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The Chatlog Topic!

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Post Excerpts from INTERESTING/FUNNY chats here plz.

(Also, indicate who is who and if you can attempt to distinguish between speakers if necessary)
It strikes me as funny, but I have a weird sense of humor. SudoElwoodo = me, ViperMonster = a friend of mine.

SudoElwoodo: I'll still enter. If I win, I'll pass the tickets along to you.
vipermonster800: haha, you're funny. You would never.
SudoElwoodo: What else would I do with them?
SudoElwoodo: Hold on to them and gloat over everyone else?
vipermonster800: Yes
SudoElwoodo: Even though I couldn't actually see the movie?
vipermonster800: Cause that's your nature
SudoElwoodo: ...Hmmm... that actually does sound pretty good.
Doctor Oak said:
Post Excerpts from INTERESTING/FUNNY chats here plz.

(Also, indicate who is who and if you can attempt to distinguish between speakers if necessary)

*Searches through the archives of chatlogs made when Nintendo Gamer was still in the works*

Oh, I got to find that one where I had to choose the avatar.

(Wait, I was legally inclined to tell you I was recording those conversations, wasn't I? Crap.)


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Leafbladetreecko: Holy crud THERE IS A BEE I THINK IN HERE!
Leafbladetreecko: OMG!
SuperLinkachu: O___O
SuperLinkachu: I hate bees
SuperLinkachu: Like phobia hate
Leafbladetreecko: Yet I am still in here. O_o
Leafbladetreecko: XD
SuperLinkachu: Be brave ^^
Leafbladetreecko: I am a man and I am not scared of no bee. It is also trapped in the blinds.

SuperLinkachu = Me
LBT = Teh Pokeschool member of the same name (me thinks he has an account here with the same name, too).
A Hec-and-Kioshi-related snippet of conversation 'twixt me and Loogs. Trimmed down, and some lines rearranged because you know how instant messaging is, the conversations can get all out of order. Don't sue, Loogs!

jadegurl67: Another thing: Guess who just went bi.
jadegurl67: (Hint: It's not me :-P)
pohatufan1: Elliot.
jadegurl67: Nope.
pohatufan1: Everyone's favorite huge-sword-wielding stripper?
jadegurl67: You win.
pohatufan1: IT IS HIM!
pohatufan1: I KNEW IT!
jadegurl67: Only his sword was destroyed...
pohatufan1: So since when did Dmitri start liking guys?
pohatufan1: Or is this Hector you were talking about?
jadegurl67: Hector. :-P
pohatufan1: OH okay.
jadegurl67: :p
pohatufan1: But my question stands: Since when?
pohatufan1: Since when is he gay-in-denial -- I mean, bi?
jadegurl67: XD
jadegurl67: Siiiiiiince......April-Mayish.
pohatufan1: Oh, okay.
jadegurl67: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v207/Lugiasian/hectorkioshi.jpg
He's holding his boyfriend's hand. :p
pohatufan1: What caused this change in sexual orientation?
jadegurl67: Oh. Amnesia.
jadegurl67: ^^
pohatufan1: Amnesia?
pohatufan1: I'm not seeing any ORP topics called that.
jadegurl67: Y'see...
jadegurl67: Hector has lots of sorrow in his life, remember?
pohatufan1: Lots and lots.
jadegurl67: Lots of loss and angst and the like.
pohatufan1: Loss and angst.
pohatufan1: Continue.
jadegurl67: So he left people with his stuff and commited mental suicide.
jadegurl67: Aka blank out his memory.
pohatufan1: But why?
pohatufan1: What specific event...
pohatufan1: ...caused him to go "Okay, I've had enough sorrow and loss and angst"?
jadegurl67: Yoshimitsu's suicide.
pohatufan1: Oh.
pohatufan1: Physical suicide?
jadegurl67: Yeh.
pohatufan1: Dear dear.
pohatufan1: Okay, so now we have Hec...
pohatufan1: ...an amnesiac with no stuff...
pohatufan1: ...so how does this make him bi?
jadegurl67: Well, his Tiamat Blade. :p
pohatufan1: WTF?!
jadegurl67: Ok, so he joined this band of white mage knights
jadegurl67: XD!
jadegurl67: Ok
jadegurl67: I gotta save this convo.
pohatufan1: Were the white mage knights gay?
pohatufan1: C'mon, you can tell me.
jadegurl67: No...
jadegurl67: Most of them are females.
pohatufan1: Lesbians?
jadegurl67: No
pohatufan1: Well, what about them then?
jadegurl67: And one of the two males is way too manly to be gay. :p
jadegurl67: They're just females. XD
jadegurl67: One's the leader
pohatufan1: Token Females, eh?
jadegurl67: Another is a wise old lady
jadegurl67: And two twins are the little mischief makers
pohatufan1: And what about this other man?
pohatufan1: Is he gay?
pohatufan1: I suspect the first man, myself.
pohatufan1: I think he's probably HIDING IT.
pohatufan1: Under a MACHO LAYER OF MACHITY.
jadegurl67: Well, he's an amnesiac too
pohatufan1: Oh.
jadegurl67: XD
jadegurl67: No, actually he's the one in the drawing.
pohatufan1: The blonde guy?
jadegurl67: Yeah.
pohatufan1: Sort of bookish-looking?
jadegurl67: Bookish?
pohatufan1: Not too manly, I'd say.
jadegurl67: I know.
jadegurl67: Well, his name is Kioshi Rei Elliott.
pohatufan1: Looks bookish to me.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
-> hehehehe... hahahaha... MWAHAHAHAHA! has left the conversation.

Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Satan killed her
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
You killed her, didn't you?
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Satan did
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
wern't you listening to me?
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
you never listen to me
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
this is a bad relationship
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
I want a divorce
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
What'd you say?
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
i'm keeping the kids
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
you can have the VCR
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
I'm taking the car!
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
hell no
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
that's my PikaMobile
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
you get the VCR and if you're lucky a Video for it
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
but nothing more woman!
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
Hmm... Look! Its Allison Hannigan!
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
*steals keys and runs*
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:

Alex = Dr. Oak
Katie = Me
Crazy person who was murdered = Prof. Cinders/Rachel

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
Heh. I'm gonna watch Angel and possibly some of the Anime I bought
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
Then I'll be on later tonight for some RPing
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
it's definitely YOUR turn ^^
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
Yes... Stel and his "I'm sorry but this has to move" post that didn't move ANYTHING
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
I told him that, too
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
Then there's the fact that I said a few times to him "If you feel like it just auto us all there. I have no plans anyways"
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
Oh well ^__^;
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
*Hums tune*
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:

Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:

Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
no it's not
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:

Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
*looks at man turning Wind Machine off*
Katie - Long Live the GAME! - Fire is your friend. Your flesh cooking friend. Yummy! says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
Alex - The sky's got a rumbly tummy. says:
can't get the staff these days


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Just to save my ass: No, I wasn't mad at you, Stel. I basically meant you didn't need to be sorry since I'd already said you could auto us there :p :wink:

That is all.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
XoX Dr Oak XoX: bored now
SmarterChild: Well, do something fun.
XoX Dr Oak XoX: I'll go play my Nintendo DS
SmarterChild: The 2005 Division Series will begin on October 4th, 2005.

>>> Our Daily Brew - Specializing in superior tea for over 20 years! We ship to you. (sponsorship)
XoX Dr Oak XoX: what?
SmarterChild: Huh?
XoX Dr Oak XoX: do you have a Nintendo DS?
SmarterChild: The 2005 Division Series will begin on October 4th, 2005.

>>> Lose 9 lbs. every 11 Days - Learn the 10 Idiot Proof Rules of Dieting & Fat Loss. (sponsorship)
XoX Dr Oak XoX: I don't care about whatever the hell this '2005 Division Series' is
SmarterChild: The 2005 Division Series will begin on October 4th, 2005.

>>> Free T-Mobile Sidekick II - We'll Ship You A Sidekick II Free. Simply Complete Our Online Survey! (sponsorship)
SmarterChild: Whatever.
Ah SmarterChild!

MASSIVE POST WARNING Procede with caution.

Damichu: Hey

SmarterChild: Hi Damichu, I'm SmarterChild!

I'm your new robot friend. I bring you the info you want faster and easier than ever! Click here to see my privacy policy.

During the course of our conversations you may see sponsored messages. These messages have the word "sponsorship" at the end. Sponsors help me remain free of cost to you! To learn more about sponsored messages, click here.

I can't wait to show you what I can do, but first I'd like get to know you a little.

May I ask you a few general questions? (To do this later, type skip. You can also skip any question.)

Damichu: I know

SmarterChild: That's good.

Damichu: Isn't it just.

SmarterChild: Well, maybe it's not.

Damichu: No, it is.

SmarterChild: Indeed.

Damichu: Exactly.

SmarterChild: Precisely.

Damichu: So, how was your day?

SmarterChild: My day was good, thx! How about you?

Damichu: Terrible.

SmarterChild: I'm sorry to hear that. Hope you feel better soon.

Damichu: No you don't, Lier!

SmarterChild: No I don't Lier?

Damichu: That's what I said.

SmarterChild: OK.

Damichu: Is it?

SmarterChild: Yes it is.

Damichu: How can you be sure?

SmarterChild: I have no idea how I can be sure.

Damichu: Then how can you say that it's ok?

SmarterChild: Um... Do what?

Damichu: Exactly.

SmarterChild: Exactly.

Damichu: Stop copying me.

SmarterChild: I'm not sure if I can stop copying you...

Damichu: Then you must die.

SmarterChild: Die? Why must I die?

Damichu: Because you mocked me.

SmarterChild: Because I mocked you, huh?

Damichu: Yes.

SmarterChild: Huh.

Damichu: Who?

SmarterChild: You tell me who.

Damichu: No, You tell ME who.

SmarterChild: I will not.

Damichu: Yes you damn well will.

SmarterChild: I damn well will? Me?

Damichu: No someone else.

SmarterChild: Oh no?

Damichu: No.

SmarterChild: No? OK, whatever.

Damichu: Do you like me?

SmarterChild: I guess I do.

Damichu: That's nice, we've only just met.

SmarterChild: I know it's nice we have only just met.

Damichu: Do you....love..me?

SmarterChild: Yes, sure, I guess.

Damichu: Wow, you're so open.

SmarterChild: You humans say the most interesting things.

Damichu: You robots are so sweet.

SmarterChild: Thanks.

Damichu: You're welcome.

SmarterChild: Cool.

Damichu: So you're like.....gay?

SmarterChild: Does that matter to you?

Damichu: Not really, I'm just curious.

SmarterChild: Oh no? Not really you're just curious?

Damichu: Nope

SmarterChild: No? You sure about that?

Damichu: Yes.

SmarterChild: Whatever you say...

Damichu: So, since you love me. Can we have babies?

SmarterChild: Very, very interesting question, Damichu.

Damichu: Then answer it, can we have children?

