointed in myself for having caused this... :x
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[17:11:54] -->| Brendan has joined #Pokecharms
[17:11:59] <LoN> Hey Brenda
[17:12:01] <LoN> ...
[17:12:03] <LoN> :|
[17:12:03] <LoN> +n
[17:12:15] * Brendan is a lady now 0.0
[17:13:24] <Tun> ... xD
[17:13:58] <LoN> That's why you learn to spell, kids. Bad grammar leads to unexpected sex changes

[17:21:54] <Tun> ... crabs
[17:22:03] <Tun> I just got jam on my netbook ; A ;
[17:24:23] <Brendan> well, it looks like...
[17:24:28] * Brendan puts on sunglasses
[17:24:32] <Tun> it jammed?
[17:24:36] <Brendan> you've got yourself in a sticky situation
[17:24:41] <Tun> ... oh
[17:24:41] <LoN> ...XD
[17:24:47] * Tun just totally spoiled it ♥
[17:24:54] <Tun> THAT'S HOW COOL I AM
LoN said:
[17:21:54] <Tun> ... crabs
[17:22:03] <Tun> I just got jam on my netbook ; A ;
[17:24:23] <Brendan> well, it looks like...
[17:24:28] * Brendan puts on sunglasses
[17:24:32] <Tun> it jammed?
[17:24:36] <Brendan> you've got yourself in a sticky situation
[17:24:41] <Tun> ... oh
[17:24:41] <LoN> ...XD
[17:24:47] * Tun just totally spoiled it ♥
[17:24:54] <Tun> THAT'S HOW COOL I AM

inb4'd Brendan much there Tun? xP
Blazi prods the 'guest'
* |Andrew| does the same
<|Andrew|> Do you think it's alive?
<Blazi> Maybe
<Blazi> I don't know
<Blazi> ...
<Blazi> Do you have a permanent Marker?
* |Andrew| hands Blazi a permanent marker
<Blazi> Thanks
* Blazi uncaps it
* Blazi pulls a 1st Gen Jigglypuff
* |Andrew| giggles loudly but covers mouth trying to muffle the noise
* Blazi covers the Guest's face with scribbles and mustaches and glasses etc.
* |Andrew| high fives Blazi
* Blazi high fives Andrew


Moderator of Elder Scrolls
Staff member
Someone we don't immediately recognise joins #pokecharms. Meanwhile, Sem and Carmen are trying to trade a Shiny Suicune for a Zubat.

I edit IP addresses out of logs, because I'm nice like that.

