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Private/Closed The Paragons - Act I

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Lilian looked around at how everyone was eating there ice cream, looking down at poking it before summoning a silver spoon from the necklace and using it bring a bite to her mouth, her eyes lighting up as she tasted it. She heard Foursythe, looking up at him with curiosity “You have a brother?”

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

A pipe had burst with water, forming a tendril amongst the fight. Upon the initial burst, the echo of the burst traveled across the tubing... Across fields of tubing and earth sunken man made structures, the sound traveled, the echo chamber bringing it to the ears of disheveled looking man with a cloak.

The man resides in the sewer system, a carved out section in the wall revealing a pipe that made a rather peculiar sound. It was something that was rare to have such noise occur... he had to report it.

He hobbled in one direction, navigating the maze of brick and stone. He found himself taking a turn, now facing a wall of steel bars. Putting pressure on one section of the bars, two of them gave way, hollowed out and seemingly only for decoration. Crawling through the hole, he raced toward the falsely restricted zone.

Rounding a final corner, he was met with a large room. The room was far bigger than any height a normal sewer would allow. It was a grand throne room, the floor made of patches concrete and brick slabs, surrounded by walls of oozing rock.

There were mounds of trash surrounding the room, with one giant mound of shiny objects propping up a throne made of glass bottles. Sitting in the throne, was a rather smug little pre-teen, a lopsided crown donning his black haired head. He dressed like a prince, vest and all. However he seemed to have gotten his costumes mixed up at the store, as he has the leggings resembling that of a Jester. Wielding his silver scepter, he leaned on it to look at the man who made an appearance before him.

“Prince Percy! There’s been an event...”

“Mmmm...Is it anything I would care about?” The adolescence ruler spoke, twirling their scepter.

“The water lines have had strange behavior... something must be going on. Maybe you can see what it is?”

Prince Percy rubbed their chin, looking over to a TV that was lopsided in a mound of trash and debris.

“Eh, my show hasn’t come on yet. I have some time. Hope this will be more enjoyable than the last one.”

He closed his eyes, whirling his scepter in the air. An invisible spectral form followed the path of the water line, flowing all the way until there was an opening to daylight. the burst pipe was gushing water everywhere, and in the middle of an ongoing fight. Near the scene, a discarded cup, shredded papers, and clumps of dirt came together, a small hole appearing in the cluster. Percy could now see through it.

“Now what do we have here~”
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Too much was happening at once for Samuel, who was trying his best to stay on top of it all. It was an unfortunate circumstance that Massi and the people chasing her had arrived when they did. Sam's attention was drawn away from keeping the energy dome up for a second and in that second Laura broke through it, shattering the giant orange into hundreds of pieces that fizzled away in the air. The psychic wobbled on his platform, the shattering of the construct causing some recoil for him.

Samuel decided to stop trying to focus on everything, his fists clenching as he made a rather unprofessional and emotional decision. There was enough people on the ground to deal with whatever had just shown up, he was going after Laura. He crouched down on his floating disc, using his powers to lift it and fly after the new dove. "You're not going anywhere!" It was reckless going after the super villain alone but letting him escape was not an option for Sam. "Get back here!" Samuel procured more constructs of energy, rope like structures that snaked towards the dove as they both flew away from the others.



Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Charles Warren
"Hm." Replied the elderly man as he continued to stare out of the window. Perhaps Ignizio could withstand Patriot. After all, his capabilities weren't fully expressed. Regardless, he'd rather prevent that inevitable conflict from occurring for now. Better to be safe than sorry.

Soon enough, they returned to NYC, skimming the skyline for a few minutes, the ship cloaked, seeming to absorb the light that was cast unto it and reflecting it back down, effectively making it appear invisible to the naked eye from the outside. It passed the tallest building in the city, the building belonging to Charles Warren, and made its way to the nearby warehouses. Once there, it proceeded to land inside of a warehouse missing its roof. As it settled down, the floor began to descend, a second floor replacing itself above them as they descended.
They were engulfed in darkness for several minutes, until light once again greeted them, a large metal door opening upward as the massive elevator platform they were on came to a stop. The door of the vehicle opened as Charles got to his feet, rotating his shoulders for a moment before straightening his clothing and marching out. "Welcome to Outpost 31B-E2." He said to Ignizio. "I've nicknamed it 'Michael', to remember it more easily."

The doorway opened up into a large room, full of vats filled with water, most of these vats having people varying in age floating in them, oxygen masks attached to their faces. Tubes made a massive maze along the ceiling, and there didn't seem to be a floor, as the only places to walk seemed to be railed catwalks making its own maze around. There didn't appear to be a floor at all, as the room just descended into darkness, where what sounded like breathing could be heard underneath, belonging to something presumably massive. Dozens of scientists filled the room on the catwalks, all of which were wearing hazmat suits, carrying around clipboards or tablets, taking notes as they looked over consoles that sat before each vat.

Yin Li
They disappeared, presumably hoping down an alley. The Police Chief wasted no time in traversing the motorcycle to screech to a halt at the other end of an alley to find Massi on the other side, gnawing on a body just as Sparkblade rushed in. Without any knowledge of the conflict against Larua occurring on just the other side of the buildings she was around, she aimed her gun again at Massi, opening fire, unloading the rest of her clip as she did so.

