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Open The Heart of a Wild Pokemon

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Keoni was sure to listen, now looking around for anything that just might help the hurt Quilava. "Perhaps a fresh Magikarp? A Gold Berry? I don't know anymore..." Keoni's stripes seemed to glow a radiant red like that of the everlasting embers in a fireplace.
"Quilava, I have some Poképuffs, if you'd want some....or anyone can have them really.But you must be hungry after all that..."
Ashley nodded. "Thanks. I'm starving." Then she looked over to the Meowstic. "That's not good, want me to help out?"
Keoni struck a paw into the water, his claws skewering a weak Magikarp. "I got a Magikarp!" He raised his paw, fresh blood running down his arm from the Magikarp.
A young Espurr appears from the tall grass and walks over to Scarlet. "Ziri I told you stay at the village!" Scarlet said with frustration. "But, mama I don't wanna go to the viwige..." Ziri says with a frown. Scarlet picks him up and rocks him back and forth.
Keoni tossed the Magikarp back, frustrated. His stripes appear to be flaming now. "Agh... And I finally got it after the last few years too..." He tossed the Magikarp behind him as if it were weightless and growled quietly to himself.
Keoni rolled around on the ground trying to rid himself of the frustration. His stripes were flaming so hot that it was actually starting to irritate him.
Charlotte goes back to the Magikarp Keoni tossed."This scale is pretty...." She says to herself, as she picks of a glittering rainbow scale from the Magikarp."I didn't know Magikarp could have scales like that..."
Charlotte starts to feel Lucario's aura. "Oh....where will I hide?" She panics and throws her backpack in the bushes, and jumps into the flowing stream, splashing water everywhere.
The Lucario then walks over."...Have any of you seen a Riolu around here?" He asks. I could've sworn I felt her aura...he thought.
The Lucario stops and turns to the water and begins to approach Scarlet. "Have you seen a Riolu! I sense her here..." the Lucario said angrily. "Uhhh no?" Scarlet replies sweating from anxiety
Keoni ended up rolling into the water as well, which had felt very soothing to his stripes which had finally gone out. His paws gripped onto the streams floor and wades through the water with a serene look on his face. "So nice..." He rather enjoyed the feeling of the waters coolness.
"... well, maybe my power is fading..." He says in concern."If you see one, tell them to come back to the den...she will know what it means..." he then walks away.(yeah but he wasn't angry, more curious sounding)
"I've built a sorta resistance against water, it feels so nice now dont'cha agree?" Keoni asked, tail bobbing in the water. "Say, did you find that one other Fire stone?"
Charlotte slowly gets out of the water."ugh...why did I do that?"

She runs over to where she threw her backpack, and then looks petrified.
"... Well, I had another Fire stone that I had accidentally lost somewhere in the forest. It was attached to my red ribbon which is still with it." Keoni said, a sad tone in his voice.
"M-m-my...Back pack is gone!" Her back pack was her greatest treasure, it was the first thing she ever stole from a human, and she hold everything she loves in it."W-Who stole it!?" She yells angrily, turning around.
"Not me." Keoni said, slinking out from the stream. His fur seemed to have turn a bit of a grayish color starting at his paws. He yawned and shook the water off, the paws regaining their original color.
"..." She then falls to the ground."I-I had that since I was three...and..now it's...gone..."
She struggles back tears,and she hides her face.
She was worried everyone would think she was a baby if she cried about a backpack.
Keoni padded over to the Riolu, his tail still dripping from the water. "We can go look for it, right?" He looked at the Riolu and then back at the others.
Scarlet wandered over to where the backpack was and kneeled down. She closed her eyes using one hand with Ziri in the other used her Psychic powers. "I can track whoever took it."
Keoni grinned, glad he could be of help. "Whoever took it is gonna get beat up!" Keoni stood, his small mane seemed to flare like that of a actual Arcanine.
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