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Private/Closed The Defenders 1

Seven tried to fight the rising panic in her chest. This was why she hated flying. Just when the ninja woman was about to give up hope, some sort of prisim of energy appeared around her and caught her. It hurt, slamming into it, but it hurt much less than slamming into the ground at terminal velocity. The energy prism began to raise and head back towards the plane, and Seven looked up to see that it was the hero, Sleeper, that had saved her. The green-haired guy had also had the misfortune of being sucked out of the plane, only for Sleeper to have saved him as well. Strange... Seven thought that Sleeper wasn't able to fly...

The trio approached the plane, and Seven began to panic when Sleeper began to open the door from the outside. What was he doing?! Didn't he know what happened?! Was everyone on this plane incredibly stupid?!?!? But to her surprise, Sleeper opened the door and no one flew out. In fact, on further inspection, Seven saw that the hero had created some sort of energy wall to protect the passengers. Finally, someone with a bit of sense. Seven was brought back into the plane without issue, and the door closed safety. Taking a few breaths to get some air back into her lungs and to calm her down, Seven looked over to find Zero passed out on the ground and the kid in the prison clothes next to her. The mere sight of those two caused the ninja woman's blood to boil with rage. Seven got back to her feet and marched over to Riberio, staring him down as she approached. Then, without hesitation, the ninja woman threw a punch at the boy's nose. It wasn't a full power punch, of course. No, that was a punch that could break a car in half or punch through steel. Even in her rage, Seven made sure to hold back in her punch. If this punch hit, it would hurt. But it didn't have the strength to send the boy flying. Or if it missed, it wouldn't accidentally punch a hole in the plane.
"I'm sowwy!" Riberio said to Seven. He knew, that he may be one of the most hated people here (Well, he wasn't very popular earlier too...) Seven punch didn't suprised him. It was more suprising for him, that she didn't said anything... Wait, she never said anything..

"I ... I'm really, really sorry. I was tired and forgot what could happen ... No, nothing justifies me. If you want, I will go back to prison as soon as we leave the jet. I will only have a request to Mr. Michael" said Riberio. His nose hurt a lot after the blow, but the bone didn't break and compared to the whole body. It wasn't the worst pain.
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Previously EeviumZ
Coughing, the girl barely managed to sit up. She looked around, quickly putting two and two together, and spoke. Her voice was a thin rasp, signifying her weakness.
"Lixi above... what the hell is going on?" she rasped, shaking slightly. She'd really put a massive strain on herself earlier.
Phoenix had stayed up on the large sky tall building, and observed what had went on with the fight. Walking slowly to the edge, Phoenix walked off and slowly floated down to the ground. They walked with graceful steps, until they reaced the man who seemed to be hurt.

Kneeling down, Phoenix brought out a bottle from the shimmering pouch. In their hands they made a needle out of the green energy. Tilting the head, Phoenix found the vein they looked for, and gently inserted the filled needle into the man.

"Do not worry. This will not harm you. Unless you try and fight what is happening. Do not fight. This will help you recover faster." Phoenix was not one to let anyone stay hurt if they could help. Removing the needle, it disappeared with a thought.

Phoenix knew that the man would probably be hunted now that he failed to kill his target, so they wanted to give them a fighting chance.
Seven glared at the boy. The way he was whining and whimpering made her feel a little bad, but she sure as hell wasn't going to show it. He was just a kid, after all. A really stupid kid with crazy powers, but a kid. Still glaring at the kid, a groan caught her attention. Seven glanced down to see Zero slowly getting up, looking dazed and exhausted. Well, too bad. That didn't make Seven feel any more sorry for her. Because of these two's idiot actions, they could have killed literally everyone on the plane.

Seven responded to Riberio the only way she could right now. After all, she had lost her notebook when she had been sucked out of the airplane. The ninja woman aimed a kick at the boy's chest, attempting to knock him off his feet. Done with that, Seven knelt down to Zero's level. Glaring at the girl, the ninja woman aimed a strong backhand strike across the ice hero's face before getting back up and looking for something to write on.
Riberio touched his chest where he was kicked. During the fight with Victor, he took a blue fireball in the same place ... Now his wounds have definitely worsened ... "Okay, that's my punishment. I deserve this kick," he thought. Then he remind himself about Blackquill "Don't do anything stupid" ... Heh, it's too late. If Riberio had to choose between admonition and chatter of Blackquill, and beating from Seven. He would choose Blackquill, he would at least say verbally how dangerous Riberio is, irresponsible etc.

