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Private/Closed Unova Under Attack! Discussion

Unova Under Attack

Ghetsis succeeded in his attempts to capture the pokemon of Unova and rule the land as his own. With the entire region under his control, he runs what pokemon are allowed to exist and which ones aren't. If that wasn't enough, the man of evil also banned pokemon trainers from having their own pokemon and seized the control of pokeballs. Now, only Neo-Plasma owns the pokeballs coming in and out of Unova at all times.

Except for you.

You are apart of a rogue trainer society hidden in the forests of Unova. You see, when Neo-Plasma defeated N and an unknown trainer one year ago, they locked everything down and banned every flight after displaying their power in the hands of powerful pokemon and complete dominance. Only a few trainers escaped from the deathly clutches of Neo-Plasma and those people gathered in several different forests throughout Unova to help keep the past alive.

But the silence must end.

Anti-Plasma groups from all over the region banded together to create small colonies under ground and in forests and on smaller islands outside of the mainland. The goal is only to relieve Ghetsis of his god like status and to defeat Team Plasma to restore peace and security to the region once more. The only problem is...

You can't do it alone.

You've come to Pinwheel Forest in the Unova region to meet with the societies that have no name, to plan attacks against towns ridden with Neo-Plasma growth and to restore peace.

How did you get here?

What will you do when Ghetsis finds out about you?

Only you will know. So, come with us. It's time to heal Unova.

Unless you're part of the reason why everything is falling apart...?


Year 1: Black and White - Team Plasma rises with N at the heart to turn the world into a world where humans and pokemon separate but a young trainer rises to neutralize the threat.

Year 3: Black and White 2 - the members of Team Plasma who saw their error followed N and disbanded from the gang while vengeance hungry savages seek out a whole new start to the world by controlling it altogether. Instead, the trainers didn't succeed and Ghetsis takes control of Unova.

Year 4: Unova Under Attack - You and several other trainers in the hidden society work to undo the unbearable damage that Ghetsis has given the region. Who knows what will happen?


- No Legendaries! Unless you have permission from the administrators firsthand. No exceptions.

- Have diversity in your team. You're allowed a team of 6 or less and you're allowed anything (except a legendary, obviously) but have some diversity. Nobody wants several players having Weavile's and Garchomps. Thanks!

- No OP characters. It's okay to have flaws and differences but it's no fun to play with someone who can't be broken or beat. You can be powerful but please, have some wiggle room.

- You're allowed to have TWO oc's or ONE canon character and one oc or TWO canon characters. Anyone is allowed.

- Its encouraged to be friends with everyone who's role-playing from the "good guy" team and if you're going to be a team plasma member, don't be cruel to the player just the character.

- Romance is allowed but at a limit. If that's hard for you to understand, keep it PG-13 and if that's still too much, this ain't the site fer you, boy.

- Cursing is allowed but don't turn into a sailor without reason and checking to make sure it follows the rules of pokecharms.

- Build a character sheet and have fun! I look forward to our adventure!!

Character Sheet:

Visual Characteristic & Outfit(s):
Pokèmon Team:

(For the sake of this, I won't make you submit a character sheet for each pokemon. I trust that you'll use them all wisely)

Name: Vincent
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Personality: Vincent is very calm and collected in all situations. When he was twelve years old his pokemon Gible was stolen from him by Team Plasma and was never seen again. Ever since then, he's been trying to rebel against the Neo-Plasma that took him. He is also very mature and focuses on strategy over victory.
Flaw(s): Vincent has a soft spot for his sister who he doesn't know is working for Team Plasma. As far as he knows: she disappeared when N was defeated and was never seen again.
Backstory: Vincent and his twin sister, Valerie, were both product of Team Plasma since their uncle worked for the team. A Gible from Vincent and an Eevee from Valerie were stolen when they were 12 years old which made them want to grow up and journey on their own to get revenge on Team Plasma. However, Vincent kept on his adventures and hatred for the cruel Team Plasma while Valerie respected Ghetsis and became a mercenary for his efforts. Neither of each other know what happened to the other but they know that whatever did happen cut them off.
Visual Characteristic & Outfit(s): Vincent wears black jeans and a white bomber jacket over a black T-shirt. His hair is mid-length, brushed to the right with his hat covering all of it besides the "hat-hair". His hat is also black and white for... obvious reasons. His eyes are dark brown.
Pokèmon Team: Serperior, Braviary, Butterfree, Emolga, Flareon, Steelix.
Extra: Vincent keeps to himself and doesn't talk to many people.

