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Ask to Join The Life of Highschoolers

(You've ruined their time to shine! Just kidding, it’s alright. They’ll probably have their moment elsewhere then)

Laura stopped abruptly, before lookig around the room. A strange music was playing that Laura hadn’t recognized, so she kind of looked for an outlet of inspiration for a dance that would work, but nothing came to mind, until she saw Lis and Dylan. An outlet, however, had not been the first to pop in her head. The first thing was jealousy. They had such a close relationship, something closer than Laura had ever dreamed of having. And not to mention, but they were dancing great, making Laura feel like her moves were simply not enough. She also was a bit sad, sort of longing when she saw the two together, as if something they did made her mad, or he fact that they were always together mad her sad, something she couldn’t quite describe. She raced immediately to her glass of punch causing a bit of a scene before everyone started to dance again. She hurriedly drank it down, and surprisingly it was quite tangy, but Laura decided to grab another, and another after that. After about five cups of the liquid, she hurriedly wipes her mouth, and ran out of the gymnasium, to go to the restroom.

(I might have something planned?)
Stepping and doing the occasional twirl, Lis continued to dance to the pace of the waltz, until it came to its end. With the final low dip, the couples around them applauded the performance. Pulling herself back up, and somewhat out of breath, Lis grinned at Dylan. However, she caught a glimpse of Laura hurrying to the restroom after downing several drinks. Lis quickly scanned for Even, but to no avail found him. “Excuse me,” she said to Dylan softly before quickly pacing out of the gymnasium.

She stood outside of the bathroom door hesitantly. “Laura?” she asked loudly. “You alright?”
Even took note of the change in music, before Laura moved away as she apparently needed a drink. Even wanted to ask if something was wrong, but by the time he worked to Laura she moved to the restroom after she downed multiple shots as Lis followed her away from the gymnasium. Even let out a sigh, as he went by Dylan after he downed a shot of punch himself.

"How do you do it? Seems no matter what I try I tend to upset Laura. I see you and Lis together and click so naturally, I'm just wondering what do you think I'm missing here?" Even asked Dylan a tone of regret to his voice as Even presumed he had been at fault for Laura storming off in such fashion.


Ezren had been sitting upon the bench outside of the school. The cold wind made him shiver intensely, but it was refreshing; it made him feel awake. Everyone had been still inside the building except him, so it was nice and quiet, which made it easier for him to concentrate. He was thinking about what he would say to apologize to Liz and the others. It made Ezren so frustrated with himself that he would succumb to such a horrible thing. His chances for friendship had been ruined, and while it all ran through his head, he sat on the hard wood bench outside the school pondering of ways he could say sorry.

"This is not who I a-" He'd shake his head - "That's not it...I wish that you can forgive me-"
He let out a long sigh.
Dylan nodded and softly pat Lis' head before watching her walk after Laura, who had seemingly just left. Even then approached him, asking how he had managed to hit it off with Lis so well. "Honestly, just be genuine. Of course, I'm not saying you have a problem with that, but just be yourself. It's all a matter of comfort and trust. If the both of you trust in and find comfort in each other, then everything'll just come naturally in the end, you know?" The teen took another cup of ginger ale and took a small sip, and it was then he realized how exhausted he was. "You know what; I think I'm gonna get a bit of fresh air. I'll be back, though; don't worry." With that, Dylan headed outside to the front of the school, where he saw Ezren sitting on the bench and looking significantly more sober than he had been earlier. The teen chuckled softly to himself, breathed in the crisp, cold evening air, and took the empty seat next to Ezren, adjusting his black, blue, and grey striped necktie. "Hell of a night, huh?"
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Laura heard Lis' shouts as she hid in a bathroom stall. She tried to make no sound, hoping she'd just leave. She wasn't in the mood. She wanted to be happy for Lis and Dylan, she honestly did, but the fact that they were so perfect at everything they did made Laura so mad, and she didn't know why. Was it because she felt that maybe dancing had been her and Even's thing, and they came and proved they were much more superior at it? Probably not. But it seemed like, to Laura, that she could do nothing good for Even, but Lis and Dylan could do so much for each other. So Laura just simply sat there, her legs close to her chest as she sat in silence.
Hearing no reply, Lis furrowed her eyebrows in a worried tone. “Ah, um.. if you’re in there, you don’t have to bottle everything up,” she said, eyes cast downward. “It’s okay blow off steam to someone.” She wavered bear the door for several seconds before turning back slowly and walking towards the gymnasium. She felt concerned and a bit worried, in all honesty.
Laura rolled her eyes selfishly. She wasn't happy that Lis was concerned for her, surprisingly. She was mad, but she wasn't sure why. The first reason that came to her mind, however, was that she was too kind, like it was inhuman, like she was better at everything, even being kind to her.

