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The Chatlog Topic!

15:31 PokeGirlPraure Hey Absy~
15:35 Absy I wanted Tun to be on ; A ;
15:35 Teapot She's not often on on Sundays, to be honest.
15:35 PokeGirlPraure A request?
15:36 Absy Chea, I wanted to give her a request~
15:36 Teapot prolly best to ask her directly. XD
15:37 Zancrow ...todays Monday, Petey
15:37 Teapot ...
15:37 Absy xD
15:37 Teapot explodes.
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<Indguini> Tunnu~
<Tun> I can't walk past a starbucks or whatever without dying a bit
<Tun> ... xDDD


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
In which we discuss the Dream World bed:

21:33 <%KoL> Put Electrode in the bed, then it'd explode randomly and kill everyone
21:33 <%Teapot> KoL: one word.
21:33 <%Teapot> Wailord.
21:34 <%KoL> We've already deduced there's no way Wailord is getting into that bed
21:34 <%KoL> It's far too small for his behemoth ass
21:34 <@Sem> unless there's a Skitty in it
21:35 <%KoL> In which case Wailord belly-flops the bed and destroys everything beneath

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
·biomechArtisan· Oddly enough
·biomechArtisan· I had a feeling you'd know about Cave Story, of all people here
[100]«Jenova» xD
·biomechArtisan· You seem to run into the weirdest indie games ever
[100]«Jenova» Yup.
·biomechArtisan· Because you're totally anti-mainstream.
[100]«Jenova» xD
·biomechArtisan· .... FFFF HIPSTER JENOVA.
·biomechArtisan· as in FF7 Jenova.
[100]«Jenova» xD
·biomechArtisan· I can picture her
·biomechArtisan· with a scarf
·biomechArtisan· and like
·biomechArtisan· hipster glasses
·biomechArtisan· reading Homestuck
·biomechArtisan· and being all
·biomechArtisan· "Hmph. I crashed meteors into planets BEFORE it was the cool thing to do."
[100]«Jenova» What's weird is that I /have/ hipster-esque glasses FFFFFFFFF
[100]«Jenova» xD
·biomechArtisan· XDDDD
[100]«Jenova» I don't know /how/ I get into these weird indie games because most of the time, I found them long before the whole "indie" thing became popu-
[100]«Jenova» OH DEAR GOD
[100]«Jenova» ><

The Hipster Reunion is at hand.
21:34 Toru thinks we should blow this scene
21:35 Toru gets everybody and the stuff together
21:35 Toru Okay,
21:35 Toru 3
21:35 Toru 2
21:35 Toru 1
21:35 Toru Let's Jam.
21:35 Belle I enjoy jam o:
21:35 Jenova Very nice with toast
21:35 Hatman Peanut butter's better, though.
21:35 Toru ...
21:35 Belle So truueeee
21:35 Jenova ... However, toasting the jam /with/ the toast itself is so awesome
21:35 Hatman Tried butter with cinnamon and sugar on toat?
21:35 Hatman *toast?
21:35 Jenova eats peanut butter raw 8U

Not quite the reaction Toru was expecting.
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[17] <Shiny> wb Zacky~
[17] <Zachary> hi weird child
[17] <Zachary> who i don't even know
[17] <Zachary> but will smile and wave at to keep my facade up
[17] <Shiny> !
[17] * Zachary smile and waves
[17] * Shiny cries
[17] <Shiny> does Zacky not know me?
[17] <Zachary> No
[17] <Shiny> did he forget who I was?
[17] <Zachary> Probably?
[17] <Shiny> the forums! Shiny Eevee!
[17] <Shiny> football!
[17] <Zachary> Hmm..
[17] <Zachary> Not ringing a belle
[17] <Zachary> (lol pun)
[17] <Shiny> ...
[17] <Shiny> not even the Asian football part?
[17] <Zachary> What does being Asian have to do with being a football?
[17] <Zachary> thats my question.
[17] <Shiny> I'm Asian, and people always kick me around in chat!
[17] <Shiny> at least, back in 2007/2008 they did
[17] <Zachary> Yeaaaaaaaah
[17] <Zachary> not ringing any belles
[17] <Zachary> :X
[17] * Zachary ponders long and hard on this
[17] <Shiny> I like Fairy Tail, like you!
[17] <Zachary> So doesn't half the world now because of me!
[17] <Shiny> I'm Sem's "adopted daughter"
[17] <Zachary> Oh
[17] <Zachary> Ew
[17] <@biomechArtisan> ...
[17] <Zachary> I would get un-adopted
[17] <Zachary> :x
[17] <@biomechArtisan> Maybe this would refresh his memory.
[17] * @biomechArtisan uses Assist.
[17] <Shiny> o-o
[17] * @biomechArtisan laser-fans Zacky.
[17] <Zachary> Oh now I remember!
[17] <Zachary> Thanks Stel :D
[17] <@biomechArtisan> Sure thing. ^^ XD
[17] * Shiny laser-fans Stel for using her weapon D:<
[17] <Zachary> My daily trolling is now done
[17] * @biomechArtisan armblade-blocks
[17] <Zachary> I'm off to terrorize the old country buffet
[17] <Shiny> ... you armblade aren't mirrors, are they? o-o
[17] * Zachary snaps his cape on and does an awkward pose
[17] * Zachary flies off through a building
[17] <Zachary> Obviously
[17] <Shiny> jdrewiuofhrvui32o
[17] * Shiny shoots herself for being so gullible
[17] <Zachary> yes suicide is the reasonable answer for being so damn trusting >>
[17] <Shiny> it's just a figure of speech D:<
[17] <@Sem> Shiny dear
[17] <Shiny> ?
[17] <@Sem> Zacky is always annoying
[17] <@Sem> doesn't matter if it's on purpose ;D
[17] <Shiny> ...
[17] <Shiny> more so because his flames always tries to melt my icicles <<
[17] <Zachary> Your just jealous that I'm just more sexy then you are
[17] * Zachary poses in his spandex super hero coustume