Name: Valerie
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Personality: Valerie is often quiet and keeps to herself but is very observant of her surroundings. After a year of running jobs for Team Plasma, she has no mercy and carries her orders to the end. Not knowing what happened to her brother, she always worries about what happened to him.
Flaw(s): Valerie has no weak spot for Vincent but does for N and (Hilbert/Hilda) Whom she spent years studying and practically worshipping even while they're the opposite team.
Backstory: Vincent and his twin sister, Valerie, were both product of Team Plasma since their uncle worked for the team. A Gible from Vincent and an Eevee from Valerie were stolen when they were 12 years old which made them want to grow up and journey on their own to get revenge on Team Plasma. However, Vincent kept on his adventures and hatred for the cruel Team Plasma while Valerie respected Ghetsis and became a mercenary for his efforts. Neither of each other know what happened to the other but they know that whatever did happen cut them off.
Visual Characteristic & Outfit(s): Valerie wears a black cardigan that has no sleeves and instead cuts off at her shoulders. The bottom of it overlaps her white skirt which flows widely. Valerie wears no hat but dedicates her outfit nicely with black and white combat boots.
Pokèmon Team: Samurott, Mandibuzz, Volcorona, Sylveon, Weavile, Electivire.
Extra: Valerie keeps to herself and only discusses matters with Ghetsis and her fellow operatives.
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Oooh this looks exciting (and would also be my first RP on here so I hope that’s ok)


Name: Valencia
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Personality: Very levelheaded and straightforward with her interactions. She can be pretty blunt sometimes and occasionally offends people with her realism. She only really cares about a select few who are closest to her as well as her Pokémon. It takes a very long time to gain her trust and she typically dismisses people who offer their assistance or companionship.
Flaw(s): can be blunt, stubborn and hates staying in once place for too long
Backstory: She traveled around with her partner hydreigon across Unova trying to become stronger to achieve her goals. After a few years she got bored and went to Hoenn for a visit where she caught some of her current team members. She enjoyed Hoenn and stayed there for several years. One day she got a letter from her father in Unova which turned out to be a distress call asking for help and explaining the events of team plasma. Valencia decided to form a plan to sneak back into Unova to see what she could do to help the situation. This plan involved stowing away on a cargo ship undercover and sneaking in without the plasma grunts noticing.
Visual Characteristic & Outfit(s):
Can I post an image?
Pokèmon Team: Hydreigon (Max), Krookodile (Clamp), Darnanitan (Hot Shot), Tropius, Lairon, Meowstic (M) (ImPAWster)
Extra: Valencia is an excellent navigator.


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Oooh this looks exciting (and would also be my first RP on here so I hope that’s ok)


Name: Valencia
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Personality: Very levelheaded and straightforward with her interactions. She can be pretty blunt sometimes and occasionally offends people with her realism. She only really cares about a select few who are closest to her as well as her Pokémon. It takes a very long time to gain her trust and she typically dismisses people who offer their assistance or companionship.
Flaw(s): can be blunt, stubborn and hates staying in once place for too long
Backstory: She traveled around with her partner hydreigon across Unova trying to become stronger to achieve her goals. After a few years she got bored and went to Hoenn for a visit where she caught some of her current team members. She enjoyed Hoenn and stayed there for several years. One day she got a letter from her father in Unova which turned out to be a distress call asking for help and explaining the events of team plasma. Valencia decided to form a plan to sneak back into Unova to see what she could do to help the situation. This plan involved stowing away on a cargo ship undercover and sneaking in without the plasma grunts noticing.
Visual Characteristic & Outfit(s):
Can I post an image?
Pokèmon Team: Hydreigon (Max), Krookodile (Clamp), Darnanitan (Hot Shot), Tropius, Lairon, Meowstic (M) (ImPAWster)
Extra: Valencia is an excellent navigator.
Wow I love your character! The image helps make your character more real to me so I appreciate it! I love the design and the "sneaky" part. The team is also very unique (I've never seen a Darmanitan on a team before.) I look forward to your start!

However, the RP Thread isn't up yet. I'll put it up when we get more players!
Name: Anthony Wyatt Aberforth
“Detective Aberforth”
Gender: Male
Hometown: Castelia City, Unova
Age: 34
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 180 lbs
Hair: Ash Brown, kept at a 1 inch high fade on the sides of the head with a hard part on the side. Hair on the top is kept trimmed and styled when in civilized areas.
Eyes: Grey

Wyatt or “Detective Aberforth” as he prefers to be called by strangers or acquaintances; is typically seen wearing a business casual outfit while inside of cities and towns.

This consists of, a pair of black utility boots, a pair of charcoal dress slacks, a white button down with a tight light gray gangnam pattern on it, a pair of dark gray suspenders, a charcoal sport coat, a charcoal overcoat (if it is winter or the region is cold), a pair of black leather gloves, and a charcoal newsboy cap.

However, when traversing through the wilds, Wyatt wears a more rugged outfit.

This consists of: a pair of black utility boots, a pair of thick denim jeans, a long sleeve white sport shirt which has a red and blue checkered pattern, a blue outdoorsman vest, and a trucker’s hat. However, should the region be frigid Wyatt will wear a thick black windbreaker jacket instead of his vest.

Outside of his clothes, Wyatt keeps a small survival kit, a pack of cigarettes, a light, and basic Pokémon upkeep supplies in the satchel he carries at all times. Wyatt also keeps a snub nosed, .44 revolver either in a shoulder holster (beneath his sport coat, inside cities or towns) or in his hip holster (when exploring the wilds.) He usually keeps two reloads worth of ammunition on him and the weapon is reserved for self defense and scaring off potential threats.

