Just beat Elesa, surprisingly it actually wasn't too hard. The biggest thing for me though was catching a Shiny Liepard! :'D She's so pretty and I was over the moon to find her. ♥
A number of changes to my team have been made now, and a few Pokémon have just evolved over time.
Current playtime: 16 hours 37 minutes (I know, for two days that's a lot of playtime >>)
Pokedex: Seen 80, caught 54
Pokédex stamps: 10/12 (one can't be completed until I progress a bit more into the game, the other needs me to find a Pokémon in shaky grass on a 5% chance, so I left that for a bit to battle the gym.

Badges won: 4
Current location: Nimbasa City
My team currently looks like this:
Nickname: Felix
Nature: Quriky and its somewhat vain
Level: 26
Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Water Pulse, Razor Shell
Lucario, Male
Nickname: Aura
Nature: Sassy and its often lost in thought
Level: 26
Moves: Feint, Quick Attack, Endure, Force Palm
Aura took ages to evolve and ended up not doing so until after the third Gym and my Eevee hunting.
Flaffy, Male
Nickname: Kaminari
Nature: Adamant and it likes to fight
Level: 27
Moves: Tackle, Electro Ball, Thunder Wave, ThunderShock
Three electric moves on Kaminari isn't great, so I'll need to give him a shake-up in moveset soon. I'm still glad I picked this guy over Elekid though. :3
Growlith, male
Nickname: Akamaru
Nature: Quiet, often lost in thought
Level: 26
Moves: Ember, Take Down, Flame Wheel, Helping Hand
Still loving Akamaru, such a loyal and hard working Pokémon~
Now for the two new members of the team.
Espeon, female (the first girl to make it to my team!

Nickname: Vee. It's nicknamed after Red's in Pokémon Adventures, which is why I didn't have the heart to use a Thunderstone on her.
Nature: Hardy, impetuous and silly
Level: 26
Moves: Sand-Attack, Covet, Quick Attack, Bite
As far as Eevee go they don't have that much choice in moveset and given I only evolved Vee this morning (the very first thing I did when I woke up, given I had no clue how early you have to evolve an Eevee to get an Espeon), there is still time to work on that. But yeah, there was no way I wasn't having an Eevee on my team - I'm just glad she only took 30 minutes to find. xD
Sandslash, female
Nickname: Dario
Nature: Hardy, mischievous
Level: 28
Moves: Crush Claw, Swift, Fury Cutter, Magnitude
My intention was never to train a Sandslash, but when I caught a Sandshrew for my Pokédex I sorta thought "why not?". I've certainly never trained one before, and so far I've had fun with her. I never realized that Sandshrew evolved so quickly either, Sandslash was a huge help during the last gym battle.
Not quite sure what I'll do now. Either move on, or go back and try to get the Pokédex stamp I need.