Allegra looked at Felix, confusedly, as he wrapped himself in some blankets. It didn't take her long to put two and two together and figure out just who the Leafeon was mumbling about. She grinned, placing a paw on his forehead as she told him that, "she's looking for ya, m'dude. Xandi wants to apologize to ya. Thing is, she's playing Hide and Seek with us right now, so give her some time, alright?" Allie patted Felix's forehead before padding away, off to look for the others. "Good talk."
Again, she walked by the closet, and just incase she had missed something, she decided moving stuff might be a good idea. Squinting her eyes so she could see through the dark place, Allie began to paw at things near the floor, before noticing an awkward sort of lump on one side. Raising an eyebrow, she grabbed the sweater that covered the lump with her teeth and yanked at it, revealing a fairly-familiar Sylveon. Throwing the sweater off to the side, Allegra crouched into an athletic stance, a proud grin plastered on her face. "I found ya!" she called, so the others could hear her as well.
Poking her head out of the dirty laundry, Xandi swiveled her ears around as she listened to Allie's words. She smiled as she hopped out of her hiding spot and stretched her limbs, subtly looking out the door to see the pink Umbreon by the closet. Walking over to the back door, the Espeon cupped her mouth with a paw and yelled, "the coast is clear! Someone's been found!"