Mystery Woman
Work? She narrowed her eyes at her new 'companion', momentarily confused as she held the door open for her. Perhaps she was trying to show her that the door was in working order. Well, good for the door, but this didn't seem to be getting her any closer to getting more of those meat rods in bread blankets. There had to be an easier name for those things. Maybe something the woman had said earlier would work... hadn't she said something about the food items being called 'crap'?
Hm... for some reason, the word wasn't appealing, but it was easier than what she'd previously been using it for.
So crap it was. She hoped she'd get to eat some crap soon. Maybe this woman had crap for her past the door that worked well. So, without any further hesitation, she made her way past the stranger and into the building.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Forsythe laughed slightly at Lilian's reaction to the icecream "its nice that you like it but dont eat it too fast" his face then turned a little more serious, "yeah Alexander Carter my older brother, we were both born with Immortality but my brother also had the power to copy others abilities. We used to be very close but over time he said that he thought mortal life was expendable his to control and he went mad, I never saw him again but he did pop up over time at least I think he did, almost ever major murderer or serial killer has clues that they were in fact him but I never got any solid proof so yeah that's my brother Larua, the Bogeyman" he said and looked down at his icecream with a sigh, "I often wonder if I could have saved him from himself all those centuries ago" he muttered.
@The Dark Fairy

Larua snarled still in dove form "when will these heroes quit" he thought as he shifted back and using telekinesis he shifted his position and flung himself at Sam with great speed ready to slam him into the ground, he prepared contingencies of course as he had multiple item at the ready to fling at the hero if he was stupid enough to keep fighting.
@Martin Pine
Angel transformed into a dove and flew after Sam, wanting to go where she was needed. After all, the others weren't exactly in any danger from what she could tell. She heard the sharp bang of gunshots and winced. Once she transformed back, she was going to be in a lot of pain. Especially since she couldn't heal as a bird, from her knowledge anyway. She landed on the top of a building near the two and started to focus on healing Sam. Of course, she didn't feel pain, since what was being shot wasn't human.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Lilian slowly ate her ice cream, wanting to savor it anyways, when Foursythe stopped talking, she swallowed and placed her spoon down “I wasn’t there for any of all that, but I don’t believe even someone immortal could be behind every serial killing, way back when I was serving Mr. Leo, there where reporting of that kind of thing on both sides of Europe.” She picked up the spoon and pointed it at him “I don’t know wether or not he’s as bad as all that, but you should try to find him, I know I would if I knew my brother was alive.” She sighed, sticking the spoon back in the ice cream and swirling it around for a second before taking another spoonful.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
As the trash eye watched the fight progress, Prince Percy’s gaze beginning to wander. Seems this incident had sprawled farther than he thought. Police sirens and chaos seemed to be a common element. Transforming birds, attacking water, Telekinesis, and-

What...what was that smell?

Sugary goodness...that could only be one thing.

The trash eye focused on an ice cream parlor nearby, the pupil going wide upon seeing it. He did feel rather peckish...a bite or two couldn’t hurt.

A pile of ice cream wrappers and used spoons fused with cups and other ice cream related waste, combining to form a roughly humanoid mound of walking trash. The waste construct walked Inside the the Ice Cream parlor, the clatter of it’s feet made of napkins and spoons were an attention catcher, the form waltzing up to the main counter, jutting a straw out of it’s ‘hand’ to order.

“Uh...that’s a...new one...” the cashier muttered, not wanting to cause any trouble.
When Laura threw himself at Sam he smashed through the tendrils of energy, Samuel quickly retorting by conjuring a shield of psychic energy in front of him. He didn't slow down, he flew forwards to collide with Laura. The shield shattered and Sam was knocked off his metallic platform and back towards the ground, an orange aura appearing around his body as he used his powers to make him more resilient. It still hurt, smashing into the concrete and rolling against the floor. He was injured but thanks to Dove's healing it wasn't as bad as it would've been.

He took a moment to catch his breath, rising back to his feet with somewhat of a wobble as he faced Laura. Once again he resorted to using the earth, pulling up man sized cylinders of road and stone and flinging them at Laura. The protective Aura was still around his body but had faded somewhat. "You're not just leaving!" His voice was more exasperated and shaky now.

@Shadow_Pup @ThePlayfulFox


Previously Shadow_Pup
Larua sighed and burst a pipe with telekinesis and created and orb of water around Sam so his vision was distorted by the water and with this minor advantage he shattered the orbs with his brute strength and then flung the shards at Sam with telekinesis as he lifted a hand to his face to find a cut across his cheek, it would heal but he was surprised to be honest.
@Martin Pine

Forsythe shrugged and placed an arm around Lilian, "maybe I should try and speak with him I dont kn..." he dwindled off as he saw a tv screen in a nearby shop window reporting on the attack by his brother, he sighed "seems hes as evil as ever" he mutters pushing the thoughts of his brother aside and resting his head gently on Lilian's head. "Hey Lilian is there a particular time Warrne wants to back just dont want to annoy him is all.
@The Dark Fairy
Samuel didn't react to the barrier of water, keeping his focus on Laura and what he was doing. The veil of water did little nothing as Samuel was blind. He used his powers to feel the area and around him and 'seeing' in a sense. It had it's drawbacks but it definitely had it's advantages, like how Sam could feel the concrete being shattered and directed at him. A dome quickly formed around him of energy quickly formed around him, cracking from the rain of stone brought down upon it. The barrier broke at the last moment, leaving Sam open and vulnerable.

Three shards sliced through Sam, one through his arm, one through his leg and one through his shin. Thankfully they'd grazed him but the cuts were deep and had brought him to his knees. His cloak was somewhat tattered now and his clothes were beginning to stain red in the spots he'd been injured. He hastily felt around the area with his powers, noticing two street lamps adjacent to Laura. Sam's eyes glowed as he telekinetically felt around the innerworkings of them and then smiled. He lifted his arms and flung them down in an X in front of him, suddenly swinging the lampposts down at Laura. They sparked viciously, Sam having broken the lights and exposed the wires in a swift attempted electrocute Laura if he was hit by them.