I love you Shiny ♥

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
·biomechArtisan· Honestly
·biomechArtisan· the entire female cast of pokemon
·biomechArtisan· can go eat a brick.
·biomechArtisan· that is
·biomechArtisan· the main cast
[100]«Tangrelle» Iris can't eat a brick
[100]«Tangrelle» Her hair will /absorb/ it
·biomechArtisan· She can ABSORB IT WITH HER HA-
[100]«Tangrelle» :-O\
·biomechArtisan· DAMNIT TANGROW


[100]«KoL» The entire series actually takes place within her hair
[100]«Jenova» xD
[100]«Tangrelle» KoL wait
[100]«Tangrelle» A HAIR WITHIN A HAIR!?
[100]«Tangrelle» :-O
[100]«KoL» That's right, Iris's hair is so big that Iris's hair is inside Iris's hair
·biomechArtisan· .................
[100]«Jenova» Unova and the entire pokemon world is a tumor on her hair?
·biomechArtisan· IRICEPTION
[100]«Jenova» XD
[100]«Tangrelle» It's like Iricep-
[100]«Carmen» xD
[100]«Tangrelle» DAMMIT STEL

The cycle completes. XD
12:58 Teapot hai Absy
12:59 Tailon hai Absy
12:59 Absy Hey Teapot and everyone else ^^
12:59 Teapot .....

Meh, not much, I just thought it was a bit funny as all~

20:50 *** Pinkie_Pie is now known as RainbowDash
20:51 RainbowDash I might just be changing my name to random ponies' names every two seconds, so don't mind me |D
20:51 Jenova Fluttershy is my favorite
20:51 Jenova ... Derpie is a very close second
20:52 Jenova c:
20:52 RainbowDash Fluttershy is weird
20:52 RainbowDash Rainbow Dash is best, lesbian ponies ftw ♥
20:52 PokeGirlPraure ....
20:52 PokeGirlPraure Ew
20:52 RainbowDash jk jk I'm totally straaaaaaight DX
20:52 RainbowDash I hope
20:52 Jenova ...
20:53 Indpony ...
20:53 Jenova ANYWAY

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
[20] <Tangrelle> Is this real!Shiny :o
[20] <Shiny> yes
[20] <Shiny> this is real!Shiny
[20] <Shiny> why? o-o
[20] <Tangrelle> Oh heavens
[20] <Tangrelle> Well you've been on chat for like what
[20] <Tangrelle> A week
[20] <Tailon> Cause it could've been man!Shiny
[20] <Shiny> XD
[20] <Tangrelle> And you haven't said anything the whole time
[20] <Shiny> yeah
[20] <Shiny> sorry :x
[20] <Shiny> well, at least I'm back
[20] <Shiny> and I haven't seen man!Shiny for at least a month now
[20] <Tangrelle> Ahoo
[20] <Carmen> lol manShiny
[20] <Tangrelle> You killed him :o
[20] <Carmen> Shinyman
[20] <Rex> There can be only one.
[20] <Shiny> XD
[20] <Carmen> Hm
[20] <Carmen> if there was a second Rex here
[20] <Shiny> nice to know I'm that popular here
[20] <Carmen> We'd call him Rextwo
[20] <Carmen> Or Tworex (Torex)
[20] <Shiny> XD
[20] <Shiny> like Mewtwo?
[20] <Shiny> but instead as Rextwo?
[20] <Rex> I'd murder them.
[20] <Carmen> Yeah
[20] <Carmen> Only unlike Mew and Mewtwo were the latter is the violent
[20] <Carmen> Rextwo would be some innocent newbie
[20] <Carmen> and Rex would maim Rextwo in a horrible way
[20] <Carmen> *violent one
[20] <Carmen> But alas
[20] <Carmen> There can only be one
[20] <Carmen> We'd force the other Rex to assume a new identify
[20] <Carmen> *identity
[20] <Shiny> being the meaners we are :3
[20] <Rex> Only if he wants to live.

On a different note...

[20] <Kalseng> PFffft
[20] <Kalseng> I knew Shiny before she was popular
[20] <Kalseng> -hipster glasses-
[20] <Shiny> XD
[20] <Carmen> lol
[20] <Shiny> yes, because you totally knew me before 2008 :p
[20] <Carmen> I was into Twilight before it was popular
[20] <Carmen> -hipster glasses-
16:05 Indie Toru ^^
16:05 Indie Which do you think would suit me more for cosplay~?
16:05 Indie Death the Kid
16:06 Indie or Grell?
16:08 Indie http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9 ... N2ZMTrII4Q
16:08 Indie the latter >>
16:24 Toru Death the Kid
16:24 Toru DEATH THE KID
16:24 Toru PLEASE
16:24 Toru Komachi would be cooler anyway
16:25 Indie but I really like Grell's hair D:
16:26 Toru Grell looks fucking weird
16:27 Toru And she's wearing fairly revealing girls clothing - it'd look really weird
16:27 Indie its a he
16:27 Toru Oh god, he's a trap too Dx
16:27 Indie Congratulations Toru, you can now see into everything

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
15:36 Dwayna then my baby will kickku you Sem
15:36 Sem it'll need to burst out of you first
15:36 Sem You don't want that
15:36 Sem is invincible!
15:36 Dwayna not quite yet no
15:37 Sem well
15:37 Sem invincible until Dway has her baby
15:37 Sem who she will train to kill me
15:37 Dwayna totally
15:37 Dwayna :p
15:37 Sem "Your first word was Mommy... I've been teaching you to say 'I hate Sem' though!"
15:38 Dwayna this needs to be logged :3
15:38 Sem Obviously your baby is my nemesis
15:39 Sem I shall fight it to the ends of the earth