And that, was what Laura thought, made her mad at the moment.
Returning into the gym, Lis caught glance of Even and quickly walked towards him. With a weak smile, she spoke. "I'm convinced she's in the restroom, likely alone. I tried reaching out to her, but I received silence on the other end." Grabbing herself a cup from the punch bowl, she sighed. "I wish I knew why she's unhappy," Lis said, furrowing her eyebrows once more.
Even had taken a shot of punch when he saw Lis come over to him as she explained the situation, which appeared just as troubling as he frowned before he took a shot and let out a sigh.

"Well, she probably saw how well Dylan had been treating you and realized I haven't provided anything like that." Even said, as he had once more laid the blame on himself for Laura's emotional moment as opposed to her jealously over Dylan & Lis in general. As he figured Dylan's showmanship for Lis had been far more impressive than anything Even provided Laura. Even if his comment seemed to indirectly hint at that.

"I'll go talk to her." Even said, as he owed it to Laura to at least try as he walked over to the entrance of the girl's restroom and stood on the other side of the door. Even had been unsure of what to say, but he swallowed his nerves before he spoke up.

"Hey...you okay, Laura?" Even asked, concern evident in his tone as he spoke loud enough for her to hear on the other side.


After having his back to the bench and his feet on the arm-rests, Ezren sat up and thought to himself for quite some time.

Ezren stared the at rough ground beneath him, he had lifted his head a little when Dylan approached him. The two sat there in the chilly night, as the crickets had chirped around them, Ezren leaned back and put his hands in his pockets. He let out another deep breath then moved his eyes to Dylan. "Do you ever wonder where you'll be after high school?" Ezren looked up towards the seemingly small stars that sat upon the black sky above him.
Dylan, having heard Ezren's question, he leaned back in his seat and drew in a quiet breath as he gazed at the stars. "Honestly, I don't know. I see myself graduating college, marrying the love of my life, and being the best husband and father I can be." He chuckled and breathed in the evening air once more, occasionally glancing at Ezren. The teen wasn't gonna try to pretend to understand what his friend felt, but that wasn't gonna stop him from trying to comfort him. "Hey, listen. We all know you weren't yourself back there. Someone probably sneaked something weird into the punch, which made you act that way." Dylan sighed, and continuing to look forward, he placed a hand on Ezren's shoulder, patting it encouragingly. "We forgive you; don't worry."
Laura gave a small sniffle, being much more open to talking to Even than Lis, considering she had no dealings with him.

"What." she asked, a bland statement like sentence more than a question.
"I just wanted to check on you. You okay?" Even asked, as he made his natural concern and interest in how Laura felt all too clear with his tone of voice. Even knew something had bothered Laura, and given he felt responsible for it he needed to say something to her.

Even had no idea what he could do to help, but he was determined to find out and so what he could to work Laura out of this little funk.


