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..ugh.. What happened... My head... it hurts...

Brandon slowly arose from the grass, not aware of his surroundings.
Where am I?.. Am I hurt? My legs.. no.. My paws!
Brandon lifted one of his dark grey paws up to be shocked. Falling over to the side, his mind began to race.
No... My parents... My friends... What happened to them! Where are they!! This is just a dream.. A bad bad dream..
Fear filled his eyes as he looked around. The trees were unfamiliar, towering above him. Brandon couldn't handle it much longer until he felt something upon his paw. Looking down, he saw the dark blue scarf gently blowing in the wind. He quickly lifted it up slightly before a wave of relief fell over him. He pressed his hand against the pendent. As the stone warmed, a small smile appeared on his face. He still had his birthday present, which he had gotten yesterday. However, he couldn't remember anything that happened. He looked around, trying to see what he was, and what he looked like. He began to meander the broad forest, looking for someone or something. He felt uneasy as he began to trek the mossy ground.
"Hello? Is anyone there?" He shouted as the leaves rustled lightly above him.
Darkness... that was all there was... darkness surrounding this... creature, what was it? where was it? the darkness turned to light and he remembered. He was Henry, he was a human. He looked around, scanning his surroundings, surprised. Everything seemed so big, trees seemed like towering giants. And what was the thing on his head? He looked down, something had happened, he seemed tiny. He felt his head, but instead of feeling hair and skin, he felt something hard and cold... like a skull. "no..." he whispered "it cannot be!"

He was a Pokemon

He slumped down on a nearby rock, there was nothing else for him to do, except sit and wait for some annoying Ten Year old brat to enter the forest, to stuff him in a ball and force him to fight. He heard a voice, but did not listen to what it was saying. What was the point?
If it was a human, he could not get help, he doubted that they could understand him now. If it was another Pokemon, they would not understand, they would not understand what he went through! No Pokemon was once a human, no wild Pokemon had ever experienced the Luxuries that a human would have, nobody else would ever understand what he had lost...
Amethyst smiled, picking an Oran Berry from an Berry Bush. She then plucked it into he mouth, savoring the taste the berry held. She smiled, then turning to a voice. She crouched down, hoping not to be found. The sound got clearer, Amethyst Could decipher the voice.

"Hello? Is anyone there?"

Amethyst poked her head out of the bush she hid in. She saw a Shiny Umbreon. She then frowned. "Um, Hello?" She called out, hoping the Moonlight Pokemon wasn't violent.
David jumped out of the grass and looked around, He looked down to see he had no legs, He looked at his arms which were made Electricity! "Uhh....." He said while floating around "I think i am a pokemon..." He said as he floated through the forest until he came to a Espeon and a Shiny Umbreon, He hid in a tree and watched to see what would happen
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His ears perked up to the voice. He turned to see a Espeon. Brandon was dumbfounded, his mouth wide open, staring at the Pokemon.
"Y-you... Uh.. You talked!" He said with, wide eyed. "H-how?" He said, backing up slightly.
How did she talk? T-that's... How is it possible?
"I-I'm sorry. My name's Brandon... I don't know how I got here.." The Umbreon said, letting out a worried sigh. He had to get home some how... But how would anyone remember him? He was stuck as a Pokemon, not even knowing what he was himself.
Amethyst's ears flicked, then the Espeon jumped out of the bush, approaching the Shiny. "Well everyone talks, it's pretty simple, anything that responds to all eight characteristics of life can communicate to each other, being signal waves, or just plain talking, we communicate." Amethyst smiled.

"I-I'm sorry. My name's Brandon..."

