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Private/Closed The Eevee House 3.5?

Xandi: *le tilts head* Wha...? *le looks at Midnight* Was it something bad or...?

Allie: *crushes Xandi* We ship you and Midnight and Felix!

Xandi: *le can't breathe* Wait, whaaat?
lol before I forget, Ima just write down Xandi's moves:
Calm Mind
Baby-Doll Eyes

Just for the heck of it, here's Allie's, too:
Feint Attack
Confuse Ray
Quick Attack
Allie: *riding away on a Ponyta's back, playing that song on a boombox, 8-pixel glasses covering her other glasses* lol bai

Xandi: What's even happening anymore...?
...how do you even reply to that? xD

Allie: *starts blaring this video on the boombox: * fIRST, LET ME HOP OUT THE MOWER OF THE LAWN! i DON'T WANNA CUT THEE GRASS-

Kit-Kat: *yells over to Allie* JUAN!

Allie: *le pause... le dAB*
*le Ponyta suddenly transforms into a Rotom Mower* cRUISIN' DOWN THE STREET ON MY LAWNMOWER-

Kit-Kat: DamMIT, JUAN!!1! *le runs after Allie*

Allie: lET'S BOOK IT, MOWEY! *nyooms away, still blasting Juan vines*

Xandi: *le looks back at the others* I am so, so sorry that you have to be here for this.
Allie: *runs over Ara with the wheel of her lawnmower* I hAVE WON! hUZZAH!

Xandi: Jeezus! *frees Ara, heals her* This is a competition why, exactly...?

Allie: *le shrug* No idea, but I guess it is now. *le puts on 8-bit glasses again, nyooming away* tHEY CALL ME jUAN! tHEY CALL ME jOSE! tHEY CALL ME eSTEBAN jULIO rOBERTO mONTOYA dELA rOSA rAMIREZ, CUZ i DUNNO THE WORDS~!
Xandi: Believe me, Aeau, I have no idea what she's doing. *yelling back to Allie* wHY ARE YOU SO HYPER!?


Xandi: *sweatdrops, looking back to Aeau* That'll do it. I'm so, so sorry you have to be here for this. Let's just hope Stevey doesn't somehow find her way here...
Huh... Uh, I kinda thought you'd take them, since you're the RP's creator... but hey, if you'd like, I could take one or two to control! I just dunno which ones...
Well lets just say there are two grunts, one male and female. Maybe I can control the Male one, and Persian, while someone else controls the Female one and deerling?