Species: Eevee
Name: Lionessa
Age: 10
Level: 27
Items: Like, 20 or 30 air balloons for pranking/escaping.
Clothes: Purple tee, tail armor that makes tailtip look lilac-ish.
Gender: Female
Lionessa was chilling in a tree, almost sleeping on the branch. The leaves were tickling her ears and she was afraid she would fall. So she went on the top of the wood, but it was not right. There were two-times the leaves and it was tickling her TAIL (P.S her tail is her ticklish spot). Lionessa tried EVERYTHING, she just couldn't find her sweet spot. Eventually she found the smallest branch, and it was nice enough for sleeping. But, YOU GUESSED IT, the branch fell and she found the Torchic and the Crawdaunt. She was startled by the two, and quickly ran off to find another tree to hide behind. She heard them walking/jogging/running. She IMMEDIATLY climbed to the top of the tree, even if they could hear her tickle laughs or not...