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Ask to Join The Very Best - Pokemon Academy

"Whatever," Casys grumbled. He stood up, wiping his face dry on his shirt, and thanked Zander for watching Glace and Shiver. "Come here, you two," Casys said as he returned his Pokemon to their Poke Balls. "Do you wanna have a battle?" Casys asked Zander.
Casys could see in Zander's expression that he was surprised at the request. "That encounter with the Staraptor made me realize that my team and I have to get stronger if we're gonna be able to stand up to strong opponents. I'm fine but my Pokemon could've gotten seriously hurt. And yeah, we can go one on one."
"All right then," Casys said. Glace is super-effective against all of Zander's Pokemon, Casys thought. But Shiver really needs some experience. "Shiver, let's go!" Casys said as he aimed her Poke Ball at the ground and released her. "Sno!" Shiver squeaked as she materialized. Let's see who Zander is going to use.
"Okay......let go!" Zander pointed forward and Flash came out of the pokeball on his own accord. "So you guys decided who goes first huh?" Zander asked with a grin. "You can go first" he said nodding to Casys
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(OOC Since I found Shiver as an egg I'm putting the egg move Hex on it BIC)

Casys' mind raced with strategies to take down the Kadabra that was currently sizing up Shiver. Casys pulled out his Pokedex to double check Shiver's moves, just in case she learned one during the Staraptor battle. A ghost-type move flashed on the screen, and a female voiced sounded from the Pokedex. Hex, Ghost-Type move. 60 base power, 100 base accuracy. Hmm, Hex, Casys thought. "Alright, Shiver," Casys called. "Use Hex!" Shiver's eyes turned a bright purple color, her body glowing bright red. She lifted her arms and a black ball of energy with a red eye at the middle. Flash was bathed in a blue light, and black and blue rings flew out from the eye and hit the Kadabra.
"Teleport!" Zander yelled at the last second. Flash managed to dodge most of the attack but still got hit by some. He teleported behind snorunt. "Psychic!" he yelled. *If it wasnt for teleport we couldnt of dodged that, Gotta be careful* he thought to himself.
"Double Team!" The area was dotted with Snorunts, but Casys was able to tell which was the real Shiver. The Psychic attack ended up hitting one of the fakes, and Casys shouted, "Shiver use Ice Shard!" Each of the Snorunts charged up an icicle and sent it flying, though the only one that could damage Flash was Shiver's, who thankfully aimed right at her Kadabra opponent.
Zander closed his eyes. "Wait for it.....wait" Flash closed his eyes and waited. Zanders eyes snapped open. "Flash!" Immediately his pokemon spun around and caught the icicle with Psychic, he threw it back hard in the direction it came.
"Shiver!" Casys yelled as she was hit with her own attack. The Snorunt stood back up, shaking off the hit. "Yeah! Shiver, use Powder Snow everywhere so Flash can't see!" Her small arms moved and snow launched out from her stubs, coating the area in a fine layer of snow and bringing visibility down pretty low.
"Shiver can take it a hit" Zander said with a smile. "Flash, keep your eyes closed" Zander did the same. *These copies are annoying, lets get rid of them.* he thought. "Flash, hidden power!"
Casys was having a hard time keeping an eye on the Kadabra, and not just because of the snow. It was teleporting around, but not attacking. It's almost as if they're buying their time, Casys thought. Then it struck him. "Of course," Casys muttered. "Shiver! Use Ice Shard on the ground to create a barrier around yourself!"
"Double Team then Ice Shard point blank!" The copies took the Hidden Power hit and Shiver sent an icicle straight at Flash's chest. And because of the close-quarters Flash probably won't be able to dodge.
"Powder Snow!" Casys yelled. Shiver pushed the icicle against the Psychic energy, breaking the icicle and pushing against the Psychic attack, giving Shiver the opportunity to escape the confines of the ice barrier. "Now use Hex!" Casys shouted. You can't block this with Psychic, Cassy thought.
"Teleport Barrage" Flash kept his eyes closed when the Hex eye appeared, he teleported to safety, he began teleporting around Shiver throwing a cascade of punches and kicks as he did so. "C'mon hit....." Zander mumbled calmly.
"Shiver!" The Snorunt was sent flying after a kick from Flash landed. "Cushion your fall with Powder Snow then use Leer!" Shiver reacted at the last second and the snow broke her fall. She whipped around and used Leer on her opponent, a faint blue light engulfing Flash as his defenses were lowered. "Blind Flash with Powder Snow! He can't teleport if he can't see!"
Zander laughed "Havent you noticed?" he asked calmly. Flash stood there and let the powder snow hit, pushing him back. "Go." Zander whispered. Flash teleported next to Shiver. "Hidden Power!" he yelled.
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(OOC Shiver is the Snorunt, Glace is the Joltik BIC)