His thoughts returned to their enemy. It seemed Riberio was his target ... If Seven doesn't know it, then it's better not to give her one more reason to be angry. The reason, that if they didn't take Riberio, they would never be attacked. The man knew Riberio. He didn't have time to check, if he was all right. If he survives and they can meet, Riberio will have a lot of questions for him.
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The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
James laid on the ground panting for a while before getting up and glaring at everyone who opened the door "You nearly killed us! Me and this nice lady here flew out of the plane! after many opening that almost had the same effect! what is wrong with you!"


Previously EeviumZ
Allie released a small cry of pain when she was slapped, her eyes flickering blue. The contact caused her to unintentionally make a small burst of ice energy, out of fear and pain.
"Well, EXCUSE ME if I was exiled before I got to the year where they teach us about human technology! Oh, let's expect the alien species to know exactly how an airplane works! And let's slap her across the face when she doesn't! Great idea!" she raged. However, a lot of pain was written in the lines of her face: the topic of her exile was incredibly touchy for her. It still was an emotional trigger.
Chris got back up to the plane and watched everything unfold and watched as Seven hit Riberio and Zero and James yelled at them. In fatherly pity he went up to them, "I get that you guys don't know any better, but please at least ask. Before we get into any machines what not to do without warning others." He got up and gave two thumbs up and walked away.
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Previously EeviumZ
Her eyes still flickering with anger, she pierced James with her stare. "Maybe you should also consider that I have a rare unnamed psychological condition exclusive to my race. A condition that conveniently throws all common sense, logic, and self-preservation instinct when sufficiently angered or terrified. And does it not seem rather terrifying that a f*ing missile was shot at this vessel that we are riding in?" She turned away from the rest of the group, sitting down, her knees to her chest. "I do not wish to speak of this anymore." She seemed rather upset: clearly she was extremely bothered by her mental state.
Ra'nira, taking the long way back, saw the aftermath of the battle. It wasn't pretty. Heck! It didn't even look heroic! Instead it was like a bomb went off in the middle of the street. She sighed as she made it look normal. At least for a little bit. At least her powers did something instead of being completely useless. She continued walking, hoping her illusion lasted a while. Though, she wasn't completely sure.
Seven sat down in a seat, writing a message on some napkins before tossing it over to Absolute Zero and scowling at her.
Mental condition or not, your actions endangered everyone on the plane. If it wasn't for the quick thinking and teamwork of everyone else, Chris, myself, and the green haired guy would have all fallen to our deaths and died. Seven's message read. She was right. Joining this team was quite possibly one of the biggest mistakes she had ever made. What annoyed her even more was that Seven had thought this Absolute Zero was better than this. She had heard quite a few stories about this ice hero in the news, after all. But Seven had no idea she would throw the people she was working with in dangerous scenarios like that. What would happen if she ended up working with Zero in the future? Most likely, another scenario similar to this one would occur, but perhaps next time Seven wouldn't be so lucky.

