(OOC: I go to bed and come back to, like, 50 new messages! Sweet Arceus, guys! That's kinda scary...)
Xandi looked over from the screen to Felix once he greeted her, holding a paw up in a sort-of wave. "Hey," she greeted, going back to her show as all the couples got together... or changed. The commotion coming from outside made the show the Espeon watched feel like nothing, so she threw her empty plate in the sink and marched out the front door, unsure of how to react to the scene she saw once outside. She chose a spot in the sun, fairly close to the others, stretched once again, and sat down, tilting her head to the side, right ear twitching like usual. "Great, now what's going on?" Xandi asked nobody in particular, shooting a pointed look at Midnight, knowing of what he was capable of. "Did you use Attract again?" she asked him loudly, an eyebrow raised high on her forehead.