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Rai sneezed.
"... Even my sneeze is a pichu..." Rai sighed. Being the last one inside the huge tree house made Rai's cheek give little sparks. It completely slipped his mind that he is like a walking battery. With a shake and a splash everywhere, he was dry. He looked at his cross necklace then at the wooden table. "Hey... what kind of pokemon do you think lives here? Or are wild pokemon even domesticated enough to make furniture?" Rai asked as he looks around and pops a berry in his mouth from the bowl. "You guys want to try some? Be careful though if you don't like anything spicy I advice you don't eat a cheri berry."
The sylveon quietly walked up a round hill, a few pokemon seemed to be in the little clearing. "Whoever could they be..." she wondered, and quickly stalked down the hill towards the party and the little house.
"Nah.. I'm okay. I don't think eating someone else's food is a good idea." Brandon said with a chuckle. The rain had began to pour even harder as he looked around. Noticing a fire pit, he saw that there were a couple stones near it. He placed some of the logs nearby and stroke the rocks together, creating a spark and lighting the fire.
"A fire place in a tree? This Pokemon must be pretty smart to be able to make something like this!" He said with amazement. For now, the thoughts of him turning into a Pokemon died down as the fire began to crackle softly. He let out a yawn and lay down lazily, listening to the fire and the sound of rain hitting the ground outside.


"Ow... Why, cruel world!?"

From a rather high-up tree branch fell an odd-looking creature, scaring himself awake as he left his perch in a less-than-graceful manner. Picking up his dizzy head to take in his surroundings, the Leafeon stood cautiously- only to realize that he could feel a couple more limbs touching the ground than usual. Slowly, he lowered his face to gaze upon the horror that was his new body.

But... was it really that bad?

Maroon eyes wide, Benjamin tried to take a few baby steps, unsure of what had happened or what exactly he looked like at the moment. Hobbling over to a nearby river, he peered down into the clear depths, his reflection starting off with a look of pure terror before moving over to one of... excitement?

How did this happen?

Pounding on his forehead with a paw, Benji came to the conclusion that he was not, in fact, in a dream. The faint sound of voices also seemed to prove his theory, for whatever reason that may be.

Turning around, the now-Grass-type headed over towards the source of the voices, picking up his new legs like a tiny dog in booties. "HEY!" he called to them, "WHAT'S GOING ON, HERE!? I'm not saying this is necessarily a bad thing, but still!"

Meanwhile, on top of a different point of the river lay yet another oddly-colored Pokémon. Sleeping soundly, it did not seem like the the yellow-and purple Ice-type Eeveelution would wake up anytime soon. Comfortably she held her paws out beside her as the ice she had unknowingly formed kept her side safe from getting wet.

Little did she know of the troubles her brother would go through to find her.
Ghost looked around the forest the pure white Guardevior hidden by her cloak as she walked she heard voices near her home as she listened she heard yelling and went towards it to see what was going on as she got over the hill she saw several inside her home angered by this and wanting to know why they were there she walked up to them and inside "may I ask why you are all inside my home please" I hope they don't find out I was once human not even a week ago I really hope they dont" she thought not showing her fear
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