15:52 Dwayna okay that kick was a bit painful
15:52 Dwayna settle down D<
15:52 Sem Your baby just can't wait to get into my face
15:52 Sem if you left the chat it would stop I bet
15:52 Sem no longer being in my presence
15:52 Dwayna XD
15:53 Sem experiment time!
15:53 Tangrelle Or if Sem departed, ahoahdoshdoshdoohooohoo
15:53 Tangrelle :>
15:53 Sem go into the kitchen for a couple minutes
15:53 P_M Dwayna's offspring was trying to attack Sem XD
15:53 Sem actually I need to get more pizza
15:53 Sem I'LL go to the kitchen
15:53 Sem when I return we shall see the results
15:54 Dwayna It's still moving around
15:54 Dwayna Just BTW
15:54 Sem cack is a synomym for poop
15:54 Sem just thought I should mention it
15:54 Sem goes now


16:02 Sem returns!
16:02 Sem RESULTS
16:02 Sem tell me
16:02 Dwayna It calmed down an then starte kicking again just before you came back
16:02 Sem such perceptive hate powers
16:02 Dwayna yes
16:03 Sem you should be... proud?
16:03 Sem I guess
16:03 Dwayna XD
16:03 P_M You have a fine offspring Milady
16:04 Dwayna Why thank you, Brian XD
16:04 Sem This means I could never visit
16:04 Sem it would sense me coming and shoot down the plane
16:05 Sem "... Deeeeeeaaaaaaar. Where are you going with that anti-aircraft rocket?"
16:05 Sem "... where did you even get something like that..."
16:06 Dwayna Pfft XD

Not even born yet and already made an arch-nemesis of Sem. >>; XD

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
At #RPHere ...

[21] <Tangrelle> Oh RMA
[21] <Tangrelle> Did I mention
[21] <Shiny> ... almost four now, actually
[21] <Tangrelle> You have a baby
[21] <Tangrelle> tangrow got out and violently raeped you under the influence
[21] <Tangrelle> Oopsies
[21] <Tangrelle> c:
[18:53:39] DeftSoul Carmen should totally watch the Yogscast.
[18:53:50] Carmen What's that?
[18:54:48] DeftSoul You know that game, Minecraft?
[18:54:56] Carmen No
[18:55:17] DeftSoul ...
[18:55:25] DeftSoul Then you haven't lived |:
[18:56:27] LoN Yogscast is pretty hilarious
[18:56:29] |<-- Carmen has left irc.systemnet.info (Client exited)
[18:56:35] LoN To the point of death
[18:56:39] LoN shutsu p
[18:59:33] -->| DaftSoul has joined #Pokecharms
[18:59:59] DaftSoul >>
[19:00:10] LoN finds it so insulting that Twitter thinks I should follow Wayne Rooney and people from McFly
[19:00:11] LoN -.-
[19:00:19] |<-- Kamaran has left irc.systemnet.info (Broken pipe)
[19:00:29] DaftSoul http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Gi9-UZKYo4
[19:00:33] LoN Ok so every time I've spoken, someone has died
[19:00:35] |<-- DeftSoul has left irc.systemnet.info (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[19:00:35] LoN
[19:00:37] LoN WHAT
[19:00:39] DaftSoul ...
[19:00:41] DaftSoul
[19:00:48] LoN Log pls? :<
[19:00:53] LoN Don't die
[19:01:01] |<-- DaftSoul has left irc.systemnet.info (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
20:15 *** Shiny joined #pokecharms
20:15 *** Lyni joined #pokecharms
20:16 *** Shiny is now known as Guest27330
20:16 *** Lyni is now known as Guest9527
20:16 Guest27330 ....
20:16 Jenova ...
20:16 Jenova :x
20:16 *** Guest27330 is now known as ghost
20:17 *** Guest9527 is now known as Shiny
20:17 ghost frewbuviw
20:17 *** ghost is now known as Lyni
20:17 *** Shiny quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by Lyni))
20:17 Lyni THERE
20:17 Lyni >
20:17 Toastie o:
20:17 *** Shiny joined #pokecharms
20:18 Jenova ...
20:18 Jenova :V
20:18 Lyni .....
20:18 Lyni STUPID
20:18 Lyni GAAAAAAA
20:18 *** Shiny quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by Lyni))
20:18 *** Lyni is now known as Shiny
20:18 Shiny THERE
20:18 Shiny STAY OUT
20:18 Shiny FOREVER
20:18 *** Lyni joined #pokecharms
20:19 Shiny NOOOOOOOO
20:19 Shiny time for plan B then D:<
20:19 *** Shiny quit (Quit: Don't say good bye, for I'll always see you later. If not today, tomorrow, or a millenium later, I'll still see you later in the near future.)
20:19 *** Lyni is now known as Shiny
20:19 Toastie That was almost as confusing as Inception
[19:56:18] Brendan did all activity die when I walked in?
[19:56:35] Shocari Yes.
[19:56:38] LoN No"
[19:56:40] LoN No!* D:
[19:56:41] Shocari You should feel ashamed.
[19:56:45] Brendan Maybe
[19:56:47] LoN tapes Sho's mouth shut
[19:56:48] LoN :<
[19:56:52] Shocari You murdered countless innocent people.
[19:56:54] Brendan just a little
[19:56:57] Shocari mmhmam mahm hmhm
[19:57:04] LoN giggles uncontrollably
[19:57:05] |<-- DeftSoul has left irc.systemnet.info
[19:57:08] LoN :<
[19:57:09] LoN oops
[19:57:12] Shocari mhma!
[19:57:15] Brendan ... I didn't kill-
[19:57:18] Tun ... Dark died D:
[19:57:21] Brendan ... okay maybe just one
[19:57:52] Teapot Brendan: you mudrerer
[19:58:04] Tun hides behind Petey
[19:58:06] Shocari rips the tape off of his mouth
[19:58:08] LoN Goddamn mudrerers >>;
[19:58:15] Teapot cuddles Tun
[19:58:15] Shocari Data agrees!
[19:58:37] Brendan curls up in a corner and weeps over what he has become
18:44 PokeGirlPraure Is it OK to spam a few lyrics?
18:45 Teapot everyone else does :p
18:45 Tun She hiiiit
18:45 Tun Them wiiiitthh
18:45 Tun Her ten cent pistolllll~
18:45 Teapot see?
18:45 Tun ... I like how timely that was
18:45 PokeGirlPraure ...
18:45 Teapot that was well played, Tun.


