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Private/Closed The Magical Pokemon Forest!

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Some unnecessary OOC (please. No pure OOC posts in the RP forums. That's what discussion boards are for!) posts and a few of PopplioPerson's posts (as the kid has been shoved back into Read Only where he belongs) removed. Carry on, and remember to follow the rules.
(Yes, we'll do better)
Stocking woke up in the middle of the night. He Yawned. "I better go look for the others..." Stocking said to himself. He got up, and Ran out of the woods. He found the others, sleeping. He was walking over, and then got Drowsy. he fell asleep right next to Serena without warning.
When the sun began to rise, Pikachu opened his eyes, blinking as his ear twitched. He got to his paws, gently pushing Ash to wake up. But Ash was a heavy sleeper, so Pikachu decided to slap the dreams out of him. Ash quickly woke up, covering his red cheeks from Pikachu's slaps. "Hey, what was that for?!?" Ash asked belligerently. "You wouldn't wake up!" Pikachu exclaimed, but all he heard was- "Pi, Pika Pika Pi!" Over and Thunder woke up to the loud racket, noticing that Stocking had came back! Over began running to Stocking, Thunder following, but before they could go any further, they paused- "Prepare for trouble!" Jessie yelled from the hot air balloon as it descended to the ground slowly. "And make it double!" James screamed. Ash got up quickly, Pikachu leaped on his shoulders. Serena, Bonnie and Clement woke up too, gasping. Dedenne looked frustrated.
Luna heard Team Tocket but it was faint so she didn't worry. Then she realized that Team Rocket was probably after Stocking, Over, Thunder, and the rest. She tried to get up and she did but she was still weak but was a little stronger after resting. She tried to fly but devices not to and just started to walk to them.
Four giant electric-proof metal hands came out of under the balloon, grabbing Stocking, Over, Thunder and Root. Over and Thunder used Thunder Shock on the hands but it was useless, they were just stuck there, struggling to get out of its tight grip. Team Rocket laughed and enclosed all the Pokemon in electric-proof containers. Jessie held Stockings and Overs, James held Thunders and Meowth held Roots. Ash send out Hawlucha and Greninja- "Alright, Greninja-Get on top of Hawlucha then use Water Shuriken on the Balloon. Hawlucnha-Fly Greninja up there and when it uses Water Shuriken, escort the containers then get back to us, lets go!" They both nodded, doing the following. But more hands popped out and grabbed them, they struggled to get out as Ash and his friends watched in horror.
Luna heard the commotion and started to run, she didn't care how much it hurt, her friends were in trouble. When she got to the clearing she saw that Over, Thunder, Stocking, Root, Hawlucha, and Greninja were captured. Than she jumped in front of Ash waiting to be commanded by him.
Root didn't worry about the cages. She was a grass type! Leaves came in every which way, And they were giant, All the leaves shattered the cages and escorted everyone to the ground. Other leaves sliced through the Balloon. The balloon was sent flying. "We're Blasting off agaiiiiiiiiiiin!" "WOBBUFET!" Team Rocket yelled. Stocking had just woke up. "What happened? Did i miss anythin'?" He asked the group
The group just stared at Stocking, blinking. "No, no, nothing." Over said sarcastically. "Ehh... I'm not entirely sure what just happened.." Thunder said, rubbing the back of his head. Just then, the duo saw Luna in front of Ash. Ash picked up Luna, noticing it was hurt in a way. "Hey Stocking, do you know whats wrong with it?" Ash turned to Stocking.
"It's not an "It." It's my friend Luna. She just wanted to help fight." Stocking Told Ash. "Also, Over, You're a terrible Liar. You had an encounter with Team Rocket Right? Knew it." Stocking said as he went back to sleep.
(Is this before Ash released Greninja?)
Hollow noticed a Hawlucha. She walked up to it, noticing other pokemon, and a human. "..Oh. Hey Root." Hollow blushed. "Ar-Are these pokemon and this......human.....causing some trouble? If so.....i'll be a coward and walk away." Hollow sighed. Hollow noticed a Mudkip coming towards her. Skipper yelled. "HEY, STOP!" Skipper used Mud Shot on the Hawlucha....no effect.
"Skipper!" Skipper turned to Hollow as she said her name. "Yes, Holly?" Hollow grabbed Skipper's arm. "They're not here to hurt us." Hollow said. Skipper looked down. "Sorry...." He said to the Hawlucha. Hollow giggled a little bit. "Don't worry, you're okay Skipper." Hollow said. Skipper looked in his home's direction. "...Father would kill me if he knew I was here." Skipper muttered. Hollow looked confused. "Why?" She asked. Skipper stared at Hollow's lime green eyes. "I told him...I felt like I was evolving...because..I do." Hollow's eyes sparkled when Skipper said that. "Me too.." Hollow said, softly.
"Hawlucha, Greninja, return." A blue beam returned the Pokemon to their Pokeballs. "Over? Luna? They have names?" Ash asked. "All of them?" Serena stepped parallel to Ash. Bonnie and Clement walked forward. Thunder quickly grabbed Overs paw and blushed, still looking forward. Over looked at Thunder as she blushed, lowering her ears. She then quickly looked forward, her ears straight again.

