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Open the ultimate tournament discussion


Previously 5DigitNeb
If Veno had infinite power holding without problems then it could be against 100% Raphael btw I edited the added power post


Previously Mecha Who
Yep. But I think that Future Raphael is so OP that not even infinite is strong enough to beat him. This is why I'm NEVER EVER going to use Future Raphael 100%. Because he holds Infinite power. Which is more OP than everything.
Crap, I don't want to kill this RP with Raphael. He is going to be sad. So guys, I'm just going to use Raphael in present form with just 15% of his power.
plz I don't want to kill this RP because I know Mary Sues kills some RPs...


Previously 5DigitNeb
Wouldn't the ability to literally have anything against you do nothing make him as strong though? Also never mind about Raphael's power being holded 50% if that happens he might explode with the power. For veno's age... idk. Currently (in the RP he's in before this) he's about to turn 16 so I have no idea what I should be now


Previously Mecha Who
Raphael has 10000 years. Looks like that he is 10 years old.
But he can hold all the power he has.
And... I didn't really understand what you wanted to say, sorry.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Me either lol. I meant to say if somebody had the ability to have anything they are attacked with do nothing, wouldn't that make the person impossible to defeat? So if Veno had that ability, would future Raphael still beat him?
My character is pretty OP, but not to the point where she can create planets, universes, and Multiverses. She can probably be taken down in dragon form by Past Raphael in 4 hours, being extremely vulnerable to weapons like swords, and bows, and arrows. Especially when they hit her knee in human form. (Skyrim reference.)
Veno would probably be able to take her down in roughly 7-8 hours.
Chris would be able to take down Raven in about 8-9 hours in his normal form.
3-4 hours in Chris' unleashed form.
10 minutes in Chris' Ascension form.
Remember, this is how long it would take for her to faint / die in her dragon form.
Besides, water is like healing for her, though, so if anyone signs up with water powers, then...


Previously 5DigitNeb
One question though, how would she beat Veno if he's immune to physical attacks? I mean, your dragon breath is still a thing but he can just absorb it and hit it to you with double its power and if he doesn't absorb it he can still heal.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Also wouldn't the immense heat (about 1k degrees farenhiet at max) dry her out of her water supply and thus end her?


Previously Mecha Who
Nope. It's literally having the power of Luigi: Don't do anything.
But I'm saying if Future Raphael was using 50% of his power Agains Veno he would lose. But if he was using 100% of his power he would win. If he used 99% of his power he would lose too. But just if Veno had infinite power.
Past Rapahel. Crap. He is just ten years old, and he is weak as hell. Probably, he could beat like another student, but he couldn't beat Raven. Just if he was using 100% of his power and he was crazy. And he had his sword. But in this time, Raphael doesn't had that much control of his powers, so in battle he used at least 50-60% of his power. Now he uses at a normal battle at least 2% of his power. Because he is OP.
Hold on, let me think...
@CosmicDreams Yes, but since her dragon breath is mainly frost, she could probably lower the temperature of it with that. Unless it was on the back of her head, or somewhere she can't reach.
@Mecha Who True. If he is physically crap, then bam. He could never beat Raven. It's possible for Raphael to beat her while he's Future or Present, tho.
Oh hey! @Koopa6000 is here! And so is @Trainer_Zander!
Vex started with a mimic ability that went waaaay to far. Obtaining stellar manipulation and accidentally obtaining reality manipulation along the way. So powerful he managed to break the fourth wall and directly threaten his creator on a higher plain of existence, has virtually every power and infinite energy. No character is as stupidly broken as Vex, he isnt just A-1, , he's the sout S-1 rank. How about we have a little test battle? Not auto hits. Lets just see how you do. *Rubs his hands together while laughing quietly* Challenge the God of Mary Sue's!
Vex started with a mimic ability that went waaaay to far. Obtaining stellar manipulation and accidentally obtaining reality manipulation along the way. So powerful he managed to break the fourth wall and directly threaten his creator on a higher plain of existence, has virtually every power and infinite energy. No character is as stupidly broken as Vex, he isnt just A-1, , he's the sout S-1 rank. How about we have a little test battle? Not auto hits. Lets just see how you do. *Rubs his hands together while laughing quietly* Challenge the God of Mary Sue's!
So tier 0?


Previously Mecha Who
*Raphael merely stands here*
Dude, chill out. Maybe we can just talk like normal gods?
*Raphael plays with sword but 'accidentaly' destroyed reality itself*
Sorry, let me re-do it.
*Raphael creates reality itself again*
So, you are a S-1? I'm a S-0 dude. You know what is the answer to life and other things?
*Raphael laughs*
*Vex looks around as reality shifts.* Let me ask, do you obtain this strength, or did you give it to yourself, because... *Vex merely breaks down reality and fast forwards through history all the way back to the moment hed started.* I worked for this. And I dont like you challenging my beyond infinite power.


Previously Mecha Who
*Raphael laughs*
You are funny. You merely can Imagine having Infinite power. You can't even understand what reality really is.
*Raphaels destroys reality and then creates another*
This is an illusion created by other people. And I've already killed these people.
*Raphael makes reality itself compress Vex in an infinite cicle of his life*
Learn what Infinite means, and after that, return.


Previously Mecha Who
*Raphaels looks at Jagson's comment*
Nope. I'm a god. Created by someone.
*Raphaels laughs*
Then I'm going to kill who created me.
*Raphaels deletes @Mecha Who from the story*
I know. Now he never created me. Now, this is the only way of knowing what 'Everything' means. A human like @Mecha Who can't understand that.


Previously Mecha Who
*Raphael reads Jagson's comment*
The word god was created by someone. God itself was created by someone.
*Raphael laughs*
I'm a god created by someone that I've just deleated of the timeline.
This is a discussion thread. Not an RP thread. If you're gonna do that, do it in a conversation thread. (e.g. starting a conversation.) Please, i'm slowly starting to melt in the set of The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Speaking of the RP, If Raven existed in the Elder Scrolls universe, (in which I may have based her off of Alduin / Pathurnaax from Skyrim) could she have Shouts?


Previously 5DigitNeb
Technically, none of you guys exist or will ever exist. Everything you guys are saying isn't real and mecha who is fine. I get it's fun to roleplay as "gods" but these "gods" that are "breaking" the "fourth wall" is just dumb and fake.


Previously Mecha Who
Yep you are right. Why we are RPing here?
*Raphaels disagrees with head*
I know you are an idiot, @Mecha Who. Stop RPing as a god that is me. Just move on. Crap, you are dumb as hell. Stop writing this.

Okay sorry guys I had to do that.
Thats the point. Vex was orginally a very well rounded character that spiraled out of control. Hes become a little side character in superhero ooc chats. lol. Hes stupidly broken. my abomination.
So, the gimmick with this is that I pick any fighter I want to use for fights? No matter how OP?

So like I could pick Zeno from Dragon Ball who can erase a universe instantly? (I won't use him but I'm curious how OP we can go)