18:44 DaftSoul Also, just pointing out
18:45 DaftSoul Their instruments were just layn wherever they were last used.
18:45 DaftSoul puts some quotes around that
18:45 Tun ... whoops
18:46 Tun *boooow, whoop dooop, doo-dooh!*
18:46 Tun ...
18:46 DaftSoul is shot

Tun is full of win.
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Expert FPS Player
Staff member
23:39 Zacky i think Black Amber called me an ass
23:39 Zacky check out the dissidia thread
23:39 KoL pulls out a fistful of chainsaws
23:40 *** Rain joined #pokecharms
23:40 KoL Don't know if he was calling you an ass or offering you one
23:41 KoL "(Just saw the post above the one above me well if you really want an @$$)"
23:41 KoL Do you want ass Zacky?
23:41 Zacky depends on who's ass
23:42 Zacky Kim Kardashian's ass?
23:42 Zacky yeah
23:42 KoL I don't know, he just offered you ass
23:42 Zacky Hmm
23:42 KoL Don't know who the ass belongs to
23:42 Zacky Let me debate this
23:42 Zacky I don't want his ass
23:42 Zacky So no
23:42 KoL He might not be offering his own ass
23:42 KoL He could be offering someone else's
23:43 Zacky such a gamble D:
23:43 KoL ...which is probably illegal in some countries, but there you go
23:43 KoL Of course, that opens up another can of worms...
23:44 KoL ...if he isn't offering his own ass, is the ass that he is offering better or worse than his own?
23:44 Rain Okay who is offering Zacky booty?
23:44 Zacky I dunno
23:44 KoL Black Amber wishes to offer ass to Zacky apparently
23:44 Zacky Some asses that look fantastic end up looking nasty
23:44 Zacky and asses that look like nothing end up being fantastic
23:44 Rain This is true
23:45 KoL Hmm, we don't have anything to go by...
23:45 Zacky We need a grade 5 ass
23:45 KoL ...he could be offering big, flabby, hairy sumo ass
23:45 Rain Ask for a picture of the offered ass
23:45 KoL Yes, a picture would help
23:45 Rain XDDD
23:46 Zacky lololol
23:46 KoL If he was offering such an ass, I can understand why he'd want to get rid of it
23:46 Rain Unless he likes this sort of thing.
23:46 Zacky I'm offended that he thinks that I want sumo ass
23:46 KoL Well, we don't know if he's actually offering that yet
23:46 Zacky true'
23:46 Rain Maybe he dislikes perfect asses so he's trying to rid of them
23:46 Zacky I like a risk
23:46 KoL ...and yes, some people do like that sort of thing
23:47 KoL Will you take the gamble and accept his...ass?
23:47 Rain You could always sell it
23:47 Zacky i will accept his ass
23:47 KoL You could
23:47 Zacky kneels down
23:47 KoL Put it on Amazon or eBay
23:47 Zacky I, Zachary, accept this ass to fight the evil
23:48 Rain In a chest full of ice.
23:48 KoL That said, we haven't actually deduced if the ass he is offering is even a human ass
23:48 KoL It could be from an animal
23:48 Rain ...could be a donkey
23:48 Zacky i like donkey's
23:48 KoL A donkey's ass. How appropriate
23:48 Rain ...Very
23:49 KoL Then again, he could be offering a donkey
23:49 Rain Exactly
23:49 KoL Which would be quite a good offer
23:49 Rain You could sell that too
23:49 Rain Or ride it in a donkey derby.
23:50 KoL ...or set it loose on the next door neighbor, donkeys quite enjoy inflicting surprise buttsecks on unsuspecting humans
23:50 Rain Or you could trade it for a wife.
23:51 KoL So many possibilities...
Rain My roommates keep eating all my food
Rain I bought 16 eggs, only ate 4, and now there's only 4 left.
Dwayna how many roomates do you have
Rain 2 besides me and Andrew, and Andrew HATES eggs
Dwayna so if you divide it up evenly, each of you has had approximately 4 eggs
Rain Yeah, but I bought them
Rain They have money for their own food and I'm not allowed to touch theirs
Dwayna then tell them that they're not allowed to touch your food
Rain I just don't know how to do it, I'm like afraid of being assertive because they're the type that get all dramatic about it and take it personally.
Rain And I kinda need all the food I buy, if you know what I mean
Rain And I'm sure you do
Dwayna yeah
Dwayna I know what you mean
Rain I think we're moving back to my parents soon..because then I don't have to worry about my food getting eaten by other people, and my doctor is in the same town that way.
Dwayna Let them be stupid drama queens and call them out on their hypocrisy
Dwayna if all else fails... knife goes in, guts come out. :3
Rain Like I just don't know how to say it, and also..I'm NEVER going to live with a friend as a roommate again, it's hard to tell them no and stuff.
Dwayna yeeeeah
Rain and they get on your nerves when you're around them too much and it ruins everything
Dwayna I can see the dilemma
Dwayna Bite back and steal their food D<
Rain That's what Andrew told me to do..but I just..can't, I'm not like them in that aspect..
Jenova Rain has a reason to eat, too
Dwayna Rain is pregnant
Dwayna blame it on that
Rain Well yeah, they have plenty of food too, I don't understand why the hell they take mine as well
Jenova The baby needs sustenance and nutrition D:<
Dwayna exactly
Dwayna and if they bitch about it tell them you had a craving
Dwayna I am an evil horrible person sometimes :3
Rain Yesterday was bad, I was missing a bottle of water that I had put in the freezer..and my roommate was like "Oh was that your water I threw away?" And my friend was like "There's more of them, don't worry."
Jenova I wonder if Dwayna's baby can communicate with Rain's baby
Rain Excuse me, I fucking bought those.
Jenova in a telepathic way.
Jenova "Hey there. Watcha doing?"
Rain I thought about putting sticky notes on my food with my name on it
Rain I HOPE they can!
Jenova "Creating a bomb so Sem can die."
Dwayna hnn
Jenova "I see. Lovely weather we're having, isn't it?"
Jenova "Why are you asking me, WE DON'T HAVE WINDOWSSSSSSSSSSS e_e"
Rain XD
Jenova "... Well excuse me for trying to come up with a pleasant conversation D:<"
Dwayna XD
Jenova You /should/ put sticky notes, Rain |D
Dwayna it's an idea
Rain It's a more passive aggressive approach, but they kinda did shit like that to me recently.
Dwayna passive aggressive is better than nothing
Rain ...What about the eggs? Should I write on them?
Jenova Write "Rain's egg" on each and every one
Jenova and put an angry face on them
Jenova c:
Dwayna YES
Dwayna Someone log this or something
Rain I'm lazy!!
Jenova ... Of course, if you weren't pregnant and they asked, you could have said that you were ovulating
Jenova :x
Dwayna Blame it on the hormones
Dwayna :3
Jenova Don't touch my eggs- I just laid them last night D:<
Dwayna XD
Rain XD


