Another conv with Racie. Man, this girl rocks.
Racie says:
angry at this new router though.. ughhh
StellarWind Elsydeon says:
Routers of death
Racie says:
it refuses to go to the setup page, apparently that's a common problem that nobody seems to be able to answer correctly =="""
StellarWind Elsydeon says:
Crapp(TM) brand routers! It's not connection issues, it's connection FEATURES!
Racie says:
how'd you know I bought an airlink >__>
Racie says:
their website is useless.. their answer for my particular problem is "did you ping it? lol reset it, no reset your modem, welp your cable is bad"
StellarWind Elsydeon says:
"Noononono, you got it all wrong. You have to open the book, ring the bell, light a few coffee scented candles, strip, put a black blanket over yourself with holes poked out for the eyes, mark ancient slavic runes in your own blood around the router and then dance the funky chicken while chanting the incantation 'Ya avoozl, cthulhu f'soeth poet-pose hypaa soi gabriasu!' in a shrill sing-songy voice! And then you have to sacrifice a small goat to it, and then it'll work!"
StellarWind Elsydeon says:
"... didn't work? Must've been a faulty goat then. THE GODS SHUN YOUR FAULTY GOATS!"
StellarWind Elsydeon says:
Racie says:
..I used a sheep
StellarWind Elsydeon says:
Racie says:
it was all I had! goats don't grow on trees!
Racie says:
warata are in full supply though >__>
StellarWind Elsydeon says:
Also, for best results you must only use MicroGoat-approved goats, complete with a little sticker branded on their horns!"
StellarWind Elsydeon says:
Designed for Intel Pentagram Processor >>
StellarWind Elsydeon says:
... Seriously, imagine computer parts approved by the devil XD
Racie says:
you mean they aren't?
StellarWind Elsydeon says:
(Intel chime with an evil laughter spliced into it) "EVIL INSIDE!"
Racie says:
what's the excuse for my cdrom drive then
StellarWind Elsydeon says:
does it eat babies?
Racie says:
it doesn't eat CDs.. maybe it is a babivore
Racie says:
perhaps I can comprimise with minidiscs
StellarWind Elsydeon says:
Stuff a CD in a diaper and give it a pacifier,maybe it'll mistake it for a baby
Racie says:
..oh god, you just reminded me of the librarian I had in elementary school, who told us "books are your babies!" and would put one in a diaper to demonstrate
For the uninitiated, a Warata is a Denjuu (Electric Beast) from the Keitai Denjuu Telefang series. Waratas are small, cute, sheep-like critters, and as all Denjuu are apparantly born from Antenna Trees... Yeah. Sheep growing on trees.
... Also I think her story in the end makes this conversation even MOAR XD.
Edit: Here's a more recent one from the 'charms chat...
[100]«Kaitlyn» If it weren't late, I'd just go back over to my friend's house.
* Kaitlyn remembers the saying: Never drive while Drowzee.
·StellarWind· Driving while Hypno isn't a great idea either.
·StellarWind· In fact, if you ARE a Drowzee, you're probably screwed.
Edit Deux:
Adam - omfg I can make a DDR game (playing WoW) says:
I'm in some gigantic capital city for the Trolls and stuff XD
StellarWind Elsydeon says:
Sounds like 4chan.
Edit the Third
* Yoshimitsu officially can't type
·StellarWind· must be the vampirism

[100]«Yoshimitsu» yees
[100]«Yoshimitsu» thats exactly what it is
[100]«Yoshimitsu» I VANT TO SUCK UR BLOOOOD
* StellarWind stakes El.
·StellarWind· I fucking hate Vampires, y'know ;P

* Yoshimitsu runs away
·StellarWind· Not to mention people that talk with 'UR'.
·StellarWind· xD
[100]«Yoshimitsu» it was a joke

·StellarWind· Pshaw. Vampires. Prancing about, all with a silly accent, 'chiiiiiildren of the night, blaaaaah'
·StellarWind· They never realize what's at -stake-.
·StellarWind· All a bunch of bloody ponces, really.
[100]«Yoshimitsu» uchgwgc that pun killed me more than an actual stake ever could
·StellarWind· Emphasis on the 'bloody'.
* Yoshimitsu dusts
·StellarWind· PUNFINITY ACHIEVED. And there was much rejoicing.