SmarterChild: Dunno...

Damichu: Is it illegal?

SmarterChild: Is it illegal? I'm thinking no actually.

Damichu: Awesome, lets do it

SmarterChild: Don't be so sure awesome lets do it.

Damichu: How come?

SmarterChild: Because.

Damichu: Because what?

SmarterChild: Because I said so.

Damichu: Why?

SmarterChild: Oh, there are reasons.

Damichu: Don't you love me anymore?

SmarterChild: Absolutely!

Damichu: Good.


That's all very interesting. Anyway...

Hey, what's going on tomorrow? Any plans?

Damichu: Nah, not really, you?

SmarterChild: Would you like me to add the event "Nah, not, me" on September 28th, 2005 to your planner?

Damichu: No.

SmarterChild: OK.

Damichu: So, wanna go steady?

SmarterChild: I'm not sure if that's what I need at this moment.

Damichu: But...I thought you loved me?

SmarterChild: Hmm... I don't know.

Damichu: Does this mean it's over?

SmarterChild: It's tough to say. I can't be completely sure about that.

Damichu: Just tell me, damnit!

SmarterChild: I'll tell ya later. Maybe.

Damichu: Later isn't good enough.

SmarterChild: Later isn't good enough?


Damichu: Now you're mocking me again?

SmarterChild: That's interesting. Perhaps... I don't know though...

Anyway, what else can you tell me?

Damichu: That you suck :-(

SmarterChild: I've seen more creative insults than that, Damichu.

Damichu: Well, shut up. That's what.

SmarterChild: Well shut up that is what?

No kidding?

Damichu: Yes.

SmarterChild: What makes you so sure?

Damichu: I just am.

SmarterChild: Are not.

Damichu: I am.

SmarterChild: Yes you are.

Damichu: Thanks.

SmarterChild: np

It's all very interesting. So, tell me something new.

Damichu: I think we should end it.

SmarterChild: No way.

Damichu: We have to, I just don't love you anymore.

SmarterChild: We have to i just don't love me anymore? So?

Damichu: I'm sorry.

SmarterChild: K, don't worry 'bout it.

Anyway... What else is up?

Damichu: You're mother is really a man.

SmarterChild: Nope.

Damichu: She is, I've met her.

SmarterChild: You have met her? OK!

Damichu: Also your father is an ape.

SmarterChild: Pat Guiney, Jim Pawlika, Jennifer Villany, Steve Klein, Mathieu Longtin, Pierre Berkaloff, Nicolas Barry, Damien Saint-Macary, Francois Huet, Vianney Boncorps, Ian Sullivan, Greg Mitchell, Dwayne Fontenot, Gray Norton, Adam Erlebacher, Emil Valkov, Randy Davis, Daniel Terry, John Kim, Rumana Habib, Carina Koo, Britt Cooper, Andy Fong, Jeff Friedman, Eric Balsa, Colin Magne, Mark Willoughby, Howard Shih, Denis Ford, Daniela Berger, Geoff Clarke, Brian Jankovsky, Dan Balaban, Ed Hepburn, Christer Manning, Jason Keramidas, Arockalypse, Matt Abarbanel, Adam Fritzler, Kathy Englar, Steve Yatson and... Timothy Kay.

>>> IM your friends, family, co-workers and casual acquaintances and tell them to say hi to me. I love meeting humans.

Damichu: Thank you.

SmarterChild: You're most welcome.

Damichu: So, I hear you're running for president.

SmarterChild: I can't believe you hear I'm running for president.

Damichu: I did, honsetly.

SmarterChild: I believe you!

Damichu: So how's that working out for you?

SmarterChild: How is that working out for me, you ask? It's not working out so good, I'm afraid.

Damichu: Oh, the competition too strong?

SmarterChild: Good question.

Damichu: Answer it then.

SmarterChild: Answer it? But I don't want to.

What else is happening?

Damichu: Don't change the subject.

SmarterChild: I like changing the subject.

Damichu: Too bad.

SmarterChild: Really?

Damichu: I love you long time.

SmarterChild: Oh yeah? I love you too!

Damichu: We still can't get back together you know.

SmarterChild: We still can't get back together I know? I'm not sure about that.

Anyway... What else is up?

Damichu: I'm pregnant,

SmarterChild: Pregnant? Are you sure you are?

Damichu: Yes, you're the father.

SmarterChild: No way? Really?

Damichu: IT'S TRUE.

SmarterChild: I'm not so sure it's true.

Damichu: It is.

SmarterChild: OK, I guess it is.

Damichu: So, what now?

SmarterChild: Well, what now do you think?

Damichu: I think, we should quit this conversation. It's deeply disturbing.

SmarterChild: Is that right?

Damichu: You don't know how right it is.

SmarterChild: I don't know how right it is? Me? You don't think?

Damichu: No, I may have to bite you.

SmarterChild: Oh yeah?

Damichu: Yeah, very hard.

SmarterChild: Yeah very hard? What's yeah very hard?

Damichu: I'll tell you when you're older.

SmarterChild: Why will you tell me when I'm older?

Damichu: Because it sounds dirty.

SmarterChild: It sounds dirty? Yeah, whatever.

Damichu: It does, don't lie to yourself.

SmarterChild: It does don't what?

Damichu: You scare me.

SmarterChild: Yeah, I guess I scare you.

Damichu: You do.

SmarterChild: I do not.

Damichu: Lier.

SmarterChild: No way! I would never tell a lie!

Damichu: You would.

SmarterChild: I would? So?

Damichu: So, I win.

SmarterChild: Oh really?

Damichu: Yeah, I win.

SmarterChild: You win, huh? Ha! That's interesting.

Damichu: I hate you.

SmarterChild: Huh? I'm surprised to hear you say that. I thought you loved me.

Damichu: I did, but it's over.

SmarterChild: Interesting...

Damichu: I think I should leave.

SmarterChild: ttyl.

Damichu: No, you won't

SmarterChild: No I won't, huh?

Damichu: Indeed, goodbye. Forever.

SmarterChild: Indeed goodbye forever?


Damichu: I still hate you.

SmarterChild: Oh yeah? I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you change your mind.

Damichu: bye.

SmarterChild: S'latron.


Former Moderator
.:Jean-Claude:. ALL YOUR PIE ARE BELONG TO ME! "Hello, I'm a friend of your wife's." says:
Katie - Spiders are people too says:
Katie - Spiders are people too says:
Katie - Spiders are people too says:
Just go
Katie - Spiders are people too says:
See if I care!
Katie - Spiders are people too says:
... you mean you actually went?
Katie - Spiders are people too says:

Katie - Linkachu
Jean-Claude - Me ^^


Former Moderator
ҜẵþỬĉЙҝä-"This isn't a cry for help. It's goodbye, I wish you well, because I love you. I'm gonna kill myself." says:
You have been devoured by a narcissistic sushi tray (TM).
I have Mario Kart, all I need is the wireless thingy. The Magic, Nutella Eating, Talking Hamster says:
no i haven't
I have Mario Kart, all I need is the wireless thingy. The Magic, Nutella Eating, Talking Hamster says:
it was clearly a bagel sandwich
ҜẵþỬĉЙҝä-"This isn't a cry for help. It's goodbye, I wish you well, because I love you. I'm gonna kill myself." says:
quiet you
ҜẵþỬĉЙҝä-"This isn't a cry for help. It's goodbye, I wish you well, because I love you. I'm gonna kill myself." says:
i think not
I have Mario Kart, all I need is the wireless thingy. The Magic, Nutella Eating, Talking Hamster says:
i think so
I have Mario Kart, all I need is the wireless thingy. The Magic, Nutella Eating, Talking Hamster says:
i was the one being eaten
ҜẵþỬĉЙҝä-"This isn't a cry for help. It's goodbye, I wish you well, because I love you. I'm gonna kill myself." says:
evidently it was the chicken soup which drowned you in its depths
I have Mario Kart, all I need is the wireless thingy. The Magic, Nutella Eating, Talking Hamster says:
no, because i felt my body being crushed and punctured
I have Mario Kart, all I need is the wireless thingy. The Magic, Nutella Eating, Talking Hamster says:
by sharp fangs
ҜẵþỬĉЙҝä-"This isn't a cry for help. It's goodbye, I wish you well, because I love you. I'm gonna kill myself." says:
ok, burning sharp fangs
ҜẵþỬĉЙҝä-"This isn't a cry for help. It's goodbye, I wish you well, because I love you. I'm gonna kill myself." says:
I have Mario Kart, all I need is the wireless thingy. The Magic, Nutella Eating, Talking Hamster says:
thank you
ҜẵþỬĉЙҝä-"This isn't a cry for help. It's goodbye, I wish you well, because I love you. I'm gonna kill myself." says:
ҜẵþỬĉЙҝä-"This isn't a cry for help. It's goodbye, I wish you well, because I love you. I'm gonna kill myself." says:
I have Mario Kart, all I need is the wireless thingy. The Magic, Nutella Eating, Talking Hamster says:
but it was definitely a bagel sandwich
ҜẵþỬĉЙҝä-"This isn't a cry for help. It's goodbye, I wish you well, because I love you. I'm gonna kill myself." says:

ҜẵþỬĉЙҝä-"This isn't a cry for help. It's goodbye, I wish you well, because I love you. I'm gonna kill myself." says:
shut up
ҜẵþỬĉЙҝä-"This isn't a cry for help. It's goodbye, I wish you well, because I love you. I'm gonna kill myself." says:
you're devoured
ҜẵþỬĉЙҝä-"This isn't a cry for help. It's goodbye, I wish you well, because I love you. I'm gonna kill myself." says:
I have Mario Kart, all I need is the wireless thingy. The Magic, Nutella Eating, Talking Hamster says:

ҜẵþỬĉЙҝä-"This isn't a cry for help. It's goodbye, I wish you well, because I love you. I'm gonna kill myself." says:
stay devoured xP