Amethyst frowned, raising a brow. "Um, OK, nice to meet you Brandon, I'm Amethyst, Nice to meet you?" She questioned the Shiny, but held a paw out anyways.
David continued to watch but he realised that with no legs he could not sit in the tree so he slipped out of the tree and fell to the ground with a crash, He then got up and looked at the Umbreon and Sylveon "Uhhh..... Hi?" He said in a scared tone
Henry smirked. "that" he said to David "was one of the funniest things I've seen all day." then turned to the others "so I'm not the only one who is stuck in a dumb Pokemon body"
Kain woke up, he groaned in pain, then he looked at his hands....no wait paws , he had paws
Paws why do i have paws?
He then looked around and he saw some others
i wonder if they are like me or are they normal pokemon
"Uh, yeah! N-nice to meet you Amethyst!" He said with a awkward grin. Inside of him, he was freaking out and in complete confusion, but he would have to go with things. He lifted his paw to shake the Espeon's, but he fell over against. He quickly stood back up before putting on a fake smile.
"Sorry, I'm a little clumsy today!" He lied, hoping she wouldn't notice. Noticing a Cubone, he let out a gasp.
"You too? Do you have any idea how we got here?" Brandon said in a completely different tone from before. He was scared, with everything around him. The things he had done before were all gone. Just like that. He was in a new world.
"Maybe a pokemon did this to us?" David said as he put his Fedora back on "It could have been one of those Legendary pokemon! like groudon or arceus!" He said in a less scared tone
"Arceus?" Henry shouted "he doesn't even exist!" he noticed that all of the other Pokemon were wearing items of clothing, while he only had his skull. "Thats unfair" he thought "waaaiitt..." if he was a Cubone... wearing a skull...
the implications slowly sank into Henry's mind and he felt himself begin to panic. "My parents!" he shouted suddenly "if I'm a Cubone, my parents must be dead!"
Amethyst frowned, the Shiny Umbreon falling to the ground. She then tried helping him up, until he helped himself up, then putting on a smile. "Uhh, Yea, everyone is clumsy from time to time." She frowned. Amethyst frowned more when the Umbreon started asking a cubone questions.

"Uh, Is this gut Crazy, or is it just me, but then again I haven't seen his face around here much often, I haven't seen this Room or the Cubone Round here either. Am I hallucinating, or is this real, and if so I think I'll go, hopefully them being too caught up will buy me some time."

Amethyst then slowly started walking back, hoping they wouldn't notice.
"Well... umm... ok i have nothing to say to that" David said as he saw a Magnemite fly by but then he noticed that he teleported to where the Magnemite was but he could not see the Magnemite anyhwere, Then he noticed that he was controlling the Magnemite! "Cool!" He siad as he left the Magnemites body "I can transfer into specific pokemon! yay" He yelled as he flew around, leaving a Temporary Electricity Trail when he flew around
Kain watched the group from a far , he was not have as bad of luck as they were with their standing but he started to walk thats
when it all fell apart and he fell "ow.." he whispered then he looked at hisself , he was really happy to be a pokemon
Brandon flinched at the comment. He, of course, didn't know what to say or know if it was true. He then noticed the Espeon starting to back away from the situation. He didn't blame her. He let out a sigh before looking back up.
"W-wait!... um.." The Umbreon paused before looking down. "I have.. No.. Nevermind.." He let out a sigh before turning back to the other Pokemon. He didn't have any leads or ideas on how he was going back, but he had to figure it out, somehow.
"Sorry, you can go.." He said, looking back to see the other Pokemon. He had to figure something out. He placed his paw upon the cloth on his wrist letting out a sigh.
" Wait... what will we do when it becomes night?" He asked as he stopped flying "We need to build a shelter!" He yelled as he flew around the area looking for items of use
Cam shook her head. 'Ugh, what happened?' she thought. Cam looked down at her hands...no hooves. She looked herself over as best she could. "I'm a Skiddo." Cam muttered. "Of course this kind of thing would happen to me." She spotted a group of Pokémon which included an Umbreon with a pendant. 'So I'm not the only one' Cam thought. She sighed in relief. Cam approached the Umbreon. "I suppose you're as clueless as me when it comes to our current situation?" she said. Cam fiddled with her pendant.
Brandon sighed before quickly jumping.
"Uh... uh.. No.." He said letting out a sigh. Looking at the other Pokemon, he felt uncomfortable. He always got in the way of others, not to mention how he always ended up the reason for people failing. He couldn't bring them down.
"Hey, I'm going to go figure some stuff out, okay? You guys work on returning back to the world..." He said with a fake smile before he began to walk off into the trees.