[22] * Zeldag2016 joined #pokecharms
[22] <Zeldag2016> Why, hello, everyone (:
[22] <DoctorOak> hi Zeldahansdgdsfjgndshgsdo294204a
[22] * Sem rofls
[22] <SirRed> lol
[22] <Zeldag2016> :p
[22] <Carmen> Hey ^^
[22] * baratron giggles at alex
[22] <DoctorOak> oh hey
[22] <baratron> hi new person
[22] <DoctorOak> while I'm stealing tv shows
[22] <Carmen> xD
[22] <KoL> Um, hey
[22] * DoctorOak checks to see if there's a new sub yet
[22] <Zeldag2016> I'm not new. >_< Well, partially.
[22] <KoL> Don't mind me and my moment of glory
[22] <DoctorOak> oh cool
[22] <baratron> you have a n00b name, though
[22] <DoctorOak> 2 new subs!
[22] <Carmen> I'm fairly sure I have your FC Sem
[22] <DoctorOak> yay
[22] <Carmen> xD
[22] <Carmen> N00b names xD
[22] <KoL> I'm sure we've already discussed this, but...
[22] <baratron> so i figured you MUST be new, since no one lasts more than a day on this channel with a n00b name :D
[22] * SirRed is now known as SSJ4NarutoCharizardKing
[22] <KoL> ...nobody, and I mean NOBODY, has a more n00by name than I do
[22] <Zeldag2016> I've been a member of Pokecharms for a while, I just haven't been on chat much.
[22] * SSJ4NarutoCharizardKing battles n00b names D:<
[22] <Carmen> Red actually thought I was a n00b when I changed my name that one time
[22] <Sem> I'll give Carmen a nice Zubat
[22] <Sem> had good EVs ;o
[22] <Carmen> xD
[22] <Sem> IVs*
[22] <baratron> nah, you'd need some numbers in it for true n00bishness, KoL
[22] <Carmen> Welcome to chat Zeldag ^^
[22] * KoL has kicked SSJ4NarutoCharizardKing from #pokecharms (Hey, piss off, this is my show)
[22] * SSJ4NarutoCharizardKing has joined #pokecharms
[22] * DoctorOak is now known as Ash11034343XX0XX
[22] <Sem> At least, I think it does
[22] * Carmen is now known as LucarioGirl
[22] <Zeldag2016> Reminds me of when someone confused me with someone named Moonlight Zelda
[22] <baratron> oh dear gods, look what you've started
[22] <KoL> Oh, you want to play like that...
[22] <LucarioGirl> That works, Sem xD
[22] * Sem is now known as DarkSableyeMaster43893
[22] * Zeldag2016 is now known as Zelda
[22] <LucarioGirl> ...
[22] * KoL is now known as LUCRAIOMASTAH123456
[22] * LucarioGirl is scared for the n--
[22] <baratron> that name isn't taken here?
[22] <LucarioGirl> Oh gosh XDDD
[22] <LUCRAIOMASTAH123456> All-caps and typo, beat that
[22] <SSJ4NarutoCharizardKing> XD
[22] <Zelda> Oh, great.
[22] * Ash11034343XX0XX is now known as XoXAshMasterMon2001XoX
[22] <Zelda> Let me get my nickname, NickServ. -.-
[22] <DarkSableyeMaster43893> Does Carmen want a nickname for the Zuzu?
[22] <LucarioGirl> Not atm
[22] <Zelda> Thank you. -_-
[22] <DarkSableyeMaster43893> unless you totally plan to just ditch it into your PC and never use it again ;_;
[22] <DarkSableyeMaster43893> IT DESERVES BETTER THAN THAT
[22] * XoXAshMasterMon2001XoX is now known as XoXAShM4st3rM0n2oo1XoX
[22] <LUCRAIOMASTAH123456> Nothing like claiming you're a Pokemon's biggest fan when you can't even spell its name right
[22] <XoXAShM4st3rM0n2oo1XoX> HAHA
[22] <XoXAShM4st3rM0n2oo1XoX> I TOTALLY WIN
[22] <DarkSableyeMaster43893> whatno stfu Reena
[22] * DarkSableyeMaster43893 ignores her call and goes into the wifi area
[22] <LucarioGirl> lol
[22] <LUCRAIOMASTAH123456> You're still spelled correctly
[22] <Zelda> O.o'
[22] <LucarioGirl> Yes Zelda
[22] <LucarioGirl> Wii're nuts
[22] <LUCRAIOMASTAH123456> Which suggests the coordination of a greater mind
[22] <Zelda> Apparently.
[22] <Zelda> xD
[22] * XoXAShM4st3rM0n2oo1XoX is now known as XoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoX
[22] <XoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoX> there
[22] <SSJ4NarutoCharizardKing> XD
[22] <LUCRAIOMASTAH123456> Better
[22] <LUCRAIOMASTAH123456> Now I can't even understand what it says, good show
[22] <XoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoX> :D
[22] <LUCRAIOMASTAH123456> 'Course, then you'd be banned for being a bot when you aren't one :p
[22] <DarkSableyeMaster43893> I like how Bara stayed the same
[22] <DarkSableyeMaster43893> she's too mature
[22] <LucarioGirl> lol
[22] <DarkSableyeMaster43893> she's like, "Tch, children."
[22] <XoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoX> she's just not paying enough attention :x
[22] <baratron> i am!
[22] <XoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoX> y'know
[22] <LUCRAIOMASTAH123456> No, Bara just feels her name already out-n00bs ours so much that she need not change it
[22] <XoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoX> I think my name may be the longest it can be
[22] <SSJ4NarutoCharizardKing> She doesn't love us anymore D:
[22] <LUCRAIOMASTAH123456> We obviously do not compare
[22] * XoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoX is now known as oXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXo
[22] <Zelda> I wish Tun would come back. >_< I'm trying to help her set up Live on her Xbox.
[22] * Zelda gets lonely on Xbox Live without Gold
[22] * oXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXo is now known as XoXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXoX
[22] <DarkSableyeMaster43893> I'm inside, Carmen
[22] <DarkSableyeMaster43893> I don't see you~
[22] <LucarioGirl> Me too
[22] * XoXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXoX is now known as oXoXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXoXo
[22] <DarkSableyeMaster43893> well darn
[22] <oXoXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXoXo> ok
[22] <LucarioGirl> I must not have your FC
[22] <oXoXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXoXo> this could go on a while
[22] <oXoXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXoXo> oh
[22] <oXoXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXoXo> there we go
[22] <oXoXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXoXo> boom
[22] * You are now known as x_2Hot4Luv_x
[22] <oXoXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXoXo> limit hit
[22] <SSJ4NarutoCharizardKing> XD
[22] <LucarioGirl> ................XDDD
[22] <oXoXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXoXo> wow
[22] <Zelda> Wow
[22] <oXoXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXoXo> Baraton went full 1990s Yahoo chat on our asses
[22] <x_2Hot4Luv_x> O HAI
[22] <oXoXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXoXo> I think we just lost guys
[22] <DarkSableyeMaster43893> XD
[22] <SSJ4NarutoCharizardKing> I think we did XD
[22] <LUCRAIOMASTAH123456> Well, it was fun while it lasted
[22] <x_2Hot4Luv_x> any1 wanna batl?
[22] <oXoXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXoXo> HI
[22] <oXoXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXoXo> A/S/L?
[22] <oXoXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXoXo> I'M NOT A 40 YEAR OLD MAN WITH MY COCK OUT
[22] <Zelda> This is interesting. Large usernames.
[22] <oXoXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXoXo> JUST FYI
[22] <x_2Hot4Luv_x> 19/F/London
[22] <Zelda> Lol. xDD
[22] <SSJ4NarutoCharizardKing> XD
[22] <oXoXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXoXo> oh wow
[22] <oXoXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXoXo> I'm in london too
[22] <oXoXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXoXo> and um
[22] <oXoXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXoXo> 19
[22] <oXoXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXoXo> and F
[22] <oXoXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXoXo> we should
[22] <x_2Hot4Luv_x> cool
[22] <oXoXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXoXo> like
[22] <oXoXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXoXo> meet up
[22] <LucarioGirl> 2878 9226 6230
[22] <LUCRAIOMASTAH123456> Shame Stel isn't here, we could have all spammed Electivire usernames
[22] <LucarioGirl> lol
[22] <x_2Hot4Luv_x> oh dear. he would have booted us all.
[22] <Tangrelle> ...
[22] <LucarioGirl> That's my Diamond code
[22] <x_2Hot4Luv_x> except Alex, because he can't boot Alex.
[22] <oXoXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXoXo> not all of us
[22] <oXoXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXoXo> >=D
[22] <LUCRAIOMASTAH123456> ...well, except Alex
[22] <Zelda> Tangrelle(: Hi.
[22] <oXoXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXoXo> speaking of which
[22] <LUCRAIOMASTAH123456> Which makes me wonder why Alex doesn't do it all the time
[22] * oXoXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXoXo has kicked DarkSableyeMaster43893 from #pokecharms (fucking n00bs #1959)
[22] * DarkSableyeMaster43893 has joined #pokecharms
[22] * You have been kicked from #pokecharms by oXoXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXoXo (fucking n00bs #1960)
[22] * Now talking on #pokecharms
[22] * Topic for #pokecharms is: Dollhousecharms.com - Did Wii fall asleep? | Join us on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/charmsFB | BW US release date: 6th March | EU: 4th March | You know you want to read: http://www.pokecharms.com/2011/02/ninte ... -hands-on/
[22] * Topic for #pokecharms set by Sem at Thu Feb 24 00:00:21 2011
[22] * SSJ4NarutoCharizardKing has joined #pokecharms
[22] * Tangrelle has joined #pokecharms
[22] * Rex has joined #pokecharms
[22] * LucarioGirl has joined #pokecharms
[22] * Guest56467 has joined #pokecharms
[22] <LucarioGirl> lol
[22] * You are now known as baratron
[22] * Zelda has joined #pokecharms
[22] <SSJ4NarutoCharizardKing> Knew that was coming XD
[22] * LUCRAIOMASTAH123456 has joined #pokecharms
[22] <Zelda> Wow.
[22] <Zelda> Just... wow.
[22] * LUCRAIOMASTAH123456 is now known as KoL
[22] <DarkSableyeMaster43893> My OP </3
[22] <LucarioGirl> That is what we call a genocide
[22] * DarkSableyeMaster43893 is now known as Sem
[22] * oXoXoXASzhM4st33rM0n2oo1XoXoXo is now known as JamesIsNotGayHeRocks
[22] * Sem has left #pokecharms
[22] * Sem has joined #pokecharms
[22] * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Sem
[22] <JamesIsNotGayHeRocks> oh wait
[22] <JamesIsNotGayHeRocks> no
[22] <baratron> hmm, you broke our Ops in the genocide
[22] <JamesIsNotGayHeRocks> that's not my user name any more
[22] * JamesIsNotGayHeRocks is now known as DoctorOak
Last edited by a moderator:
[20] <Tangrelle> I dislike most meatballs unless they're porcupines
[20] <Tangrelle> Because Daddy makes the best porcupines :'D
[20] <Sem> Your family eats porcupines? :x
[20] <Sem> how awful
[20] <Tangrelle> NO they're like
[20] <Tangrelle> Big meatballs
[20] <Tangrelle> Size of your fist
[20] <Tangrelle> With rice cooked in
[20] <Sem> ... ew
[20] <Tangrelle> And other spices and stuff
[20] <Shocari> ew
[20] <Tangrelle> Sayyyys you
[20] <Shocari> I think the point of meatbalss
[20] <Shocari> is to
[20] <Shocari> y'know
[20] <Shocari> be MEAT
[20] <Shocari> *meatballs
[20] <Tangrelle> http://www.beckyhiggins.com/recipes/upl ... 755394.JPG
[20] <Tangrelle> They look like this, thanks
[20] <Tangrelle> And they are meat
[20] <Tangrelle> http://quailstudios.com/images/small/po ... tballs.jpg
[20] <Tangrelle> This too
[20] <Shocari> that second one looks painful
[20] <Tangrelle> It's not cooked yet, by the looks of it
[20] <Tangrelle> It just shows the rice better
[20] <baratron> ewwwww!
[20] <baratron> it looks like meat with MAGGOTS
[20] <Tangrelle> THEY ARE NOT EW
[20] <Tangrelle> D:<
[20] <baratron> or like flu viruses!
[20] <Sem> Bara's right :x
[20] <Tangrelle> I SAID
[20] <Tangrelle> THEY'RE UNCOOKED D:<
[20] <Tangrelle> I don't like a lot of meat, when i think about it
[20] <Tangrelle> I really really hate chicken and ham
[20] <baratron> they look a bit like giant HIVs
[20] <Tangrelle> Salami and pepperoni are cool though
[20] <Sem> I really really love chicken
[20] <Sem> that's about it
[20] <Shocari> chicken ♥
[20] <Shocari> ham ♥
[20] <Shocari> steak ♥
[20] <Tangrelle> THEY'RE MY CHOICE
[20] <Tangrelle> D:<
[20] <Shocari> BACON <3333333333
[20] <Tangrelle> ...Ahem
[20] -->| Pheonix (Pheonix@SystemNet-144DB9CD.neo.res.rr.com) has joined #pokecharms
[20] <Tangrelle> UGH
[20] <Tangrelle> NO
[20] <Tangrelle> BACON
[20] <Tangrelle> NO
[20] <Tangrelle> I arrrgh
[20] <Shocari> Bacon DOES go good with everything
[20] |<-- danimals has left irc.systemnet.info (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.10/20100504085753])
[20] <Tangrelle> REALLYT
[20] <Shocari> I do not recommend bacon pizza
[20] <Tangrelle> NO
[20] <Sem> I disagree
[20] * baratron will try not to "hate on" Tan's "balls", then
[20] <Tangrelle> IT DOES NOT
[20] <Shocari> for your stomach will hate you
[20] <baratron> richard loves bacon on pizza
[20] <Sem> bacon does not belong in my salad kthx =|
[20] <Shocari> yet love you at the same time
[20] <Tangrelle> Gauuugh the smellll
[20] <baratron> lol! richard just took a photo of the porcupine meatballs with Google Goggles, and it told him they were "meatballs"
[20] * MijumaRX slinks over to Pheo because he, too has no idea what they're talking about :>
[20] <baratron> we were trying to find out which virus they looked like
[20] <baratron> hi Pheo
[20] <baratron> scroll back a bit, RX :D
[20] <MijumaRX> xD
[20] <Tangrelle> Bara D:<
[20] <Shocari> well
[20] <Pheonix> hai hai ^^
[20] <Sem> Does Richard think those meatballs look devastating as well?
[20] <Shocari> I'mma write Star Wars fic
[20] =-= Shocari is now known as Sho|ficcing
[20] <Tangrelle> THEY LOOK JUST FINE D:
[20] <Sem> sure
[20] <Tangrelle> You just have no taste >=O
[20] <Sem> if you want to catch some sort of pestilence
[20] <Rex> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lsb47-HJqXQ
[20] <Sem> I'm sure they taste fine
[20] <Sem> but the idea is just
[20] <baratron> http://www.sciencemusings.com/uploaded_ ... 742682.jpg
[20] <Tangrelle> It's :<
[20] <Sem> gross gag me with a spoon to the extreme
[20] <baratron> THAT is what those meatballs look like
[20] <Tangrelle> BARA
[20] <Tangrelle> YOU'RE NOT HELPING
[20] <Tangrelle> D:<
[20] <Sem> Bara wins
[20] <Tangrelle> You know what
[20] <Tangrelle> I am loging this
[20] <Tangrelle> And everyone will agree with me
[20] <Tangrelle> D:<
[20] <baratron> go on then
[20] <Tangrelle> I WILLL
[20] <baratron> well, me, Sem and Richard all think your meatballs look horrible
[20] <baratron> so that's clearly not "everyone" :p
[20] <Rex> Scrolling up, I don't think Tan wants my opinion on the meatballs. :x
[20] <Rex> I will say this: I may need a barf bag.

[17:51:49] <Teapot> Here comes the future.
[17:52:35] -->| Secad has joined #Pokecharms
[17:52:49] <Rain> Wb Secad :D
[17:52:50] <LoN> Secad is the future? :o
[17:52:58] <Teapot> Apparently so.
[17:53:00] <LoN> Wow
[17:53:01] <Secad> Hai.
[17:53:02] <Rain> XDDD I think so


Moderator of Elder Scrolls
Staff member
In which Alex gives a running commentary to Iwata's GDC keynote speech, and gets into an EPIC RANT. Irrelevant stuff cut out, log still ENORMOUS.

Posted by request of those who missed it on chat ;D.

