Midnight watched as Xandi walked in once again, which he sorta expected. When she asked about how the incident happened he let out a small sigh before telling her what happened.
"So earlier in the day, I was walking around the house untill I was suddenly tackled by Fae. She had this smirk on her face, so I immediantly assumed it was just a friendly battle. So my first move of choice was, well, Attract, which managed to work and Fae was infaunted by me. Soon, after dragging Fae around, Aeau knowticed and attacked me, I explained to him what happened and the thing blew over, until Fae started flirting with me, which really ticked Aeau off, causing me to run for my life. I ran up a tree and to my surprise, Fae followed me up. Aeau did too. So to avoid being boiled, I jumped down from the tree, which wasnt the best idea, shattering my ankle. And Fae, well I don't know, me and Aeau just heard a scream and ran, well limped over to see her.unconscious. And that's the story." Midnight frowned, feeling tons of guilt by using Attract on Fae.