Identifying Marks:
Wyatt’s right pinky finger is missing from the first knuckle onwards. A gift given to him during his tenure on the Unova police force by a spooked Poochyena. Aside from this, Wyatt always seems to have a light 5 o’clock shadow on his face, something that he has given up trying to shave off and simply maintains at that length.

Wyatt is slightly over weight for his height but not in the sense he is obese or out of shape. Given he is not the man he was ten years ago but Wyatt is still capable of making it through the Kanto region, where he now resides, with little to no strain.

Wyatt’s general attitude is often described as laid back, lax, distant, and sometimes disinterested in general. All of which are accurate descriptions of the man in most interactions. This aloof personality makes it difficult for Wyatt to form lasting bonds with most other people. However, those that are patient will find Wyatt to be a kind and genuinely loyal friend once he has lowered his guard around them.

More often then not, Wyatt is distant and seemingly uncaring. This attitude is not carried over to his few passions; which include Pokémon training, battling, and his investigations. During these specific situations people have described Wyatt as a completely different person. He goes from almost lazy and disinterested to focused and passionate in the blink of an eye.

This seeming duality is born from his own prospective on society and how it reinforces citizens to conform to it’s standards. Something Wyatt has no intentions of doing which has forced him into the nomadic lifestyle he currently leads. It also means that Wyatt is extremely slow to trust others, viewing them as just another cog in society’s system as opposed to individuals.

This distrustful streak in his personality has led Wyatt to feel an unusual kinship and draw towards Dark Type Pokémon. Viewing them as truly honest to themselves and actual survivors in a world where they are disdained, feared, or simply misunderstood by the general population.

Investigative technique
Wilderness survival
Small firearms
Pokémon training

Wyatt was born into a lower class family inside of Castelia City which is found in the Unova region. During his childhood Wyatt was exposed to various forms of injustices which ranged from Pokémon theft, to burglary, and in some cases assaults. While most children would have slowly become desensitized to the chaos and violence that surrounded them, Wyatt did not.

Instead, Wyatt instinctively knew what he saw was wrong and genuinely believed that he could help change his block for the better when he grew up. This belief led Wyatt away from the path most young children wandered down, that of being a Pokémon trainer and towards the life of a police officer. However once he graduated from the police academy, Wyatt would learn that he couldn’t save people from themselves and what they chose to become.

After almost of decade of fruitlessly fighting inner city crime, Wyatt had grown tired of his own neighborhood and cynical towards the people within it. Instead, when word reached him that the Saffron City Police Force in Kanto was looking for outside aid in dealing with a gang of Pokémon thieves turned gangsters, Wyatt jumped at the opportunity. Without hesitation, Wyatt packed his belongings and left for the Kanto region, a new life, and a technical promotion in his career.

For five years Wyatt acted as an undercover agent for the Saffron City police department in order to help bring down the small time criminal enterprise. However, the more time he spent interacting with these gangsters, the more kinship he felt towards them. The now seasoned police officer knew he was starting to lose himself to the life of crime and the fortunes it offered him.

But Wyatt wasn’t the only person who recognized this and soon he was pulled from the case. In order to protect Wyatt, he was relocated to Cerulean City and returned to the life of a beat cop. This was something Wyatt quickly grew to disdain and his disgust towards his new assignment only intensified when rumors began to spread about why Wyatt had been transferred circulated throughout the department.

A combination of his own feelings and the uncontrolled spiral of his public appearance forced Wyatt into early retirement. Now freed from his duties as a police officer, Wyatt began to work as a private investigator for both the needy and wealthy. He used the meager profits her earned to purchase a single egg from a Houndour breeder in order to have a completely loyal and capable partner.

Wyatt spent away from his new home , building his team, and training them to the peak of his abilities. That is when news reaches him of his home region and he tragedy that had befallen it. Using what connections he had made in the police force, Wyatt had himself and his team smuggled back into Unova.

Wyatt will do and sacrifice anything to ensure the freedom of his homeland from the clutches of Team Plasma and Ghetsis

Houndoom (m), Flash Fire (Hidden Ability: Unnerve), Serious Nature, Proud of it’s power characteristic

Honchkrow (f), Insomia, Naughty Nature, Mischievous characteristic

Weavile (m), Keen Eyes, Hasty Nature, Loves to fight characteristic

Hydreigon (f), Levitate, Brazen Nature, likes to scatter things characteristic.

Drapion (m), Battle Armor, Sassy Nature, always hungry characteristic.

Krookodile (f), Moxie, Jolly Nature, likes to thrash about characteristic.
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This sounds amazing! I would love to join this RP.