He walked with his head low, spacing out with all the things that could happen. He stopped when he noticed a small clearing and a pond. He dipped his head into the water and drank some of the water before letting out a sigh. He sat on a rock as he began to think. During times like this, usually his best friend, Angela was by his side. His only friend. He would talk, laugh, and have fun with her. He placed a paw on his head.
"What am I going to do.."
Rai exclaimes as he jolted up from his slumber.
"That was a horrible dream. I... I... I was a ditto! I could never look at myself if I was ever a ditto." Rai talks to himself.
Rai yawns and stands up. To his surprise the ground was a lot closer than he thought it would. He bends down and touches the ground.
"Gupi?" Rai asks himself. He looks at his hands and it was tiny. In a panicked motion he went into his bag and rummaged to find himself a mirror to look at. As he looks at himself he was in shock and did not move. Rai's face showed different emotions ranging from disgust all the way to disappointment.
"A pichu really? Why couldn't it have been a super cool pokemon rather than a cute one..." Rai sighed with defeat. Rai pats his body around and in surprise found he was still wearing his necklace and was relieved and completely pulled him into reality.
He is now a pokemon.
Rai now completely panicked decided to look around and found a group of other pokemon talking to each other and approached them.
"This is either going to be very stupid or completely normal. Do any of you have a comb with you?"
Kain sighed then he ran up to cam and brandon "um hey are you guys freaked out as well" he asked then he looked down then he placed his paw on the pendent on his neck and he sighed
David continued to try to grab items but then he saw a young boy with a charmeleon following him "Albert! Look! A Rotom! lets catch it!" The boy said as he ran to David, David used Thunderbolt on the Charmeleon but missed "Alright! Albert use Ember!" The boy yelled, David could not do anything the ball of fire was about to hit him until something hit the fireball back it was another charmeleon but it was fully orange and had pure white eyes "Charmeleon look out!" The boy yelled as Charmeleon dodged "I did not know Rotoms could learn Substitute!" The boy said in confusion "Wait i know Substitute? thats cool" David thought to himself "Ok charmeleon use Dragon claw!" They boy said as Charmeleon Dashed at David, David dodged and grabbed the materials and ran to a nearby cave where he would sit and watch the sky and retreat deeper into the cave if any pokemon came to attack him, But he still did not have any legs so he usually fell down.
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"Fine I'll use mine.." Rai said as he lifts up a comb and slowly combs his fur.
"By the way I'm Rai and as you can all see I'm a pichu. As far as I can see we all got turned into a pokemon..."
Rai pauses.
Rai crashes to the ground and started hitting the ground.
He looks up and saw the blue striped umbreon breaking out of the group. Rai looks around and decided to follow him and he ended up near pond. The umbreon sat on a rock and placed a paw on his head. Rai decided to make an appearance.
"This is a pretty cool looking lake huh?"
Rai says as he walks to the side of the rock the umbreon was sitting on. With a bend and a cute sound of "gupi" Rai grabs a pebble.
"Wanna skip rocks?"
His saddened gaze was snapped when the Pichu seemed to come out of nowhere.
"Uh.. Sure.." He said, pushing one of the pebbles towards him before holding it with his mouth. He threw it out, skipping it twice on the water before watching it sink. At the moment, he was to worried to think about what he was doing at the moment.
Rai looked in amazement and started clapping.
"Okay let me show you how it's done. This pebble right here will skip about five times." Rai said with enthusiasm and courage.
Rai takes form and closes his eyes.
Slow and steady breaths.
Rai opens his eyes quickly and threw the pebble with all his might.