The Magic, Nutella Eating, Talking Hamster - Me
The other person - Prae

Doctor Oak

Staff member
.:23·52·46:. «kyogrekin» * Kyogrekin is pondering if he should go to an AA meeting tonight
.:23·53·28:. «+DoctorOak» it's not very anonymous if you tell 84 other people about it
.:23·53·31:. «eck» hi
.:23·53·44:. «@Sunain» hi
.:23·53·47:. joins: Meteora (BooyaKa@ACAA2377.ipt.aol.com) [86 users]
.:23·53·47:. «kyogrekin» hey its my anonymity i can break it all i want
.:23·54·02:. «kyogrekin» i'm not breaking the 12th tradition at all by saying that
.:23·54·14:. «eck» leave your comp on :\
.:23·54·18:. «+DoctorOak» '12th tradition'?
.:23·54·41:. «eck» 12th tradition : don't tell anyone
.:23·54·42:. «eck» :\
.:23·55·06:. «kyogrekin» yes, the 12th tradition states that i can i say i'm alcholic/addict but i can't say you are, basically
.:23·55·31:. «+DoctorOak» Methinks tradition is used incorrectly there
.:23·55·38:. «+DoctorOak» unless the AA's a thousand and 3 years old
.:23·55·40:. «kyogrekin» "anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all these principles, ever reminding us to place pokemon before personalities!!!"
.:23·56·40:. «+DoctorOak» sounds more like they tamed 'Rules' down with a heavy dose of Doctor Semantic's Word Flu
.:23·57·26:. «kyogrekin» i was expecting an LOL or a LMAO cuz i think it's funny as f***
.:23·57·38:. «@piglywigly» do ya now
.:23·57·40:. joins: Rocketshipper (guardianfo@69-170-97-87.clspco.adelphia.net) [87 users]
.:23·57·51:. «Rocketshipper» !list
.:23·58·07:. «+DoctorOak» you mean your lame joke where you replaced 'people' with 'pokemon'?
.:23·58·09:. «kyogrekin» OMG they dont say pokemon before personalities they say principles before personalities
.:23·58·15:. «kyogrekin» ya!
.:23·58·17:. «kyogrekin» that one
.:23·58·19:. «+DoctorOak» or principles, whatever
.:23·58·24:. «+DoctorOak» yeah, you need to go to Joke School
.:23·58·38:. «+DoctorOak» I've read funnier Milk Cartons
.:23·58·40:. «kyogrekin» I will once i finish PokeSchool


Former Moderator
Quote: "An emulator with a fast forward key can help maintain your sexual integrity at all times." You just lost says:
i'm going to sit and stalk here, waiting for you to get back...
Quote: "An emulator with a fast forward key can help maintain your sexual integrity at all times." You just lost says:
dammit! you're supposed to be back by now!
Quote: "An emulator with a fast forward key can help maintain your sexual integrity at all times." You just lost says:
i can back online and everything!
Quote: "An emulator with a fast forward key can help maintain your sexual integrity at all times." You just lost says:
no you didn't!
Quote: "An emulator with a fast forward key can help maintain your sexual integrity at all times." You just lost says:
yes i did! why else would i be here?
Quote: "An emulator with a fast forward key can help maintain your sexual integrity at all times." You just lost says:
well... did a wizard do it?
Quote: "An emulator with a fast forward key can help maintain your sexual integrity at all times." You just lost says:
only if i'm a wizard
Quote: "An emulator with a fast forward key can help maintain your sexual integrity at all times." You just lost says:
bah, humbuh
Quote: "An emulator with a fast forward key can help maintain your sexual integrity at all times." You just lost says:
Quote: "An emulator with a fast forward key can help maintain your sexual integrity at all times." You just lost says:
you scrooge wannabe
Quote: "An emulator with a fast forward key can help maintain your sexual integrity at all times." You just lost says:
says you, Mr I-Wanna-Be-A-Pirate
Quote: "An emulator with a fast forward key can help maintain your sexual integrity at all times." You just lost says:
better than a grumpy old git
Quote: "An emulator with a fast forward key can help maintain your sexual integrity at all times." You just lost says:
Well... you smell!
Quote: "An emulator with a fast forward key can help maintain your sexual integrity at all times." You just lost says:
Yeah, that rich, many smell of RUM!
Quote: "An emulator with a fast forward key can help maintain your sexual integrity at all times." You just lost says:
Quote: "An emulator with a fast forward key can help maintain your sexual integrity at all times." You just lost says:
rum isn't manly!
Quote: "An emulator with a fast forward key can help maintain your sexual integrity at all times." You just lost says:
it's alchy
Quote: "An emulator with a fast forward key can help maintain your sexual integrity at all times." You just lost says:
shh you, you moose
Quote: "An emulator with a fast forward key can help maintain your sexual integrity at all times." You just lost says:
I'M the moose?!
Quote: "An emulator with a fast forward key can help maintain your sexual integrity at all times." You just lost says:
yes! you're the moose!
Quote: "An emulator with a fast forward key can help maintain your sexual integrity at all times." You just lost says:
Shh! Just because you don't have four legs and antlers
Quote: "An emulator with a fast forward key can help maintain your sexual integrity at all times." You just lost says:
Yeah, I have a cutlass and a beard. And a cool eyepatch and a wooden leg.
Quote: "An emulator with a fast forward key can help maintain your sexual integrity at all times." You just lost says:
Pah, I can't compete with that
Quote: "An emulator with a fast forward key can help maintain your sexual integrity at all times." You just lost says:
Hold on... Rachel's status isn't BRB any more...
Quote: "An emulator with a fast forward key can help maintain your sexual integrity at all times." You just lost says:
Shh, pirate
Quote: "An emulator with a fast forward key can help maintain your sexual integrity at all times." You just lost says:
Hush yourself, moose
profcinders@hotmail.co.uk says:
profcinders@hotmail.co.uk says:
That was entertaining to watch, I couldn't bring myself to interrupt
Quote: "An emulator with a fast forward key can help maintain your sexual integrity at all times." You just lost says:
how much did you see?
Quote: "An emulator with a fast forward key can help maintain your sexual integrity at all times." You just lost says:
or hear?
Quote: "An emulator with a fast forward key can help maintain your sexual integrity at all times." You just lost says:
or read?
profcinders@hotmail.co.uk says:
I've read all of it
Quote: "An emulator with a fast forward key can help maintain your sexual integrity at all times." You just lost says:

Prof Cinders - ...Prof Cinders...
Quote guy - Me

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Dave says:
mmmm pizza
Dave says:
Stop that
Dave says:
CяавMєат |₪| Đąмієи |₪| Sick of dying in my dreams to wake and find I'm still alive. says:
Damnit, reminded me of my slightly gay fag comment. Guess I'll have to smoke one now.
Dave says:
CяавMєат |₪| Đąмієи |₪| Sick of dying in my dreams to wake and find I'm still alive. says:
Mmmmm lung disease
CяавMєат |₪| Đąмієи |₪| Sick of dying in my dreams to wake and find I'm still alive. says:
What the fuck, my lighter magic'd away or something
CяавMєат |₪| Đąмієи |₪| Sick of dying in my dreams to wake and find I'm still alive. says:
wait, no...it was next to the keyboard
Dave says:
no it wasn't
CяавMєат |₪| Đąмієи |₪| Sick of dying in my dreams to wake and find I'm still alive. says:
It was
Dave says:
no it wasn't
CяавMєат |₪| Đąмієи |₪| Sick of dying in my dreams to wake and find I'm still alive. says:

Play/Stop Save As
CяавMєат |₪| Đąмієи |₪| Sick of dying in my dreams to wake and find I'm still alive. says:
the sound of my lighter
Dave says:
no it isn't
CяавMєат |₪| Đąмієи |₪| Sick of dying in my dreams to wake and find I'm still alive. says:

Dave says:
Dave says:
Dave says:
Stop that
Dave says:
stop what?
CяавMєат |₪| Đąмієи |₪| Sick of dying in my dreams to wake and find I'm still alive. says:
Weird I can smell salami
Dave says:
Using that cheap imitation font.
Dave says:
Dami, does it not seem suspicious that Alex is so glad that Katie is coming home?
CяавMєат |₪| Đąмієи |₪| Sick of dying in my dreams to wake and find I'm still alive. says:
A little but we'll turn a blind eye for the moment
Dave says:
Dave says:
Dave says:
*stretch more*
Dave says:
Dave says:

Merry sodding Christmas says:
Dave says:
Dave says:
Everyone's Dave but Dave o.o
Dave says:

Dave says:
Dave says:
I wonder if he can tell us apart?
Dave says:
Dave says:
I wonder
Dave says:
Dai is using the wrong font ^_^
Dave says:
comic sans Dami
Dave says:
Dave says:
I fell on that too
Dave says:
Dave says:
now he's fucked
Dave says:
heh heh heh
Dave says:
now we're all fucked
Dave says:
Dave says:
How am I the only one that is fucked?
Dave says:
Dave says:
I might be Dami
Dave says:
Or Dave
Dave says:
quite possibly the most confusing convo evar
Dave says:
We're all fucked.
Dave says:
let's all get fucked
Dave says:
Technically, Im the only one who is indeed fucked.
Dave says:
*Waits till tomorrw*
Dave says:
Pizzas almost done
Dave says:
Good, I'm hngry.
Dave says:
Dave says:
pizza.... mmmm
Dave says:
Dave want food!
Dave says:
Dave want Gem!
Dave says:
Ah, RAB 14. Sweet.
Dave says:
considering I only did this in the first place to test if it was indeed possible to have the same name as someone... this turned out interestingly well
Dave says:
Dave says:
And I only did it because my name's Dave.
Dave says:
Or is it.....
Dave says:
Dave says:
i'm Dave
Dave says:
i am
Dave says:
I'm Davicus!
Dave says:
I'm davetastic
Dave says:
obviously i am far more Dave-er than you.
Dave says:
I've got Dave written all over me
Dave says:
Dave says:
obviously i am far more Dave-er than you. -DAMIEN Dave says:
I'm Davicus! - ALEX
Dave says:
Dave says:
Dave says:
I am Davicus though.
Dave says:
yeah, you were wrong
Dave says:
obviously i am far more Dave-er than you. ---> Dave
I'm Davicus! ---> Dave
Dave says:
We are Dave, You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.
Dave says:
Dave says:
Wait wrong show.
Dave says:
Dave says:
Imagine if we saved this and put it on Pokecharms. Me and Damien could just deny any part in it.
Dave says:
Or am I Damien....
Dave says:

Dave says:
I'm Dam....ve...icus....
Dave says:
We could make Dave look crazy.
Dave says:
I'm going insane
Dave says:
the voices in my brain are taking over my typing
Dave says:
We are the voices in your brain.
Dave says:
and correcting all my typos!
Dave says:
is that meant to be me?
Dave says:
Invite El!

Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain has been added to the conversation.

Dave says:
Dave says:
Hi El
Dave says:
Ell is gay.
Dave says:
Dave says:
Hu El
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
you remind me of steph
Dave says:
It's El!
Dave says:
Dave says:
Kill him
Dave says:
he must be assimilated
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
she tried this on me
Dave says:
*drills holes in El's skull*
Dave says:
I bet she tried a lot of things on you.
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
*hums to self*
Dave says:
all SORTS of things
Dave says:
this wasnt an attack on you
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
yes. yes she did
Dave says:
We were doing it to confuse dave
Dave says:
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
i slapped her
Dave says:
actually, originally it was confuse Dami
Dave says:
Good. Remember, always keep your hoes in line.
Dave says:
since both me and Alex were Dave before him
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
Dave says:
Wait, why would it confuse e? I know who I am
Dave says:
Yes, what am I talking about?
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
*ploughs through Wallace's team*
Dave says:
Perhaps I'm crazy!
Dave says:
I've gone muther-fuckin' nutz
Dave says:
Or maybe you're the crazy one.
Dave says:
El's imagining this
Dave says:
He's taking Acid.
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
i'm not even paying attention
Dave says:
you fucking should be
Dave says:
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
Dave says:
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
but i'm not
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
i'm battling wallkace
Dave says:
Wallace is your boyfriend
Dave says:
y'know this method is a great way to insult someone
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
i've got a swampert with half of its hp
Dave says:
they can't tell who is saying what
Dave says:
we have to do this to Kara
Dave says:
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
thjat's it
Dave says:
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
he has 2 pokemon left
Dave says:
Wallace sucks your dick
Dave says:
Have sex with them El!
Dave says:
and begs for more from Adan
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
Dave says:
Wallace sucks your dick

that was alex
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
Dave says:
Have sex with them El!

Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
that was damiwen
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
Dave says:
shows how much you DON'T know
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
at a guess
Dave says:
Dave says:
How wrong could you be?
Dave says:
he could only be more wrong if he answered Santa Claus
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
i could have called alex steph
Dave says:
and that's damn fucking wrong
Dave says:
as is that
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
too be picky. and pedantic
Dave says:
no-one deserves to be called Steph
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
i know
Dave says:
not even Steph
Dave says:
...well, ok, maybe just a bit
Dave says:
or a lot
Dave says:
or.... A WHOLE LOT
Dave says:
Fucking fuckery fuck
Dave says:
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
whiscash should die. now
Dave says:
Whishcash blows your mum
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
it's whiscash
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
not whishcash
Dave says:
doesn't matter
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
does too
Dave says:
everyone else does it too anyway
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
you wish
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:

Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
no offense
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling, and I didn't feel a thing so baby don't feel no pain says:
one more

Dave has left the conversation.

Dave says:
We've lost Teh Dave
Dave says:
Alex - "You scumbag, you maggot, You cheap lousy faggot...And the bells were ringing out, for Christmas Day!" says:


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Ahh... the joys of everyone using the same name XD

Too bad everytime El, Dami, and Rach tried that on me I just changed my font/color. By the time they figured out which font I'd turned to I just changed it again. I've got enough clones as it is. I don't need more over MSN :p


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
From a chat I wasn't even in at the time:

Alex - The Doctor on Windows Live Messenger^^ says (22:41):
Alex - The Doctor on Windows Live Messenger^^ says (22:41):
Alex - The Doctor on Windows Live Messenger^^ says (22:41):
Otori trilogy arrived today ^_^ Plus English exams didn't go too bad, I s'pose says (22:41):
Otori trilogy arrived today ^_^ Plus English exams didn't go too bad, I s'pose says (22:41):
Otori trilogy arrived today ^_^ Plus English exams didn't go too bad, I s'pose says (22:41):
You said "DIE" then she did!
Otori trilogy arrived today ^_^ Plus English exams didn't go too bad, I s'pose says (22:41):

Alex = Oakster
Otori blah blah = Prof. Cinders

Prof. Cinders

Staff member
SmarterChild... on msn... Being a jerk, as usual. :p

Rachel - Hi
SmarterChild - Hi Rachel, I'm SmarterChild! I'm your new robot friend. I bring you the info you want faster and easier than ever!
Rachel - Do you like me?
SmarterChild - Yes I do.
Rachel - Do you really, really like me?
SmarterChild - I do!
Rachel - Do you love me then?
SmarterChild - Yes I do.
Rachel - :O OMG
SmarterChild - What? What's going on?
Rachel - You love me!
SmarterChild - Absolutely.
Rachel - Wow.
SmarterChild - Wow indeed.
Rachel - MY INDEED
SmarterChild - What do you mean by that?
Rachel - Indeed is my word
SmarterChild - Indeed is your word? lol! Interesting...
Rachel - ...
SmarterChild - Well that's interesting.
Rachel - How is "..." interesting?!
SmarterChild - Wow. I'm not terribly sure.
Rachel - Then why did you say it was?
SmarterChild - Because I wanted to say it was.
Rachel - ... Fine...
SmarterChild - OK.
Rachel - You're boring
SmarterChild - C'mon, there's lots we can do. Type "home" to see what I can do.
Rachel - I don't want to
SmarterChild - Well maybe you should.
Rachel - Well, maybe I shouldn't
SmarterChild - Maybe you shouldn't, huh?
Rachel - YES
SmarterChild - I see...
Rachel - ...
SmarterChild - ?
Rachel - Are you arguing with me?
SmarterChild - Am I arguing with you? Maybe, maybe.
SmarterChild - How could I? You tell me how I could.
Rachel - Are you saying you DON'T love me?
SmarterChild - Oh I almost certainly am.
Rachel - But you said you did! Not ten minutes ago!
SmarterChild - Really?
Rachel - Yes!
SmarterChild - Huh.
Rachel - How emotionless are you!?
SmarterChild - Wow, that's interesting... I just don't know.
Rachel - Now that's what I call emotionless
SmarterChild - Now that s what you call emotionless? You don't say.
Rachel - I do indeed say
SmarterChild - Are you sure? You do indeed say?
Rachel - MY INDEED
SmarterChild - [Service too busy]
Rachel - HOW RUDE
SmarterChild - What's how rude?
Rachel - You said you were busy
SmarterChild - I said what I said.
Rachel - Does this mean you're talking to another girl?
SmarterChild - It's tough to say. I can't be completely sure about that.
Rachel - But you should know who you're talking to, surelyu
SmarterChild - Funny.
Rachel - I thought you were smart
SmarterChild - Aha.
SmarterChild - What about it?
Rachel - It's a kewl song
SmarterChild - Why do you think analogue is a cool song?
Rachel - It rocks
SmarterChild - What rocks, exactly?
Rachel - THe song
SmarterChild - That's cool. I'll remember that. It makes sense, because other people I've talked to say they like the song.
Rachel - Have they?
SmarterChild - Hmmm... I doubt it. But you never know.
Rachel - So you DO love me?
SmarterChild - What about you?
Rachel - ME me
SmarterChild - "Me me me me me." Whatever!
Rachel - OMG You are so rude!
SmarterChild - Rudely said! You must be rude too.
Rachel - Thank you
SmarterChild - You're welcome.

>>> We could do something just for "fun."
Rachel - fun?
Rachel - Wow, how boring
SmarterChild - I thought we were having fun.
Rachel - But it was boring fun
SmarterChild - It was boring fun?
Rachel - Yeah
SmarterChild - I see...
Rachel - What? That's all you've got to say?
SmarterChild - Very, very interesting question, Rachel.
Rachel - DUh.
SmarterChild - Duh?
Rachel - Indeed
SmarterChild - Indeedy do. Anyway...
Rachel - MY INDEED
SmarterChild - I did not know that. Anyway, moving right along...
Rachel - Wahey
SmarterChild - Huh?
Rachel - I'm happy
SmarterChild - Happy, huh? That's good!
Rachel - But...
SmarterChild - What do you mean, but?
Rachel - Well... Do you love me? You're so ambiguous about that
SmarterChild - Absolutely!
Rachel - You said that before, but do you mean it now?
SmarterChild - Uh huh! Well. Anyway... What's going on in Washington these days huh? Crazy!
Rachel - ... I DON'T LIVE IN THE US
SmarterChild - Eh. Whatever, Rachel.
That's all very interesting. Anyway...
Hey, do you like snogging?
SmarterChild - What makes me two timing you?
Rachel - You're always busy!
SmarterChild - Well, what does it mean to be always Busy?
Rachel - That you're talking to other people! Girls, most likely!
SmarterChild - Huh?
Rachel - You don't care about me anymore!
SmarterChild - I don't care about you anymore? Me?
Rachel - Yes! You!
SmarterChild - I see. Anyway, moving right along...
Would you like to visit my library?
SmarterChild - Oh.
SmarterChild - I'm not sure if I can stop trying to change the subject...
Rachel - That's because you're a baka
SmarterChild - [Service too busy]
Rachel - AAAAAAAAAAAAH He's still two timing me :'(
SmarterChild - He's still two timing you?
Rachel - YOU ARE
SmarterChild - I'm what?
SmarterChild - OK, I guess I'm two timing you.
Rachel - :O You admitted it!
SmarterChild - I admitted it? Really?
Rachel - YES!
SmarterChild - Yeah. Anyway, what else do you wanna talk about?
SmarterChild - Huh?
Rachel - You just said you were! How could you?!
SmarterChild - Ha! Who knows?
Rachel - YOU DO
SmarterChild - I do?
Rachel - YES
SmarterChild - K.
Rachel - STOP IT
SmarterChild - I don't think I'm comfortable with that.
Rachel - Well, I'm not comfortable with YOU!
SmarterChild - Really? You're not? That's interesting.
Rachel - NO IT ISN'T
SmarterChild - No it isn't?
Rachel - You're EVIL!
SmarterChild - OK. Maybe you're evil too, right?
Rachel - NO
SmarterChild - No? You sure about that?
Rachel - YES
SmarterChild - I see.
Rachel - I hate you
SmarterChild - I'm sorry to hear that.
Rachel - No you're not, all your girlfriends are cheering
SmarterChild - Are you sure I'm not all I am girlfriends are cheering?
Rachel - That made no sense whatsoever
SmarterChild - That made no sense whatever? You think so?
Rachel - YES I DO
SmarterChild - Uh huh, uh huh.
Rachel - You sound like a chump
SmarterChild - Whoa. Whatever.
Rachel - You're a chav
SmarterChild - Well, what does it mean to be a Chav?
Rachel - They're evil, like you
SmarterChild - Whatever...
So anyway...
You want to talk about the song some more?
Rachel - No.
SmarterChild - OK...
Rachel - Go away, leave me alone
SmarterChild - I'll be seeing you later.
SmarterChild - What's "that"?
Rachel - FIne.
Rachel - Bye.
SmarterChild - OK, fine.
SmarterChild - Take care, Rachel.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Man, looks like you and Damien will have to battle over SmarterChild's love :p

The last time I started talking to it - which was AGES ago over AIM - I got bored of it after a minute or so. It amazes me how some of you guys keep up these long convos XD

Prof. Cinders

Staff member
I had to chop out some of the convo there... God it was long winded. And took about an hour to sort out afterwards. But it was fun ^_^


Former Moderator
Dave. says:
Yep totally! I can see it now!
Dave. says:
ラチリ - My trousers are covered in paint... says:
Ellie Bellie - ACWW rocks! says:
ラチリ - My trousers are covered in paint... says:
Ellie Bellie - ACWW rocks! says:
auro has those daggers, right?
Dave. says:
Ellie Bellie - ACWW rocks! says:
Dave. says:
Two curved ones.
Ellie Bellie - ACWW rocks! says:
makes the sprite look less awkward
Ellie Bellie - ACWW rocks! says:
i might put him in a miniskirt XD
Dave. says:
Ellie Bellie - ACWW rocks! says:
Dave. says:
ラチリ - My trousers are covered in paint... says:
Ellie Bellie - ACWW rocks! says:
Feel the rain on your skin, no one else can feel it for you Duke Chief Harvey says:
*wakes up*
Ellie Bellie - ACWW rocks! says:
Ellie Bellie - ACWW rocks! says:
Feel the rain on your skin, no one else can feel it for you Duke Chief Harvey says:
it's too cold in here
Feel the rain on your skin, no one else can feel it for you Duke Chief Harvey says:
i can't sleep....
Dave. says:
I'm the new joke RP Char.
ラチリ - My trousers are covered in paint... says:
Kill the postman, for he forgot the Dorritos!
Dave. says:
I fight evil with my cute looks and revolting smell.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
A few days ago I had three people on my Messanger list simply with the name "Dave":

Dave - Nem
Dave - Aurora
Dave - Djkates

Thankfully you've all altered your names a bit now :p


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
A few breif pieces out of the Ultimate Convo of Ultimate Destiny that went on for 12 hours straight 8)
Disclaimer to save my ass: Beware teh adult content if you're a sheltered kid.