(Yes this is before the finale of XYZ)
"Yeah, This one's Thunder." Stocking said pointing to Thunder with one eye open. He fell back asleep without a care in the world. He didn't want to deal with anything right now.
"Uhh... Okay..." Serena said paranoid. "Hey Over, wanna battle against me and Talonflame?" Ash said confidently, knowing Over was ready for a challenge. Over nodded, leaping into position. Ash sent out Talonflame- "You have the honours, Over." Ash said, putting his hand forward. Over nodded, charging up for her first attack. "What? But flying types are weak against electric types.." She looked at Bonnie and Clement as she softly spoke those words. Over used Electro Ball, just then- "Talonflame, fly up!" Talonflame flew up extremely quickly, dodging the attack a millisecond before it hit him. Over and Thunder were stunned.


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((OOC: Flying types Are weak to electric, not fire.))
Root watched as The Talonflame dashed into the air. "That Talonflame must be trained. No doubt about it!" Root said. "Over, you need to act like a Thunderbolt to catch it." Root said to Over, giving a Hint.
(OOC: Thats what I said, I think you read the wrong version, cause a minute after I posted it I realised the mistake and edited it, reload your page and look, it was correct XD)

Over nodded, giving a confident grin, standing on all fours. "Talonflame, Flame Charge, now!" Ash swiped his hand, commanding the attack. Talonflame quickly darted towards Over, as fast as a rocket, all flamed up. Like a Thunderbolt. Over thought, quickly barrel-rolling towards the left, dodging the attack as Talonflame crashed into a tree. Ash, Bonnie, Serena and Clement gasped.


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Root gasped. "Over, Dash like A Thunderbolt, then Attack like one! Quickly!" Root exclaimed. "Over, Talonflame is fast, But you need to be Fast!" Root's shiny sea green feathers glowed in the sunlight.

She's telling over to use Quick attack to suprise Talonflame, Then use Thunderbolt (Which never misses) to strike them out of the Sky.
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Over bolted toward Talonflame who was confused due to hitting the tree, using Agility at the same time as Double Team. Talonflame looked up, confused to which Over was real. "Talonflame, concentrate! You can spot the real one, just concentrate!" Ash boosted Talonflames confidence, encouraging it to try. Talonflame closed its eyes for a moment, then opening them like nothing had just happened as fire glowed in them. It somehow sensed the real Over was on the far left in the third row, quickly using Flame Thrower on all the fake ones. Over paused, skidding on the ground. "Talonflame, tackle, now!" Ash commanded out of no where, Over wasn't expecting that. She had no time to dodge. Talonflame darted towards Over, sending her flying, hitting the ground harshly. She struggled to open her eyes, grinding her teeth against each other. She slowly got up, covered in dust. She stood up on two paws, a blue, sparkling evolutionary glow covered her body as her form got bigger. Thought she would evolve into Raichu? Think again. Her form was revealed, it was none other than Psychic-Type Alolan Raichu!


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((OOC: How'd she Evolve? You didn't say anything about a Thunder Stone.))
"An Alolan Raichu! Extraordinary!" Root said. "Over now has the Psychic Typing! Go Over!" Root Flew up to get a view from above. She sketched down what it looked like.
Ray woke up, noticing that he had been left behind at the Pokemon Center. He used his aura again and found Ash and the rest. It seemed like emotions were very high there too, and...Who was the strange Pokemon battling Talonflame?! Ray walked to the group and sat down against a tree, panting a little bit.
(Umm didn't Ash pick Luna up? He never said anything about putting her down...)

Luna closed her eyes and let herself fall asleep. She didn't care who was touching her, who was holding her, or where she was. All she knew was that she was really tired and weak.
(Over evolved because she was at the right level, not because of a stone. And actually, she did find a thunder stone while she was looking for you, but she didn't use it. And Ray, you weren't left behind, did u even read the previous comments? XD We put you on a pillow next to everyone else, so u were basically asleep the whole day XD))

Over put out her paw, using Psychic on Talonflame. She raised Talonflame high above ground, pulling it back on ground speedily then letting go so it would hit the rocks harshly. Talonflame was covered in dust, trying to move its wing, but it was no use. Seconds later it fainted. Ash, Serena, Bonnie and Clement gasped while Over just stood there, smiling like nothing had just happened. "Talonflame!" Ash ran up to Talonflame, picking it up. "Hey buddy, you alright?" He looked at it and smiled. Talonflame gave a smile back and nodded. "Alright then, get some rest." Ash returned Talonflame to its Pokeball. "You were great out there, now get some rest." He said to the Pokeball enclosing Talonflame in it. He put the Pokeball back in its holder, then got out his Pokedex.