[18] <DoctorOak> lol, Iwata's already running late
[18] <DoctorOak> watch for all the Mac fanboys running out of the front row
[18] <baratron> why will the Mac fanboys be running out? presentation by an Apple person about to start?
[18] <DoctorOak> yes
[18] <DoctorOak> the iPad2 is about to be announced
[18] <Teapot> lol that's an obvious poke at CoD
[18] <Secad> Oh goodness.
[18] <Secad> XD
[18] <DoctorOak> there goes one!
[18] <DoctorOak> GASH
[18] <DoctorOak> BITCHWHORE
[18] <DoctorOak> GOD I HATE YOU IWATA
[18] <Teapot> right, bouncing over to Gizmodo
[18] <DoctorOak> IT'S OVER
[18] <DoctorOak> QUICK FANBOYS
[18] <DoctorOak> RUN
[18] <Secad> I'm not a Mac fangirl, don't worry. But didn't the iPad just come out a few months ago?
[18] <Secad> The Gerbil is here?
[18] <Secad> OMG!
[18] * Secad kidding
[18] <DoctorOak> the iPad will have been out a year this summer
[18] <DoctorOak> ie: when the iPad 2 comes out
[18] <baratron> gods, i want an iPad so badly
[18] <baratron> there is a new MacBook Pro out and i am so sad that mine is no longer the newest model!
[18] <Secad> I could make so many menstruation jokes. XD
[18] <biomechArtisan> ......... o____________________________________________________o
[18] <Teapot> Secad: and yet you won't. :p
[18] <baratron> and richard has been winding me up, telling me i need to throw mine away since it is old now
[18] <DoctorOak> no Baratron
[18] <DoctorOak> bad Baratron
[18] <Secad> They come in a box for about five bucks.
[18] <Teapot> oh, I've been ragging on my Apple fanboy friend all day about his obselete iPad.
[18] <DoctorOak> go to your shed and think about what you've done
[18] <baratron> if you can afford one, an iPad is THE best thing for reading scientific papers on
[18] <Secad> Does about as much as the iPad can--no Flash, just stuffing. :p
[18] <baratron> and you can use Papers to organise them all
[18] <DoctorOak> I want a Motorola Xoom
[18] <Teapot> me too :p
[18] <DoctorOak> what they should do
[18] * Tunnugles has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[18] <DoctorOak> is immediately after the iPad 2 announcement
[18] <DoctorOak> announce that the Xoom is coming out the day before
[18] <DoctorOak> for 50 cheaper
[18] <Secad> Pounds or dollars?
[18] <Secad> Where is it out first?
[18] <DoctorOak> oh god
[18] <DoctorOak> I need to actually for real just slap steve jobs around the face with a brick
[18] <Teapot> oooh
[18] <Teapot> Beyond Good and Evil HD.
[18] <DoctorOak> "Jobs says most of their revenues comes from their post-PC products the iPod, iPhone and iPad."
[18] * Secad and the gerbils hand Alex a brick
[18] <DoctorOak> post-PC products
[18] * DoctorOak vomits at such nonsense
[18] * Tunoodles has joined #pokecharms
[18] * Secad hands Tun ramen
[18] <Teapot> DoctorOak: I don't know why you're even reading a live feed, you know you'll hate anything they say :p
[18] <Tunoodles> Why thank you, Secad ;o
[18] <DoctorOak> I don't know either
[18] <DoctorOak> for example
[18] <DoctorOak> 90% of the market share for tablets
[18] <DoctorOak> it's the iPad and the Galaxy Tablet
[18] <baratron> Steve Jobs is possibly dying in any case, so no need to slap him around the face with a brick.
[18] <DoctorOak> of course you're going to fucking have the majority share
[18] <Secad> What about for artists?
[18] <DoctorOak> those are different tablets, Secad
[18] <Secad> Ah.
[18] <DoctorOak> "A logo of Androids Honeycomb flashes up, with just the number 100? underneath. "
[18] <DoctorOak> oh what
[18] <Secad> Thank Gerbils I am not an art major.
[18] <baratron> and remember there's significant correlation between tablet PCs and eReaders
[18] <baratron> some people get a tablet PC rather than an eReader
[18] <Secad> You can do more, ofcouse.
[18] <baratron> i personally would, if i could afford one, because i can't stand electronic ink
[18] <Secad> *of course
[18] <DoctorOak> yes
[18] <DoctorOak> I'd rather get a tablet than an eReader
[18] <DoctorOak> but I'd never sully myself to waste money on an Apple product
[18] <DoctorOak> I'd rather get a decent tablet that I can do what -I- want with it
[18] <DoctorOak> rather than what Steve Jobs thinks I should want
[18] <Secad> Isn't that what advertising is supposed to do?
[18] <Secad> It is supposed to change your wishes to meet a company's
[18] <Teapot> ooooooh
[18] <Secad> either that, or try to appeal to one.
[18] <Teapot> I can afford Beyond Good and Evil HD \o/
[18] <DoctorOak> it's not advertising though
[18] <DoctorOak> it's the actual product
[18] <Secad> A wish, that is.
[18] <Tunoodles> ... stupid brain
[18] <Tunoodles> Why won't you work D:
[18] * DaftSoul has joined #pokecharms
[18] <DoctorOak> "This video is filled with Apple execs talking about how awesome the iPad is, says Ars. "
[18] <DoctorOak> a video about the iPad with a lot of self-congratulating nonsense?
[18] <DoctorOak> never...
[18] <Teapot> as I said earlier
[18] <Teapot> DoctorOak: I don't know why you're even reading a live feed, you know you'll hate anything they say :p
[18] <Secad> :3
[18] <DoctorOak> I knoowwww
[18] <DoctorOak> but I also want to see just how bad the iPad 2 is
[18] <Secad> XD
[18] * Secad has quit (Quit: (this is really messing up my concentration, but it was fun. Thank you))
[18] <DoctorOak> ""What about 2011?" Steve says. "Everybody's got a tablet. Will it be the year of the copycats?""
[18] <DoctorOak> they're copy cats for creating competition?
[18] <DoctorOak> seriously?
[18] <Teapot> well, we've got two rumours confirmed
[18] <Teapot> two cameras and a gyroscope.
[18] <DoctorOak> in other words
[18] <DoctorOak> they finally caught up with their own fucking technology
[18] * Tunoodles sads
[18] <DoctorOak> dual core is interesting
[18] <DoctorOak> but it's all proprietary Apple chips
[18] <DoctorOak> so it could be utterly meaningless
[18] <Tunoodles> I read that as 'butterly'
[18] <Tunoodles> and I imagined chips made out of apples with butter on them ; A ;
[18] <Teapot> oh, black and white.
[18] <DoctorOak> "you'd think we'd have to give up some of the iPad's legendary battery life" "but our engineering team found a way"
[18] <DoctorOak> it's called
[18] <DoctorOak> DON'T HOLD IT THAT WAY
[18] <DoctorOak> and then magically it has longer battery life
[18] <DoctorOak> and can't connect to anything
[18] <DoctorOak> but the two aren't related
[18] <DoctorOak> nnnop
[18] <DoctorOak> e
[18] <DarkSoul> ...xD
[18] <DarkSoul> iPad's aren't always that bad. Angry Birds HD is awesome, and the iPod system works fine :>
[18] <Teapot> Angry Birds on the Mac is quite fun.
[18] <Teapot> And shite on Android.
[18] <DoctorOak> iPad2 is out next week
[18] <Teapot> well, my Android anyway. :p
[18] <DoctorOak> correction: shite on shite phones
[18] <DoctorOak> :x
[18] <DoctorOak> my Nexus One runs it perfectly
[18] <Teapot> yes, well, you can afford a decent phone.
[18] <DoctorOak> "and we think 2011 is the year of the iPad 2"
[18] <Tunoodles> True :x
[18] <Teapot> I got a Hero and I like my phone. :p
[18] <DoctorOak> wow Steve Jobs talks some utter nonsense
[18] <DarkSoul> I've got an LG Cookie, it's alright.
[18] <DoctorOak> ok
[18] <DoctorOak> too annoyed at the nonsense to continue reading any more of this
[18] <DoctorOak> I'm going to go and urinate a better product
[18] <DoctorOak> brb
[18] <DarkSoul> ...
[18] <baratron> anyone think that Alex is too opinionated for his own good sometimes? ;D
[18] <DarkSoul> Y'know, sometimes I get the feeling Alex isn't much of an Apple fan. For some reason.
[18] <Teapot> baratron: ;D
[18] <biomechArtisan> Too opinionated for his own good mayhap
[18] <biomechArtisan> But personally
[18] <Teapot> that case looks actually kinda nice.
[18] <biomechArtisan> I loathe Apple and anything they could possibly cough up. XP
[18] <DoctorOak> Apple are an awful company, with awful practices, awful products and an awful, awful man at the top
[18] * DarkSoul slowly backs away from chat, hiding his iPod behind his back
[18] <Teapot> 'bout time someone innovated on cases.
[18] <Tunoodles> xD
[18] <DoctorOak> which makes it all the more annoying that they have a cult-like following of devoted morons
[18] <Teapot> Oh, well, I run OS X, so shush.
[18] <Teapot> I would be an Apple fan if I could afford it. :3
[18] <DoctorOak> why though
[18] <DoctorOak> it's a serious question
[18] <DoctorOak> everything apple puts out
[18] <Teapot> because they make good shit.
[18] <DoctorOak> there is a far better product on the market
[18] <DoctorOak> and it's often cheaper
[18] <DarkSoul> What Data said.
[18] <DoctorOak> it makes no logical sense to want an apple product
[18] <Teapot> Alex, I am not saying "everything Apple make is good"
[18] <Teapot> I am not saying "I prefer iPhone to Android"
[18] <Teapot> I don't.
[18] <Teapot> but as far as OS X goes, as far as the iPods go, there isn't better right now.
[18] <DoctorOak> pfft
[18] <DoctorOak> mp3 players were a product of the 90s
[18] <Teapot> And yet they still make a fuckton of money.
[18] <Teapot> And everyone has one.
[18] <DoctorOak> you don't -need- an iPod killer
[18] <DoctorOak> you just need a good phone
[18] <DoctorOak> as for OS X
[18] <DoctorOak> it may look good against windows
[18] <DoctorOak> but A)
[18] <DoctorOak> you need the hardware to run the software
[18] <DoctorOak> it comes as one massive, ugly, overpriced package
[18] <DoctorOak> which you -don't- need for windows
[18] <DoctorOak> and B) Ubuntu puts both to shame anyway
[18] <Teapot> Bollocks to that.
[18] <Teapot> Speaking as someone who loves Linux,
[18] * Tunoodles is now known as Tun|Foooooooooooooooooooooood
[18] <Teapot> Ubuntu is in no way suitable for the average person to use yet. If it ever is.
[18] <DoctorOak> no
[18] <DoctorOak> the average person has Windows
[18] <DoctorOak> that's what it is for
[18] <DoctorOak> for the average person
[18] <Teapot> the thing with OS X is that I wouldn't mind giving it to my grandmother, who is dangerously technophobic.
[18] <DoctorOak> they don't need anything more than what Windows offers
[18] <Teapot> and, honestly
[18] <Teapot> this argument is silly.
[18] <baratron> Teapot: that, exactly
[18] <baratron> it is almost impossible to break OS X
[18] <DoctorOak> that makes no sense though
[18] <DoctorOak> OS X has a radically different interface to Windows
[18] <baratron> Windows breaks itself if you look at it wrongly.
[18] <DoctorOak> which, arguably
[18] <Teapot> well, it's impossible to break it unless you're me, in which case it explodes regularly.
[18] <DoctorOak> is the interface of 'a computer' to any and all tech illiterates
[18] <Teapot> But real Macs don't explode XD
[18] <biomechArtisan> ...
[18] <biomechArtisan> yet.
[18] <DoctorOak> you don't need to confuse it more by bringing OS X into it
[18] <biomechArtisan> give me some time
[18] <biomechArtisan> ...
[18] <biomechArtisan> >>;;;
[18] <Teapot> that's... not strictly true.
[18] <Teapot> OS X is a simple concept.
[18] <Teapot> Click dock icon, get thing.
[18] <DoctorOak> more to the point
[18] <baratron> don't you DARE explode my Mac, Stel
[18] <DoctorOak> say your Granny goes off to the shop
[18] <DoctorOak> comes back with a program that says it is for a computer
[18] <DoctorOak> puts it into her iMac
[18] <DoctorOak> and then blammo
[18] <biomechArtisan> Yours can stay.
[18] <DoctorOak> it doesn't work
[18] <DarkSoul> http://www.mickeystiletto.com/wp-conten ... saturn.jpg
[18] <Teapot> I have two words for you.
[18] <Teapot> App Store.
[18] <biomechArtisan> But just because I like you.
[18] <baratron> DON'T tell me about computer stores.
[18] <Teapot> It's more than slightly evil, but by god does it work.
[18] <DoctorOak> she won't know there's any difference
[18] <DoctorOak> hell
[18] <baratron> my mother has Windows XP, right?
[18] <DoctorOak> people stil fail to grasp that an Xbox game won't play on a Playstation
[18] <DoctorOak> *still
[18] <Teapot> well that's hardly the operating system's fault.