Rai holds his throwing pose for a moment and laughed. After Rai's laugh just complete silence consumed the pond. Rai's face turned serious but nothing too serious due to the cuteness of a pichu.
"Why didn't you use your powers? Your scared aren't you?"
Brandon's head jolted up as the Pichu spoke.
"Why didn't you use your powers? Your scared aren't you?"
"Scared of what?" He asked, looked back up to the Pichu. He decided not to mention anything about "powers." Truth was, he had no idea how to even control anything in his body yet. It would take a more then just a couple hours for him to figure out how.
Kain walked up to Brandon and he smiled
"um hello" he waved at him then he sighed
"this sucks..i don't wanna be a pokemon"
Rai looks at the Blue striped umbreon and tilted his head in a cute way.
"hmm..? Sorry ignore that. It was just a rhetorical question tongue slipped." Rai said as he grabs another pebble and tried skipping it once more but ended in a failed attempt.
"This may be a bit too late but my name is Rai just a good, used to be trainer from Johto." Rai said as he turns to the umbreon and introduces himself.
"Ugh.. what happened...?" Dakota said, opening his eyes. "What the hell.... where am I..?" He wondered aloud. Looking around, he saw a lake and walked to it, he had the urge to lap up water. And so he did. Finishing licking water off his lips, he asked to no one in particular: "Why did I want to do that?" Looking at his reflection, he gasped. "I-I'm a Mightyena!" He yelled ou loud. "How the hell did this happen?"
"Ah.. Nice to meet you Rai." Brandon said with a sad smile.
"You see, thing is my birthday was only two days ago. Otherwise, I barely remember anything else..." Looking into the pons, he noticed that he was a Umbreon with light blue rings. They were glowing faintly in the shade of the trees.
"My name is Brandon, and my memory isn't very good right now, sorry.." Brandon said with a smile, looking back to the Pichu.
"Well then happy belated birthday Brandon. I would give you a gift but you know I'm a pichu." Rai said as he looks at the reflection of the pond and brushes his fur. A tear runs down his cheek.
"Why don't I look cool?" Rai said solemnly.
Rai wipes the tear away and looks at Brandon.
"Well... You remember your birthday right? I think that's plenty enough. If you can remember the day of your birth then soon you'll remember all the other precious memories you could've experienced, right? So don't look so sad. We should head back to the group it's getting late the sun will set soon." Rai said as he picks up his comb and signaled Brandon to follow.
Kain frowned, everyone was innoring him
"hey! can someone plz talk to me..." he yelled with tears in his eyes...
"i feel so lonely why did i have to be a zoura...nobody likes a zoura" he whimpered
Brandon watched as a tear fall from the tiny Pokemon. He let out a sigh.
"Well, look at it in a positive way. People would probably give up a lot of things to be in our position right now!" He said laughing. "Haven't you heard of people always wanting to become a Pokemon? In a way, we got lucky!" The Umbreon smiled before looking over towards the Zoura.
"I'm sure we'll get used to this soon, don't worry about it." He said before watching as the sky began to become dimmer. His rings began to glow gently, the less light there was, the more radiant he had become.
"Thanks by the way.. Yeah, let's go.." Brandon said, following the Pichu. He honestly wanted no part in the group, but he would have to sneak out later.
Kain smiled then he nodded "yeah i guess your right i mean ...we now have pokemon powers " he grinned then he looked at them
"um can i come" he asked, he really didn't want to be alone
Dakota saw a Zoura, and ran to him. "Um... may I ask how the hell did I turn into a Mightyena?" He cocked his head to the side, wondering if the pokemon would understand him.
"Of course." Said Rai to the zorua. The three pokemon walked into the forest. After a few minutes Rai stops.
"I probably should've asked in the beginning. Where are they? I have absolutely no idea where I'm going..." Rai said as he scratches his head in confusion. As he continued walking a little more they were approached by a mightyena.
"Um... may I ask how the hell did I turn into a Mightyena?" It said.
Rai jumped back in surprise. He scanned the mightyena.
Rai walks around the mightyena then stops.
"A... Black... And... White... Fur... A cool looking character." Rai said with amazement. Rai knelt down in front of the mightyena
"Wanna trade bodies? Wait... I mean you can talk too?"
Kain looked at Dakota and he sighed
"no i don't know how this happened ...i was a trainer too but now...im a Zoura "
he dropped then he looked at the ground and he smiled "it is cool though"
"GAHHH!! YOU ALL LOOK SO COOL!" Rai exclaimed.
With a deep breath he calmed down.
"Sorry you three just looked so cool that I had to yell. But to answer everyone's question which is: how did I became a pokemon?" Rai said as he draws out the forest with a stick he found lying around. "There is a possibility that this forest is cursed. I mean we all are now pokemon and it all happened here in the forest. For me it doesn't sound too far fetched." Rai finishes explaining as he drops the stick and finishes his drawing. "Well you guys are lucky... I got the short end of the stick being a cute pichu. Also we should look for shelter it's dark out. Brandon mind leading a way to a cave or some sort?"
Brandon couldn't help but grin as the scene unfolded.
"Brandon, mind leading a way to a cave or some sort?"
He flinched for a moment before thinking. "Yeah, we can look for a cave, it is getting darker... " His rings began to glow brighter as the sky began to turn grey. He began to start looking for some kind of cave. Quickly, he noticed a large tree.
"Hey guys! Look!" He shouted, pointing at a large hole in the tree. It almost seemed like a house.
"We can rest in there tonight if you want, b-" He was interupted by a small droplet of water. Looking up, the sky seemed to have turned a dark grey as thunder began to rumble before water began to pour down. He quickly ran into the tree before turning back.
"Guys! Come in here! Don't catch a cold!" He shouted before mentally face palming at his statement. He turned back to look into the tree. It definitely seemed to be someones house. There was a bowl of berries, a bed, and some other wood furniture.
I hope whoever lives here doesn't mind us dropping in...
Kain looked at Brandon and he nodded then he ran into the tree but before he got in , he tripped and landed on the bed "oww...that..was soft..wait soft " he said "why is there a bed in a tree...um thats pretty cool though" he said with a smile