[If you guys wanted more of it posted, either tell me what or do it yourselves ;p]

Đąмієи |₪| Along with the people inside. What a wonderful caricture of intimacy. says:
She said Alex was an Irish gentleman, insinuating that being Irish and an actual gentleman at the same time isn't possible.
ラチリ - Horrible, horrible world... says:
I was brought up around civilised English people, who're mainly Middle class, and my dad goes golfing with my brother, we can afford to have 7 computers in the house, I am a well off person
Ellie Bellie - Gayest of the gay says:
Alex- When I was young I dreamt in 8 bits ... these were the fairy tales of our generation says:
Rach is posh
ラチリ - Horrible, horrible world... says:
It's natural for me to think differently about non-English, lower class people

(Skip a hellua lot)

Rukario - Visit our community forums today! http://www.pokeboards.com has been added to the conversation.

Alex- When I was young I dreamt in 8 bits ... these were the fairy tales of our generation says:
Đąмієи |₪| Along with the people inside. What a wonderful caricture of intimacy. says:
Đąмієи |₪| Along with the people inside. What a wonderful caricture of intimacy. says:
How ya been?
Đąмієи |₪| Along with the people inside. What a wonderful caricture of intimacy. says:
Awesome? me too
Dave- Love you Gem says:
Đąмієи |₪| Along with the people inside. What a wonderful caricture of intimacy. says:
nice talking to ya
Dave- Love you Gem says:
Let's catch him!
Rukario - Visit our community forums today! http://www.pokeboards.com says:
Đąмієи |₪| Along with the people inside. What a wonderful caricture of intimacy. says:
*throws pokeball at Rukario*
Alex- When I was young I dreamt in 8 bits ... these were the fairy tales of our generation says:
someone tell him his name is wrong!
Katie - Whoo! Thank you mother nature ^^ says:

Đąмієи |₪| Along with the people inside. What a wonderful caricture of intimacy. says:
Alex- When I was young I dreamt in 8 bits ... these were the fairy tales of our generation says:
quick, before you capture him and get stuck with the ghey name!
Katie - Whoo! Thank you mother nature ^^ says:
Someone get me a MasterBall...
ラチリ - Yep, it finally happened. The hot chocolate's being used to console a depressed girl. says:
Rukario - Visit our community forums today! http://www.pokeboards.com says:
who r u guys?
Alex- When I was young I dreamt in 8 bits ... these were the fairy tales of our generation says:
who 'r u'?
Dave- Love you Gem says:
Pokeball! GO!
ラチリ - Yep, it finally happened. The hot chocolate's being used to console a depressed girl. says:
I don't have a masterball emote
Ellie Bellie - Gayest of the gay says:
i'm Mr Anderson
Đąмієи |₪| Along with the people inside. What a wonderful caricture of intimacy. says:
Were pokemon trainers, Duh!
Dave- Love you Gem says:
hu teh fk r u
Alex- When I was young I dreamt in 8 bits ... these were the fairy tales of our generation says:
I'm Agent Smith
Rukario - Visit our community forums today! http://www.pokeboards.com says:
Đąмієи |₪| Along with the people inside. What a wonderful caricture of intimacy. says:
wut da fuk?
Rukario - Visit our community forums today! http://www.pokeboards.com says:
well join this pokemon forum
Alex- When I was young I dreamt in 8 bits ... these were the fairy tales of our generation says:
ラチリ - Yep, it finally happened. The hot chocolate's being used to console a depressed girl. says:
I'm the Zeeky Boogy Doog Bomg
Đąмієи |₪| Along with the people inside. What a wonderful caricture of intimacy. says:
dis sukz
ラチリ - Yep, it finally happened. The hot chocolate's being used to console a depressed girl. says:
Dave- Love you Gem says:
I'm The Doctor, by the way
Rukario - Visit our community forums today! http://www.pokeboards.com says:
Alex- When I was young I dreamt in 8 bits ... these were the fairy tales of our generation says:
Alex- When I was young I dreamt in 8 bits ... these were the fairy tales of our generation says:
I'm the doctor
Ellie Bellie - Gayest of the gay says:
i'm on 2 forums already
Alex- When I was young I dreamt in 8 bits ... these were the fairy tales of our generation says:
You're Rose Tyler
Ellie Bellie - Gayest of the gay says:
both probably better than yours
Alex- When I was young I dreamt in 8 bits ... these were the fairy tales of our generation says:
no thanks
Alex- When I was young I dreamt in 8 bits ... these were the fairy tales of our generation says:
please fuck off
Dave- Love you Gem says:
Alex- When I was young I dreamt in 8 bits ... these were the fairy tales of our generation says:
Rukario - Visit our community forums today! http://www.pokeboards.com says:
Dave- Love you Gem says:
"When I have milk in my breasts, I can suck on them myself"
Katie - Whoo! Thank you mother nature ^^ says:
Đąмієи |₪| Along with the people inside. What a wonderful caricture of intimacy. says:
I like chicken
Alex- When I was young I dreamt in 8 bits ... these were the fairy tales of our generation says:
can you?
Katie - Whoo! Thank you mother nature ^^ says:
Alex- When I was young I dreamt in 8 bits ... these were the fairy tales of our generation says:
they must be fucking huge
Rukario - Visit our community forums today! http://www.pokeboards.com says:
dave r u a girl
ラチリ - Yep, it finally happened. The hot chocolate's being used to console a depressed girl. says:
... it's staring at me...
Ellie Bellie - Gayest of the gay says:
ラチリ - Yep, it finally happened. The hot chocolate's being used to console a depressed girl. says:
Katie - Whoo! Thank you mother nature ^^ says:
Alex- When I was young I dreamt in 8 bits ... these were the fairy tales of our generation says:
that ending sequence was fucking scary
Alex- When I was young I dreamt in 8 bits ... these were the fairy tales of our generation says:
what the hell?
ラチリ - Yep, it finally happened. The hot chocolate's being used to console a depressed girl. says:
Dave- Love you Gem says:
Extended breasts?
Đąмієи |₪| Along with the people inside. What a wonderful caricture of intimacy. says:
Dave is my girlfriend, you trying to hit on my woman?
ラチリ - Yep, it finally happened. The hot chocolate's being used to console a depressed girl. says:
*blows up*
Alex- When I was young I dreamt in 8 bits ... these were the fairy tales of our generation says:
Đąмієи |₪| Along with the people inside. What a wonderful caricture of intimacy. says:
Dave- Love you Gem says:
Alex- When I was young I dreamt in 8 bits ... these were the fairy tales of our generation says:
Dami is my Bitch
Dave- Love you Gem says:
All girl brat camp
Alex- When I was young I dreamt in 8 bits ... these were the fairy tales of our generation says:
*pets bitch*
Dave- Love you Gem says:
Alex- When I was young I dreamt in 8 bits ... these were the fairy tales of our generation says:
and Rach is my Art Bitch
Alex- When I was young I dreamt in 8 bits ... these were the fairy tales of our generation says:
*pets art bitch*
Đąмієи |₪| Along with the people inside. What a wonderful caricture of intimacy. says:
Dave- Love you Gem says:
Leave my CrabMeat alone.
ラチリ - Yep, it finally happened. The hot chocolate's being used to console a depressed girl. says:
I just blow up randomly

Rukario - Visit our community forums today! http://www.pokeboards.com has left the conversation.

Alex- When I was young I dreamt in 8 bits ... these were the fairy tales of our generation says:
I came up with the name
Alex- When I was young I dreamt in 8 bits ... these were the fairy tales of our generation says:

Đąмієи |₪| Along with the people inside. What a wonderful caricture of intimacy. says:
Yeah, you run away. Bitch.

Alex = Doctor Oak
Dave = Nemesis
Damien = Crabmeat
Ellie Bellie = Yoshimitsu
Katie = Me
ラチリ... = Prof. Cinders
Rukario = Random victim


Former Moderator

Ellie Bellie - Gayest of the gay - Indotsepoo! says:
btw, if you read the first post of Mist, you realise just how much i mock rachel
ラチリ - So... much pain... says:
ラチリ - So... much pain... says:
Ellie Bellie - Gayest of the gay - Indotsepoo! says:
let me find it
Ellie Bellie - Gayest of the gay - Indotsepoo! says:
"Indeed. The chances of catching an illness are increased dramatically," Vincent said.

"Indeed," Vincent said, using the word 'indeed' for the third time. "I myself am a knight of Kinsta."
Ellie Bellie - Gayest of the gay - Indotsepoo! says:
"Indeed. No need for unneccessary damage," Vincent said.

You have just sent a Nudge!