@Shadow_Pup @ThePlayfulFox

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Lilian leaned into the gesture "Thats to bad, I would have loved to meet him. And no, he only said he was out on some retrieval mission, I dont know how long it will take him." She looked up, seeing the man of trash, her mouth opening slightly, the closing, having trouble deciding what to say, finally deciding on something "What is that?"

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
The trash being was hesitantly given a cone of cookies & cream flavored ice cream from the cashier. They held out their hand.


The trash man stared back at him, locking ‘eyes’ for a good five second. Then, it turned right back around with the ice cream cone in hand, slowly shambling toward the door. The cashier gave a long exasperated sigh. He wasn’t about to risk his life for a 2 dollar ice cream cone.

The heap brushed past Lilian’s table, leaving a few wrappers and a cup on it, moving past them and heading toward the door with their ice cold treat.

“Ah yes...come to papa.” Prince Percy licked his lips, holding his hand in the air, awaiting his construct’s arrival.


Previously Gamingfan2
Massi growled, sensing SparkBlade move from behind him and Yun Li not far behind. He leapt forwards, dodging both attacks while scooping up the corpse in his jaws. He turned, giving his assailants an eyeless glare as he slowly backed away on all fours, corpse in mouth. Now that he was energized, Massi was on the fence between fleeing and retaliating. The action by his side was distracting, but he kept his focus on the two humans before him, looking for an opening, although what he'd do with it Massi wasn't sure.


Previously Night's Shadow
Hitori raised an eyebrow at the “Aroto” person. She had a sneaking suspicion he wasn’t telling her everything—not that she would in his place—and she doubted it was even his real name. She nodded slowly, imperceptibly to herself, deciding to help with his problem. If she could elicit some new tech out of the deal, then it would be even better. She relaxed from her combat-ready position, stepping back to lean casually on the wall.

“Well, I guess if you were trying to kill me, you would have done it by now,” she said wryly. “Yeah, I’m Techno. Tell me what the issue is; I’ll do my best... but I don’t work free. But we can talk about that later. Your problem?”


Previously Shadow_Pup
Larua sensed something was off as the lamppost came towards him and dodged before reforming the water sphere around Sam and electrifying it with the wires, he then shot forward once again this time each of his fists were coated in water and had some of the electrical components from the lampposts making his fist become charged with electricity which was also burning his hands to a crisp but he continued through the pain.
@Martin Pine

Forsythe saw what Lilian was pointing to "I don't know" he said and as it passed their table he stood up and placed a hand on the being's shoulder "stop trash creature I believe you forgot to pay" he said simply while also being suspicious of the being's intentions. For now he wanted to keep things civilised he was off duty after all.
@The Dark Fairy @Shen: King of the Mist

Ignizio watched his surroundings silently, taking in the full view of the planet's development since his last brush with humanity. Skyscrapers reached as high as the eye could see, streets bustled with ant-sized mortals going about their day, planes soared through the air, boats forged through the waters, and despite all of the innovation that he could see around him, Ignizio didn't bat an eye. After all, humanity could advance all they wanted, but if they hadn't evolved.... there truly was no need for it to exist. For all he cared, annihilation could come whenever it wanted, but without any sign of evolution to something greater on this planet, his predetermined role and all of the bothersome responsibility it required was all for naught. If there was anything Ignizio hated, it was wasting his time.

The airship soon arrived at its destination, lowering into a building without a ceiling. As the vessel landed and was lowered deeper into the earth, Ignizio waited until its motion came to a halt before following Warren into the outpost he had dubbed "Michael". Taking note of the strange, echoed noise sounding from the void below, he glanced at each vat that contained a comatose human, studied by multiple scientists dressed in protective clothing (such hazmat suits were rather familiar, as he had burned through a number of them when other expeditioners ventured into his home). A rather large interface sat in the intersection of the walkways, researches murmuring quietly among themselves around it. A map was shown above it, showing the entire planet and marked sparsely with blinking colored dots. Most notable was a bright blue dot of substantially greater size than the others, blinking rapidly as if sounding an urgent alarm. A particular scientist waved to get Warren's attention, pointing at the same dot that had pulled such focus.

"Sir, the algorithm's found another cold spike: the same record lows in temperature as the other occurrences here in the middle of Siberia, Russia. With this data, we believe we can infer the source's location and send a team when you're ready."

Turning to glance at Warren, Ignizio's brow furrowed in intrigue before he folded his arms over his chest and spoke.

"This 'algorithm'... what does it search for?"

★ - ★ - ★ - ★ - ★ - ★ - ★ - ★ - ★ - ★ - ★ - ★


Muttering a curse under his breath, Shuzo fired a glare of his own back at Massi, who had suddenly backed up with a cadaver within his jaws' clutches. He unsheathed his other blade, tightening his grip on both as the sound of Chief Li's motorcycle sounded behind him. The chief had unloaded her mag in Massi's direction, and the few bullets that had met their mark seemed to do so with no avail. Massi now stood before them, almost as if it was contemplating its next move, and in an effort to play its exhaustion to his advantage, Shuzo burst into a sprint once again, red electricity dancing wildly around him and trailing behind his body as he ran.

Suddenly, halfway into his approach, the stone and concrete pillars that the newly enlisted Paragon 'Telekine-Kid' had torn out of the ground fell back after their unsuccessful use, now in the form of shards and large fragments that threatened the city below. Narrowly avoiding one that would have slammed into his temple, Shuzo slashed through the rubble that fell his way, an irritating distraction that would likely be used by Massi to make its escape. Thinking on instinct, he turned back to glance at Chief Li, his voice edged with both commanding authority and urgency as he spoke.

"Li! You evacuate the innocents at risk; get a roof over their heads to protect them from all this rubble. I'm going after Massi; don't get in my way this time and focus on keeping the civilians safe here."