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
[17] <@Sem> I thought you had a girlfriend Petey
[17] <%Teapot> well I did
[17] <@Sem> Did Rex kill her?
[17] <%Teapot> ...
[17] <%Teapot> likely.

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
14:35 Yoshimitsu and also emo, rex
14:35 Sem Did someone say emo?
14:36 Dwayna yes, Sem
14:36 Dwayna El is saying it
14:36 Rex El is talking about Linkin Park being emo.
14:36 Sem oooh
14:36 Sem say it again
14:36 Dwayna ...
14:36 Dwayna >>
14:36 Dwayna <<
14:36 Dwayna OOC threads that
14:37 Yoshimitsu linkin park is emo
14:37 Sem tingles all over
14:37 Sem Now THAT is ooc
14:37 Sem not whatever it is I said before
14:37 Dwayna kay fien
14:37 Dwayna logs the whole thing in OOC
14:37 Sem and actually no because I said it on purpose :x
14:37 Sem so it's actually in context
14:37 Yoshimitsu chatlog it instead


StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
A synthesis that should not have been sequenced...

SCT says:
It's Crayola washable paint - the best it could have made was a finger painting of a crooked house and a sun with a smiley face and sunglasses.

StellarWind Elsydeon says:
Are they Kamina glasses... Or Horatio glasses?
This is a massively important distinction!

SCT says:
both. they are so badly drawn that they are both. at the same time

StellarWind Elsydeon says:
In which case.
You know...
the drill.


Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
[16] |<-- Jenova has left irc.systemnet.info (Broken pipe)
[16] Shiny o-o
[16] Dwayna ...
[16] Belle ...
[16] Dwayna Killing people again, dear|?
[16] Belle KoL, why would you even do that
[16] Belle we were having a conversation D:<
[16] KoL It's me, I do that
[16] Belle :c
[16] DysTuvai Death by the Power of Pingas.
[16] DysTuvai Truly, a dangerous weapon.
[16] Belle it was too m-
[16] Belle actually
[16] Belle no
[16] Belle I think finishing that would be illegal
[16] Dwayna wut
[16] DysTuvai and since this is illegal (you know) MAH CAKES WILL BURN