Then there was the kid, who saw the chaos that was caused when Zero opened the door to the plane, and did it again. He was just as much to blame as Zero was. So Seven began to write again. The ninja woman wrote on another napkin before tossing it to Riberio.
And you. Even after you saw all the chaos and danger that was caused when Zero opened the door to the plane, even when you saw that the green haired guy and guy almost got pulled out of the plane. You didn't warn anyone when you opened the door again. You're just as much to blame for endangering the team as Zero is. Seven's message read. With an angry sigh, the ninja woman leaned back. She'd have to talk to this Micheal guy or whoever about dropping out of the team after this...
Make a note to himself, normal people are easy to be pulled out of the plane. Well, Riberio could also fell from the jet... But, he felt like he was kinda used to it, now...Maybe its better to tell them about the guy... Wait, there was one more person with them (Phoenix) ... Well, it wasn't much of a help now. "Umm... Seven, I need to tell you something (Please, don't hurt me even more)"
Sagittarius woke up. He couldn't believe, that he lost, but it wasn't the most important thing now. He felt that someone is coming. He knew 2 people, that was prepared to go to Earth, if he failed. This sadist Cancer or Calm Libra. "Pls... Anyone, but not a Cancer. With Libra I can manage to talk at least"
Seven's attention was brought back when Riberio approached her. Now that she was a little calmer, she noticed that he looked rather beat up. Seven hadn't seen what had happened outside he plane, but from what had happened it was pretty safe to assume that Riberio and Zero, along with other heroes that were flying outside the plane, had fought off some sort of threat that had attacked the plane. Glad someone had brought that up. The ninja woman glared at the teen before taking another napkin and writing another message. She showed the message to Riberio.
What? The message read.
Riberio told everything, he begin with seeing the fireball. That he had a bad feeling about this attack and jumping out of the jet from adrenaline and about their hard fight with Sagittarius. "This guy was quite tough. He had control over the fire, but he could use it mainly in the form of missiles ... He attacked us because of me. He knew me ... And after we both underwent the transformation, I realized that we are ... Too similar. His name was Sagittarius, and Aries called me. As soon as we leave the jet, I will leave you. Nothing will happen to you because of me. Only ... I'll ask you something Michael, when we get off this damn machine "he said . Now he only dreamed of not getting hit ... Please, I may not survive the next kick ...
Seven listened as the boy blabbered on, before sighing and pinching the bridge of her nose. The explanation of events that had occurred did explain why he looked so beat up. But still, opening the door because of 'adrenaline' sounded like an excuse. Seven had experienced adrenaline on the daily, and it never made her disregard common sense. In fact, it usually helped her focus and think better. Seven wiped a hand across her face, before shaking out her wrist and writing again. After a few moments, she handed the note to Riberio.
Look kid. I'm not angry at the fact that there's some guy after you. I don't care about that. I'm angry because we all almost died. You could have simply warned us that you were about to jump out. Did you not see what happened when Zero had jumped out before?! If we're supposed to be a team, you have to communicate when it comes to that sort of thing. I know that's ironic from me, since I can't talk. But we're about to be fighting the toughest, most vicious criminals in the world. We can't be tripping over each other and making the same exact mistakes we just saw other members of our team make. The note read.

After Seven handed that note to Riberio, a realization hit her and she began to write again. After a moment, the ninja woman handed another note to Riberio.
I do appreciate you telling me these things. The note read.


Previously EeviumZ
Feeling her face get hot, the girl wrote down a message. Her writing was a simple cursive, albeit rushed.
How is it my fault when I'm not the one doing it? Would you consider it my fault if I was being mind-controlled and did the same thing? It's not much different.
She was about to hand it across when she suddenly realized something. She wrote hastily in slightly smaller script.
It's okay if you don't understand, it's okay if you blame me. I don't mind. The rest of my race did the same thing. Why else would I be here?
Not meeting her gaze, she handed the note to Seven, before drawing her knees to her chest and sitting there. She stared ahead, her expression blank. It appeared she'd given up.
Ribeiro read the notes from Seven. Suddenly he was tired. He sat on the floor and then lay down.
"Chliya, let's talk," said Viktor towards the young woman. She had green eyes, with short, silver hair. She wore a white shirt and green pants. "Forgive me, Viktor. But you failed ... And I have someone I need to protect," the girl replied. "Andthree ... I understand, but I still don't want to die, CONTRACT"
+ + =
"You could never beat me, maybe you were in the state of the Zodiac Avatar ... But you were weakened after the fight," Chliya said and destroyed Victor's guidance device. "You just died. When they choose the new Sagittarius ... And you will disappear from our world," she said and was about to go, but the lying Victor stopped her "Why ..." he asked.
"I know you since I was a child, Vic. Although your body was very weak because of illness, you didn't give up, you wanted to protect your sister ..."
"Anna is no more ... Due to her friendship with Riberio ... They decided that it is better to remove her"
"That's why I want to protect Andthree. If I lose to Riberio, Tauros' power will be transplanted into him ... A power transplant without the allowance of the previous Zodiac makes unimaginable suffering worse than death. I have to save him ... Now, if you don't want me to change my mind and kill you. Tell me all the information you got about Aries' allies, Libra threatened.
Seven watched as the boy sudden sat down on the floor, then laid down. He looked tired, and it was quite possible that he was about to fall asleep. The ninja woman looked over to Zero, only to be surprised when the ice hero handed her a note back. That was... well, that was a first for Seven. The ninja woman read the note before sighing and shaking her head. It was clear that whatever she was trying to communicate, it wasn't getting through to the ice hero. And what was this about the rest of her race? Seven had heard rumors that Absolute Zero wasn't human, but she usually dismissed them as just that. Rumors. The ninja woman crumpled up the note handed to her by Zero before leaning back and putting her head in her hand. It appeared that Zero had retreated into herself and was staring off into the horizon with a hundred yard stare. This was really turning into, as Raven would have said, 'a shitshow'. They hadn't even gotten to where the villains were meeting, and already it looked like two of the hero's team were out. With every passing moment, Seven was becoming more and more convinced that this was indeed a terrible mistake.