With that instruction, Shuzo quickly turned back to continue his pursuit, blades at the ready as he surged forward. You're not getting away from me anymore.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Lilian stood up, though not advancing up to the trash being, she stood next to the construct, silently supporting Foursythe with her facial expression, she may not know to much of this day and age, but she imagined that people still wanted money for their product.

Kerco smiled "Of course, I did not expect to get anything without a price." He waved his hand "I am a person who knows how to trick people, convince them where I was and was not, however cameras are not fooled by my methods, I need something that will allow me to pass without a trace, not recorded in image or sound."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The trash construct was stopped by Forsythe, who had grabbed their shoulder. The entity’s ‘head’ turned to meet the obstruction. Prince Percy, seeing through it’s eyes, growled.

“Who do they think they are stopping me from getting my desert?! I know, I’ll walk right through him! Hehe, that’ll teach ‘em.”

The entity’s body would rumble before the trash would aim to roll all over forcythe and reform on the other scythe of him, covering him in unknown sticky fluids and used napkins.

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Previously Shadow_Pup
Forsythe smiled as the creature attempted to by pass him, Four wasn't inhumanly fast but he was fairly decent at slight of hand, so once the creature had passed he turned to face it holding it's ice cream, "well don't you want this" he said with a smile as he eyed up the creature "who are you working for, you look like a construct or something made from trash" he added simply
@The Dark Fairy @Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
As the ice cream cone was snatched from the construct, it grasped the air where it was, looking as disappointed as a trash pile could be. Prince Percy stomped on the ground near his throne.

“Oh come on! I tried to be civil with these jokers, just give ‘em a little lesson and they go and steal? Who STEALS an ice cream cone?! Well who knows...MAYBE I can just go grab another...be a little generous today.”

That’s when he saw Forsythe dangling the ice cream cone tauntingly in front of it. His eyes narrowed.

“...Okay. NOW it’s on!”

The trash drone convulsed, sticking it’s left arm into a trash can inside of the parlor. It’s arm pulsating as it vacuumed all the trash From it, adding it to it’s shape. the cashier looked like they had enough, quickly diving into the back room.

The drone had thickened due to the trash added onto it’s form. Aluminum cans banged together inside of it to mock the sound of a ‘roar’. It took several spoons that were in it’s left hand clump, breaking them and forming several plastic spikes out of the pieces. The spikes fitting around the clump like a flail as it swung it’s appendage at the pair of desert thieves.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Forsythe stepped forward and shrugged before handing the cone to Lilian, he then turned back to the construct, "strictly speaking in off duty but when a trash monster becomes violent after committing theft then I guess I could be on duty for a bit" he said before blocking the attack with his arm letting his arm get shredded and then charging towards the construct throwing out a powerful right hook at the construct.
@The Dark Fairy @Shen: King of the Mist
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Previously Gamingfan2
Loufe twisted his head back and forth between Hitori and Aroto, frowning.
Something to make him essentially invisible to cameras? That didn't sound suspicious at all.
"Don't you have anything to say about this?" he whispered to O.S.
The werewolf mentally shrugged. "What? This is between shorty and Mr.Amnesia. Nothing important to me."
Loufe sighed, crouching and continuing to watch the interaction.

Massi reared backwards, growling as the blades cut his belly. His fangs tightened on the body, splitting it in half. Blood splattered on Massi's face, and likely Sparkblade's from this distance. Two tentacles burst from his sides, the mouths at their end snapping towards Sparkblade's arms to immobilize him. Normally Massi went straight for the kill, but this human and his ally had tormented him for too long. He wasn't going to run anymore. Rather, all he wanted was to hurt this bothersome person. His usually primitive brain wanted nothing more than to make this human suffer.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Something Lilian said to Infinity reminded the android of a topic she'd been thinking about all day. Mr. Warren's mission. It was top-secret, really hush-hush. Not even she knew, and before she'd been assigned to Lilian, Mr. Warren had always told her everything. Perhaps he no longer trusted her. Perhaps he was looking to replace her. It wouldn't surprise her if this was his intention, as he was often very callous in regards to those that answer to him.
She was so absorbed in her thoughts, that she hadn't even n
oticed a conflict brewing between Mr. Carter and... she frowned. A pile of trash. It had no skeletal structure, no visible source of being 'sentient', yet it was moving around and-
Now the conflict had finished brewing, as it was now an actual fight. It was... what was the word... what was this feeling... humor? Was this something funny? She found herself smiling at the sight of Infinity's serious face as he battled against a literal pile of garbage. It was... silly. However, she snapped back to her senses quickly, almost instinctually grasping Lilian by her wrist, and gently pulling her away from the conflict. "I'd advise that we stay out of this." She told the woman, looking back at the garbage man as her visual sensors flashed with a film, and the world around her changed through her eyes. Everything had a deep green hue to it, but there seemed to be strands of blue wafting off of the garbage man's body, strings that flickered in and out with every movement the creature made. These strings drifted outside, presumably to whomever was controlling it.

This vision she had, dubbed 'Telekivision' by Mr. Warren, was something that had been installed shortly after Telekine-kid had been inducted into the Paragons. It wasn't common knowledge at all, but the android was well aware that Mr. Warren had a contingency plan for every single superhuman he could gather information on, Paragon or not. She decided to offer some verbal support to Infinity. "This construct is not sentient." She informed him. "It is being manipulated by a person with a certain type of telekinetic ability. I have reason to believe this controller is in the sewers beneath us."

During all of this, the restaurant was quickly emptying as civilians quickly made their way outside, not appearing frightened in the slightest. In fact, they actually seemed annoying, casting glares back to Infinity and the garbage man.

