Moar woke up, looked around and said, '' It's today that I get my initial! '' Moar said rising from the bed, hurrying out, '' Good-bye, Mother! '' Moar said as he walked out the door, still putting on his shirt. Running to Elm's lab, but he did not see any pokemon or pokeball. "" Elm? I thought you had an initial ... "Moar said looking at Elm. Elm said he had no more initials, but he had Captured one, earlier. Elm showed the pokeball with the pokemon''ok, but which pokemon is it? '' Moar asked Elm. Elm said it was a Gible. Moar took the pokemon and left the lab. 'Good, a Gible?' "Moar said wondering" he evolves to Garchomp, does not he? "'Moar keeps asking himself.' 'Well, nice to have a pokemon, now I can defeat the Gyms''Moar said walking to the Route 1. Moar left the Lab, seeing a Trainer with red hair. It did not look new, there was a meganium behind him. Moar was walking down route 1, found some pokemons, but soon finished them. Gible became more experienced, and Moar arrived In the first city. There, Moar received the Running Shoes, and bought five Pokeballs. He went to Route 1, and found a Nidoran.
"I've never seen one of these!" Moar said, playing Gible.
'' Gible, use Sandstorm! '' Moar said to Gible. Gible rogiu in affirmation, and a Sandstorm started. '' Pokeball, Go! '' Moar said playing the pokeball.
Moar had captured a Nidoran (Male). Moar then went to the town of Gym, Violet City. He went through the Dark Cave, and found a Geodude.
'' One more for collection! '' 'Moar said playing Gible.' 'Use Dragon Claw!' 'Moar said, and Gible obeyed. Geodude was left with less life, so Moar threw a Pokeball.
'' No, Geodude escaped! ''
Geodude had left the pokeball, then fled.
"Okay, that's okay," Moar said as he walked out of Dark Cave into Violet City, the city of the first Gym.Moar entered the Gym, looking at who was there. "Hello, everyone is ready to see me win! '' Moar said looking at the people waiting.