: Wolf
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Personality: Wolf has only two moods; either he is a very happy person, making jokes and messing about with others, or he isn't interested in anything and replies to everything with sarcasm. His mood does not affect his battle style however, which is calm and strategic, but with the necessary risks to get the victory.
Flaw(s): He is a lazy person, with a tendency to oversleep. Also, he lets his emotions cloud his judgement.
Backstory: Wolf grew up in Opelucid City with his parents. His father practically raised him on his own, his mother being a model in Elesa's gym. In his younger years, his father Thomas traveled through the Hoenn region, bringing home many Pokémon. His Absol was sort of the family pet, and he gave a Nuzleaf, an offspring from his Shiftry, to Wolf on his tenth birthday. He began his training then and there. They used to go to the Opelucid gym together, watching Drayden and Iris battle with challengers. Three years ago he witnessed a trainer defeat Drayden for the first time in his life, and that influenced him to take training more seriously. He caught an Axew, which meanwhile evolved into Fraxure and started training more intensely with his two Pokémon, even defeating some gym leaders in the process. During his journey he met Alyssa, who joined him on his adventure. The pair became closer, until he found out she worked for Team Plasma. Enraged, he ran as fast and far he could which led him to the Pinwheel Forest and the other trainers.
Visual Characteristic & Outfit(s): Wolf stands at exactly 6 feet, with an athletic build. He has dark green eyes and short blond hair, typically hidden away under the hood of one of his many black hoodies, each with a different band name or logo on it. He either wears camo work pants or black skinny jeans underneath, as well as black sneakers with white shoelaces. He always carries his camo backpack with him.
Pokèmon Team: Fraxure, Nuzleaf, Bouffalant. (His team is incomplete due to his journey being cut short.)
Extra: As much as he hates Team Plasma, he still has a soft spot for Alyssa.


Name: Alyssa
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Personality: She doesn't want to be in Team Plasma, but doesn't really have a choice. She's been labelled as too nice by some of the higher ranked members of Team Plasma, and has even been criticised by Ghetsis himself on this matter too. When in the company of other members of Team Plasma, she tries her hardest to come across as stern and rude, often exaggerating.
Flaw(s): Her mother is her main weakness, so to say.
Backstory: When they were younger, Alyssa and her parents lived in Blackthorn City, in the Johto region. Her father, who was a member of Team Rocket, abandoned her and her mother at a young age. They moved to Accumula Town in Unova, with not many funds to their name. As she grew older, she watched her mother struggle daily to provide food for the both of them. When the first Team Plasma protest took place just outside her house, she enrolled herself and joined Team Plasma, to make some money for herself and not live of her mother's back anymore. She attempted to leave the Team after getting a backstage pass to their operations, and ran into Wolf. When Team Plasma learned of this, they abducted her mother and forced her to confess everything to Wolf. They still threaten her mother if she does not fulfill her duties.
Visual Characteristic & Outfit(s): Alyssa is a very attractive girl, with blue eyes you could easily get lost in. She dyed her hair bright red, which she always wears in a ponytail. She isn't a fan of the traditional Team Plasma outfit (the BW2 version), so made some changes to it. She cut the T-shirt in half, exposing her pierced bellybutton. She still wears the beret and the mouthmask, as well as the tight leggings and the typical boots. She doesn't wear the gloves, because she has a golden ring her grandmother gave her when she was a child which she wants to see at all times.
Pokèmon Team: Espeon (Luce - pronounced Loo-chay) & Umbreon (Ombra) (her two Pokémon from the Johto region)
Extra: She's plotting a second escape from the claws of Team Plasma, but will only do so if the safety of her mother is ensured.
This sounds amazing! I would love to join this RP.

: Wolf
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Personality: Wolf has only two moods; either he is a very happy person, making jokes and messing about with others, or he isn't interested in anything and replies to everything with sarcasm. His mood does not affect his battle style however, which is calm and strategic, but with the necessary risks to get the victory.
Flaw(s): He is a lazy person, with a tendency to oversleep. Also, he lets his emotions cloud his judgement.
Backstory: Wolf grew up in Opelucid City with his parents. His father practically raised him on his own, his mother being a model in Elesa's gym. In his younger years, his father Thomas traveled through the Hoenn region, bringing home many Pokémon. His Absol was sort of the family pet, and he gave a Nuzleaf, an offspring from his Shiftry, to Wolf on his tenth birthday. He began his training then and there. They used to go to the Opelucid gym together, watching Drayden and Iris battle with challengers. Three years ago he witnessed a trainer defeat Drayden for the first time in his life, and that influenced him to take training more seriously. He caught an Axew, which meanwhile evolved into Fraxure and started training more intensely with his two Pokémon, even defeating some gym leaders in the process. During his journey he met Alyssa, who joined him on his adventure. The pair became closer, until he found out she worked for Team Plasma. Enraged, he ran as fast and far he could which led him to the Pinwheel Forest and the other trainers.
Visual Characteristic & Outfit(s): Wolf stands at exactly 6 feet, with an athletic build. He has dark green eyes and short blond hair, typically hidden away under the hood of one of his many black hoodies, each with a different band name or logo on it. He either wears camo work pants or black skinny jeans underneath, as well as black sneakers with white shoelaces. He always carries his camo backpack with him.
Pokèmon Team: Fraxure, Nuzleaf, Bouffalant. (His team is incomplete due to his journey being cut short.)
Extra: As much as he hates Team Plasma, he still has a soft spot for Alyssa.