Charles Warren
"I'm glad you asked." The billionaire smiled as he tucked his hands behind his back, and marched along the side of the map, staring at it with a look of mild interest. "You. Or those like you. This is the algorithm I used to track your position all those years ago. From what I've been able to gather over the years... you're not the only one of your kind." He shifted his gaze upon Ignizio for a moment. "Not human. Not superhuman. No, you're something... alien. Just like that." He pointed a finger at the pulsating, bright, blue dot. "This one... I believe it is an opposite to you. You have means of fire and heat, as my algorithm told me far before I witnessed your power for myself. This one has the means of ice and cold. And it has become far more active lately. My algorithm has also detected two others, though they're much more difficult to pin down. Always on the move. Rarely using their abilities..." He stopped circling the map, turning to look at Ignizio fully, a twinkle in his eye. "It is my intention to recruit these individuals. With you, I have a quarter of my team accomplished. A team that has the means of killing Patriot, and any like him. A team that will pave the way for a better, more prosperous future. My employees, my company, my inventions... these are my will. My voice. But you? You are my dagger. My blade. A knife in the dead of night. Swift, deadly, and final. Concluding my monologue... this other you. This frost-powered individual. I need you to meet them. I'm sure you'd much rather have something to do, so this is your first mission. Make first contact, and do what you can to recruit them to our side. I will be sending a research team to accompany you, I'd prefer if you brought most of them back alive. Their work will be far different from yours, but just as important. Questions?"

Yin Li
She stared at Sparkblade for a moment as he tried and failed to assault Massi directly, soaking in his command. Her eyes narrowed at this, but it did alert her to the fact that she'd been so focused on putting an end to this, that she'd neglected her primary goal as Chief of Police. The safety and security of her city and those within it.
A quick look around her told her one thing. Her city wasn't safe, and neither were its people. But not because she'd neglected them. Not because she'd failed. No. Because of people like Sparkblade. Like Massi. Like Patriot. She scoffed at the command he'd given her. With the people around her fleeing from not just Massi, but this conflict going on a block away with some crazed lunatic taking on Paragons... no, her place was here. As much as she despised Sparkblade, she'd need to ignore him to focus on the bigger threat of Massi.

Her bullets seemed to do nothing to it. Or maybe they did affect it but it just didn't show pain like most other creatures. Whatever. She'd need something a lot more... potent to use. Her taser could do something, but she'd have to go in close for that. So the next best option arose. Using the environment to her advantage.
She looked back at the motorcycle she'd taken, a plan forming. "Hey, Sparkblade!" She called to the vigilante. "Keep that fucker on the ground for as long as you can!" With that, she dashed back to the motorcycle, dropping to a knee and tugging a knife out of her boot. Yin looked for the fuel tank, finding it and puncturing a hole. Gasoline began to spill out. With no time to waste, she mounted the bike, revving it to life, before driving it full-throttle at Massi. One she was a couple meters away, she leaped off the bike, stumbling to the ground as the motorcycle made to ram into Massi's form before he could escape. A trail of gasoline went from the street to Massi's position, and the Chief scrambled her way to the trail as quickly as she could. "Get clear of it!" She yelled at Sparkblade, yanking a lighter from her pocket and dropping to the ground once again, quickly lighting the trail on fire.

Without a look behind her, Officer Li charged out of the alley just as an explosion ripped into the air, the force of it sending her flying forward, skidding to the ground on her hands and feet, tearing her skin up, but leaving her relatively fine. With bated breath, she whirled about to see if her plan had worked... or if she really was as useless as Patriot implied.

Interesting.... perhaps I made the right choice; Mr. Warren truly is a prideful, inquisitive man, indeed.

He wouldn't admit it out loud, but the mortal impressed Ignizio. The Blackfire user nearly failed to suppress his surprise as to how accurate Warren's inferences were to his identity, but luckily, his hidden role remained intact. Of course, he faked an intrigued blink when the existence of three others like him was confirmed. With a brow furrowed in mock concern, Ignizio rubbed his chin before speaking with a tone of confusion.

"All those years confined to a tomb in the desert.... there were others just like me. I have no memory of what placed me in my prison of sand, and I have never, in millennia, come across the presence or word of individuals in similar situations."

Ignizio continued to fake his 'lost in deep thought' demeanor for a few more seconds before he looked back up, glaring at the bright blue dot on the map with 'fiery resolve'. His internal attitude, however, contained a twinge of annoyance.

"No questions, I will get it done; however, I do itch for the first real fight in centuries, so I cannot guarantee your subordinates' safety. Despite this, you have my word: I will do what I can so that your men return with me."

With his response concluded, Ignizio turned on his heel and made his way to the launchpad, upon which stood the airship Warren had used minutes ago. A unit of researchers mobilized behind him, following close by; once they reached the vessel, Ignizio motioned for the mortals to board first, signaling another researcher standing by a console to open the doors. As the ceiling split apart above him, the Blackfire user joined the mortals on the airship as it was elevated to ground level before finally lifting off the pad, cloaking, and setting off on a course to Siberia, Russia.

(Gonna timeskip and have them arrive to keep things moving)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Siberia, Russia ~ 2356 KRAT (11:56 PM)

Making a near silent descent, Warren's airship landed on the cliff of a mountainous tundra covered in a thick layer of pure, white snow. The night wind howled around the retrieval team as they exited the vessel and stepped into the snowstorm raging around them. The researchers were completely warm and safe in the innovative climate suits designed by Warren to handle the most extreme of temperatures, while Ignizio, wearing nothing but his tattered beige pants as usual, was about as comfortable as the others. He had also cut his hair at a medium length, sweeping it to the left, along with a circle beard trim. After setting up devices to track the heart of the current spike in freezing temperature, the team set out deeper into the blizzard. While the humans, nervous as to what may await them, warily forged through the snow with hesitant movements, Ignizio strolled forward in a lax manner, his annoyance and apprehension for what he knew he would find growing as they got closer and closer to their destination.