Ezren shook his head. "Life isn't that simple."
He'd go on, "One cannot just simply become a husband and father; there are other applications involved. Stating that you will one day marry and grow a family with supposedly Lis is preposterous." He'd think to himself, then lean back into the bench. "Although, there is something different about you and Lis." Shifting his head to gaze upon the stars, he cleared his throat. "You see — I enjoy analyzing people in what their interests and feelings are."
He chuckled, "Of course some people are easy to read and examine, although I could never seem to quite figure out what Lis enjoyed. She never really responded to anyone in a romantic way — like how Laura reacts to Even, making me even more intrigued." He'd look down, his eyes becoming darkened from the night that loomed around the two. "I realized that she wouldn't really notice that I had an interest in her. And then you came along and without any hesitation and managed to not only change who she was, but make her happy like nobody's business." He'd smile towards him. "That in itself is quite impressive, so I do suppose you will be an amazing husband and father in that sense."

He'd look towards the stars one last time. "Maybe one day I'll find another person who I'm interested in."

"I guess..." she said with a shrug. "But I don't want to be here anymore..."

Laura just shivered, crossing her arms in a coldish way. There wasn't much else to say. She was tired, and sad, and she was angry, and guilty, all at the same time.
Even frowned as he heard Laura's response, as naturally he blamed himself for taking what had been a fun night and ruining it for her. Even had no idea what he did wrong, but he presumed and would accept his fault for it as he tried to think of what he could say in response.

"I see. If....if you do want to leave I don't have issue helping you back home. But, but...if there is anything you want to talk about. Anything at all, I am right here and will listen to anything. We are alone as it stands, and....and I do care for you, and want to do anything I can to make you feel better. This should be a night of fun, and I want to do what I can to make it special for you. But I'll respect whatever decision you make." Even explained to Laura, as he spoke from the heart to let his friend know he'd be there for her as he remained right by the door and would give her however long she needed to think it over.
"Well..." Laura started, before sighing. "Can I explain this at my house? When just the two of us are around?"

Laura, after saying this, finally escaped her stall and went over to Even, shivering and almost crying, but forcing herself to hold it in.
Dylan listened to Ezren and chuckled softly, his gaze still focused on the night sky above the two, countless stars illuminating the vast black void. "Well, to be honest, she made me happy first. When I first saw her. After that, it was just me trying to make her happy in return, and I guess it worked." After fading back into silence for a couple more minutes, Dylan exhaled a sigh, his breath visible in the cold night air as he stood up, patting his friend's shoulder encouragingly. "Well, now that you're sober, I suppose it's time we resume the festivities, hm?" He let out a laugh as he did so before adding, ""Although, that was a pretty interesting ordeal."
Even watched as Laura emerged from the bathroom, shivering as she seemed nearly on the verge of tears while she requested to talk about this back at her place.

"Of course." Even said, as he gave a reassuring nod while he put himself in position. Close to Laura, in the event she wanted to lean on him for warmth, but not too close to invade her personal space as he wanted her to make the choice there.


Ezren gave a reassuring pat on Dylan's shoulder as well, with a shrill smile spread across his face—probably the remnant facial effects of the alcohol. He wasn't sure if he'd cleared things up with him or not, but he ought to apologize to the others inside. And who knows, maybe he'll get back into the swing of things, and put his groove on.
He trotted up the steps leading to the grand school, then opened the doors, walking down to the gymnasium. He made sure to keep his head low, in case any body recognized him as the kid who embarrassed himself at the formal. He peered inside the party, then waltzed in looking for one of his friends.

Random girls and occasionally guys offered to dance with the puzzled teen, although all the offers had been declined.
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Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel was standing in the corner the whole time not seeming to pay attention to anything else. "Meh, this is rather boing to be completely honest but that's just me." Marcel said to himself quietly. "You! Do you got a problem with us!" Said a group of boys coming toward him. "Oh great...it's you guys the ones who beat Julia up earlier. What is it...." Marcel said not wanting to have any trouble. The boys didn't care they wanted to beat up Marcel for punching their leader in the face while protecting Julia. "We're gonna get you back for punching boss in the face!" The boys said as one of them swung a punch at Marcel. Marcel caught it with his fast reflexes knowing that he would need a good song to fight to. "DJ! Play some Long live the new fresh from Danimal Cannon!" Marcel shouted. The song started to play. "Let's finish this!" Marcel said as the beat dropped