EDIT (6/25): and another.
[15] SirRed I still say I'm innocent :v
[15] Linkachu but I can has want more always~
[15] Shocari PIZZA PARTY
[15] -->| PokeGirlPraure (chatzilla@DD478345.A7B9EF85.5A9084C5.IP) has joined #pokecharms
[15] Linkachu Red: You know you're officially dead in the game now, yes? XD
[15] Shocari did not read that as "Linkachu grabs her Black Friend again
[15] Shocari "
[15] Shocari :x
[15] Shiny hai Praure XD
[15] SirRed Of course :p
[15] Linkachu Data already revealed what you were~ ;D
[15] PokeGirlPraure Hey all ^^
[15] Linkachu Sho... XD
[15] SirRed I know, now I'm just a ghost~ :O
[15] Linkachu Hey PokeGirl =)
[15] SirRed Sho and I can hang out and do ghost things ;D
[15] Shocari I've been a ghost :V
[15] Shocari since Oct 31, 2009
[15] Shocari :O
[15] Linkachu I wanna play next time D:
[15] Linkachu I keep calling all this stuff ='D
[15] Shiny XD
[15] Shiny I know right, Katie?
[15] Linkachu except MR. RMA being 'exploded surprised me
[15] Shiny that's why I asked to take Rain's spot >;3
[15] Shocari you even called pyro?
[15] Shiny pyro was annoying
[15] Shiny ... for some reason
[15] Linkachu Pyro seems like the "let's kill someone who's not our friend" sort of death tbh :x
[15] SirRed Pyro was simply me going "Let's just pick a random and go~"
[15] Shocari I want to see El vs Sem
[15] SirRed was totally the brains of the operation |D
[15] SirRed Or something :p
[15] Shiny I want to know who the other mafia are, Red :3
[15] Shiny pwease~
[15] Shocari I have a suspicion who the others are
[15] KoL was actually responsible for RMA being incinerated
[15] Shocari NO SHINY
[15] Shocari YOU ARE IN THE GAME
[15] SirRed You're still playing >:T
[15] Shiny XD
[15] Shiny I know XD
[15] Shiny i was kidding :p
[15] Shiny ... HO GOD SHORI
[15] Shiny *OH
[15] Shiny WHY D:<
[15] Linkachu No cheating >:D
[15] Linkachu rofl
[15] Shocari is good like that
[15] Shiny cries
[15] SirRed Shiny takes me for an idjit D:
[15] Shiny ... wha
[15] -->| Sem (Sem@SystemNet-C60104DD.austin.res.rr.com) has joined #pokecharms
[15] Shiny no I don't
[15] Shiny DADDY
[15] =-= Mode #Pokecharms +o Sem by ChanServ
[15] Shiny D:
[15] SirRed I was joking ;D
[15] Sem kills everyone
[15] Shiny XD
[15] SirRed Sem~ :D
[15] SirRed is killed...again
[15] Sem No one picks on the daughter that I wish I hadn't adopted >=o
[15] Shiny XD
[15] Shiny love ya too, Sem :p
[15] Sem as you should
[15] Shiny :3
[15] Linkachu game hai Sem~
[15] SirRed Wutno, I love Sem the most D:
[15] Linkachu Also, I gotta go now. Sorry Pheo, but we'll have to trade laters :(
[15] Linkachu Bye you peoples ^^
[15] Pheonix okie XD
[15] Shiny D:
[15] Shiny bai Katiechu
[15] Linkachu Also, Red: I LOVE SEM MOSTEST, HOE >:D
[15] SirRed Bye Katie T-T
[15] PokeGirlPraure See ya
[15] Shiny even though he steals your pizzas?
[15] PokeGirlPraure Also hi Sem
[15] Linkachu Sem's too lovely to torture~
[15] Sem ...
[15] Sem But you do it all the time
[15] Shiny ... or is it the other way around?
[15] Shiny XD
[15] Sem It's a strange relationship me and Katie share
[15] Linkachu Exactly :D
[15] Sem hate/hate
[15] Sem spite/spite
[15] Linkachu words of poison/words of poison
[15] Sem wordsarepoison/biyatchness
[15] Linkachu emjwtkwer
[15] Linkachu HAHAHA XD
[15] Shiny ... XDDDD
[15] Sem readingminds/readingminds
[15] Linkachu right, gone now. Toodles~
[15] Shocari pizzawhore/pizzawhore :x
[15] Sem stfu
[15] |<-- Linkachu has left irc.systemnet.info (Quit: )
[15] Sem slaps Sho
[15] Shocari is slapped even though it is true D:


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
[07] * Sem is now known as Rihanna
[07] <@Rihanna> whores
[07] <@Rihanna> how dare this be registered
[07] <@Rihanna> I am Rihanna
[07] * Rihanna is now known as Sem
[07] <%Yoshimitsu> hee hee hee
[07] <Rex> ... I look away for ten minutes. =|
[07] <@Sem> I am actually Rihanna
[07] <@Sem> have been this whole time
[07] <@Sem> And I want you to make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world
[07] <@Sem> using chains and whips
[07] <@Sem> which excite me
[07] <Rex> But you're so hard.
<%Yoshimitsu> http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lngil ... o1_400.png
<%Yoshimitsu> want to be this person
<Jenova> That's a very sexy person.
<&Linkachu> ..
<&Linkachu> it's Squall
<&Linkachu> El wants to be Squall ;p
<%Yoshimitsu> i do ;_;
<%Yoshimitsu> or riku
<&Linkachu> rofl
<&Linkachu> Maybe I'm a lion
<%Yoshimitsu> i'm goin' to The Extreme
<&Linkachu> ...
<&Linkachu> bad
<&Linkachu> BAD PUN >=O
<%Yoshimitsu> :(
<Carmen> lol
<GrimeRX> Don't be afraid, Katie :>
* %Yoshimitsu seppukus again
<&Linkachu> lol slow to reply
<%Yoshimitsu> force your way, katie :3
<&Linkachu> ... XD
<%Yoshimitsu> i know you have your eyes on me ;D
<&Linkachu> This will be a Decisive Battle!
<GrimeRX> I mean, after all, you're only a plank between one and perdition
<%Yoshimitsu> you've gotta make a choice, will you shuffle or boogie?
<%Yoshimitsu> but look out for the man with the machine gun
<GrimeRX> The stage is set, hurry and decide D:<
<&Linkachu> Will you take the Oath? :O
<%Yoshimitsu> ,i follow the succession of witches
<%Yoshimitsu> it's my mission
<%Yoshimitsu> (no one else is gonna understand this, are they?)
<&Linkachu> ...
* &Linkachu got stuck listening to the Oath :'D
<&Linkachu> because gods I love this song ;-;
<%Yoshimitsu> i love the oath :3
<&Linkachu> It's where I belong ;D
<%Yoshimitsu> it's a part of my mind ;3
<%Yoshimitsu> with the fragments of memories
<GrimeRX> Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinose >:0
<%Yoshimitsu> can i interest you in some roses and wine?
<&Linkachu> Will you waltz for the moon with me? :'D
<%Yoshimitsu> it'll be a sacrifice
<GrimeRX> But what of the Tears of the Moon? :o
<%Yoshimitsu> but love grows
<&Linkachu> I guess we're rivals then
<%Yoshimitsu> let's ride on
<%Yoshimitsu> towards the truth
<%Yoshimitsu> 'cause...
<%Yoshimitsu> maybe i'm a lion
<%Yoshimitsu> >;3
<GrimeRX> Or maybe you'd prefer a dance with the Balamb fish?
<%Yoshimitsu> the legendary beast?
<%Yoshimitsu> trust me
<%Yoshimitsu> it's heresy
<GrimeRX> Naw, Timber Owls
<%Yoshimitsu> all is under her control
<%Yoshimitsu> and a little bit breezy
<%Yoshimitsu> in the blue fields
<%Yoshimitsu> where we can make the landing
<GrimeRX> ...and then there was silence and motion.
<&Linkachu> How did you find your way?
<%Yoshimitsu> someone needs to log this
<%Yoshimitsu> just don't be the loser
<%Yoshimitsu> be the winner!
<%Yoshimitsu> and don't get jailed
<GrimeRX> But its martial law, I might be jailed D:
<%Yoshimitsu> with ami
<%Yoshimitsu> if you're the spy
<%Yoshimitsu> expect retaliation
<GrimeRX> Never look back, El
<GrimeRX> look to the blue sky
<%Yoshimitsu> but what about the residents?
<&Linkachu> You've planted the SeeD
<%Yoshimitsu> i'll set my sights for Fisherman's Horizon
<GrimeRX> the clouds are drifting lazily
* Talon_Raid is now known as Tailon
<%Yoshimitsu> but tell me
<%Yoshimitsu> the intruders?
<GrimeRX> the ones in the castle?
<%Yoshimitsu> are they wounded?
<GrimeRX> it seems their leader, Cactus Jack, has eluded us D:
<GrimeRX> he is the man with a machine gun
<&Linkachu> We're at the junction now
<GrimeRX> I beleive Julia also escaped with him.
<GrimeRX> I did not foresse this in the premonition within my mind
<GrimeRX> all I saw was the compression of time
<%Yoshimitsu> the lunatic pandora is among us once more
<GrimeRX> Will this conversation ever reach a dead end?
<SirRed> What the fudge are you guys talking about? :x