Seven looked down Zero before sighing angrily and looking away. She wasn't sure what ticked her off more, the fact that she had almost died as a result of the actions of Zero or the fact that Seven's expectations of the hero had been so very, very off. This didn't make any sense! The stories Seven had ready about the ice hero potrayed her to be so, so... heroic. Forthcoming. Calm. Yet now that she was actually working with her, Seven found that in reality Zero was reckless, careless, and mentally collapsed under what Seven saw as the ninja woman being angry at the hero. Definitely not the hero that Seven had expected. Seven turned her attention back to the rest of the heroes on the plane. Would they be able to defeat the villains they were about to face? Seven wasn't so sure. She didn't recognize quite a few of these faces. And to make matters worse, Seven still had no ideas where they were going and who exactly they were facing. They were going into the situation blind, and two of their members were already down. What if it was in some foreign country? Would Seven be able to make it back home if she had to flee? Seven patiently waited for the flight to end, nervously tapping her hand on the nearby table as she strapped herself back into a seat. Had to be prepared in case someone decided to use the door mid flight. Again.


Previously m1h4jl0
Michael flew for almost an hour now knowing what happened in jet. He was thinking about only one thing. Fight with the villains. In the distance he could see Mentiras's tower, place he was told that villains are going to be in. His source was pretty good, but he still wasn't 100% sure. While they were flying towards the tower, Michael was observing it, and he realized that best way to attack would be from the roof.
"Land on the roof, and let the heroes exit the jet. Then you fly away, and don't come back until I call you" Michael said to his butler through his speaker phone.
Everything was ready. Fight was about to start.
"Oh, it's you, kid" said Victor to Riberio. He looked like 11-13 years old, quite fragile and thin. "I heard from your sister Mr.Victor...I heard that you forced them, to make you Sagittarius instead of her... Why, aren't Zodiacs a Cool and Powerful protectors of our planet... Just... Your body always was weak since birth"
"... You will understand in future, just for you to know. War isn't cool, so Zodiacs aren't too. I will become Zodiac for Anna, that she won't became it herself"

Riberio woke up, he was lying on the floor. He quickly stood up and noticed, that they have reached their destination. "I'm kinda tired, but I can't sleep, while others will fight."
He said to himself in mind.
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The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Mentiras cleared off the table they had been using for drinks "Thank you judge, your help ha been invaluable" Eric nodded "My pleasure" He stood up "I really should be going though" Mentiras smiled "Please, let me take you to your car"