Skade probably has remained the same; just as annoying as ever.

★ - ★ - ★ - ★ - ★ - ★ - ★ - ★ - ★ - ★ - ★ - ★


As the blood spurted out of its wounds and Massi retaliated in response, Shuzo surrendered not even an inch of ground, parrying the alien’s snapping tentacles with his forearms or blades. The sudden ferocity of Massi’s attacks had surprised the vigilante a fair amount, but he refused to allow any space where the target could slip away and escape yet again—to prevent this, close-quarters combat seemed to be the only option. Grappling with the tentacles that aimed to immobilize him, Shuzo had ducked under one of them and lunged forward, ready to deliver a swift counter attack when suddenly, he was interrupted yet again by the shout of Chief Li. Shuzo turned back to fire an exasperated stare at her, though he continued to keep in mind and avoid the appendages with which the alien behind him was grabbing at him; however, his irritation immediately became shock as, instead of the constantly scowling face of the Police Chief, the vigilante saw a motorcycle hurtling toward him. Upon hearing the instructions of her own, he rolled his eyes before turning back to face Massi, who was likely still swinging and snapping wildly at the human. The automobile was hurled above him, thrown directly on a course toward the alien.

Shuzo turned back to glance at Chief Li just in time to see her drop a lighter to the ground, a path of fire quickly erupting and approaching the motorcycle that was thrown at Massi. There was nothing he could do now but hope the attack found its mark; harnessing his lightning and heightening it to a near extreme level, Shuzo abruptly cut to the side, entering an alley out of the range of the explosion that would follow. Despite the clear firepower that such a detonation would bring, the vigilante couldn't help but feel conflicted; on one hand, if all went well, then Massi would be much to injured to continue on, even with the nutrients he gained from two human bodies. On the other hand however, the magnitude of the blast would provide more than enough of a smokescreen for the alien to make its escape should it survive. Chief Li's plan either ended the hunt once and for all, or it simply extended it even longer, which meant a still increasing body count left in Massi's wake.

@comic @Gamingfan
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Previously Deathstalker62
Ryan Urnen. Just seemingly your average person, jobless, yet not homeless. Trying to live a quiet, secluded life, but always finding himself in bizarre situations. Though, most of them he really had nothing to do with and was just a bystander. With the bigger events atleast, as it just seems someone else was willing to play hero, though Ryan did have a few situations himself where he had been in that situation. Of course, he tried to keep this vigilante work to a minimum as to not blow his cover, and luckily for him, only a few handful of people knew him by his 'real' name. More knew him as 'Silent Night', the vigilante who disappears just as fast as he appeared, solving situations quickly and quietly. Though, those people were still in the low amounts, so Ryan wasn't all too worried about who knew him.

On this day, Ryan was located inside an Ice Cream Shop, just enjoying a simple milkshake, mixed with some vanilla ice cream. Everything seemed to be going just normal, when Ryan picked up on a foul smell entering the shop. Turning his head, he saw some kind of.. garbage golem.. enter the place and steal a cone of ice cream. Well, Ryan was sure someone would step up for this.. thing, what it was doing. And sure enough, a group of people stepped up, though it seemed only one of the three actually went against the thing.

As the Restaurant was being emptied by customers and employees left and right, Ryan picked up on something.. else. Some kind of sound.. approaching from a distance, and fast. Before he could figure what it was, an ambulance drove past the restaurant, which Ryan's body responded to.. negatively, to say the least. As his skin became more red, Ryan hissed in pain and panicked, dropping the milkshake and dashing into the restrooms in a flash, zooming past the crowd with his inhuman speed.

As noone appeared to be in the restrooms anymore, Ryan stood by the sinks, looking into the mirror, as his form began changing. From being a normal, blond guy with emerald-green eyes, a simple green hoodie and blue jeans, his appearance changed. Slowly, his clothes and hair begun switching colours and shape, and he began getting bigger, his disguise being smaller than he truly was. The Alien, slowly turning from Ryan back to Ryghedro, looked for an escape in the restroom, panicking, hoping noone would bare witness to this alien losing its form..
In an abandoned building on the other side of the city, far away from the pure melee that was the Paragons facing off against some threat or Sparkblade and Chief Li facing off against Massai, there was a sudden sound of gunshots. Then, a sudden muffled explosion from inside the building. An outer door was kicked open to reveal Crosshair, however the vigilante was not looking to be in the best shape. He was holding his side as a cut on his forehead oozed blood, and the vigilante moved with a limp across the street. Approaching a parked car that looked like it had been there for weeks, Crosshair broke the front window of it with the butt of a pistol. Miraculously, no car alarm went off.

Crosshair opened the car from the inside and entered it, getting to work instantly on hotwiring the car. While his hands were shaking, the car still revved up. The radio jumped on as Crosshair sat back up, tuning into a news station with some interesting news. Reports of a large fight with the Paragons were being reported... as well as the police engage what appeared to be some sort of monster alongside Sparkblade. Swallowing back the pain, Crosshair tossed his duffel back into the passenger seat before driving.
Samuel could sense how badly his attack had backfired he could feel the water all around him surge with electricity. He was trapped within a shocking cage, barely any space to move around and with Laura quickly closing in. The psychic instinctively threw his hands up, pulling up the earth in front of him to buy him a second from the villains assault. He stumbled, falling over backwards and landing on the asphalt of the road which swallowed him up. The psychic was burying himself, using his telekinesis to pull the earth beneath him, over and around him. It got him away from Laura but it had also cut him off from Angel's healing.

