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Open The Chronicles of Necros

Someone who's brother is a high up in the underground and has protection. Not to mention, I said she moved to a large family to help with the family business
And Surrak is completely out of everything because he went the opposite direction they did.


*cries in corner*
*sips blue raspberry bleach*
It can't kill me
Just tastes like disappointment
I didn't mean that I'd have runes.
Unless that's the only form of magic.
I was talking more like already being a multiclass wizard-fighter, y'know?
And the blackquil can't be the only with runes, right? So getting runes can be done outside of organizations? Or their could be ones other then blackquil.

Also eevee? What was the council? Can I have more info on it because I wanna make a character
I had a weird image where it was really a bright day, and I was in the middle of this chat, and some messages were sent...
Then we all met up somewhere. All of us in the Outcasts RP that could make it, from the original group and a couple of the newcomers.
We talked... we laughed...
A whole lot of blurriness. The worst part is, I know for a FACT I've had that premonition before...
God. Deja Vu inception-level shit.
No, you... good god, you were wearing some kind of a...
A red t-shirt? A red t-shirt and khakis, maybe? No, jeans... I think jeans...
You had that same hair color as when we skyped...
..so anyways...
Runes are actually a unique form of magic first used by Ezequiel's grandfather, and was a closely kept secret. When the Blackquill was founded, Ez shared the knowledge of the Runes to give the Blackquill an edge in the fight for freedom. No one outside the Blackquill would know how to use them.
The Council is a governing group that control the Blackquill. There are currently seven members. There were originally nine, but two were killed. One of those men was James Storm's father. The seven men of the Council are equals who all vote on the decisions and all have equal power, but Ezequiel acts as the chairman and spokesperson of the council. We currently know two members of the Council of seven. Anyone is free to make another councilman (or councilwoman, gender isn't a factor). Ideally make them over 30 and skilled in some physical or mental way.