"Have I noticed?" Casys laughed. "Have you noticed what the snow has been doing for Shiver?" It was Casys' secret weapon, Shiver's Ice Body ability. Time to put the plan into action. "Intercept with Powder Snow, then close your eyes, Shiver!" The following explosion blinded not only hopefully Flash, but Casys as well. Shaking his head clear, he shouted to Shiver, "End this battle, Shiver! Ice Shard!"
"No you clearly havent...." Zander said quietly. *He's done very well, Shiver is good, but there still not in sync.* Flash just keep teleporting like you have been, and activate it!" Shiver was surrounded by psychic energy, all starting to pour down Shivers direction.
I was waiting for that, Casys thought. "Shiver, aim right beneath you and propel yourself up with Ice Shard!" The Snorunt followed the direction, sending herself upward and out of the Future Sight's range. "Ice Shard on Flash, then cushion your fall with Powder Snow!"
"Sorry bud, thats not how it works" Zander said as future sight moved with Shiver perfectly. "You've completely missed two things. The first one is that if Future Sight doesnt fail while building up, it WILL hit" The attack detonated. "And the second......"
Shiver landed in a pile of accumulated snow, obviously hurt from the explosion of Psychic energy. She glowed green for a few seconds, healing from the snow due to her Ice Body ability. Shiver looked Casys in the eye from across the battlefield, and an understanding passed between the two of them. Casys nodded. When you're ready, Shiver.
"Flash almost always has his eyes closed. Its very impressive that Shiver is still up after that hit, even with Ice Body its still surprising" Flash continued shooting around the field. "Use Pyschic to throw Shiver!" he yelled.
We need to end this, Casys thought. Luckily, Shiver appeared to have come up with a plan. She allowed Flash to throw her with Psychic, and cushioned her fall with Powder Snow. Teleport's PP should be all but gone, Casys thought, so Shiver just has to try and wait it out until that PP is gone. Ice Body kicked in and absorbed the snow from the Powder Snow.
Flash use Hidden Power, then teleport behind Shiver and attack!" Zander was enjoying himself. *Looks like we might have to finish this without Teleport, he's doing well, I just wish he realize Shivers damage output is nowhere near high enough to take Flash out before its down, not to mention that Future Sight severely weakened it.* He was lost in thought as Flash performed these actions.
Airalyn walked out of Pokemon care class. It was a very helpful lesson. Lillipup was in her arms, asleep. Airalyn walked to the special tree and sat down. She suddenly heard a cry. She put Lillipup down and rushed over to where the noise came from. Lillipup chased after her. She found an Aerodactyl lying on the ground with a Hydreigon attacking from above. The Aerodactyl cried out in pain as the Hydreigon attacked it again. Airalyn rushed out of the forest and into the courtyard. "Professor! Professor!" She yelled, "Someone help!"
As Kat was walking, she heard the cries of a girl she recognized from her classes, asking for help. Kat quickly scooped up her Pokemon and ran towards her
"What's wrong?" She asked quickly.
Flame heard Airalyn yelling and wondered what was wrong. "C'mon, let's go!" he said. He ran towards Airalyn with Pikachu and Chikorita behind him. He found her and asked, "Airalyn! What's wrong?!"
"No time, can't explain, just come quickly!" Airalyn said

She ran into the forest with the others to show them the Aerodactyl being attacked by the Hydreigon.
Flame followed Airalyn to the forest and saw Hydreigon attacking Aerodactyl. "Oh no!" he shouted when he saw it, "Pikachu, Thunderbolt! Chikorita, Razor Leaf!" Pikachu launched a thunderbolt at Hydreigon and Chikorita launched sharp leafs at it.
Airalyn sat down and brought some potions out of her bag. She started to spray then on the Aerodactyl, it slowly started to regain strength but was still being hit by Hydreigon. "We need something to distract Hydreigon!" Airalyn Said to the others. It fired a Hyper Beam aiming directly at Aerodactyl. Airalyn grabbed Lillipup and jumped back. The Aerodactyl was super weak.
"Airalyn are you okay?!" Flame said after the Hyper Beam, "You want a distraction? You got one. Pikachu, Iron Tail!" Pikachu had its tail turn to steel and charged a Hydreigon with it.
Airalyn kept spraying more potions on Aerodactyl. Hydreigon fired a flamethrower at Aerodactyl, Lillipup jumped in front of Aerodactyl and used protect. "Lillipup!" Airalyn cried.

(OOC. Gtg bai. BIC)
Not being much of a fighter, Kat decided to help... Airalyn heal the Pokemon. She assumed that was her name since she had been called that by the boy. Kat jogged over to the girl, sitting down. She inspected the Pokemon.
"There are a few injuries we might need to have treated professionally. The best we can do for now is give it a few potions to help with some of the other injuries and get it out of here." She thought of a way to get the Hydreigon away from the scene without hurting it. Maybe she could get it to follow her with Honey? She rummaged through her bag before finding a little jar of it.
"I'm going to try and get the Hydreigon away from here, take Aerodactyl to the Pokemon center." She looked up at the girl, "Also, could you watch my Pokemon until I get back? I don't want them getting hurt by following me." With that, she stood up, placing her Pokemon where she had sat before. She unscrewed the lid of the small jar, holding it high in the air until the Hydreigon turned towards her, having smelled the Honey, before she took off running into the forest, hoping it followed.
(Edit: Auto correct doesn't like jars)
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