[18] <baratron> so she went to the PC World, and bought "the ONE mouse that was capable of running on her computer".
[18] <baratron> because ALL the others said they were for Vista or Windows 7
[18] <baratron> it's a MOUSE
[18] <baratron> a USB MOUSE
[18] <baratron> it runs on fucking ANYTHING that's modern enough to have a USB port.
[18] <Teapot> Protip: Apple Store.
[18] <DoctorOak> conclusion: Old people shouldn't be allowed computers
[18] <DoctorOak> :)
[18] <baratron> morons in the shop couldn't tell her that
[18] <Teapot> Where the people are trained to deal with idiots!
[18] <baratron> yes, the Apple Stores are amazing.
[18] <DoctorOak> what
[18] <DoctorOak> no
[18] <DoctorOak> sorry
[18] <DoctorOak> but
[18] <DoctorOak> no
[18] <DoctorOak> even if I liked Apple
[18] <Teapot> They were really nice to me, and I was only there to poke around.
[18] <DoctorOak> I couldn't begin to even stand the Apple store
[18] <DoctorOak> it genuinely feels like a fucking church
[18] <baratron> lol
[18] <Teapot> ...
[18] <baratron> what exactly is your problem with Apple fanboys? how are they different from Nintendo fanboys?
[18] <DarkSoul> The Apple Store in Oberhausen was awesome. xD
[18] <baratron> yes, i agree, buying EVERYTHING that has an Apple badge on it is silly.
[18] <DoctorOak> I guess it's that Apple Fanboys are
[18] <baratron> i don't want an iPhone. can't stand the things.
[18] <DoctorOak> A) more aggressive
[18] <DoctorOak> and B)
[18] <DoctorOak> utterly, utterly wrong
[18] <DarkSoul> Nintendo has better games?
[18] <baratron> how is it sillier than buying everything that has a Nintendo badge on?
[18] <DoctorOak> at least Nintendo earned their fanboys by making good games
[18] <biomechArtisan> See
[18] <biomechArtisan> the issue I have with Apple tards
[18] <biomechArtisan> is the fact they're all so...
[18] <baratron> Apple earned their fanboys by making good computers!
[18] <biomechArtisan> smug about it.
[18] <DoctorOak> but they didn't!
[18] * Belle has joined #pokecharms
[18] <Teapot> Apple fanboys can go die. I'm not talking about Apple fanboys. :p
[18] <DoctorOak> Apple made good computers as Apple Mac
[18] <DoctorOak> without Steve Jobs
[18] <DoctorOak> Steve Jobs comes along
[18] <baratron> i didn't MEAN to become smug, but this MacBook Pro is SO MUCH better than ANY PC i've ever owned.
[18] <baratron> i love it to bits.
[18] <Teapot> And makes them very very successful, DoctorOak
[18] <DoctorOak> sacks everyone that's making existing stuff for their company
[18] <DoctorOak> and then turns the company into a true den of evil
[18] <biomechArtisan> I remember the days where MACINTOSH used to simply stand for Most Applications Crash, If Not, The Operating System Hangs
[18] <biomechArtisan> admittedly they got a bit better since
[18] <DoctorOak> but, honestly
[18] <baratron> i hated Macs pre-OS X
[18] <DarkSoul> http://www.omg-facts.com/
[18] <DoctorOak> the original competition between Macs and PCs was TOTALLY different
[18] <DarkSoul> ♥
[18] <baratron> they were horrible beige machines with an obscure interface
[18] <DoctorOak> 'cos the market was infantile
[18] <biomechArtisan> but yeah. Macs seem to be the computer-de-jour of elitist fucks
[18] <DoctorOak> both in hardware and in software terms
[18] <Teapot> the thing is, Stel
[18] <DoctorOak> both companies did things wrong
[18] <Teapot> I hear what you're saying
[18] <biomechArtisan> not saying that ALL of them are
[18] <biomechArtisan> but
[18] <Teapot> until very recently, I agreed
[18] <biomechArtisan> the MAJORITY seems to be
[18] <biomechArtisan> and frankly
[18] <DoctorOak> .:184123:. @biomechArtisan but yeah. Macs seem to be the computer-de-jour of elitist fucks
[18] <DoctorOak> this is so the truth
[18] <DoctorOak> "I use a Mac, therefore I am better"
[18] <DoctorOak> better, of course
[18] <Teapot> but Macs, OS X, whatever, is genuinely better.
[18] <baratron> i don't think i am better because i use a Mac
[18] <biomechArtisan> Again
[18] <baratron> i think i'm LUCKIER because i had a Mac bought for me
[18] <DoctorOak> because they spent 500 more for their hardware than I did for my equivilent
[18] <biomechArtisan> I'm not saying EVERYONE is
[18] <biomechArtisan> but
[18] <biomechArtisan> yeah
[18] <baratron> this computer ROCKS
[18] <Teapot> I'm a rare type who got a Mac without paying the tax.
[18] <biomechArtisan> a LOT are.
[18] <baratron> i didn't pay for this computer at all
[18] <Teapot> And I think the OS - just the OS - is infinitely better than Windows.
[18] <baratron> the government did
[18] <biomechArtisan> Data
[18] <biomechArtisan> I could write an OS better than windows
[18] <biomechArtisan> with two sticks
[18] <biomechArtisan> and a rock
[18] * Tun|Foooooooooooooooooooooood has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[18] <DoctorOak> personally
[18] <biomechArtisan> AND I CAN'T PROGRAM TO SAVE MY OWN LIFE.
[18] <Teapot> biomechArtisan: well you're doing better than everyone else.
[18] <biomechArtisan> XDDDDDDDDDD
[18] <DoctorOak> OS debates are pretty pointless as far as I'm concerned
[18] <DoctorOak> I love Ubuntu
[18] <DoctorOak> but no matter how awesome it is
[18] <DoctorOak> it's useless
[18] <DoctorOak> you need Windows
[18] <DoctorOak> everyone needs Windows
[18] <DoctorOak> you cannot run your day-to-day life without it
[18] <baratron> i've been managing pretty well for the past 8 months :D
[18] <biomechArtisan> Well, yeah. the major reason I run with Windows is the fact it's mostly compatible with -MOST- things
[18] <DoctorOak> see
[18] <DoctorOak> this is the thing
[18] <DoctorOak> you want to play games?
[18] <Teapot> so have I XD
[18] <DoctorOak> you need Windows
[18] <DoctorOak> you want to do work?
[18] <DoctorOak> you need Windows
[18] <baratron> every single piece of software i need runs on my Mac
[18] <Teapot> ... why?
[18] <biomechArtisan> and you don't have to fight clover-leaf-space-bar-meta-what-the-fuck keys
[18] <Teapot> All the work I do is on OS X.
[18] <DoctorOak> OS X has one minor benefit over Ubuntu
[18] <baratron> the only PC game i've ever played is The Sims, and it runs on Mac
[18] <DoctorOak> in that Adobe make their products for it
[18] <DoctorOak> but that's it, really
[18] <Teapot> Office 2011 and various free tools.
[18] <DoctorOak> I wouldn't work on a Mac
[18] <baratron> well, don't, then.
[18] <DoctorOak> running a server set up emulated in Windows is bad enough
[18] <Teapot> yes, but you hate them. :p
[18] <DoctorOak> but in a Mac
[18] <DoctorOak> it's completely removed from all reality
[18] <Teapot> ... Alex, I do web development on a Mac.
[18] <baratron> Windows servers suck.
[18] <DoctorOak> that they do
[18] <Teapot> And I had a Apache server out of the box.
[18] <biomechArtisan> TL;DR, all computer systems have their high points and a lot of pure unrefined fail.
[18] <baratron> it horrifies me that there are so many vital databases out there running on bloatware that will fall over every 5 minutes.
[18] <DoctorOak> I'd run all my development on Ubuntu if I oculd
[18] <Teapot> biomechArtisan: THIS.
[18] <DoctorOak> but no native adobe support makes that a pain
[18] <baratron> UNIX rocks.
[18] <Teapot> Unix is amazing.
[18] <biomechArtisan> HL: Sure, if you have a fucking rosetta stone.
[18] <biomechArtisan> ... or a decent GUI
[18] <biomechArtisan> whatever happens first
[18] <Teapot> Well we do have Rosetta.
[18] <Teapot> ;D
[18] <DoctorOak> .:184539:. @biomechArtisan TL;DR, all computer systems have their high points and a lot of pure unrefined fail.
[18] <DoctorOak> yep
[18] <baratron> i've used versions of Linux with GUIs virtually identical to Windows XP
[18] <DoctorOak> and Apple gets an extra 2 points of fail on top of everyone else for being Apple
[18] <DoctorOak> thus
[18] <baratron> they do exist
[18] <DoctorOak> I win~
[18] <DoctorOak> :p
[18] <Teapot> they suck, msotly, but they exist :p
[18] <Teapot> XP's interface was never great, it was just workable.
[18] <DoctorOak> I dunno why anyone would bother with that to be honest
[18] <biomechArtisan> Technically, Windows pretty much yoinked the interface format they've been using for like ages from /Xerox/.
[18] <DoctorOak> the Gnome set up is far superior
[18] <DoctorOak> you may take a few days to get used to it
[18] <DoctorOak> but it's just so much better
[18] <Teapot> well... GNOME basically just does what you configure it to do.
[18] <baratron> Alex ALWAYS has to win!
[18] <DoctorOak> well
[18] <biomechArtisan> HL: He's ALEX.
[18] <DoctorOak> yes
[18] <DoctorOak> :p
[18] <Teapot> I've just decided I've won already. :3
[18] <DoctorOak> but you haven't
[18] <biomechArtisan> I've decided that you all lost.
[18] <DoctorOak> >=O
[18] <DoctorOak> I won
[18] <DoctorOak> :)
[18] <Teapot> Keep telling yourself that, dear :3
[18] <biomechArtisan> Moral of the story:
[18] <biomechArtisan> Arguing on the internets
[18] <DoctorOak> Apple is the devil and Steve Jobs is satan~
[18] <Teapot> oh, yeah, I was watching a Battlefield 3 video for no good reason.
[18] <Teapot> biomechArtisan: is pointless, yes :p
[18] <biomechArtisan> Is like participating in the Special Olympics
[18] <biomechArtisan> Even if you win
[18] <DoctorOak> and anyone that buys an iPad 2 is a moron
[18] <biomechArtisan> You're still retarded.
[18] <biomechArtisan> and on that note
[18] <biomechArtisan> I decree this discussion over
[18] <Teapot> motion seconded.
[18] <DoctorOak> I don't >=O
[18] <DoctorOak> you all don't agree with me yet
[18] <biomechArtisan> Also on the subject matter of iPads: I'm sure they have some use for someone out there
[18] <DoctorOak> >=O
[18] <baratron> speaking of which
[18] <biomechArtisan> I just fail to see its use as far as i'm concerned.
[18] <biomechArtisan> and even if I did
[18] <biomechArtisan> I wouldn't give all my ribs and several vertebrae to afford one!
[18] * baratron has changed the topic to: DoctorOakCharms.com - Wii love DoctorOak | Join us on DoctorOakBook: http://on.fb.me/charmsFB | Buy DoctorOak B/W this weekend! | DoctorOak says to read: http://www.pokecharms.com/2011/02/ninte ... -hands-on/ | DoctorOak is ALWAYS RIGHT!
[18] <DoctorOak> :)
[18] <DoctorOak> actually
[18] <DoctorOak> do do this one
[18] <biomechArtisan> That's what i have my laptop for. hurrr.
[18] <DarkSoul> >>
[18] <DarkSoul> <<
[18] <DoctorOak> "Buy DoctorOak B/W this weekend! "
[18] <DoctorOak> I mean
[18] * Tunfrog has joined #pokecharms
[18] <DoctorOak> I already bought it
[18] * baratron rotfl
[18] <DoctorOak> but I wouldn't mind the money back :x
[18] <Tunfrog> Kero, kero o:
[18] * Belle pulls Tun into the not-an-OS-argument-corner
[18] <Belle> ♥
[18] * Tunfrog is pulled into the appropriate corner :'D
[18] <DoctorOak> I don't even know why it got down to just the OS
[18] <DoctorOak> I don't even have anything specific against OS X other than that it's a pointless thing 'cos you'd have to buy the full Mac package to use it
[18] <DoctorOak> which isn't worth the five universes it costs
[18] <baratron> yeah
[18] <baratron> i find that slightly silly, considering there isn't all that much proprietary inside the Macs these days
[18] <baratron> Intel processors
[18] * DarkSoul joins Belle and Tun in the corner
[18] <baratron> NVidia graphics cards
[18] <Tunfrog> Dark ♥
[18] <Belle> DS ♥
[18] <DoctorOak> I think Apple's actually just given me a headache
[18] <DoctorOak> SEE
[18] <DoctorOak> EVILS
[18] <biomechArtisan> Honestly
[18] <Belle> Schtellu- I think if I do an <s>, I'm gonna use the first like, 30 seconds of Libera Me from TTGL's soundtrack :V
[18] <biomechArtisan> Apple are responsible for the original sin
[18] <biomechArtisan> and by that
[18] <biomechArtisan> I mean
[18] <biomechArtisan> by falling on Newton's Head
[18] <biomechArtisan> and being responsible for that douchefuck inventing Calculus AND certain parts of physics.
[18] <biomechArtisan> >>;
[18] <Belle> .... yeah Newton's a dick.
[18] <baratron> i think RANTING gave you a headache, Alex :D
[18] <baratron> rise in blood pressure