I blame Katie for this Starting Up...

[me=RX]is renzokuken'd[/me]


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
[tt]21:32 <@DysTuvai> In 1972, a crack commando unit of wizards was sent to Azkaban
by the ministry of magic for a crime they didn't commit
21:32 <@DysTuvai> These men promptly escaped from a maximum-security wing into
the Diagon Alley Underground.
21:33 <@DysTuvai> Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as
warlocks of fortune.
21:33 <@DysTuvai> If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can
find them, maybe you can hire the SHUT UP FOO, DON'T GIVE ME
21:33 <@DysTuvai> I AIN'T GETTIN' ON NO HIPPOGRYPH[/tt]
Last edited:

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
[12] Shiny Also, daddy is very, um, persuasive in mafia. XD
[12] Carmen Their UU is up xD
[12] Shocari of course he is
[12] Teapot so's El, who I thought we'd killed already
[12] Shocari nah
[12] Shocari he just dodged it
[12] Sem You have only yourself to blame, Petey
[12] Shiny XDDDD
[12] Carmen xD

[20] Tailon So, is Carmen sending out that PM soon?
[20] Carmen No he's still here
[20] Carmen Sorry ^^;;;;
[20] Carmen Got distracted again ^^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
[20] KoL Carmen is sending out super-mysterious PMs to people?
[20] Carmen Yeah I am
[20] Tailon It's for her RP :|
[20] Carmen <<
[20] Carmen >>
[20] KoL How mysterious
[20] Carmen ShhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhTAILONTHISISSECRET
[20] Carmen jk
[20] Batman Carmen is the /real/ mafia~!! :O
[20] Tailon XD
[20] KoL Silence, we've already deduced that I was mafia the whole time
[20] Carmen Crap
[20] Carmen I think our wiki vanished
[20] Batman Data is a pawn~ :V
[20] Carmen Wait...
[20] |<-- SirRed has left irc.systemnet.info (Ping timeout)
[20] Moosechu yeah ok
[20] KoL stands up
[20] Tailon XD
[20] KoL It was me, I killed everyone
[20] Sem LYNCH HIM
[20] Shiny XDDD
[20] Linkachu lynches KoL
[20] KoL uses an anti-lynch device
[20] Linkachu >8D
[20] Linkachu Oh
[20] Linkachu Damn. :(
[20] Sem has an anti-anti-lynch device
[20] Linkachu KoL is pro-life!
[20] KoL fires the gigantic PINGAS mafia nuke rocket of Doom
[20] Sem it's better than yours times infinity
[20] Linkachu Divided by zero?
[20] Sem no Katie
[20] KoL uses the better than Sem's by times infinity to the power of infinity anti-lynch device
[20] Linkachu Well, your face >=O
[20] Sem D:
[20] Batman uses 'The Power of Friendship' to win :'D
[20] Batman AKA Superman |D
[20] Batman is shot
[20] KoL uses the Power of PINGAS to counter it

[20] Linkachu I think a couple of flies are sexing it up in my lights...
[20] Carmen read that as files
[20] Shiny XD
[20] Tailon XDD
22:49 Tun Sometimes it lasts, in love ...
22:49 Tun ... but sometimes it huuurts insteeeaaad~
22:49 DatSoul That song is too gbe
22:49 DatSoul ...
22:50 DatSoul whashes the Touch to pie es
22:50 DatSoul ...
22:51 DatSoul ragequigs life
22:51 Tun .......
22:51 DatSoul ...
22:51 Tun puts Jesper diwn
22:51 Tun ...............................................
22:51 DatSoul ...
22:51 Tun ...
22:51 Tun cries
22:52 Tun .... yay I spelled it right :D
22:52 DatSoul Log this. Right now. xDRR
22:52 DatSoul ...
22:52 Tun ... fufufufufufufu.
22:52 DatSoul That too. xD

We fail.
Toastie How many current mods have always been mods?
Brendan Only Oak, Cinders, Katie I think, and maybe Stel
Teapot Definitely Stel.
Teapot And El.
Brendan There was a Quagsire guy I think
Jenova Stel has been here since the end of time
Rain The end of time? D:
Jenova ...

