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Open The Twisted And Experimented

Grace rolled her eyes as they ignorred her. She was used to it since she was smaller then the other leafeons. Grace left to go to her faverite berry bush.
"So what about the experiments do you know about they didn't tell me much." Zura said and remembering when they did electric tourture on him.
Grace arrived at the bush and grabed a branch of berrys. 'Himm' she thought 'i am nice or not.' Grace stared at the berrys. 'I am' she thought as she used growth to enlarge the berrys. Grace then picked up the brach and started to return to the talkative males.
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Grace carried the brach and pulled it up a tree next to the males. 'Pumet time' she thought as she pick an oversized berry off the brach and threw it at the males hoping it hit one.
Zura swifts dodged it "Ok first time it was ok. But now I just think you want to hit me. My emotions I'm having a mental breakdown." Zura joked.
Grace laughed and tosted down another over sized berry careful not to hit anyone this time. "What?" She joked "not going to thank me for the oversized berries."
"How the heck did you do that anyways?" Zura asked curious about how she did it.
"No... Wait you're just as bad as the scientists who tested on me. You monster..." Zura joked again.
Grace purred at the thanks and finshed her berry. She looked back at the branch to find 3 more berrys still on. Grace used mega drain to give herself more energy and watched the branch go back to normal with shriveled up berries.
Zura was surprised at what grace had done he found it crazy (becuase he was human remember)
Meanwhile in a city nearby...
"ROUGE POKEMON NEARBY! ROUGE POKEMON NEARBY!" The trainers from before had reported about them. And now that had attracted another experiment. An ariados.
"Crap I think we gotta run." Zura said.
Grace tosed the stick into the bushed and climed down to the males. "Now can we go or are you two going to gosip?" She questoned. 'I need to see my brother again' she thought to herself ' i wonder if her evolved yet'. Grace started to walk by the river not waiting for the males to cach up.
(You two are males not pokemon-graces diffinition)
Zura was trailing Grace he knew the humans could out gun him and they had more Pokemon if they had humans hunting for them. The ariados had spotted them and pounced on Grace.
He remembered reading about her when the scientists told him about "the team"
"Hey hey what are you doing I teamed up with this Pokemon for she could be useful to our cause. And your Torment right?" Zura hoped he was right for the Ariados would spare her.
"How do I kn-oh." Zura pointed his claw and rapier at the Ariados.
Grace wiggeled away from the pokemons grasp and used rasor leaf. She had no idea who is pokemon is but she dint want to find out.
(Deal with it)
"Ok you two stop fighting. Torment meet Grace. Grace meet Torrment. Now that that's done." Zura said. Running up to Torrment and kicking her making her faint.
"Now let's go I don't want her to have revenge."
"We were being controlled by the humans but I guess I made her pause so I took the opportunity. She didn't know you you were just another target for her." Zura explained
Grace nodded but still could not shake the starngness off her. She paused at the large brick wall in frount of her. "This is the wall to the city" grace said as she climed a tree and jumped onto the wall with grace.
(Shut up i know what i did)
"Um I guess go away from that ariados since you know when she wakes up she might want revenge." Zura said while feeling the wall of the city.
"I don't think this wall would be effective against flying Pokemon."
"If you're doing what I'm thinking you're going to make us all die." Zura said. "They did electric chairs flamethrowers on me they are just as powerful as a Pokemon. If given the right things."
Grace flicked her tail in anowence. They clearly did not see her up on the wall. "Ugg all you do is talk" grace joked as she jumped down into the alleyway on the other side of the fence.
(I am guessing we are all on my side of the fence then)
Grace turned her head to indeed see boom. Her least favorite Pokemon. "What do you want boom?" She said coldly.
Gase rolled her eyes and turned toward zora. "I don't know much about the city here other than the rumors flying around the flying type Pokemon." She said to him. "So I only know a bit about the city but I do know walking around as "rogue Pokemon" might be bad for us." Grace looked up at the building. 'We might be about to go unnoticed this way' she thought.
Grace turned her heat back to boom. "We don't need any help from you boom" she said sharply as grace leaped on to a dumpster and up a ladder leading to a top of a building and not looking back she leap out of sight.
(Plot hole why does grace hate boom????? XD)
Grace followed sat down on the building licking her fur. 'Stupid noivern' she thought to her self. Grace had not yet forgiven boom since those years ago. She and her brother were walking in the Forrest, they were both eevees at the time, and suddenly a few professors came out of nowhere and grabbed grace. During the fight that happened her brother attacked the professors but only succeed in getting himself captured in graces place. Grace growled and clawed the ground. Boom had been their the entire event and did not help even when she cry for him to. 'I will never forgive him' grace thought as she got up and shook herself. 'And now I will find my own way to the lab' she added as she continued walking over the top of the city.
'Man Grace seams to like thinking to herself last time I mentioned that I noticed. She got embarrassed I should leave her alone this time.' Zura thought
( Really? Why are you making a background for him?)
Boom and Flame were walking through town and trainers were just staring at them and not trying to catch them.
"Told you this would work." Boom said.
"I knew this were work, i trust you, Grace doesn't for some reason." FLame said.
(you didn't)
grace lowered herself to her belly on rouf. Their was a large lab type building in frount of her. It had a large bage type simble on top of it and it was humungase. 'this must be the lab' grace thought to herself as she stared at it. She wanted to go in but with so many humans around it wont we easy going in unnoticed. grace was still thinking of a plan before something cought her notice. she glanced down to see boom, zura, and flame walking down the street! Grace flattened her self down even more to make sure they did not see her.