His injuries flared up with a vengeance, the uncontained pain coursing through his body. Sam's face scrunched up and for a moment he lost his focus, not noticing the empty space beneath him that he was heading for. He buried himself deeper before falling into the opening, landing with a squelch in thick sewage water. Samuel struggled onto his feet, a hand covering the partially healed cut on his arm. He looked around with his telekivision. A sewage pipe, large and thankfully somewhat drained. He was unsure if it was being disused. Samuel felt above him, feeling the surface to see if Laura was following him. Logic and reason were beginning to govern him again, there was no fighting Laura on his own.

@Shadow_Pup @ThePlayfulFox
To Lumen, it was a day like every other. She had finished all her courses for the day and had just sit down to look at the news. She grabbed the remote and switched to the news channels, and scoured in disgust. They were airing more programs about the "Paragons". She hated them. They had the power to fix the slums and make peace but they didn't, they just fought off threats. She was just about to turn off the TV when the broadcast was interrupted by an alert. Something else about the Paragons helping stave off a threat. Lumen scoffed, but then she heard something that perked her interests. The reporter had mentioned the severity of the threat that the foes were posing. She sighed, turning off the TV, trying to decide what she wanted to do. If there was anything the disliked the most, it was the Paragons, but she didn't want any innocents to get harmed by the fight. So, she reluctantly decided to check it out. She went to her armory where she kept her armor and put it all on, taking the extra time to sharpen her Odachi, "Winterwind", in case she needed to step in. She really hoped she didn't have to.
By the time she got everything ready, she had partly forgotten what she set out to do, before remembering to go and survey the battlefield.

She set out, using the buildings to traverse faster than the ground. She didn't even really know where she was looking, but stopped as she spotted a wall of electrified water, covering up something on the ground. She also looked to her side and saw that someone else was there, so she decided to go over to see what was going on.

She hopped over to the next building where the person was, took off her mask and asked:
"Hello, could you tell me what's going on here?"
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"Well when you put it like that, I suppose it makes sense..." Ansel was still wrapping his head around this whole situation.

The guy had blasted off now, Ansel's excellent plan having gone to waste. The new kid was hot in pursuit, along with the bird-girl. Was she a new Paragon too? Ansel felt totally left out of the loop these days. He should've spent less time speaking to water, and more on staying in that loop. But eh...

As he reconsidered the amount of time he spent with water, a thing seemed to happen just around a corner. The telltale sounds of gunfire, sounded like a whole clip. Honestly, he was totally out of his depth with this new evil dude- This new conflict sounded right up his alley.

"I'm gonna go check that out," He shouted to Alan. "You'll keep tabs on the new kid, right? Thanks!" He didn't wait for an answer, already running off, dragging more water from the pipe with him. He'd probably need it.

He heard another thing as he rounded the corner- the revving of a motorcycle speeding away. A criminal escaping? No matter, he'd stop the perpetrator! Man, about time something simple showed up!

And then he was face to face with an explosion. He briefly spotted two figures, one vaguely familiar, before the smoke obscured them. "Oh come on!" Well, fires were definitely on his plate of things he was an expert at fixing- and he had the water to do so.

Spraying blindly into the smoke, aiming at what he figured was the burning wreckage of the bike- And hopefully the smoke would dissipate with the water.

He had zero clue on what he was pushing himself into here.


The woman got the gist, having entered the apartment building. Inside gave about the same vibes the outside did- Outdated, faded. Wallpaper fraying at the edge of walls, the front desk currently unattended, a mild amount of cobwebs in corners that were difficult to reach. An elevator was present, but was also closed, with a sign on it- "Out of Order". As it had been for a few days now. Admittedly, Celice should've offered her handiwork to get that working again, but it also probably just indicated to the owner that they could lean back on Celice for much cheaper than an actual mechanic, and then get her into a whole mess...Just not worth her time.

Instead, Celice went ahead towards a stairwell, with her new acquaintance still in tow. Ascending the staircase, she stopped at only the second floor, before proceeding onwards. The upper hallways were carpeted, and probably a month or so behind on the clean. She once again stopped, this time in front of a door labelled "04".

She fumbled for a moment with her sparse keychain- And opened the door. "In here," Celice said, as she tossed off her backpack.

The apartment was...cozy. Not so much in the sense of "warm" more like "wow this really has more stuff in it than it should". Of the furniture, a single table and chair sat against the wall. A disheveled bed against another wall. One corner had a ramshackle set of shelves, with similarly ramshackle devices on it- A television on the top shelf, a radio on the second. She had rebuilt and modified them herself, seemingly. Various books, pamphlets, and passports that were likely not legitimate were stacked within the bottommost shelf. A large counter made up the room, along with the only appliance that had been provided to Celice on renting the apartment, an old gas stove and oven.

The most important part was a small fridge, which Celice promptly opened. "Forget all about those crappy hot dogs. You can make something for half as much, and it's better." The fridge was rather bare. She didn't eat all that much in the first place. Though she did have one thing in mind- taking out a carton of eggs. A mostly empty carton of eggs, but there were enough. "Eggs are good. Easy to prepare. Never met anyone who thought otherwise. And if they think otherwise, they are liars. Three dollars for twelve of them, instead of one shitty hot dog."

She was still acting as if this woman understood everything coming out of her mouth.


The frost was crunching under feet again. Had they given up their aerial assaults? Good. Those were so cowardly and ineffective. Sure, they delayed her on impact, but within the hour she'd regain her ground, the valley frozen over once more. Actual people were more interesting.

If the research team had been tracking the epicenter of the temperatures, they'd realize that it was actually getting closer without them needing to move. It was coming to them.