Name: Alyssa
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Personality: She doesn't want to be in Team Plasma, but doesn't really have a choice. She's been labelled as too nice by some of the higher ranked members of Team Plasma, and has even been criticised by Ghetsis himself on this matter too. When in the company of other members of Team Plasma, she tries her hardest to come across as stern and rude, often exaggerating.
Flaw(s): Her mother is her main weakness, so to say.
Backstory: When they were younger, Alyssa and her parents lived in Blackthorn City, in the Johto region. Her father, who was a member of Team Rocket, abandoned her and her mother at a young age. They moved to Accumula Town in Unova, with not many funds to their name. As she grew older, she watched her mother struggle daily to provide food for the both of them. When the first Team Plasma protest took place just outside her house, she enrolled herself and joined Team Plasma, to make some money for herself and not live of her mother's back anymore. She attempted to leave the Team after getting a backstage pass to their operations, and ran into Wolf. When Team Plasma learned of this, they abducted her mother and forced her to confess everything to Wolf. They still threaten her mother if she does not fulfill her duties.
Visual Characteristic & Outfit(s): Alyssa is a very attractive girl, with blue eyes you could easily get lost in. She dyed her hair bright red, which she always wears in a ponytail. She isn't a fan of the traditional Team Plasma outfit (the BW2 version), so made some changes to it. She cut the T-shirt in half, exposing her pierced bellybutton. She still wears the beret and the mouthmask, as well as the tight leggings and the typical boots. She doesn't wear the gloves, because she has a golden ring her grandmother gave her when she was a child which she wants to see at all times.
Pokèmon Team: Espeon (Luce - pronounced Loo-chay) & Umbreon (Ombra) (her two Pokémon from the Johto region)
Extra: She's plotting a second escape from the claws of Team Plasma, but will only do so if the safety of her mother is ensured.
I swear in the other roleplay thread you have running you told me that you wish you could come up with really good backstories. Well, here you are with TWO really good ones! Right off the bat I knew it was going to be great and I was pleasantly surprised to see the Team Plasma character as well! Both characters really stand out to me as unique and I love that you poured so much effort into these two just for my thread! I accept both of them with a smile ^.^
Name: Anthony Wyatt Aberforth
“Detective Aberforth”
Gender: Male
Hometown: Castelia City, Unova
Age: 34
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 180 lbs
Hair: Ash Brown, kept at a 1 inch high fade on the sides of the head with a hard part on the side. Hair on the top is kept trimmed and styled when in civilized areas.
Eyes: Grey

Wyatt or “Detective Aberforth” as he prefers to be called by strangers or acquaintances; is typically seen wearing a business casual outfit while inside of cities and towns.

This consists of, a pair of black utility boots, a pair of charcoal dress slacks, a white button down with a tight light gray gangnam pattern on it, a pair of dark gray suspenders, a charcoal sport coat, a charcoal overcoat (if it is winter or the region is cold), a pair of black leather gloves, and a charcoal newsboy cap.

However, when traversing through the wilds, Wyatt wears a more rugged outfit.

This consists of: a pair of black utility boots, a pair of thick denim jeans, a long sleeve white sport shirt which has a red and blue checkered pattern, a blue outdoorsman vest, and a trucker’s hat. However, should the region be frigid Wyatt will wear a thick black windbreaker jacket instead of his vest.

Outside of his clothes, Wyatt keeps a small survival kit, a pack of cigarettes, a light, and basic Pokémon upkeep supplies in the satchel he carries at all times. Wyatt also keeps a snub nosed, .44 revolver either in a shoulder holster (beneath his sport coat, inside cities or towns) or in his hip holster (when exploring the wilds.) He usually keeps two reloads worth of ammunition on him and the weapon is reserved for self defense and scaring off potential threats.

Identifying Marks:
Wyatt’s right pinky finger is missing from the first knuckle onwards. A gift given to him during his tenure on the Unova police force by a spooked Poochyena. Aside from this, Wyatt always seems to have a light 5 o’clock shadow on his face, something that he has given up trying to shave off and simply maintains at that length.

Wyatt is slightly over weight for his height but not in the sense he is obese or out of shape. Given he is not the man he was ten years ago but Wyatt is still capable of making it through the Kanto region, where he now resides, with little to no strain.

Wyatt’s general attitude is often described as laid back, lax, distant, and sometimes disinterested in general. All of which are accurate descriptions of the man in most interactions. This aloof personality makes it difficult for Wyatt to form lasting bonds with most other people. However, those that are patient will find Wyatt to be a kind and genuinely loyal friend once he has lowered his guard around them.

More often then not, Wyatt is distant and seemingly uncaring. This attitude is not carried over to his few passions; which include Pokémon training, battling, and his investigations. During these specific situations people have described Wyatt as a completely different person. He goes from almost lazy and disinterested to focused and passionate in the blink of an eye.