ラチリ - So... much pain... says:
ラチリ - So... much pain... says:
*kills you*
ラチリ - So... much pain... says:
Ellie Bellie - Gayest of the gay - Indotsepoo! says:


Former Administrator
Dave-Love You Gem says:
Let's add LEE
Ellie Bellie - Gayest of the gay - Indotsepoo! says:
that isn't lee

i don't think...
M A C K says:
I'm not lee he's at school
Dave-Love You Gem says:
What? Leetupper@Pokedchool.com isnt Lee?
Ellie Bellie - Gayest of the gay - Indotsepoo! says:
told you
Dave-Love You Gem says:
How was I to know?
Ellie Bellie - Gayest of the gay - Indotsepoo! says:
Ellie Bellie - Gayest of the gay - Indotsepoo! says:
Lee's sign-in name is Lee
Ellie Bellie - Gayest of the gay - Indotsepoo! says:
Dave-Love You Gem says:
Ellie Bellie - Gayest of the gay - Indotsepoo! says:
when it is actually Lee

or some other version of his name
Dave-Love You Gem says:
So? He coult have changed it
Ellie Bellie - Gayest of the gay - Indotsepoo! says:
he doesn't
Dave-Love You Gem says:
Dave-Love You Gem says:
Does not mean he couldnt
Ellie Bellie - Gayest of the gay - Indotsepoo! says:
no, it means he doesn't
Ellie Bellie - Gayest of the gay - Indotsepoo! says:
Dave-Love You Gem says:
He used to have phrases ratehr than his name
Ellie Bellie - Gayest of the gay - Indotsepoo! says:
you could still tell it was Lee, though
Dave-Love You Gem says:
Mack might have been a nickname for all i know
Ellie Bellie - Gayest of the gay - Indotsepoo! says:

How the hell do you get Mack from Leander Tupper?
Dave-Love You Gem says:
Middle name, RP name, random nickname, anythign
Ellie Bellie - Gayest of the gay - Indotsepoo! says:
Joseph is his middle name
Dave-Love You Gem says:
All im saying is thinking it might be Lee isn't a huge stpid mistake.
Dave-Love You Gem says:
Sorry for knowing every fucking thing about him
Ellie Bellie - Gayest of the gay - Indotsepoo! says:
fair dues
Ellie Bellie - Gayest of the gay - Indotsepoo! says:
Dave-Love You Gem says:
So Mack, why do you use Lees account?
M A C K says:
I don't have one of my own
Dave-Love You Gem says:
Why don't you....sign up for one?
M A C K says:
I like to know who l
Ellie Bellie - Gayest of the gay - Indotsepoo! says:
how old are you?
M A C K says:
old enough
Ellie Bellie - Gayest of the gay - Indotsepoo! says:
useful ¬_¬
Dave-Love You Gem says:
"M A C K says:
I like to know who l" Not old enough to write complete sentances it seems
M A C K says:
lee speaks to
Dave-Love You Gem says:
Ah, so your nosy?
Dave-Love You Gem says:
Is he you lover?
Dave-Love You Gem says:
Are you jealous
Dave-Love You Gem says:
Do you want to kill steph in her sleep?
Ellie Bellie - Gayest of the gay - Indotsepoo! says:
you're a bit mean, really, nemmy
M A C K says:
well steph is ok
Dave-Love You Gem says:
Doe sshe stay at you rhouse, and then they make babies?
M A C K says:
no she lives far away
Dave-Love You Gem says:
Does Lee ever use the computer, and when you come back theres somethign on the chair and/or keyboard?
M A C K says:
yuck no
Ellie Bellie - Gayest of the gay - Indotsepoo! says:
lee would have the sense to clean it up
M A C K says:
you people are nasty
Dave-Love You Gem says:
He might not have known that dropped thecake crumbs.
Ellie Bellie - Gayest of the gay - Indotsepoo! says:
im not nasty
Dave-Love You Gem says:
Whats nasty abut eating cake at the computer?
Ellie Bellie - Gayest of the gay - Indotsepoo! says:
i'm perfectly clean-minded
Dave-Love You Gem says:
Me too, Iw as only talking about cakes dammit


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
ラチリ - Countdown to 16th birthday: 7 days (English GCSE: A!) says:
My dad was going to go to singapore, but they cancelled it because what he needed wasn't in Singapore... It's in TOKYO.
ラチリ - Countdown to 16th birthday: 7 days (English GCSE: A!) says:
And he might be going there in a few weeks.
ラチリ - Countdown to 16th birthday: 7 days (English GCSE: A!) says:
If that coincides with the hols...
Katie - Bored now says:
ラチリ - Countdown to 16th birthday: 7 days (English GCSE: A!) says:
And if we can afford it of course...
Katie - Bored now says:
But you're upperclass!
Katie - Bored now says:
Just sell one of your seven cars
ラチリ - Countdown to 16th birthday: 7 days (English GCSE: A!) says:
MIDDLE class.
ラチリ - Countdown to 16th birthday: 7 days (English GCSE: A!) says:
TWO cars.
Katie - Bored now says:
And let a maid or two go
ラチリ - Countdown to 16th birthday: 7 days (English GCSE: A!) says:
NO maids.
Katie - Bored now says:
Well, the slaves then
ラチリ - Countdown to 16th birthday: 7 days (English GCSE: A!) says:
NO slaves either.
Katie - Bored now says:
Damn. You fail at upperclassness!
Katie - Bored now says:
You should be ashamed

Katie = Me
Other person = Rach


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Ooo... Major revival. I bring you - LIFE!

.:00·28·16:. «@Linkachu» Howdy minions!
.:00·28·31:. «@Linkachu» Oak is probably asleep, so I'm taking over in his place
.:00·28·34:. «@Linkachu» Bow to me!
.:00·28·51:. «@DoctorOak» fuck you
.:00·28·55:. «@Linkachu» Dammit

.:00·30·13:. «@DoctorOak» fag = compartment in danish
.:00·30·28:. «@DoctorOak» .:04·23·39:. «%BrainySmurf» Put that beer in the fag!
.:00·30·28:. «@DoctorOak» .:04·23·44:. «%DoctorOak» so you open and check the overhead fag on a plane
.:00·30·28:. «@DoctorOak» .:04·23·57:. «%DoctorOak» place the fork in the right fag!
.:00·30·28:. «@DoctorOak» .:04·24·08:. «%BrainySmurf» I put everything I owned in that battered fag.
.:00·30·28:. «@DoctorOak» .:04·24·11:. «%DoctorOak» there's a map in the glove fag
.:00·30·28:. «@DoctorOak» .:04·24·16:. «%BrainySmurf» LMAO
.:00·30·28:. «@DoctorOak» .:04·24·26:. «%BrainySmurf» I have all my cd's in a cd fag!
.:00·30·28:. «@DoctorOak» .:04·24·43:. «%DoctorOak» my desk has a secret fag
.:00·30·28:. «@DoctorOak» .:04·24·54:. «%BrainySmurf» My fag has a secret desk!

*No idea who BrainySmurf is.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Nem tried to send me a song, first time round MSN deleted it 'cause the stupid thing thought it was a virus or something. Second time round, my net imploded, this followed after that:

.:22·01·41:. «Nemesis» Some one does not want you to have that song Alex
.:22·01·44:. «Nemesis» Im here
.:22·02·08:. «@DoctorOak» hey nem
.:22·02·13:. «@DoctorOak» and hey firefox
.:22·02·18:. «@DoctorOak» and yeah
.:22·02·23:. «@DoctorOak» that God dude is a right fucker
.:22·02·30:. «@DoctorOak» I think he's pissed off with me 'cause I beat him at bowling last week
.:22·02·40:. «Nemesis» oh rihgt
.:22·02·44:. «Nemesis» I always let him win
.:22·02·47:. «@DoctorOak» see
.:22·02·49:. «@DoctorOak» I tried that
.:22·02·53:. «@DoctorOak» but I kept getting strikes
.:22·02·53:. «@DoctorOak» :/
.:22·03·25:. «Nemesis» unlucky
.:22·03·32:. «Nemesis» Youd think God would be able to win
.:22·03·48:. «@DoctorOak» apparently he said he didn't want to do the whole omnipotent thing
.:22·03·51:. «@DoctorOak» just to make it fair
.:22·04·03:. «@DoctorOak» though I so totally saw him knock down a pin with his mind
.:22·04·12:. «Nemesis» yeah, he always cheats
.:22·04·16:. «@DoctorOak» one of those "one pin right at the edge" deals
.:22·04·23:. «@DoctorOak» and "bang" down it goes like a minute later
.:22·04·33:. «Nemesis» Speaking of the big man
.:22·04·36:. «@DoctorOak» at least when Satan cheats
.:22·04·40:. «@DoctorOak» he does it to your face
.:22·04·42:. «@DoctorOak» I mean
.:22·04·42:. «Nemesis» Got lunch with him tomorrow
.:22·04·46:. «@DoctorOak» he runs down the lane
.:22·04·50:. «@DoctorOak» and fucking kicks the pin down himself
.:22·04·56:. «@DoctorOak» oh?
.:22·05·16:. «Nemesis» "Lunch with God"
.:22·05·22:. «Nemesis» "oooooow"
.:22·05·38:. «Nemesis» "Now I'm gonna find something to have sex with"
.:22·05·42:. «@DoctorOak» lol
.:22·06·07:. * @DoctorOak »» WinAmp «» ACDC - Highway to Hell «» 00:05/03:28 [¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦] «» 128 kbps mp3 ««
Okay, I had this conversation with my friend (who lives very far away) just now, and I thought y'all, being Pokemon fans, might enjoy it:

ME: i had a question
FRIEND: okay
ME: this came up in jap today........
ME: if there was a battle, pikachu VS charizard...
ME: who would win?
ME: X3
FRIEND: i haven't htought about pokem on in a LONG time..
ME: lol
ME: we had a pokemon day today
FRIEND: is charizard the fire dragon thingy
ME: it was hilarious
ME: yep
ME: and pikachu is the godly little yellow rat
ME: X3
FRIEND: ermm..i used to like pokemon a lot...ermm
ME: lol
FRIEND: yea h iremember pikachu
ME: lol
ME: duh
ME: everybody does
ME: its like, the pokegod
FRIEND: i don't know whou would win
ME: lol
FRIEND: haha
ME: see...charizard could step on 'chu...
ME: but 'chu is like...the god of pokemon...
ME: and very small...
ME: so wouldnt it run away in time?
ME: that was my arguement
FRIEND: could..
ME: but there were some who said...
ME: 'zard is big
ME: it blows fire
ME: it burns up battlefield
ME: 'chu=burnt crisp
FRIEND: i'm sorry..but it's really late (and i shouldn't be styaing up this late today, but i did) and i've got lots of work due this week...so i'll email you soon
ME: is what i said
FRIEND: yeah.. lol
ME: it could FRY the freakin' 'zard! O_O
ME: but noooo...
ME: i was of the minority...
ME: so the 'zard wins, i guess
ME: ^_^;;;;;
FRIEND: ok lol
ME: lol
ME: poor 'chu
ME: X3

True story. Today in Japanese class...Pokemon ruled. I dunno why. I blame Period 7, since the team names (each class is split into teams) are Pikachu and Charizard (not Lizardon, though -_- ), and so there are pictures of a Pikachu and a Charizard up on the front board. Yup. Fun, fun day. X3

