I didn't really count, but I know I scored high. I've made multiple characters (in my head not in writing yet) and ALL of them have alternately colored pokemon. In fact, in my version, not two pokemon look exactly alike. If you have 2 golden labs sitting next to each other, you could see that they don't look EXACTLY the same. Why do pokemon? My Blastoise has green eyes and is bigger than most. My Raichu is smaller and color is more saturated. And yes, my Umbreon has oddly shaped purple makings and evolved from a shiny Eevee. I think I can pull it off because my main character (in existing an region) isn't that special.
We do KINDA share a name. I'm Megan Sher'ee Chidester and she's Sher'ee Chestnut, and I did base her off me. But I also based twos other off me too. My bad-ass side and my somewhat of an alter-ego.
I still don't know if I'll ever write this fanfic, but still
We do KINDA share a name. I'm Megan Sher'ee Chidester and she's Sher'ee Chestnut, and I did base her off me. But I also based twos other off me too. My bad-ass side and my somewhat of an alter-ego.
I still don't know if I'll ever write this fanfic, but still