This seeming duality is born from his own prospective on society and how it reinforces citizens to conform to it’s standards. Something Wyatt has no intentions of doing which has forced him into the nomadic lifestyle he currently leads. It also means that Wyatt is extremely slow to trust others, viewing them as just another cog in society’s system as opposed to individuals.

This distrustful streak in his personality has led Wyatt to feel an unusual kinship and draw towards Dark Type Pokémon. Viewing them as truly honest to themselves and actual survivors in a world where they are disdained, feared, or simply misunderstood by the general population.

Investigative technique
Wilderness survival
Small firearms
Pokémon training

Wyatt was born into a lower class family inside of Castelia City which is found in the Unova region. During his childhood Wyatt was exposed to various forms of injustices which ranged from Pokémon theft, to burglary, and in some cases assaults. While most children would have slowly become desensitized to the chaos and violence that surrounded them, Wyatt did not.

Instead, Wyatt instinctively knew what he saw was wrong and genuinely believed that he could help change his block for the better when he grew up. This belief led Wyatt away from the path most young children wandered down, that of being a Pokémon trainer and towards the life of a police officer. However once he graduated from the police academy, Wyatt would learn that he couldn’t save people from themselves and what they chose to become.

After almost of decade of fruitlessly fighting inner city crime, Wyatt had grown tired of his own neighborhood and cynical towards the people within it. Instead, when word reached him that the Saffron City Police Force in Kanto was looking for outside aid in dealing with a gang of Pokémon thieves turned gangsters, Wyatt jumped at the opportunity. Without hesitation, Wyatt packed his belongings and left for the Kanto region, a new life, and a technical promotion in his career.

For five years Wyatt acted as an undercover agent for the Saffron City police department in order to help bring down the small time criminal enterprise. However, the more time he spent interacting with these gangsters, the more kinship he felt towards them. The now seasoned police officer knew he was starting to lose himself to the life of crime and the fortunes it offered him.

But Wyatt wasn’t the only person who recognized this and soon he was pulled from the case. In order to protect Wyatt, he was relocated to Cerulean City and returned to the life of a beat cop. This was something Wyatt quickly grew to disdain and his disgust towards his new assignment only intensified when rumors began to spread about why Wyatt had been transferred circulated throughout the department.

A combination of his own feelings and the uncontrolled spiral of his public appearance forced Wyatt into early retirement. Now freed from his duties as a police officer, Wyatt began to work as a private investigator for both the needy and wealthy. He used the meager profits her earned to purchase a single egg from a Houndour breeder in order to have a completely loyal and capable partner.

Wyatt spent away from his new home , building his team, and training them to the peak of his abilities. That is when news reaches him of his home region and he tragedy that had befallen it. Using what connections he had made in the police force, Wyatt had himself and his team smuggled back into Unova.

Wyatt will do and sacrifice anything to ensure the freedom of his homeland from the clutches of Team Plasma and Ghetsis

Houndoom (m), Flash Fire (Hidden Ability: Unnerve), Serious Nature, Proud of it’s power characteristic

Honchkrow (f), Insomia, Naughty Nature, Mischievous characteristic

Weavile (m), Keen Eyes, Hasty Nature, Loves to fight characteristic

Hydreigon (f), Levitate, Brazen Nature, likes to scatter things characteristic.

Drapion (m), Battle Armor, Sassy Nature, always hungry characteristic.

Krookodile (f), Moxie, Jolly Nature, likes to thrash about characteristic.
This is a very unique idea for a character that I have honestly never seen before. I felt sort of inspired while reading this and I'll gladly let him into the roleplay so long as that gun thing doesn't end up used.

As you know, violence on this site is supposed to be kept at a PG-13 level. Besides that, this is an all around descriptive and amazing character. I'd be happy to let you join.
I swear in the other roleplay thread you have running you told me that you wish you could come up with really good backstories. Well, here you are with TWO really good ones! Right off the bat I knew it was going to be great and I was pleasantly surprised to see the Team Plasma character as well! Both characters really stand out to me as unique and I love that you poured so much effort into these two just for my thread! I accept both of them with a smile ^.^

This is a very unique idea for a character that I have honestly never seen before. I felt sort of inspired while reading this and I'll gladly let him into the roleplay so long as that gun thing doesn't end up used.

As you know, violence on this site is supposed to be kept at a PG-13 level. Besides that, this is an all around descriptive and amazing character. I'd be happy to let you join.
A massive, massive thank you for your kind words! I'm very excited to see how this Roleplay turns out.


Previously Manu456Alola
Alright, this looks neat!