KoL If Stel has been here since the end of time, does that make Bara beyond all of time and space?
Indie Bara is one of the Old ones :>
23:15 DeftSoul Is Brenda going to post in the Mafia subboard or General Writings?
23:15 Shiny ...
23:15 Rain Brenda?!!! XDDDDD
23:15 DeftSoul ...
23:15 Teapot goes to rename Brendan
23:15 Jenova ...
23:15 Brendan okay, I better fix it up before someone gets ideas to kill me here
23:15 DeftSoul stabs his keyboarf
23:15 DeftSoul ...
23:15 DeftSoul Oh, God
23:16 Shiny I'm seriously lol'ing XD
23:16 DeftSoul What is wrong with my fingers? D:
23:16 Shiny oh Gosh
23:16 Rain Me too XDDD
23:16 Shiny Brendan, go change your name now XDDDDD
23:16 DeftSoul puts them back into position
23:16 Rain DO IT
23:16 Rain XDDD
23:16 Sem I was never going to die
23:16 Shiny YES
23:16 Teapot too late, Sh
23:16 Teapot Shiny:
23:16 Sem I cannot die
23:16 Teapot http://www.pokecharms.com/forums/index. ... mary;u=134
23:16 Tun ...
23:16 Shiny high-fives Data
23:16 Tun 22:15 Brendan I taunt Sem "the sole survivor" about having all the cards in a heavy scottish accent
23:16 *** Brendan is now known as Brenda
23:16 Brenda fine
23:16 Rain ROFL
23:16 Teapot high-fives Shiny
23:16 DeftSoul ...♥
23:16 Rain can't stop laughing
23:16 Shiny :'D
23:16 Brenda I had a sex change
23:17 KoL Pwnt
23:17 DeftSoul What have I done |D
23:17 Shiny Also
23:17 Shiny Brenda needs to change his/her avvie :'D
23:17 Rain Omg XD
23:17 Teapot and that's my cue to bow out. :p
23:17 Teapot Nini all!
23:17 Shiny bai, Data
23:17 Shiny XD
23:17 Tun Niniiii ♥
23:17 Rain Night Petey
23:17 DeftSoul Byee ^^
23:17 Jenova Bye :<
23:18 Shiny I think people not on will wonder why Brendan's a girl now~

23:18 Teapot well it needs logging
23:18 Brenda what's wrong with Cilan in a hat?
23:18 Brenda it's classy
23:18 Rain He- I mean, she, just discovered her true self?
23:18 Brenda NO!
23:18 Shiny oh gosh
23:18 DeftSoul shall be the one to log it<3
23:18 Shiny someone really has to log this XD
23:19 Rain BRENDA! I bet you can find a drawing of Cilan as a girl XDDD
Last edited by a moderator:
21:41 Toastie It's a pity one can't play mafia with themselves
21:41 Toastie unless they had multiple personality disorder
21:42 Toastie but that's unlikely
21:42 Tun ... xD
21:42 Shiny XD
21:42 Shiny we could, um
21:43 Shiny try doing a chat mafia?
21:43 Shiny but there's not enough people <<
21:43 Toastie I suppose you could do queries
21:43 Toastie but
21:43 Toastie there are only 3 of use chatting
21:43 Toastie *us
21:43 Toastie FFF
21:43 Toastie AS I AM THE DOCTOR
21:43 Shiny XD
21:43 Toastie OH CRAP
21:43 Toastie I GAVE IT AWAY
21:44 Tun ... YEAH WELL I'M JESTER
21:44 Toastie FFFFFFFF
21:44 Tun YOU ALL LOSE
21:44 Tun ;@D
21:44 Tun ... woah what happened to my nose
21:44 Toastie This is getting logged xD
I'm sorry, I just like to poke fun at things. Like my singing. and Pope's age.

Pheonix I don't remember that :3
Jenova That's because Pope's an old man
Jenova and can't even remember to turn off the stove
Pheonix possibly >>;;;
Jenova Now take your meds, grandpop.
Carmen That was ages and ages ago
Carmen It was way before your time, Pheo
Pheonix ahhh
Jenova ...
Jenova Dud
P_M Before Pheo's time!
Jenova *Dude
Jenova That's like
Jenova Before the world existed
Jenova :x
P_M Damn, that's long long ago

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
[00] ZoruRX Farfetch'd
[00] ZoruRX they are in fact endangered because they were farmed for poultry
[00] ZoruRX at least in gen 1
[00] ZoruRX now they're endangered because no one gives a fuck to breed them
[00] SirRed XD
[00] Rex XD
[00] Shiny XD
[00] ZoruRX We shall all rue the day Farfetch'd gets a dual leek wielding samurai duck evolution
[00] ZoruRX which will probably even be the first fighting/flying type xD


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
From #minecraft:

[tt]19:16 < Araragi> (~' -')~
19:18 < Tailon> ~('-'~)
19:19 < Tailon> *~('- '~)
19:19 <~Teapot> \('- ')~
19:22 < Tailon> ^('- '^)
19:24 < Fumang> COMBO BREAK
19:24 < Tailon> FUUUUUU[/tt]
19:29 Teapot psst
19:29 Teapot psssst
19:29 Teapot Tun
19:29 Tun arhooooo~?
19:30 Teapot ilu ♥
19:30 Tun ilu2 <33
19:31 *** DoctorOak quit (Broken pipe)
19:31 Teapot looks like our love killed Alex
19:33 Tun wasn't that the plan? o:
19:33 Teapot Tun: well, of course. :p
19:34 Teapot (FBI disclaimer: our love is platonic and not meant to be murderous. It's just a useful side effect.)
19:35 *** Jenova quit (Broken pipe)
19:35 Tun ... there it goes again!
19:36 Teapot ... oops.