Can i be a Elite 4 Member?
Name: Ashley
Nicknames: Ash
Pokemon: Umbreon ,Mightyena, Absol, Zorark, Houndoom, Hydreigon
Personality: Serious,Smart
Age: 19
(Couldn't find any other Image that was small)
Pokemon Bios:
Pokemon: Umbreon
Nick: Oka
Level: 59
Moves: Dark Pulse, Feint Attack, Giga Impact, Hyper Bean
Name: Mightyena
Nick: Scar
Level: 60
Moves: Crunch, Play rough, Dark Pulse, Payback
Name: Absol
Nick: Jordan
Level: 61
Moves: Night slash, Shadow Ball, Brutal Swing, Shadow Claw
Name: Zorark
Nick: Gene
Level: 64
Moves: Night daze, Focus Blast, Foul play, Hone Claws
Name: Houndoom
Nick: Adrien
Level: 65
Moves: Foul play, Beat up, Shadow ball, Hyper beam,
Name: Hydreigon
Nick: Zack
Level: 69
Moves: Dragon pulse, Brutal swing, Dragon Breath, Dragon rush
(It took a long time to make the Pokemon Bios)