James looked out the window "This is where the bad guys are?"
Lohan was pensive with thought. the entire plan of attack was a mess all the way, two people were injured, and the internal struggle was causing bickering amongst each other. it was bothering lohan so much he couldn't help but chatter incoherently out loud. The worst part was that he still did not understand what was going on. It was because of these piling problems that he came to a bitter and somewhat regretful conclusion. Somehow they need to avoid this battle. he arose from his seat looking trying to find someone who would agree. with few options, he looked toward Seven. she still seemed angry from her talk with the others but there was no time to let her relax. He motioned to with the sign language "we need to talk".
Seven watched out the window as the jet drew closer to their destination. They appeared to be approaching a large building of some sort. Was this where that supposed villain meeting was taking place? This all was too reckless, and the ninja woman couldn't contain a nervous shiver as it ran through her body. Looking around the plane once again, the hero with the head of a squid appeared to be attempting to get her attention. Was he... signing? Sure enough, the squid person was signing at her!
"You know sign language?" Seven signed back, surprised that there was another person here that knew American Sign Language. The squid person... Seven did not recognize him from any news she had heard of heroes. Who was he? He seemed to be a more level-headed one than other people on this plane. Even though he looked quite strange... perhaps he could be trusted.
"What is it?" Seven signed to Lohan.
Lohan's shoulder relaxed a bit, it was a gamble if she knew the sign language as well, but it seemed to turn out well. "For people like me, speaking to the world is very important." The way in which Lohan moved his webbed hands would leave the impression he was naturally deaf and this was his native way of talking. "There something wrong about this mission. I don't want to abandon Mr. Michael after a promise but we cannot fight like this. Too many things we don't know, too much danger. I don't know how but this cannot continue." Lohan paused as wasn't comfortable signing the next part. "We have to stop it somehow, at least delay the arrival."
Chris opened the jet door and jumped out bringing out a metal pipe. He began twirling it around in anticipation and noticed no one was there. He looked at everyone else in shock, "Guess the villains chickened out." he laughed. He waited for the rest of the heroes and began to walk towards the entrance to the building from the roof.

Frostbite noticed the jet flying by, she laughed as they had gone to the wrong place. She whispered to herself, "Oh poor darlings." she laughed again as she kept walking towards the point of interest.
Stop it? Delay it? Seven thought. She didn't like that, not one bit. And while Lohan's facial expressions might have been hard to interpret, the hesitation with which he signed his last message showed Seven that he wasn't to keen on the idea either. The ninja woman paused for a moment as she considered what to do. Seven let out a small breath before continuing.
"I don't think there's anything we could do to stop or delay, without having to hurt an innocent." Seven signed. "You seem like one of the more sane people on this team, a person with a clear head. I think we should just make sure we have each other's backs when we go into this, and if things get dangerous, we get out of there.
The sound of the plane door opening again made the ninja woman flinch, but other than a wind that blew through, there was no decompression. The plane had descended low enough that the air pressure wouldn't shoot people out of the plane. How nice. Letting out another sigh, Seven unbuckled and got ready to go in. She had no idea what to expect, but it was nice to know that hopefully, someone would have her back.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Mentiras walked down the stairs with the judge "We really have to get these rails replaced, they were part of the original building, so they are in some pretty bad shape right now" Eric nodded "We are having a similar problem with the rail on the jury stand back at the courthouse, a construction man is fixing right now though" They got to the bottom of the stairwell
Inside the building, there was the click of heels as a woman quickly made her way down the stairwell. She was dressed in a short black pencil skirt that came down to just above her knees, and a white blouse. Long black hair came down her back, a small rectangular glasses rested on her face. A clip board was in her hand, and a look of nervousness was on her face. A nametag labeled with "Mabel Jennings- Secretary" was pinned to her blouse.
"Mr. Mentiras! Excuse me, Mr. Mentiras!" The secretary woman leaned against the wall, breathing heavily. It was clear that she had been running to catch up with the businessman. "I'm... I'm sorry, sir. I tried to page you, but my phone wasn't working."
Straightening up, the woman pushed back her glasses.
"Security reports an unidentified aircraft landing on the roof of the building! And even more, it appears that... well..." Unsure of how to continue, the woman paused for a moment. "Well, the occupants of the aircraft, they're, uh.... A few of them were recognized by security to be superheroes, and there were others that security didn't recognize. Were you expecting them, or should we call the police?"