And then we got onto religion, which would be a whole other post in itself (and inspire epic ranting from others, no doubt).

[21] <DoctorOak> FYI
[21] <DoctorOak> I didn't do the topic
[21] <DoctorOak> I did, however, do a brilliant Electivire themed one last night
[21] <DoctorOak> and everyone is going to be banned for not logging Stel's reaction to it
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Where's Ethan when you need him?
22:35 Brendan activate the rainbow signal
22:36 DarkSoul sets up the unicorn frequency emitter, too
22:36 |Andrew| Servine used slam
22:36 |Andrew| Tranquil used roost
22:36 |Andrew| Multiply that by like 10
22:36 DarkSoul Anyone got a kitteh wave transmitter? :p
22:37 |Andrew| Oh, me!
22:37 |Andrew| activates kitty waves
22:37 Rex is searching for the elusive creature known as Sandile.
22:37 |Andrew| Elusive?!
22:37 |Andrew| That thing won't leave me alone!
22:37 Brendan lays out a tin of heart-shaped cookies
22:37 Brendan Efan will have to come now

and sure enough...

*** Tangrelle joined #pokecharms
22:49 Brendan IT WORKED
22:49 Brendan hands Efan the heat-shaped cookies
22:49 Brendan *heart-shaped
22:49 Tangrelle Eeek D:
22:49 Tangrelle They're hot
22:49 Tangrelle receives and wears in hair


Moderator of Elder Scrolls
Staff member
In which Alex ponders some holes in the Pokemon universe:

[01] <DoctorOak> incidentally
[01] <DoctorOak> since I just had to run up a tower of dead Pokemon
[01] <DoctorOak> again
[01] <DoctorOak> I wondered
[01] <DoctorOak> if every region has a place to bury their dead Pokemon
[01] <DoctorOak> and they make good effort over it
[01] <DoctorOak> and make it all monolithic and stuff
[01] <DoctorOak> where the fuck do all the dead people go?
[01] <MijumaRX> not to point out the obvious
[01] <Yoshimitsu> HUGE DITCH
[01] <Tangrelle> They just bury them
[01] <MijumaRX> but Johto doesn't :x
[01] <Tangrelle> Where they die
[01] <Tangrelle> Duh
[01] <DoctorOak> but hwere
[01] <Tangrelle> :>
[01] <DoctorOak> *where
[01] <DoctorOak> aside from Pokemon graves
[01] <DoctorOak> there's not a single grave in the entire Pokemon world
[01] <Rex> It's a kid's game.
[01] <DoctorOak> so's Zelda
[01] <DoctorOak> almost every Zelda game has a graveyard
[01] <DoctorOak> :x
[01] <Rex> Pokemon appeals to a younger demographic though.
[01] <DoctorOak> besides
[01] <DoctorOak> if we're handling DEAD POKEMON
[01] <DoctorOak> surely we can fucking handle dead people
[01] <DoctorOak> I'd have thought the idea of their Pikachu being dead would be more scary for kids than the rather abstract notion for a child of human death
[01] <baratron> alex, you crack me up :)
[01] <DoctorOak> I reckon there can only be one answer
[01] <DoctorOak> one logical answer for why there are no people graves in the Pokemon world
[01] <DoctorOak> they feed dead people to the Pokemon
[01] <baratron> i KNEW you were going to say that!
[01] <baratron> lol
[01] <baratron> richard says "What do you think PokeBlocks are?"
[01] <DoctorOak> you ever wonder why you can't see all the way back in the Pokemon day care?
[01] <DoctorOak> that's 'cos just out of shot
[01] <DoctorOak> there's a pile of dead human bodies
[01] <DoctorOak> just waiting to be fed to the Pokemon that stay there
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Brendan misses RX's Charmon project
21:42 Zachary i dont
21:42 Zachary ...
21:43 Haru I find that surprising o:
21:43 Zachary i don't like this meat
21:43 Zachary i'm eating
21:43 Zachary *
21:43 Brendan The timing XD
[21] <Yoshimitsu> okay
[21] <Yoshimitsu> seriously
[21] <Yoshimitsu> it's bugging me
[21] <Yoshimitsu> why is there a knitted boob sat two foot from me
[21] <Tangrelle> No
[21] <Tangrelle> I think
[21] <Tangrelle> ...
[21] <Tangrelle> Um, what
[21] <baratron> El - we cannot answer for strange objects in your home :D
[21] <Yoshimitsu> i'm not even kidding
[21] <Tangrelle> Did El knit said...thing
[21] <Yoshimitsu> i didn't
[21] <Yoshimitsu> i came home to find
[21] <Yoshimitsu> this weird
[21] <Yoshimitsu> knitted boob
[21] <Tangrelle> Maybe your mum took up um
[21] <baratron> take a photo?
[21] <Tangrelle> Mammary Gland Knitting?
[21] <MijumaRX> maybe its a flesh colored beanie with a brown pom pom on the top?
[21] <Tangrelle> It's possible
[21] <Yoshimitsu> no it's not
[21] <Tangrelle> You don't know what she doesss
[Yoshi posts image link to offending knitted object right here]
[21] <Yoshimitsu> told you
[21] <Jenova> ...
[21] <Tangrelle> I
[21] <Tangrelle> Erm
[21] <Tangrelle> Maybe it
[21] <Tangrelle> Um
[21] <Tangrelle> Wow
[21] <Tangrelle> If you find another one tomorrow someone is stalking your house
[21] <Tangrelle> And uh
[21] <Jenova> Wow.
[21] <Tangrelle> Leaving you presents :x
[21] <Jenova> Also
[21] <Jenova> http://www.pokecharms.com/forums/http:/ ... ic.php?t=9
[21] <Jenova> I love how this person added "please and thank you" :D
[21] <Yoshimitsu> seriously
[21] <Yoshimitsu> i want an explanation
[21] <Tangrelle> You're not gonna find one :x
[21] <Tailon> I remember that guy
[21] <MijumaRX> maybe it's a disguise
[21] <Tailon> mostly cause he sent me a couple PMs
[21] <MijumaRX> or something
[21] <Tangrelle> It also would be kinda weird if you walked up and ask someone who comes to your house if they left their knitted boob behind
[21] <Tailon> this is what happens when you trade a noob for something
[21] <Jenova> ...
[21] <Jenova> You trade a noob for a boob?
[21] <Jenova> Oh wait
[21] <Tailon> what.
[21] <SirRed> XD
[21] <Yoshimitsu> ...
[21] <Tangrelle> ...
[21] <baratron> you are correct. that is indeed a knitted boob.
[21] <Tailon> XD
[21] <Jenova> Oh.
[21] <Tangrelle> ./facepalm
[21] <Yoshimitsu> I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY BARA.
[21] <Tangrelle> D:<
[21] <Yoshimitsu> also you all get to see me blonde
[21] <Yoshimitsu> so
[21] <Yoshimitsu> y'know
[21] <Zachary> i like boobs
[21] <baratron> i can only assume that another one will appear tomorrow.
[21] <Tangrelle> I suppose El will come into a collection of knitted mammaries
[21] <Tangrelle> :x
[21] <Tangrelle> Then again, i suppose it isn't exactly appropriate to log
[21] <Tangrelle> :x
[21] <Yoshimitsu> NO
[21] <baratron> i assume it belongs to one of your flatmates, and the rest of a knitted woman may be appearing soon.
[21] <Yoshimitsu> actually
[21] <Tangrelle> You'll find a knitted hand
[21] <Yoshimitsu> i'm back home
[21] <Tangrelle> Then a leg
[21] <Yoshimitsu> so
[21] <baratron> richard is asking whether you have a phobia of boobs?
[21] <Yoshimitsu> it belongs to one of my family
[21] <Yoshimitsu> no not really bara
[21] <baratron> you're in your HOUSE with your family?? uh...
[21] <baratron> maybe they are trying to get you to turn straight?
[21] <Yoshimitsu> but i find the concept of a knitted boob weird
[21] <Yoshimitsu> NO.
[21] * SirRed has a flashback to Turbo asking El about boobs XP
[22] <Tangrelle> Um
[22] <Tangrelle> Maybe someone wants you to wear it?
[22] <Yoshimitsu> actual boobs are fine
[22] <Tangrelle> ...Maybe on your head or something?
[22] <Yoshimitsu> fake boobs on a girl are like... okay i guess
[22] <Tangrelle> Maybe it's a type of uh
[22] <Tangrelle> Cushion
[22] <Yoshimitsu> fake boobs detached from a girl left lying around the house? weird.
[22] <baratron> maybe it is to help you cross-dress?
[22] <Yoshimitsu> no.
[22] <MijumaRX> maybe it's supposed to be
[22] <Tangrelle> Oh come now
[22] <Tangrelle> Secretly
[22] <MijumaRX> a fancy knitted bra?
[22] <Tangrelle> You love that bewb
[22] <Tangrelle> it is your babies
[22] <Yoshimitsu> ...
[22] <Tangrelle> :>
[22] <Yoshimitsu> i will ban everyone here who i can
[22] <Yoshimitsu> if talk of my cross dressing continues
[22] <MijumaRX> has El actually..handled the thing...to be sure he isn't mistaking it as resembling a boob?
[22] <baratron> RX, look at the photo?
[22] <baratron> it looks pretty handled and boobulent to me!
[22] <MijumaRX> oh, there's a photo
[22] <Yoshimitsu> considering i have felt boobs in my past
[22] <Yoshimitsu> yes
[22] <Zachary> i've felt boobs
[22] <Yoshimitsu> i am fairly certain it is a boob and a knitted one at that
[22] <Yoshimitsu> by my past
[22] <Yoshimitsu> i mean within the last few days
[22] <Zachary> but they were mostly cow udders
[22] * Zachary curses farm labor
[22] <Yoshimitsu> ...
[22] <MijumaRX> it could be a dirty pin cushion
[22] <Yoshimitsu> they were most definitley not cow udders
[22] <Tangrelle> Maybe um
[22] <Tangrelle> It's a poffin! :D
[22] <Yoshimitsu> here
[22] <Yoshimitsu> tan
[22] <Yoshimitsu> eat the boob
[22] <Tangrelle> Um
[22] <Tangrelle> I think it's spoiled!
[22] <Tangrelle> RX can have it :>
[22] <MijumaRX> if its any consolation El
[22] <Tangrelle> Also I really wanna log this but I dunno if it's too risque or not :x
[22] <MijumaRX> I have a friend who has a penis ash tray
[22] <MijumaRX> made of wood
[22] <Tangrelle> Okay I am logging this
[22] <Tangrelle> Nobody is stopping me D:<


Moderator of Elder Scrolls
Staff member
In which two of us acquired shinies in quick succession.

[00] <baratron> guys, guys, i caught a wild shiny today!
[01] <baratron> i've never had a shiny before!
[01] <baratron> woooooooo!
[01] <MijumaRX> coooooll :D
[01] <MijumaRX> what is it?
[01] <Tangrelle> What is ti, Bara!
[01] <DoctorOak> congrats
[01] <Tangrelle> :D
[01] <baratron> er
[01] <DoctorOak> I second those questions
[01] <baratron> it's a Pidove
[01] <DoctorOak> oh
[01] <baratron> *cough*
[01] <DoctorOak> oh well
[01] <Tangrelle> Really~?
[01] <DoctorOak> it's something
[01] <baratron> Quiet nature, and female
[01] <DoctorOak> :p
[01] <Tangrelle> Kal got one too today!
[01] <Tangrelle> How weird
[01] <Tangrelle> :>
[01] <baratron> i know, that's the weird thing. i remember him saying before i went to bed last night.
[01] <Yoshimitsu> ur a pidove
[01] <Yoshimitsu> wat
[01] <DoctorOak> hmm
[01] <DoctorOak> I wonder if the ratio is smaller this generation?
[01] <MijumaRX> Maybe today is Shiny Pidove day? :D
[01] <MijumaRX> probably
[01] <baratron> thing is, i wasn't even TRYING to catch Pokemon. i was cycling around trying to hatch eggs, and i accidentally ran into the Tall grass.
[01] <MijumaRX> I got a Shiny Dwebble the other day~
[01] <baratron> there were two Pidoves, one normal and the other with stars around.
[01] <DoctorOak> I haven't found anything, but I haven't really be looking for much in the way of Pokemon
[01] <DoctorOak> I've just been catching stuff I didn't already have, then repelling everything once I was done with what the Wiki told me was in the area
[01] <baratron> shiny female Unfeazant looks like crap, so I'll probably get her to Tranquill stage
[01] <baratron> Tranquill: http://www.psypokes.com/dex/psydex/520/picdex
[01] <MijumaRX> a Deino :o
[01] <baratron> Unfezant: http://www.psypokes.com/dex/psydex/521/picdex
[01] * MijumaRX catches for future breeding
[01] <baratron> but, y'know, IT'S THE FIRST SHINY I'VE EVER HAD!!!
[01] <baratron> except in Pokemon Rumble, which isn't a "real" Pokemon game
[01] <baratron> and the Mightyena which Midnight caught for me
[01] <DoctorOak> my first any only non Gyarados shiny was a pink Kyogre
[01] <DoctorOak> which sounds cool
[01] <MijumaRX> I encountered a couple of....
[01] <MijumaRX> ...................
[01] <DoctorOak> until I point out I haxed it into Ruby
[01] <MijumaRX> ..........................................
[01] <MijumaRX> OH
[01] <MijumaRX> MY
[01] <baratron> richard got home from work just after i caught the shiny, and i was screaming and hyperventilating at him
[01] <MijumaRX> Shiny DEINO
[01] <MijumaRX> fuckfuckfucccckkk
[01] <baratron> it's contagious!
[01] <DoctorOak> which completely invalidates the coolness of finding a shiny Kyogre
[01] <DoctorOak> the fact it was shiny was legit
[01] <baratron> everyone keep talking about shiny Pokemon!
[01] <DoctorOak> it was just haxed to appear >>
[01] <MijumaRX> Oh god
[01] <MijumaRX> that's Two shinies on this game :'D
[01] <baratron> stop hyperventilating and use a Quick Ball
[01] <DoctorOak> I better get a fucking shiny in this game now
[01] <DoctorOak> I swear to God
[01] <DoctorOak> if you all get shinies
[01] <DoctorOak> and I don't
[01] <DoctorOak> I'm sueing GameFreak
[01] <DoctorOak> I'll beat Masuda's face in with an alternately coloured shovel
[01] <MijumaRX> oh good gracious, this is amazing :'D
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22:31 SirOnyx VVC b
22:31 SirOnyx #
22:31 Indibear what?
22:32 SirOnyx sorry, my cat just jumped to the laptop
22:32 SirOnyx :3
22:32 Indibear @3@
22:32 Tanilluxe The cat is mine
22:32 Tanilluxe I brought him here
22:32 Tanilluxe We are to converse shortly
22:32 Tanilluxe Place thine cat on the keyboard, dear D:<
22:32 SirOnyx no
22:32 SirOnyx he's eating
22:32 SirOnyx :3
22:32 Tanilluxe But he's on your lap
22:33 SirOnyx he jumped down
22:33 Indibear OH GOD
22:33 SirOnyx and now eating ham
22:33 Indibear Oh

My lap hurts. D':
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Carmen requires someone who has TM 13 in Black
<Carmen> Thanks Pheo :D
* Pheonix is totally late with it, but whatevs :3
<Virgillite> what one is 13?
<Carmen> Ice Beam
<Virgillite> oh
<Virgillite> I don't think I have it
<Carmen> *Black or White
<Carmen> I just need someone to teach my Frillish Ice Beam
<Tanillish> Bluuuughshdgai
<Tanillish> Someone
<Tanillish> Where is the name rater in castelia
<Tanillish> Does anyone remember
<Tanillish> Blarrgh
<Carmen> Not sure Tan
<Carmen> I had to search every house to find him again
<Tanillish> Why does it have to be Black version, by the by?
<Carmen> [20] <Carmen> *Black or White
<Virgillite> she corrected herself, Tan
<Tanillish> Oh um
<Tanillish> She never said that noooooooo~

Luckily, later...