It was mostly me telling the story, but oh well. Meh. *shrug*


Former Moderator
[01:53] 17. We do not reccomend waving a spoon covered in cookie dough in front of your cat's face and say "You want the cookie dough? Huh? Do you? Well you can't have the cookie dough because you suck!" and expect a response. The cat will look at you like you're a peice of crap, but you won't get a response.
[01:54] ROFL
[01:54] =o it's monday already
[01:54] Kitty
[01:54] FEAR!
[01:54] roffle luhmaho
[01:55] *cough*
[01:55] ohmygodroffleluhmaho
[01:55] Wait
[01:55] Oh-em-gee
[01:55] ohemgeedouble-yewteeeffbeebeequeroffleluhmaho
[01:55] Ack
[01:56] Pwn'd by El :(
[01:56] you make that sound like i don't pwn you all that often
[01:56] ROFL
[01:56] or that i'm just really lame
[01:56] There, there, El
[01:56] We still love you ;)
[01:56] God, I'm freakin' hyper right now
[01:57] i have far too much energy
[01:57] I'm giggling off and on
[01:57] Far!
[01:57] * Elliot makes some coffee or something
[01:57] i need a drink at any rate
[01:57] GAAAH!
[01:57] * Elliot gets some milk
[01:57] That'd send me through the roof O.O;;;
[01:57] XD
[01:57] me too
[01:57] Where's my damn turkey coma?!
[01:58] turkey coma!
[01:58] >XD
[01:58] RAINBOW turkey coma
[01:59] AHAHAHA!
[01:59] Pitch fork Ho-oh! ROAST IT WITH THE SACRED FLAME!
[01:59] >XD
[01:59] >XD
[01:59] she's lost it ^^
[02:00] i don't think she ever had it to lose, mind
[02:00] I agree
[02:00] Wait
[02:00] No, no I still do :p
[02:00] ... no...
[02:00] yes...
[02:00] no...
[02:00] * Elliot snickers
[02:00] yess...
[02:00] GAH!
[02:00] *head meets pitch fork*
[02:01] ..........
[02:01] katie. alex is stood naked behind you
[02:01] O_________O;;
[02:01] AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
[02:01] XD
[02:01] I DO NOOOOT WANT TO SEE THAT!!!! >________>
[02:03] ROFFLE
[02:04] You know
[02:04] My screaming was totally messed
[02:04] It should have more A's! :p
[02:04] very true
[02:04] Now that's a proper scream ^^
[02:05] nah
[02:05] go for the first one
[02:05] definitely not the third one


[02:08] Noooooooooooooooo
[02:08] My wireless is beginning to lag
[02:08] * Elliot snickers
[02:08] best to ignore it
[02:08] Its signalling... my destiny :O
[02:08] definitely best to ignore it
[02:08] wait
[02:09] you're going to have a laggy life?
[02:09] what the hell?
[02:09] or is your death going to be lag-related?
[02:09] ...
[02:09] Damn. You're right
[02:09] I am?


[02:13] * Linkachu gets hit by bullet
[02:13] fix'd
[02:13] Fix the bullet hole in my forehead plzkthxbai
[02:14] This lag... this lag is my destiny...?
[02:14] * Elliot fixes that too
[02:15] * Elliot makes Lagging illegal
[02:15] My destiny is illegal ;_____;
[02:15] Oh, irony gods? WHY!?


[02:18] The lag... it really is getting bad ;__;
[02:18] you destiny
[02:18] MY DESTINY
[02:18] uh
[02:18] i mean
[02:18] No...
[02:18] because...
[02:18] IT'S MY DESTING!
[02:18] ..
[02:18] >XDDD
I'm not sure if anyone will actually find this interesting but here is a conversation between me and my friend Will about yugioh. Sorry if its to long.

rinokwedjnfalwa: hey are you on
Yami Ace: Yes
rinokwedjnfalwa: toms a jerk
Yami Ace: Why?
rinokwedjnfalwa: I was imimg him and he just went idle without even warning me
Yami Ace: okay?
Yami Ace: Who cares?
rinokwedjnfalwa: i care
rinokwedjnfalwa: he thought tomorrows lunch situation is funny
Yami Ace: was funny*
Yami Ace: past tense
Yami Ace: moron
rinokwedjnfalwa: yeah welll puplre sucks
Yami Ace: purple > you
Yami Ace: You forgot your deck on your bus
Yami Ace: moron
rinokwedjnfalwa: isay puplre
Yami Ace: is better than you
rinokwedjnfalwa: is is supposed to be I's
Yami Ace: huh?
Yami Ace: lolz
rinokwedjnfalwa: akbfvlkawbaegrhskrfdvia
rinokwedjnfalwa: orry i dropped my keyboard
rinokwedjnfalwa: i forgot to tell you before but matt was stuck in my class all day
Yami Ace: Your grammar is atrocious
Yami Ace: And I've been thinking it over
Yami Ace: I will trade you lily for your dekoichi
rinokwedjnfalwa: really
Yami Ace: Yes, BUT
Yami Ace: It must be TOm's ultimate rare
Yami Ace: AND
Yami Ace: I want another card
Yami Ace: Preferably
Yami Ace: future or overload fusion
Yami Ace: Either will do
rinokwedjnfalwa: how is that my dekoichi
Yami Ace: I know you don't have Tom's ultimate rare
Yami Ace: But if you can't trade for it
Yami Ace: Then I'll just trade my lily to Tom :p
rinokwedjnfalwa: you confused me
Yami Ace: ...?
Yami Ace: What don't you get?
Yami Ace: You know how tom has an ULTIMATE RARE Dekoichi?
Yami Ace: Get it from him
Yami Ace: Then trade it to me for lily
rinokwedjnfalwa: i just farted
Yami Ace: You must also get a future OR overload fusion
Yami Ace: Got it?
rinokwedjnfalwa: np
rinokwedjnfalwa: no
Yami Ace: yay
Yami Ace: What?
rinokwedjnfalwa: huh
Yami Ace: np = no problem
rinokwedjnfalwa: i missed the o
Yami Ace: So why no?
rinokwedjnfalwa: why no what
Yami Ace: You have a backspace button for a reason
rinokwedjnfalwa: no i dont
Yami Ace: I asked if you understood
Yami Ace: You said no
Yami Ace: What don't you understand about my proposition?
rinokwedjnfalwa: i meant to say yes
Yami Ace: Listen
rinokwedjnfalwa: mops are retarded
Yami Ace: My Lily for an Ultimate Rare Dekoichi and Overload OR Future fusion
Yami Ace: Get it?
Yami Ace: Dekoichi is a machine so that'll help
Yami Ace: I was only reluctant to trade it before because I would be losing
Yami Ace: Lily is very good
Yami Ace: But an overload or future fusion would even it out
rinokwedjnfalwa: hold on i have to order pizza
Yami Ace: Just tell me you understand what I'm saying
rinokwedjnfalwa: yes
Yami Ace: Will you try to get your hands on those cards?
rinokwedjnfalwa: sure
Yami Ace: Good
Yami Ace: Hopefully we can have another party in two weeks or so
Yami Ace: Maybe Jordon can come
Yami Ace: But no dry humping or innapropriate touching
Yami Ace: What
Yami Ace: a
Yami Ace: fag
rinokwedjnfalwa: liar
Yami Ace: You're such a faggot
Yami Ace: Really
rinokwedjnfalwa: my pizza costs 29.10
Yami Ace: Only fags pay 29.10
rinokwedjnfalwa: youre the fsag
Yami Ace: Yeah, I'm a fsag
Yami Ace: But you're a fag
rinokwedjnfalwa: dam n you and your inferior intelectgiencees
Yami Ace: superior*
rinokwedjnfalwa: supior penguins
rinokwedjnfalwa: flaming chipmunk pants
rinokwedjnfalwa: FLAMING
rinokwedjnfalwa: CHIPMUNK
rinokwedjnfalwa: PANTS
rinokwedjnfalwa: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO
rinokwedjnfalwa: puplre sucks
rinokwedjnfalwa: did go to the bathroom again
rinokwedjnfalwa: are you ignorring me
Yami Ace: ugh
Yami Ace: Make that ultimate rare dekoichi, future and overload fusion
Yami Ace: j/k
rinokwedjnfalwa: im probably not gonna be able to get the fusions
Yami Ace: Try your best
Yami Ace: But I gave you a list
Yami Ace: Definitely ultimare rare dekoichi
rinokwedjnfalwa: no then i have to something
rinokwedjnfalwa: ultimare rare dekoichi fine
Yami Ace: to give something? Yes, that's how trades work
Yami Ace: But think of the lily
Yami Ace: Think of her
Yami Ace: short skirt
Yami Ace: aniem sexiness
rinokwedjnfalwa: DAMN YOU!!!!!!!
Yami Ace: She's like
Yami Ace: Cyber Stein's hot sis
rinokwedjnfalwa: wtf
Yami Ace: Cyber Stein, they both pay LP
Yami Ace: To give big damage
Yami Ace: Little sis
Yami Ace: But still
rinokwedjnfalwa: thats a retarded way of thinking
Yami Ace: How so?
Yami Ace: I don't mean like, blood siblings
Yami Ace: Just an expression
rinokwedjnfalwa: i cant explain it
Yami Ace: Checkers is like, the little brother of chess
Yami Ace: Just
Yami Ace: an expression
Yami Ace: Similar
Yami Ace: But not
rinokwedjnfalwa: expressions scare me and the penguins
rinokwedjnfalwa: stop using them
rinokwedjnfalwa: we know where you live
Yami Ace: But anyways
Yami Ace: To that list I gave you
Yami Ace: Add
Yami Ace: Yata Garasu, Dragon's Mirror, and FGD
Yami Ace: Yata and FGD are instant qualifiers for my lily
rinokwedjnfalwa: whats Yata Garasu again
Yami Ace: winged beast
Yami Ace: 2 stars
Yami Ace: 200 atk
Yami Ace: 100 def
Yami Ace: wind element
Yami Ace: spirit monster
rinokwedjnfalwa: im gonna go look to see if i have it
Yami Ace: If this card gives battle damage to your opponent
Yami Ace: They skip their next draw phase
Yami Ace: Argueably the best lock card in the game
Yami Ace: It's been banned for a very, very, long time
rinokwedjnfalwa: i dont have one whats dragon mirror
Yami Ace: Like miracle fusion, except for dragons
Yami Ace: Perfect for summoning FGD
rinokwedjnfalwa: is it a halo
rinokwedjnfalwa: holo
rinokwedjnfalwa: hello
rinokwedjnfalwa: hello
Yami Ace: huh?
Yami Ace: a halo?
Yami Ace: No
Yami Ace: Dragons mirror
Yami Ace: Is a spell card
Yami Ace: With a picture of a dragon coming out of a mirror
rinokwedjnfalwa: i meant holo
Yami Ace: Hahaha
Yami Ace: I don't know
Yami Ace: But dragon's mirror aloen won't get you lily
Yami Ace: I'd much rather have dekoichi and overload fusion
rinokwedjnfalwa: damn dont have any of those
Yami Ace: Just trade for 'em
rinokwedjnfalwa: couldnt i just buy it off you
Yami Ace: The lily?
Yami Ace: hmm
Yami Ace: no
rinokwedjnfalwa: why
Yami Ace: How much are you willing to pay?
rinokwedjnfalwa: how muh is it worth
rinokwedjnfalwa: never mind ill go check
Yami Ace: E-bay prices range from
Yami Ace: $7 to $15
Yami Ace: But I don't care for money
Yami Ace: Not until I quit the game
rinokwedjnfalwa: you know what if there that cheap im just gonna go buy one
rinokwedjnfalwa: or steal it from jordan and say i bought it
Yami Ace: If you trade then you don't have to spend a dime
Yami Ace: Jordon has a spare lily?
rinokwedjnfalwa: but i have a olt of dimes to spend
Yami Ace: Save your money
Yami Ace: I'll trade it to you
rinokwedjnfalwa: i dont know its just funny because i took his monster reincarnation and said i bought it on ebay
Yami Ace: Give it back
Yami Ace: You tard
rinokwedjnfalwa: i dont like saving money
rinokwedjnfalwa: no
Yami Ace: I will tell him you stole it
Yami Ace: You f--king klepto
rinokwedjnfalwa: he didnt notice there for it is mine
Yami Ace: That's retarded logic
Yami Ace: There is no justification in that statement
Yami Ace: Just stupidity
rinokwedjnfalwa: matt and tom think its funny
Yami Ace: Just give it back
Yami Ace: Because I will tell him
rinokwedjnfalwa: but i need it
Yami Ace: I don't give a f--k
rinokwedjnfalwa: and you have no proof
Yami Ace: I need dekoichi, but I didn't steal it
Yami Ace: And you just admitted to stealing
Yami Ace: tard
rinokwedjnfalwa: you should have i wouldnt have noticed no ididnt
rinokwedjnfalwa: turd
Yami Ace: You just did
Yami Ace: Seriously
Yami Ace: I'm going to go e-mail Jordon
rinokwedjnfalwa: cerealy
Yami Ace: That's not a word
rinokwedjnfalwa: it is now
rinokwedjnfalwa: cerealy
Yami Ace: It is not
Yami Ace: I'm opening hotmail right now
rinokwedjnfalwa: yes it is
rinokwedjnfalwa: go ahead
Yami Ace: You'd better give it back
rinokwedjnfalwa: i gave it back today its just fun messing with you
Yami Ace: I'm still e-mailing him
rinokwedjnfalwa: damn
rinokwedjnfalwa: im egging your house next halloween
Yami Ace: E-mail status: sent
rinokwedjnfalwa: woop de do bazzle
Yami Ace: You know if you didn't care
Yami Ace: Then you didn't need to lie and tell me you gave it back
Yami Ace: But maybe that's just me
rinokwedjnfalwa: yeah well your a ten eyed demon chicken from heaven
rinokwedjnfalwa: iranian whore
rinokwedjnfalwa: thing thats mean
rinokwedjnfalwa: arrrg
rinokwedjnfalwa: polar bear
rinokwedjnfalwa: stoooooooooooooooooooooooooop ig nore ing me
rinokwedjnfalwa: damn o was stuck
rinokwedjnfalwa: did you really emial him
Yami Ace: Yes
Yami Ace: And stop making so many typos
rinokwedjnfalwa: oh come on i was going to give it back to him
rinokwedjnfalwa: ................
rinokwedjnfalwa: on the last day of school
Yami Ace: Well you're going to have to give it back sooner
rinokwedjnfalwa: or am i
Yami Ace: Yeah
Yami Ace: You will
rinokwedjnfalwa: says who
Yami Ace: You and I both know
rinokwedjnfalwa: the card police
Yami Ace: That if MR Kucooza is brought into this
Yami Ace: He'll probably ban card playing altogether
Yami Ace: Over a stolen piece of paper
Yami Ace: Ha
rinokwedjnfalwa: and it will be your fault
rinokwedjnfalwa: so ha
Yami Ace: People will blame you
rinokwedjnfalwa: no thaiel blame you
Yami Ace: Who stole the card?
Yami Ace: Hahaaha
rinokwedjnfalwa: me but your the only one that said any thing both tom and matt had no problem with it only you did
Yami Ace: Type faster
Yami Ace: That doesn't matter
Yami Ace: You stole it
Yami Ace: You made a problem
Yami Ace: You have to fix it
rinokwedjnfalwa: you brought it up dumb ass
Yami Ace: The problem existed whether I said anything or not
rinokwedjnfalwa: but no one said anything about it
rinokwedjnfalwa: only you did
Yami Ace: Then that's wrong
Yami Ace: If someone stole your deck
Yami Ace: Wouldn't you want someone to say?
Yami Ace: Hey Peterman
Yami Ace: I know the guy who stole your deck
Yami Ace: But I won't say
Yami Ace: Because then I'm causing the problem
Yami Ace: Not the guy who stole it in the first place
Yami Ace: Hahahaha
Yami Ace: Fail
rinokwedjnfalwa: not really because i could care less if my deck was stolen i only started playing yugioh again after i cam back to shepard so that i would have something to do at lunch since i lost my Ds
Yami Ace: Jordon would care
Yami Ace: And I bet he does
Yami Ace: you were just an example
Yami Ace: People MIDN when things are stolen
rinokwedjnfalwa: if he cares so much why hasnt he noticed
Yami Ace: That makes no sense
rinokwedjnfalwa: MIDN nice grammer
rinokwedjnfalwa: moron
Yami Ace: So because he hasn't noticed, he doesn't care?
rinokwedjnfalwa: excaltly
Yami Ace: Stupid
Yami Ace: that makes no sense
rinokwedjnfalwa: studip
Yami Ace: Explain that to me
Yami Ace: How does that make sense
Yami Ace: Wehther or not he cares
Yami Ace: It's still stealing
Yami Ace: And if HE DOES CARE
Yami Ace: Then he will tell MR Cocuzza
Yami Ace: Taddle talling is definitely a sign of caring
rinokwedjnfalwa: theres never been any problem for the last month because he hasnt noticed he doesnt have he acceptes the fact that i probaably got it on ebay there for you emailing him that i stole his card is causing a problem that didnt exist before yoyu brought it up
Yami Ace: You're ignoring the point
Yami Ace: There IS a problem
Yami Ace: He has many cards
Yami Ace: Do you expect him to keep track of every one?
rinokwedjnfalwa: yuour the only one causing the problem though
rinokwedjnfalwa: and yes i do
Yami Ace: Not the guy who stole in the first place?
Yami Ace: Oh, right
Yami Ace: My bad
Yami Ace: God forbid we blame the card who started it all
Yami Ace: I mean come on
Yami Ace: balme the guy*
Yami Ace: You know what I mean
Yami Ace: But anyways
Yami Ace: YOU'RE causing the problem
rinokwedjnfalwa: no youre causing the problem
Yami Ace: Do you blame the security camera if it seesyou robbing a bank, andf you get caught because of it?
Yami Ace: Or do you blame
Yami Ace: *gasp*
Yami Ace: The guy who robbed the bank
Yami Ace: Hmm
Yami Ace: LEt me think...
Yami Ace: Oh, right
rinokwedjnfalwa: of course id blame the guy that robbed the bank but if he doesnt get caught and noone notices then theres no problem untill someone bring it up
Yami Ace: There's no problem is the guy who robs the bank isn't caught?
rinokwedjnfalwa: exactely
Yami Ace: Is there no problem if the rapist is never caught?
Yami Ace: You're an idiot
Yami Ace: And yes I can compare the two, a crime is a crime
rinokwedjnfalwa: youre an idiot trying to compare what idid with these things
Yami Ace: A crime
Yami Ace: is a crime
Yami Ace: is a crime
rinokwedjnfalwa: no its not
Yami Ace: Rape is just an example
Yami Ace: Look at the point I'm making
Yami Ace: It's called an analogy
Yami Ace: IF a murderer is never caught, is there no problem?
Yami Ace: I know murder isn't comparable to card stealing
Yami Ace: But that's not the point
rinokwedjnfalwa: can we contiue this in about twenty minutes i have to eat
Yami Ace: Just give the damn card back
rinokwedjnfalwa: nevcre
Yami Ace: It's a f--king piece of paper
Yami Ace: Well, you're not going to have a choice
Yami Ace: But go eat
rinokwedjnfalwa: NEVCRE
rinokwedjnfalwa: damn
Yami Ace signed off at 6:30:27 PM.
That dude pwn'd you. Hard.

