Steven toke less damage due to Curse, and Greninja was hurt from the Rocky Helmet. "Yes, that is a good strategy." Joey said. "Your Greninja is maybe around half HP now, from all of the Recoil it had, from Toxic to two Rocky Helmets." He said. "and that may have taken Steven into a Quarter HP? So doing the math, two times 1/4 equals 1/2. And plus your weakness to this move, that will be 3/4, and the power boost, this will make your Greninja faint. The scientific proof shows, the User must not be able to see, or the other Pokemon using a High Evasion Move. Anyways, you Double Team is gone and there is one Greninja. So without further adieu, Steven." He said Pointing at Greninja. "Use counter." Steven nodded, and with immense speed sped up to Greninja, its innards came out in the shape of a fist, and threw a punch at the Greninja."