"Wait, wha- Felix, hold up!" Xandi called after the Leafeon, scrambling to her paws so she could bolt out the door after him. Behind her, she yelled back into the house, "In not crazy! Bye, Diamond," easily catching up to her Grass-type friend. Without slowing down, the Espeon huffed as she talked to Felix, unsure about where exactly he was going. "You really think we can find them?" she asked, shocked. "Then again, that is our only shot as of right now... Alright, then, lead the way!" As much as it pained her to do this, Xandi slowed down to allow Felix to bypass her once again, so she could have a sense of direction and not get them both as hopelessly lost as he might.
Allie's effects had lasted the longest out of everyone in the group, and they were only finally stopped when she was slapped across the face by her Umbreon friend. From the force of the hit and the bouncing of the moving cage, she began to topple over, but she caught herself just before her side could hit the floor of the cage. Shaking her head, the cherry-coated Dark-type looked first at Midnight, then at her surroundings, almost sleepily. "Wha happen?" she slurred, brow furrowed in confusion. "Where are we? Is this a cage? How the actual did we all get stuck in a cage!?" The usual Allegra began to resurface as the female Umbreon began to panic, now whipping her head every which way. "Midnight, what the hell happened!?"