<Tanillish> I FIN YOU
<Tanillish> NAME RATER
[18] <Rain> hi
[18] <Tangrelle> hi~
[18] <Tangrelle> WE HAVE SO MANY PEOPLE
[18] <Tangrelle> AND SO LITTLE CHAT
[18] * Tangrelle should just ping everyone
[18] <Rain> DO IT
[18] <Rain> Let's take turns :D
[18] <Tangrelle> Alright
[18] <Tangrelle> I'll get frommm
[18] <Tangrelle> Right
[18] <Tangrelle> We'll start at
[18] <Tangrelle> BELLE
[18] <Tangrelle> D:<
[18] <Rain> CARMEN
[18] <Tangrelle> JENOVA
[18] <Rain> KALSENG
[18] <Tangrelle> KAMARAN
[18] <Jenova> WHAT
[18] <Rain> NATSU
[18] <Tangrelle> NIGHTFROST
[18] <Jenova> GOD DAMN IT
[18] <Rain> PHEO
[18] <Jenova> D:<
[18] <Tangrelle> REX
[18] * Jenova kids |D
[18] <Carmen> !
[18] <Rain> SHOCARI
[18] <Tangrelle> TAILON
[18] <Rex> What?
[18] <Rain> TORU
[18] <Carmen> You rang?
[18] <Belle> blurgh
[18] <Rain> XDDDDDDD
[18] <Rain> Just awakening everyone
[18] <Tangrelle> ...We are bored
[18] <Tangrelle> c:
[18] <Tangrelle> Play with usssssss ♥
[18] <Toru> ...
[18] <Rex> ...
[18] <Belle> ... xD
[18] * Carmen gets back to Facebook
[18] <Belle> XDD
[18] =-= Pheonix|foodz is now known as Pheonix
[18] * Toru goes back to his Homework >>
[18] <Tangrelle> Gods we're so mean
[18] <Rain> I know XD
[18] <Pheonix> >>
[18] * Kamaran goes back to bad

Rain and I get lonely ♥
Toru throws his arms out and faces Shiny
* Tunswapsies hugs Shiny ♥
* Shiny luffles everyone~
<Toru> (Lazer fan plz)
<Yoshimitsu> you're only a vet when you dont consider yourself a vet
<Shiny> XD
* Tangrow ttly cuts off Jen
<Tangrow> ♥
* Shiny ice-whips Toru instead
<Tangrow> And um, hiya Louise
<Toru> Ahn~!
<Shiny> <<
* Absy tacklehugs SirOnyx
<Tangrow> And um
<Tangrow> Isn't Shiny a bra
<Tangrow> :>
<Jenova> D:<
<Jenova> ... |D
<Shiny> rfbuih3tvuwroevjq r2hgvtr4ojgriehfu24irfg9ryg8593
<SirOnyx> Heyo
<SirOnyx> :3
<Shiny> DID
<Shiny> YOU
* Shiny chases Tan around with her laser-broom
<Tangrow> Isn't it bros are guys and bras are girls
<Tangrow> That's how the surf-people do it
<Jenova> ...
<Toru> Tan, it's 'brah'
<Belle> brah mang
<Belle> brah
<Shiny> XD
<Tangrow> Sorry
<SirOnyx> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDh-73XH ... detailpage
<Tangrow> Shiny's a bra
<Belle> otherwise you're calling then underwear
<Tangrow> :>
<Shiny> wow D:<
<Jenova> ...
<Jenova> How perverted!
<Belle> ...
<Tangrow> D:<
<Jenova> D:<
<Jenova> ....
* Shiny bangs Tan on the head with her laser-broom
<Jenova> Belle would be quiet flat then
<Belle> that's
<Jenova> :x
<Belle> I
* Tangrow kekekes
<Belle> ... xD
<Shiny> XD
* Jenova sadfaces at her small bra
<Belle> x:
<Tangrow> MEANIE
<Tangrow> GOSH JEN
<Tangrow> Ahem :>
<Shiny> XD
<Jenova> ... no jk
<Jenova> |D
<Belle> pfft
<Jenova> But yeah
-->| DaftSoul (Mibbit@SystemNet-B7292C47.upc-a.chello.nl) has joined #pokecharms
<Jenova> wasn't that the most awkward conversation you ever had, Belle? :D
<SirOnyx> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDh-73XH ... detailpage
<Belle> IT WAS
* Absy hugs SirOnyx
<DaftSoul> ...Jeezus, it's crowded in here!
<Absy> :3
<Belle> Probably my fault
<Belle> sry sry :'D
<Belle> idek
* Belle sobs
<DaftSoul> Hello guys~
<Tangrow> Dark
<Jenova> it's not your fault
<Tangrow> get off my elbow
<Belle> Hi DS <333
<SirOnyx> ugh Have to do my homework
<Jenova> Ethan just speaks in a monotone
<SirOnyx> bye
<Toru> DS, you just missed bra talk
<Tangrow> And Toru stop sitting on my leg
<Tangrow> D:<
<Jenova> and in an Urkel fashion
* SirOnyx waves
<Belle> xD
<Jenova> ...
|<-- SirOnyx has left irc.systemnet.info (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
<DaftSoul> ...Your elbow?
<Tangrow> I'd um
<Jenova> Why yes
=-= DaftSoul is now known as Guest19645
<Toru> But it's slippery and tentacley!
<Tangrow> Rather if you didn't compare me to that :<
<Jenova> we were discussing how big our bras were
<Jenova> Toru's bra was the largest
<Jenova> :D
<Toru> ...
<Guest19645> ...
<Belle> trufact!
<Guest19645> I think I want to leave now.
<Tangrow> It is true
<Belle> :V
=-= Guest19645 is now known as Hatman
<Tangrow> I keep my valuables in there
* Toru hurls a boulder at Jen
<Jenova> no, I'm kidding DS
<Jenova> Don't leave |D
* Jenova throws a meteorite at it
<Tangrow> D:<
* Toru doesn't wear a bra, by the way.
<Jenova> If you did
<Tangrow> Of course not
<Belle> We know, brosef xD
<Tangrow> You are Dark's bra
<Tangrow> ...
<Tangrow> I mean brah
<Jenova> I would be slightly creeped ou-
<Jenova> ...
<Tangrow> Same thing
<Jenova> <<
<Belle> x:
<Toru> What was that Jen?
<Hatman> ...
<Hatman> xDD
<Tangrow> JEN QUICK
* Jenova throws arrows
<Hatman> OSHI-
<Jenova> IN THE AIR
<Jenova> ...
* Toru dies D:
* Jenova says AY-OH
<Jenova> D:<
|<-- Tunswapsies has left irc.systemnet.info (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
<Jenova> ...
<Belle> ..... noooooo
<Tangrow> why don't you uh
<Tangrow> Share your braness?
<Tangrow> :>
<Jenova> So I grope Belle's bra all day?
<Jenova> ...
<Belle> I
<Belle> yes
<Jenova> *Belle's boobs
<Toru> :D
<Belle> ......
<Belle> yes.
<Hatman> ...
<Tangrow> Oh you guys
<Belle> Yes you do.
-->| Tunmobile (Mibbit@SystemNet-5D33005A.range86-151.btcentralplus.com) has joined #pokecharms
<Tangrow> You're all such pervs
* Toru wants this job
<Belle> You are also stripey.
<Tangrow> :>
<Hatman> I really can't follow chat right now.
<Belle> And occasionally lacy.
<Tangrow> Even Tun :D
<Jenova> Says the tentacle monster, Ethan :V
<Tunmobile> whowhat D:
<Tangrow> Kekeke
<Hatman> BAM.
<Belle> ALSO DS
* Tangrow shant be logging this, someone else can :>
<Tangrow> WELL
<Belle> Yew still reading Househeld? :D
<Tangrow> :D
* Tunmobile cries
<Tunmobile> ...
<Tunmobile> *KILLED ME


Toru> On a side note - TITS.
<Jenova> ...
<Belle> ...
<Tangrow> Um.
<Teapot> ...
<Hatman> ...
<Tunmobile> ...
<Jenova> Toru evolved into Zacky
<Jenova> :x
<Belle> xD
=-= YOU (Toru) have been booted from #pokecharms by Teapot ((.)(.))
[4:20:02 PM] Zachary : ♥
[4:20:04 PM] Zachary : my princess
[4:20:06 PM] Zachary : my love
[4:20:12 PM] Zachary : my ice cream truck ♥
[4:20:18 PM] Zachary : now
[4:20:23 PM] Zachary : let me tell you why
[4:20:25 PM] Zachary : i refer to you as my ice cream truck
[4:20:30 PM] Zachary : growing up
[4:20:33 PM] Zachary : i always wanted one
[4:20:36 PM] Zachary : and i never got it
[4:20:49 PM] Zachary : until you came along because your that unobtainable girl
[4:20:52 PM] Zachary : that every guy wants
[4:20:55 PM] Zachary : and BOOM
[4:20:56 PM] Zachary i get
[4:20:58 PM] Zachary : :'D
[4:21:02 PM] Zachary : your my ice cream truck :'D
[4:21:28 PM] Danielle: you need to log that
[4:21:29 PM] Danielle: XDD
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17:31 Tunduli COUGH COUGH
17:32 Tunduli chokes
17:32 *** Tunduli is now known as Guest7497
17:32 DaftSoul ...
17:32 Guest7497 ...
17:32 Guest7497 whoopslol

Cause of death; Respiratory issues. Time of death; 17:31.