WRUE WREU H-h-h-h-hit it
Marcel then tackled the main one and started to throw hands at him. "This is for picking a fight with Julia and ME!" Marcel said as he punched the others in either the face or their chest. The main boy threw Marcel to the floor and Marcel remembered a fateful day when his parents left him in the streets when he was 10. "No...I WILL BEAT HIM!" Marcel shouted as everyone's heads turned toward the fight happening. Marcel charged at him and threw a punch right in his chest. Twisting his fist as the fist impacted the boy's chest.
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Previously OtisRolePlays
(Hey dude, double posting is against the rules, and if you want to participate in this Role Play, your character form on the discussion thread MUST be accepted by @Yellowanimas)

Otis was playing Pokemon, she didn’t look up from her game when she heard a fight going on. Soon she had won a Pokemon battle in her game, and Otis finally out down her DSI. She noticed the fight going on. “WHOA WHOA! Stop this instant!” She flung herself at the boy who had started to fight. Otis pinned him down, and she knocked his headphones off. “Chill! Stop fighting this instant!”


Previously SlicertheGallade890
"Don't stay close to me!" Said Marcel in a pun referencing Sabrepulse's song called Close to Me. "Speaking of...Hey Dj hit me with some close to me by Sabrepulse!" Marcel requested in a relieved tone. "Oof! DUDE GET OF ME!" Said Marcel in a calm manner.
(BTW I read the rules nothing about bad double posts/ also I posted my dood on the ting)
Marcel dusted the dirt of and realized that his left eye was showing. "DON'T LOOK!!!!" Marcel shouted covering his soulless left eye. He covered it up with his eye wraps. Marcel then realized that he made a scene. "Yikes what to do......." Marcel pondered to himself how to resolve the pickle he was in.


Previously OtisRolePlays
She got off the boy, and saw his left eye. “Well, one thing you should do is apologize to these boys, you should have resolved the problem in a more civil manner.” Otis sighed, and started to walk away. “People theses days, always fighting...” Otis mumbled to herself.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel got back up and decided to book it and leave...but! "You!" One of the followers shouted. "Sigh....What is it?" Marcel said in a calm manner but then all the followers shouted "Will you be our new boss!!!!" Marcel at first was a bit optimistic about them being his followers. "You may all work for me. BUT! These is one requirement to do so." Marcel replied the boys looked desperate but the would do anything to have a new boss. "Heck we'll stop being bullies if we can join you!" The boys said really pushing their limits. "Ok I'll let you be a part of my squad." Marcel said. "But if I catch a single one of you out of line and bullying you will be kicked out." Marcel then commented
Laura, as soon as she got home, opened the door for Even, and walked to the fridge, pulling off a sticky note that mentioned her parents were gone for the week. "Make yourself comfortable..." Laura said, before sitting down on the couch.
Even waited for Laura to allow himself inside, as he took note that she seemed to be reading a note before she gave the open invitation to make himself comfortable. Even moved over to the couch with Laura, sitting next to her; close enough to let her know he was there but not too close to invade personal space in the event.

"Thank you." Even replied, unsure of what to say as he gave her a nod to let her know he had been comfortable.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
(Sorry if I had ditched this for a while.)
Marcel wanted to leave but his squad wanted to stay and dance with their dates. Marcel shrugged and said "Alright go ahead be with your gfs." He then remembered he had to help Otis up. "Hey so...sorry about the whole dilemma earlier with the guys." Marcel said awkwardly hoping that they could be friends.
(hey pal, i’m sure i speak for almost everyone when i say this: we really have no idea what you’re trying to do by twisting the plot in this way. your posts are incredibly reminiscent of an anime - which is fine - except for the fact that this role play is simply about highschool. but hey, that’s just my opinion)