: Manuel
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Personality: Manuel is a calm, kind person. He sometimes doesn't talk much. He is particurarly good at hiding his emotions, thus not letting his emotions get the best of him, unless he's provoked. When battling, he's still calm and strategic, trying to find measures to counter his opponent.
Flaw(s): He cares a lot for his friends and family, but not nearly as much as he does for his little sister, Camille. Besides, he's not really good at physical activities, in contrast to his intellect and strategic capabilities.
Backstory: Manuel lived in Hau'oli City, Alola, up until he was 12 years old, when he moved to Unova, alongside his sister and mother. His father was always traveling to different regions, not having much time to stay at home with the family. He lived a normal life at Unova, until a few months later, Team Plasma stole his Trumbeak, his second Pokémon. He attempted to get it back by fighting against the grunt with his Torracat, losing the match. He has mixed feelings about Team Plasma, although he mostly wants to hate them for stealing Pokémon from trainers, he can't help but admit that they have a valid point. He ultimately decided to find a way to make peace, and fled to Pinwheel Forest.
Visual Characteristic & Outfit(s): Manuel has short, black hair, brown eyes and stands at 4'9. He usually wears a blue jacket with a white shirt underneath, blue jeans and black shoes. He is fairly skinny, and also wears glasses. He carries a blue backpack with him at all times.
Pokèmon Team: Incineroar, Alolan Raichu, Vikavolt, Hypno, Minior, Mudsdale.
Extra: Manuel is great at technology, being able to do things such as hacking.
Alright, this looks neat!

: Manuel
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Personality: Manuel is a calm, kind person. He sometimes doesn't talk much. He is particurarly good at hiding his emotions, thus not letting his emotions get the best of him, unless he's provoked. When battling, he's still calm and strategic, trying to find measures to counter his opponent.
Flaw(s): He cares a lot for his friends and family, but not nearly as much as he does for his little sister, Camille. Besides, he's not really good at physical activities, in contrast to his intellect and strategic capabilities.
Backstory: Manuel lived in Hau'oli City, Alola, up until he was 12 years old, when he moved to Unova, alongside his sister and mother. His father was always traveling to different regions, not having much time to stay at home with the family. He lived a normal life at Unova, until a few months later, Team Plasma stole his Trumbeak, his second Pokémon. He attempted to get it back by fighting against the grunt with his Torracat, losing the match. He has mixed feelings about Team Plasma, although he mostly wants to hate them for stealing Pokémon from trainers, he can't help but admit that they have a valid point. He ultimately decided to find a way to make peace, and fled to Pinwheel Forest.
Visual Characteristic & Outfit(s): Manuel has short, black hair, brown eyes and stands at 4'9. He usually wears a blue jacket with a white shirt underneath, blue jeans and black shoes. He is fairly skinny, and also wears glasses. He carries a blue backpack with him at all times.
Pokèmon Team: Incineroar, Alolan Raichu, Vikavolt, Hypno, Minior, Mudsdale.
Extra: Manuel is great at technology, being able to do things such as hacking.
I like him! His team is very diverse! I accept your sheet! Later on today I'll put up the thread and you can start role-playing!(:
(Hey, I'm still good to join this right?)
Name: L'loyd
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Personality: L'loyd is normally very shy and withdrawn but after neo-plasma attacked his hometown in Unova he became a lot more communicative but also skeptical. He is very loyal and caring to people he does trust and will stick up for them no matter what. L'loyd also much prefers a strategic attack over a brute force one, hence the Zoroark.
Flaw(s): Like stated before, rather skeptical towards new people.He also overestimates things often.
Backstory: L'loyd began his journey in Accumula town where he met most of his pokemon, but then his family moved to Kalos, so he went along. After a few years in Kalos L'loyd grew home sick so decided to move back to Unova for a while. The year he moved was the same time the Plasma uprise began so L'loyd fled to pinwheel forest, he has been hiding there ever since.
Visual Characteristic & Outfit(s): L'loyd usually wears darkish blue jeans with a torn button-up shirt, and a black belt that he keeps his pokeballs on. He's got dark brown hair (med-Long, not recently cut) and has light blue eyes (He wear glasses with a thick black frame but the right arm is tape up with electrical tape). He stands at around 5'11" and has a caucasian skin complexion (lightly tanned due to being outside most of the time)
Pokèmon Team:
Zoroark M(Zoro)
Ninetails F
Bronzong N/A (Magna)
Magmar M (Tachanka)
Extra: Zoroark stays out side of his Pokeball due to having the strongest bond with L'loyd
(Hey, I'm still good to join this right?)
Name: L'loyd
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Personality: L'loyd is normally very shy and withdrawn but after neo-plasma attacked his hometown in Unova he became a lot more communicative but also skeptical. He is very loyal and caring to people he does trust and will stick up for them no matter what. L'loyd also much prefers a strategic attack over a brute force one, hence the Zoroark.
Flaw(s): Like stated before, rather skeptical towards new people.He also overestimates things often.
Backstory: L'loyd began his journey in Accumula town where he met most of his pokemon, but then his family moved to Kalos, so he went along. After a few years in Kalos L'loyd grew home sick so decided to move back to Unova for a while. The year he moved was the same time the Plasma uprise began so L'loyd fled to pinwheel forest, he has been hiding there ever since.
Visual Characteristic & Outfit(s): L'loyd usually wears darkish blue jeans with a torn button-up shirt, and a black belt that he keeps his pokeballs on. He's got dark brown hair (med-Long, not recently cut) and has light blue eyes (He wear glasses with a thick black frame but the right arm is tape up with electrical tape). He stands at around 5'11" and has a caucasian skin complexion (lightly tanned due to being outside most of the time)
Pokèmon Team:
Zoroark M(Zoro)
Ninetails F
Bronzong N/A (Magna)
Magmar M (Tachanka)
Extra: Zoroark stays out side of his Pokeball due to having the strongest bond with L'loyd
I like the character! Sounds like the uniqueness that this story needs more of! (Not that anyone else isn't unique at all) Feel free to get started once my RP Thread is up and running here soon! I look forward to having you ^.^
Is this still taking new members?

