"Hm?" Milo looked up towards JC in confusion, "What do you mean? Am I overlooking something?" He tilted his head, then suddenly the angle of his head allows him to realize the male, whom he must've forgotten about after the hug from Maskerin. "Oh dear!" He shrieked, standing up straight and clasping Hades in an apologetic manner, "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to ignore you! Sweet lord I have no excuse for my reaction but god! Leaving you hanging like that without a reply is purely my fault, I thoroughly apologize, I hope I didn't offend you in any ways, oh, what am I saying, of course you'll be offended." He bowed down repeatedly to the male, feeling quite ashamed of what he had just done, "I'll make it up to you in some ways, so sorry for doing that." He told him, "If you want, me and Maskerin are going to a hangout together, would you and JC like to join?" He guiltily dipped his head, "I will not disregard you this time." He murmured. Little Junior bleeped happily, his voice sounding somewhat like a laugh, except it's probably in pokemon language, and he bowed down to in sync along with Milo, finding it entertaining. Milo sucked in a breath and chuckled dryly at his newest and youngest pokemon, "Haha....you find this funny don't you?" He muttered. Kiki chirped at him in a laughing manner, mocking him by agreeing to his statement, which seemed to comically annoy the boy further. "Kiki...I will lock you on a door stand if you don't stop that, let's see how you'll feel if you're the laughing stock." He threatened. Kiki seemed not bothered at that, levitating around Milo as if he's daring him to try and catch him first. "Nevermind, I'll do that later," Milo waved his hand absently at the key chain, brushing him off, which seems to miff the pokemon.