Winds and snow began to whip up, becoming fiercer as the source of the cold grew closer. Temperatures rapidly dropping. A figure became clear- and rapidly approaching. A wild mane of hair, a shock of white, blending in with the swirling storm around her. The expression on her face seemed to be just as wild- A wicked grin, her eyes locked on the "leader".

For some reason, she was targeting Ignizio.

The one at the front is always their strongest!
She told herself, not even trying to identify who she was about to strike at. And the strongest is always the most interesting.

And so she lunged towards him, her fists a pure white, the frost crawling up all the way up her forearms. A practical blizzard storming behind her. All the while making a shout, something between a battlecry and a laugh.


So to answer Ignizio's thought, yes, Skade was just as annoying as ever.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Larua watched as the hero buried himself and shrugged before he took off using his telekinesis and went to a nearby bar where he entered causing everyone inside to flee as they had seen him on the news, with the bar empty and the owner gone, he hopped over the counter and poured himself a drink, he would probably shake down the owner later and try to take this place from him, but he would have to wait for him to come back in order to do that.

Forsythe winced slightly glancing at the lacerations on his arm as they slowly healed, he then watched as the creature encased his wrist and simply went to headbutt the creature not being restricted by the grabbing of his wrist as he simply dislocated it, causing him to wince even more, and after his headbutt he decide to go for a powerful uppercut while he tried to deduce possible locations for this things master.
@Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
As he headbutted the strange trash creature, it caved in on the section he hit, the ‘head’ sliding down it’s body. The form of the creature would grab Forsythe while he was already touching it, the arms seeming to draw back into the form. It was now just legs and a large mound of a center body, each focused on keeping Forsythe restrained.

“Hehe...when has punching garbage ever made it go away? Time to teach him what a trash compactor is like!”

Despite being hit by the uppercut, this time the creature didn’t seem to budge too much, due to it being fortified in the center body now. Instead, since his fist was in his body, it would latch onto that too.

The sharp plastic bits would now converge on his captured head, aiming to jab into it from all sides and slice his neck right open to be pulled clean off!



Previously Gamingfan2
Massi screeched as Sparkblade continued attacking. He went for a snap towards his neck, but was interrupted by a motorcycle smacking into him. Massi was sent a few feet, but remained standing, ignoring the liquid that dripped over his body.. He glanced at the vehicle, and back up to see Yun Li holding a lighter above a trail of fluid. He snarled in non comprehension, suddenly cutting short as Sparkblade took cover and the lighter was dropped.
Massi's screech almost overpowered the "BOOM!" of the explosion, the force of which sent him skittering uncontrollably across the floor, streaking blood. Massi wasn't aware, but his large body managed to keep him from completely splitting in two or burning up completely. Not to say the explosion did nothing, however. Massi's body laid there, breathing heavily. Most of his skin was smoldering, which hissed it healed, following the gruesome beat of Massi's bones snapping back together.
Massi shrunk, still keeping his odd, animalike form, just smaller as to heal faster. He remained lying there, under the cover of smoke, breathing like a wounded mammal as his body healed.
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Previously Shadow_Pup
Larua heard some noises out back and discovered the owner of the bar sneaking back in, he grabbed the man and found his wallet, "James Beckett, well Mr. Beckett I'm taking your bar, oh and your life" he said before snapping his and throwing him into a telekinetically dug hole and burying him. He then entered the bar and hired a professional who's ancestors owed him a favour, this man changed a lot of the details on anything to do with James Beckett to make it seem like Larua was indeed this man. He then opened up the bar after applying some realistic false facial hair. He was now James Beckett simple bar owner.

Forsythe sighed to himself "here we go again" he muttered as his head was swiftly removed from his body, as he 'died' he was plunged into the usual black abyss joined only by a shining light and a tall fellow in a cloak "ah Mr. Carter, it's been a while keeping out of trouble were we" the rasping voice said, "well Desth my friend I just couldn't bare to see your boney face for a while" he said before the two burst out laughing and gave each other a hug and a clap on the back, "well Forsythe looks like it is almost time for you to head back" death stated.
@Shen: King of the Mist @The Dark Fairy

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
As the head was popped off his body, the trash monster let the rest of Forsythe’s body collapse to the ground. It turned to Lilian, who was off to the side of it.

“Bwhahahaha! A royal execution! But befitting of one who wronged the throne! Now, let’s get this one!”

it bellowed with it’s aluminum bottle roar, sticking out a single appendage from it’s belly, lashing out toward her with glass shards from a bottle sticking out.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Lilian stared in shook, as Foursythes head got taken off, while she had been told he was immortal, she was suddenly unsure, and either way, she was mad. She vanished a moment before she was stabbed, reappearing behind the construct with a metal pole she used for defense, for her previous masters, and now herself and CL-9. She swung the thing down, the pole crashing down on the things head, hopefully taking it out.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Death tapped his wrist and Forsythe nodded "yup time to head back" he said simply before opening his eyes on his now reattached head, he stood up and stretched his limbs "right then let's try this again" he said thinking back to something CL-9 said about the controller being in the sewers he silently moved to a manhole cover and hopped into the sewers on the hunt for the controller of the construct hoping Lilian could handle herself.
@Shen: King of the Mist @The Dark Fairy @comic

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Prince Percy was confident in taking her out, rubbing his hands together manically. That’s when she vanished from his sight.

“Huh? Just where-“

Suddenly the creature was snapped down the middle by the pole, and without Prince Percy knowing where the attack would land, they had no way of knowing where to fortify. It crashed down, tumbling piles of garbage all over the floor, his vision disappearing from the scene.

“Oh come on! Right when it was getting good too! And I didn’t even get my ice cream...” Prince Percy pouted. “...Whatever, was probably bad ice cream anyway. Besides, I’ve been in more of a cookie mood. Wonder if that buffet down the street threw away their half eaten food for the week...?”