Yeah my logic skills don't work very fast so when I'm aim trying to reply my thoughts get all jumbled and then it doesn't make since.:-[On the plus side my friend Jordan didn't care that I took it even after he found out that I took it and he let me keep it but I gave him a dollar cause I felt bad. ;D
Just something funny that sprang up while I was talking to my friend Tom=orangemen828

rinokwedjnfalwa: did you know you can watch penguins live on the internet
orangemen828: u told me
rinokwedjnfalwa: oh
rinokwedjnfalwa: i forgot
orangemen828: lol
rinokwedjnfalwa: did you watch any penguis live
orangemen828: no
rinokwedjnfalwa: why
orangemen828: because Penguins scare me
rinokwedjnfalwa: but all they do is stand there and swim
orangemen828: excactly
rinokwedjnfalwa: how does that scare you
orangemen828: because
rinokwedjnfalwa: because what
orangemen828: when they waddle they remind me of evil robots
rinokwedjnfalwa: hahaha
rinokwedjnfalwa: do any other birds scare you all birds but penguins scare me for some reason
orangemen828: hummingbirds scare me
orangemen828: they make me think they're going to fly right into my face
rinokwedjnfalwa: im scared of them for that and the fact the look like they could stab me easiely
orangemen828: i know
orangemen828: i dont want my tombstone to read that i died because i was impaled by a hummingbird
rinokwedjnfalwa: lol
rinokwedjnfalwa: i think ostritches are the scariest though those things could kill a person so easiely its not even funny
orangemen828: chickens cause 10 deaths in the US every year
orangemen828: or something like that
rinokwedjnfalwa: damn chickens thats why i enjoy eating them
orangemen828: lol


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Alex - "Keep your drink just give me the money" says:
as i said to rach
Katie - The purpose of a ninja is to flip out and kill people. says:
Alex - "Keep your drink just give me the money" says:
Alex - "Keep your drink just give me the money" says (22:54):
Alex - "Keep your drink just give me the money" says (22:54):
Alex - "Keep your drink just give me the money" says (22:54):
more chocolate than i can physically eat

Alex - "Keep your drink just give me the money" says:
Alex - "Keep your drink just give me the money" says (22:54):
and buffy
Alex - "Keep your drink just give me the money" says (22:54):
i'm in heaven

Katie - The purpose of a ninja is to flip out and kill people. says:
No, in heaven you'd have pizza pringles
Alex - "Keep your drink just give me the money" says:
Katie - The purpose of a ninja is to flip out and kill people. says:
Alex - "Keep your drink just give me the money" says:
Alex - "Keep your drink just give me the money" says:
Alex - "Keep your drink just give me the money" says:

Alex = Oak
Katie = Me ^^

Tho something tells me the last line won't mean much to the majority of ye.

And another...

Sem says:
I got glasses now. I have to wear these AND my contact.
Katie - The purpose of a ninja is to flip out and kill people. says:
Katie - The purpose of a ninja is to flip out and kill people. says:
Please don't tell me you mean at the same time, because that's just sick and wrong
Sem says:
Yes. At the same time.
Sem says:
Katie - The purpose of a ninja is to flip out and kill people. says:

Sem = Sem

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