(Damn. It stopped sending me notifications. I don't know if anyone has done any talking or interacting with Queen and/or his strike team, so I'll just continue this

The Wraith Soldier collapsed onto the ground, it's hostage flying from its arms. Queen lowered the Rifle and sprinted over, while activating his comms.
"Corporal. Get Mendoza over here. I've neutralized the target."
"Copy. Well rendezvous at your position in 3, over." Was Johnson's reply. Queen approached the woman, and knelt at her side. "Damn it!" Queen growled as he stood. The hostage was long dead, probably dead the moment the Wraith bastard grabbed her.
A shot sounded, and the Commander collapsed to his knees, clutching his side. A gaping hole resided there, revealing some intestines. He turned his head to see the Wraith Soldier still on the ground, leveling it's weapon up with a quivering arm. Just as the gun was leveled with Queen's head, several pulse bullets slammed into the Wraith, ripping him a new one and ending his life.
Everything began to grow hazy, and his eyelids began to droop. The Commander looked over to see the blurry figure of Corporal Johnson racing towards him, Private Mendoza limping behind her. Then it all went black.
"Shit! Mendoza! Contact the fleet! Have them send a drop ship and pick us up!" Moira Johnson yelled at the Private, who immediately followed her orders. "Damn... Commander..." Johnson groaned as she held the fainted form of her commander in her arms.
"AOSHR Fleet, this is Strike team Specialist Private Isaac Mendoza B331. We need immediate evac, do you copy? Over." Mendoza yelled into his mouth piece, waiting for someone to respond.