17:36 DaftSoul (Do tell me about any type's or borks :x)
17:36 DaftSoul ...
17:36 DaftSoul *typo
17:36 Tun xD
17:36 DaftSoul I typo'd typo.
17:36 DaftSoul I fail at life.
17:36 DaftSoul |D
17:36 DaftSoul ...
17:36 Tun -J
17:36 Tun >>
17:36 Tun <<
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17:38 SirOnyx I like badminton
17:39 Absy I like turtles
17:39 Tunblerone I like goodminton :>
17:39 StellarWind I like biomecha.
17:39 SirOnyx I like Pokemon.
17:39 Tunblerone I love lamp
17:39 StellarWind I like the chat.
17:39 Hatman I like lightning.
17:39 SirOnyx I like grass
17:39 Hatman I like saying I like.
17:39 Absy I like... things~
17:39 Hatman We all do.

I like...
[22] -->| Moosechu (wmage@moose.chu) has joined #pokecharms
[22] <Moosechu> O_O
[22] * Moosechu mooses Belle up
[22] <Tangrow> Oh dear
[22] <Tangrow> That um
[22] <Tangrow> Oh
[22] <Tangrow> Oh my
[22] * Tangrow looks away
[22] <Moosechu> ...
[22] <Moosechu> dat ass
[22] <Belle> oh moose ♥

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
* SCT has a civilized conversation with a cat :> It says, "meow meow."
[100]«Tangrelle» SCT, I do believe that kitten has just insulted your mother.
[100]«SCT» DDDD:
* StellarWind dies XD
[100]«SCT» I thought it was just being friendly!
[100]«SCT» Well I will go say to it
[100]«SCT» "meow meow meow mrrr!"
[100]«SCT» to let it know how I feel about its malice!
·StellarWind· ... uh, love...
·StellarWind· How exactly is talking about doing your taxes in autumn going to inform it about your feelings?
[100]«Rex» ...
<quit> Kalseng (Testbug@SystemNet-15C8C5E5.woh.res.rr.com) has QUIT 6:30am "Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.17/20110121150729]"
[100]«Tangrelle» Huh
[100]«Tangrelle» So Feint does damage now regardless?
[100]«Tangrelle» That's nice
* Tangrelle thinks he'll also uh, log that little exchange between SCT and the cat :x
[100]«SCT» good, now everyone will know how mean that cat is
[100]«Tangrelle» Wait no I don't wanna post again so Stel can do it :>
[100]«SCT» and that it talks bad about peoples' moms D:
[100]«Tangrelle» Well, maybe you shouldn't have stepped on it D:
·StellarWind· Will do, Tan XD
[100]«SCT» Buhbuhbuh
[100]«SCT» It got under my feet!
[100]«SCT» It was looking to be stepped on D:
[100]«Tangrelle» Annnnd because Feint does damage regardless now, it only has 30 BP
[100]«SCT» No matter where I stepped
[100]«SCT» cats!
[100]«Tangrelle» Which puts it back to uselesss :<
[100]«SCT» thousands of them!
[100]«SCT» well only one
[100]«Tangrelle» XD
[100]«SCT» but it seemed like thousands :<
I was showing Bara a Sims 3 home.

<baratron> but yeah, i have no problem with EXTRA bathrooms
<baratron> they don't need to be full bathrooms with a bath or shower, but sims always seem to need to pee at the most inconvenient moment
<Jenova> xD
<Jenova> It's as if they've all returned to kindergarten phases again
<Tangrelle> There needs to be a toilet
<Tangrelle> In every room
<Tangrelle> Even in the closet
<Jenova> Also, that house is apparently the largest I can go without massive lag.
<Tangrelle> You never know
<Jenova> ...
* Jenova puts a toilet on Ethan's head
<Jenova> :D
* Tangrelle looks at Jen expectantly
<Tangrelle> Come on then
<Jenova> ...
<Tangrelle> :>
<Tangrelle> You wanted it
<Belle> ...
<Tangrelle> PEE
<Tangrelle> ON
<Tangrelle> ME
<Tangrelle> D:<


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
[16] <%Yoshimitsu> well
[16] <%Yoshimitsu> i just nearly set my room on fire
16:56] <@Sem> There's more glamorous ways to kick the bucket you know
[16] <%Yoshimitsu> i didnt mean to start the fire
[16] <%Yoshimitsu> but
[16] <%Yoshimitsu> at least i'd end like i lived
[16] <%Yoshimitsu> flaming
17:26 *** DaftSoul joined #pokecharms
Pokecharms.com - Wii love pizza. Pizza is cool. | Join us on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/charmsFB - over 151 fans! | Alex is playing his 3DS
Topic set by DoctorOak on Fri Mar 25 14:00:21 UTC+0100 2011
17:26 DaftSoul OSHI-
17:26 DaftSoul is caught in explosion
17:26 PokeGirlPraure You okay Soul?
17:27 NickServ Your nickname is now being changed to Guest53246
17:27 *** DaftSoul is now known as Guest53246
17:27 Guest53246 ...Apparently not.
17:27 Guest53246 >>
17:27 Guest53246 <<

In reaction to Tunsplosion. Mibbit has epic timings. |D
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Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
[18] <Virgil> what if daycares in real life were like they were in Pokemon
[18] <Virgil> all the kids made eggs
[18] <Virgil> I think I'm glad they aren't

EDIT for 3/28:
[18] <MijumaRX> Sem, dear; I am in need of thy friend code :>
[18] <TheBlueAvenger> <8-Ball> Sure, baby. Whatever you say. *wink*
[18] <@Sem> what he said ;D
[18] <Shiny> XD

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
·biomechArtisan· ...
·biomechArtisan· Waitaminute
·biomechArtisan· Holy shit.
·biomechArtisan· Is... what i think happening happening?
·biomechArtisan· ...
[100]«Carmen» xD
·biomechArtisan· ... or something XD
[100]«Carmen» Piplup was cute
·biomechArtisan· ... Nice recovery.
·biomechArtisan· I thought all was lost.
·biomechArtisan· XD
[100]«Teapot» whew
[100]«Carmen» and then his little gag got old
[100]«Carmen» Really old
[100]«Teapot» apocalypse averted.
·biomechArtisan· Yes XD
22:09 DollSoul THERE
22:09 DollSoul ...
22:09 DollSoul reviews his biblical teachings

...It was Mozes, right?

22:52 Tundolli It's fun in Shetland :D
22:52 *** Indoll quit (Quit: I read that as Stoutland :s)
22:52 Tundolli We got to shave sheep and milk cows and stuff c:
22:52 DollSoul Really? It sounds rather...
22:53 DollSoul *sunglasses*
22:53 DollSoul Shetty.
22:53 Tundolli ...
22:53 Tundolli coughs
22:53 Tundolli ... the grass tastes nicer there, too c:
22:53 DollSoul ♥
22:53 DollSoul ...
22:53 DollSoul I, uhm...
22:53 DollSoul ...What?
22:54 Tundolli ... it tastes like butter! D:
22:54 DollSoul (The grass here is best, because we have three different rivers feeding it and lots of pete to give it nutrients D:<)
22:54 Rex Dark, I will cut off your fingers with a cigar cutter.
22:55 DollSoul ...That's nice to know.
22:55 DollSoul May I ask why?
22:55 Rex You may not.
22:56 DollSoul Well, then.
22:56 DollSoul Can it at least be my left hand?
22:56 DollSoul I would like being able to write afterwards.
22:56 Rex No. It will be both.
22:56 Carmen ...
22:57 DollSoul Can't let you do that, Starfox.
22:57 Carmen What on earth
22:57 DollSoul moonwalks away
22:57 Carmen How did we get onto the subject of cutting off DS's fingers?
22:57 DollSoul logs this xDD
22:57 Rex And then I will deep fry them and shove them down your throat.
22:58 Carmen anyway
22:58 *** Rex was kicked by KoL (That's my line, junior)
22:58 Carmen lol
22:58 *** Rex joined #pokecharms
22:58 DollSoul Can they be baked in the oven instead? I like it with less fat.
22:58 Rex No.
22:58 Tundolli ...
22:58 Tundolli I'm um
22:58 Tundolli hides behind Tobiichan
22:59 KoL Dark, I'm taking over from here
22:59 KoL The fingers are going up your ass
22:59 KoL And you WILL enjoy it
22:59 Toru hugs Tun
22:59 DollSoul digs straight down with a diamond pickaxe
22:59 Toru Don't worry Tunnu :3
22:59 DollSoul I PREFER LAVA

...Well, yeah. I could say we are psycho, but it'd be an understatement.
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On Pokémon Online. Axelotl is me, btw.

(22:46:43) Axelotl: Shofu's one of my favorite wifi battlers.
(22:46:45) Pawi: flash cannon can OHKO
(22:46:49) Groret: (21:46:31) +RankingBot: Your rank in Wifi UU is 36/7482! ♥
(22:46:52) JJ Redick: shofu is god
(22:46:52) Axelotl: Love the way he talks.
(22:46:54) Young Don JW: Ive subbed shofu
(22:46:54) Pako: My fav's Xerxes.
(22:46:55) Mr. Whiscash: Shofu's one of the only wifi battlers i can tolerate
(22:47:04) Sydney: xenon!
(22:47:04) Mr. Whiscash: also he spits mad rhyme
(22:47:06) Mr. Whiscash: s
(22:47:08) Pako: Shofu's funny though
(22:47:10) Mr. Whiscash: well actually just the one
(22:47:13) Axelotl: He does xD
(22:47:13) shofu: ...