Alolan Raichu, the Mouse Pokemon. The Raichu in Alola have two types—Electric and Psychic—and they are able to wield psychic power. What’s more, they can gather their psychic power in their tails and then ride on them to float in the air!
Even Pokémon researchers don’t know why Raichu’s form changed in the Alola region. The people of Alola seem unconcerned by the question. Their guess: maybe it ate too many sweet and fluffy round pancakes!
Raichu has electric sacs on its cheeks, and rubbing them causes a sweet aroma to be released. The mechanism behind this is not clear, but it’s thought to be connected to the psychic power that Alolan Raichu possess.
The Alolan Raichu has a new Ability, Surge Surfer, which no other Pokémon has previously had. With the Surge Surfer Ability, the Pokémon’s Speed will be doubled on Electric Terrain.

The Pokedex explained, then Ash put it back into its holder. "Wow, that's awesome!" He said enthusiastically. "You were great, Over! Didn't know you could be so powerful!" Ash praised. Over looked up and smiled as Thunder ran over to hug her. Thunder looked at Over with that love-glare. Over turned to Thunder, she noticed the spark in his eyes then smiled, giving back the same glare with her beautiful ocean blue eyes.
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Ray walked up. That's Over? He thought. "Luna, are you okay?" He asked his friend, concerned after the battle with the weird Charizard. Ray hoped that the Pokemon didn't return.
"Ya I'm pretty sure I'm ok" Luna said. "But we have to go back to Absol and Rowl" Luna said and looked at Ash and the rest. "You can understand me, right?" Luna asked them.
"Uhh... Stocking, can you translate?" Ash asked. "Luna looks concerned about something." Serena added. Over and Thunder looked at each other, then looked at Luna. "Humans can't understand us, Luna." Over said sadly. "They can only hear us saying our names, like, Pi Pika Pi, Rai Rai, things like that." Thunder stepped forward, now parallel to Over.
Over and thunder shrugged. Over spotted something at the tip of her eye, quickly turning and using Psychic on the round object. It was a Pokeball! Over narrowed her eyes, smashing the easy-to-break Pokeball on the ground using Psychic. Thunder looked at the trainer, narrowing his eyes and dropping on all fours.

It was Max, trying to reclaim Ray!
Stocking woke up. "Meh, she said something about going back for some of the others." Stocking said. He turned over. "Now i'm going back to sleep." Stocking said as he drifted to sleep.
Ray looked over his shoulder, hearing the Pokeball shatter. Max had her signature smirk. Ray glared at her. "How stupid are you?" He asked sarcastically. Max just pulled out another Pokeball.
"Meh. I'm still going to capture you!" She said. "Dodge this!" She chucked the ball at the Lucario at immense speeds. Ray just used Aura Sphere on it, causing the item to shatter into bits and pieces littering the ground.
"You've been working on your throw," He noted. Max grinned.
"Yup. This time, there's NO WAY you're getting away!" She threw another ball. Ray used Dragon Pulse this time, going for a little variety. The ball was broken once more.
Ash took his eyes off Luna, looking at Max. "Hey! Not you again!" He narrowed his eyes, reaching for Greninjas Pokeball. His friends gasped, narrowing their eyes as Dedenne charged up. "Pikachu, your up!" Pikachu leaped forwards, landing on all fours, looking confident as he narrowed his eyes with a grin. "You, me, battle. If I win, you leave an never return. If you win, you can capture Ray." He announced, then saying under his breath- "You can capture Ray, if you can get past us.." He murmured, knowing Max wouldn't hear him.
Stocking woke up and started to walk towards Max. It looked like he was going to walk past him. But once he got close Stocking tripped Max. He the started to slap her across the face several times. "Don't mess with my friends!" Stocking said, still slapping Max. "Give up!"
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(OOC: Just for future reference, Max is a girl.)
Max pushed Stocking away and got up. Ray braced himself for another Pokeball, but Max pulled out Ribbons's Pokeball instead and called out the Sylveon. "Fine," She said. "Ribbons, Iron Tail!"
Wyel and his gang entered the city. "Ok guys, go stealth!" He said, and all of them turned into flashes of dark, as they ran deep in the city. They found a pickachu, and Wyel made a hand movement. They all jumped onto lamp posts. Wyel looked at one of the Sneasel, and nodded. The Sneasel jumped down and used ice punch. Then two more jumped down, and made an attack position. Wyel was ready to jump down.
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(OOC: Greetings newbie, we are currently not in the forest. Thats all I gotta say. So is it possible you could re-do your rp in the place everyone is currently; with Ash and his friends in a city very near to the forest)