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Mentiras put on a face of immense confusion "Call the police, but have them stay outside, I'll see if I can handle this" he began to walk up the stairs before stopping and turning around "Eric, stay here, I might need you if they intend to do something bad" Eric nodded as Mentiras walked up the staires
Phoenix had stayed with the fallen Zodiac until he was fully healed. "I am sorry about the others. I am sure you were only doing what you had to do. My name is Phoenix. How are you feeling?" With that Phoenix retracted the vines that they used to heal him.

Phoenix had a feeling that one of the species that was allied with the Vundal was around when the road was fixed. Though it might just be an illusion.
The secretary nodded, flipping open her cell phone and making a quick call.
"Hello, security? Orders from Mr. Mentiras. He says call the police, but have them stay outside. He's going to try to solve the problem himself." The secretary said into the cell phone. There was a pause before she let out a sigh and shook her head, brushing a stand of hair out her face. "I'm sure Mr. Mentiras knows it's dangerous. You know how he is, and that's how he wants things to be done."
The woman hung up on the call and quickly followed after Mentiras with clipboard in hand and heels clicking on the stairs.
Seven exited the plane, not really sure what to expect. As she made her way out, she noticed that yet again another person was signing her. It was the villain killer, Chris. He was asking her on her opinion for how to approach the problem, due to her being stealthy. Seven laughed a silent, bitter laugh before shaking her head and frowning.
"It's a little late to be asking me that question now. We literally landed on their roof in a jet. Stealth has gone out the window. I don't know what to do, I thought that Micheal was the one leading this. I know little to nothing. Hell, I don't even know where we are!" Seven signed to Chris. Her signing grew faster and a little more sloppy as her irritation with this whole situation leaked into her signing. Finishing her message, the ninja woman scanned the roof cautiously, waiting for anything to happen.
"I've been better, but thank you. My name is Victor ... Victor Iraignis, Stellas" Victor stuttered to Phoenix. He later noticed, that someone was approaching. "Hide somewhere, quickly"
- * -
Riberio left the jet and swore to himself, that he would never board the plane again, not that he didn't like it. he liked flying very much, but when he thinks that again... Something may happend, he doesn't want to. "So, do I schould stay behind ... or something?" he asked the rest of the group.
+ (* - *) +
When Victor told Libra everything she wanted to know. The woman went away, she probably didn't notice Phoenix at all. "She's already gone ... Youc can come out now...Sorry, Can I have a request for you, Phoenix?" Victor asked her(?).


Previously Shadow_Pup
Bam was running towards his lab, he had left something important there and he had to grab it, he spotted security running around and heard some chatter about rumors of Intruders in the building, he ignored them, he reached his lab and search through some cupboards, he couldn't remember where he had left it, he turned around and that he had also left open his little cell that had his test subjects inside, he closed the door and locked it, he noticed two of the had gotten out and we're now cowering in the corner, he snapped their necks with his telekinesis and then told the lab to clean up the bodies. He returned to frisking through his paperwork, he had to find this amulet, it was time to give it a test, but he couldn't bloody find it.
Lohan was glad to be outside of the jet. It felt great having that headache disappear. It was one minor issue that could now be behind him, though the true matter was still at hand. Lohan wanted to speak with Michael at once, but he seemed to vanish the moment they boarded. For a moment Lohan thought he abandoned them, but took a deep breath to calm himself. He was now in supposedly hostile territory, he had to keep composure to not weaken the squad. And he wanted to be well prepared for anything. When Lohan opened his beak he made an echoing cry. It was soft and sounded similar to blowing wind chimes. No recognizable syllables and not even close to sounding like Lohan's usual voice.

After that short chime, the air around the building began to feel humid. Small drops of water were forming on the ground and Lohan seemed to be sweating. He did seem to mind as he was now pacing back and forth trying to recite some type of phrase. "As commander of the well-recognized vessel and first mate- no" he shook his head as whatever he was trying to say did not seem right.
Ra'nira's illusion flickered then fell away and everything appeared normal again. Well, like the apocalypse happened early. Ra'nira felt this and frowned. It wasn't as if she could have an illusion last forever, but the public shouldn't know about the less than heroic battles that happened. She sighed as she turned back and replaced her illusion.