Lis glanced around at the colorful gymnasium as she continued to loiter near the punch bowl for a few minutes. When Ezren caught her eye, she tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled softly at him before beginning to exit the gym. On her way out, she flashed him a thumbs-up before walking out the door and into the hall. She looked around a bit before opening the doors of the school entrance and curiously scanning the grounds. When she spotted Dylan, her eyes lit up and she took her shoes off to comfortably approach him. Holding them in her hands, she made her way over to him sat down next to him, almost immediately resting her head on his shoulder. “I hope Ezren’s feeling better,” she breathed out and looked at the sky.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
(Sorry, I didn't know at all that my posts were like that...thanks for the compliment.)
Marcel went around talking to everyone and trying to have a good time. "I mean the whole thing with them. Idk what lead them to attack me...meh that'll buff." Marcel told someone. But he didn't realize that the boys had gotten a little "hotheaded" and got themselves into a fight. "WOAH WOAH WOAH!!!!! I think we can settle this another way!" Marcel tried to stop the fight as the only way was to go in between their punches. Marcel fell to the floor unconsious from the punches. "Meh it was better this way...." Marcel said inside his mind.
(Slicer, it is a rule to use proper grammar. You can’t use “idk” or “gf”, because you could be kicked out. Not by me, but by an administrator. Also, if you were trying to roast Kageyama with that last post, I’d recommend you stop before you get yourself into trouble.)

Laura just sat there. She felt like she was about to throw up, possibly faint. She had drank to much, and her alcoholism was very low, so she couldn’t keep up with herself. She knew the punch bowl had alcohol in it, and she knew she could get into trouble for drinking underage, yet she still wanted to get drunk enough to forget the night.
(Hooo, boy; apologies for not being as active on this RP, but we back in here)

Upon Lis' arrival, Dylan smiled and planted a small kiss on her cheek as she sat down and leaned her head on his shoulder. "I just talked with him. The drunkenness seems to have worn off, so that's a relief." The two stargazed for a while, and exhaling softly, Dylan pulled Lis into a small hug by wrapping his arm around her shoulder. "Crazy to think about all of the events leading up to this moment, isn't it? It's only been a few weeks." He breathed in the crisp evening air and continued to watch the stars as the tiny bright dots illuminated the pitch black sky along with the thin crescent moon. It was quite a beautiful view.
Even noticed Laura's rather downcast expression. He knew she couldn't have been too drunk from the punch, but he was concerned over what troubled her and if he had any role in making what should have been a fun night into a bummer of one.

"Hanging in there?" Even asked, as he kept his "respectful but close enough to let her know he was there" space as he figured it was a simple enough question to ask that didn't go too far. And he felt he had to say something so he could only hope Laura would respond to it.
“Yeah, I guess.” She said.

She wanted to talk about it, but she wanted to get her mind off of it as well. All she wanted to do in that moment was hang out with Even, no matter what they were doing.
"Alright. If you want to talk about it, or anything. I'll be here. I wanted to spend this evening with you and even without the dance I don't intend to change those plans." Even said, as he figured it was the right thing to say. The honest thing to say. He wanted Laura to know he was there for there and was willing to talk or do whatever with her.

He felt bad that this was the most he could do to offer any comfort or relief to Laura, but he made certain to let her know that. As he wanted to do something, anything to make her night even slightly less disheartening than it had been. She deserved better.
“I’ll probably tell you tomorrow. For now, however, we can do whatever you want! I just want to spend time with you.” Laura said happily.

Her mood was suddenly changed, as if Even could always make things alright, even in the worst of times.
Even felt this sudden mood change, which was good. As Laura being happy and excited for things was preferable to her being so downcast....but that placed the pressure on him to come up with something for them to do and his lack of social skills prior to meeting Laura offered little experience in this field.

"O-oh um, well....not the best guy to ask this. I usually just go in a backyard to look at the stars. Or draw. But I do think you have some cool games you showed me earlier. We could play those. O-or really do anything really...." Even said, as he hoped his suggestions would not be seen as silly or underwhelming options. He wanted a fun night, so he only hoped he said the right thing.