Name: Riley
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Personality: Riley tends to wear her heart on her sleeve most of the time, and prefers honesty not only from herself, but from those around her as well. She's adopted quite the mournful demeanor ever since Mika's betrayal, but she still remains resolute in everything that she does; namely, taking down Neo-Plasma.
Flaw(s): She's competitive and can sometimes have trouble with authority. She also still cares for Mika, even after her betrayal.
Backstory: Riley always admired her mother, who was a Pokèmon Ranger and Riley's hero. As such, she grew up with a passion for helping people and Pokemon. Her mother, while warm and supportive, was a career-driven woman, so Riley was left alone much of the time to raise herself. The young girl didn't mind, though; when she wasn't studying, she was throwing herself into extracurriculars, especially martial arts. She definitely shined in her class, but soon found a competitor in her withdrawn classmate: a girl named Mika. When trying to describe Riley's relationship to Mika, the phrase 'opposites attract' is sure to come to mind. When they first met in the small middle school of Icirrus City, they felt contempt for each other on sight, being nearly opposite in personality but sharing a penchant for competition and a deep sense of pride. As such, the two continuously picked fights and ended up punished, usually alongside each other.

Over time, the two began to develop a mutual respect for each other's strengths, rather than their flaws, and their bickering became playful banter. One day, in their teens, a blushing Riley asked Mika if she wanted to leave town together and travel. They did so, and the two became an inseparable team to be reckoned with.

Mika had always seemed interested in Team Plasma, but as Neo-Plasma became a force that spread over the region, she started to seriously consider the organization, frightening Riley into giving her an ultimatum: Plasma or their relationship. It was their biggest fight, and the two began to grow distant before Mika soon left to follow Plasma.

Riley's main motivation for going rogue is for revenge; not on Mika, but on the organization that stole her from her. She knows that they can likely never have any sort of relationship again, but if she can bring down Neo-Plasma and release Mika at the same time, Riley figures she can at least be content.
Visual Characteristic & Outfit(s): She has fluffy, chestnut-brown hair cut into a medium-length bob and brown eyes. She stands at about 5'6 with an athletic build, perfect for her martial-arts loving lifestyle. She can usually be seen wearing black leggings along with a deep red, short-sleeved shirt. If it's cold out, she'll throw on her black track jacket, which also has red on the trim.
Pokèmon Team: Mienshao (F), Pelipper (M), Breloom (M), Chimecho (F), Lampent (M)

Name: Mika
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Personality: Mika has a cool and detached exterior, with a clear and sharp mind that is always surveying her surroundings and forming strategies. Academically, she was usually at the top of her class during her school years. She is usually slow to anger, but Riley always had a way of pushing the right buttons and allowing her to either get angry, laugh, or break down. Ever since the two split, though, this type of emotional vulnerability is almost void. She's a stringent rule-follower, and hates it when people stray from a carefully laid plan.
Flaw(s): She seems cold, but she still cares for Riley more than she lets on and would be reluctant to hurt her. She also finds it difficult to work with anyone who is outright abusive towards a Pokemon.
Backstory: She was raised by a single father who was hardly ever attentive, and when he was, it was to constantly criticize her performance, whether it be school or the raising of her first Pokémon, a Snorunt that she'd found injured by illegal loggers one winter. She constantly looked for approval from that man, and rose to the top of her class, constantly in competition with Riley. The brunette was the only threat to her achievement, not to mention the only person able to push her buttons and bring her out of her shell. Over time, Mika found that she was happiest in Riley's presence, as she was the only person to make her feel safe.

Ever since she found her Snorunt as child, she's been hyper-aware of the abuse that Pokémon face at the hands of some trainers, and became fascinated with the goals of Team Plasma. When Neo-Plasma began gaining traction in Unova, Mika tried convincing Riley to join with her, but the other young woman was horrified at the thought and gave her an ultimatum.
Visual Characteristic & Outfit(s): She has silky, straight black hair that falls to about waist-length, with feathered bangs. She stands at about 5'11 with a very slight build, and it would be difficult for her to overpower nearly anyone with bodily strength alone. Her skin is pale and the type to never really tan. When out of her uniform, Mika likes to wear black leggings with a white dress shirt and black denim jacket, as well as her favorite pair of black, high-topped Chuck Taylor-style shoes.
Pokèmon Team: Froslass (F), Scizor (M), Swellow (F), Mightyena(F), Vileplume (M)
Is this still taking new members?

Name: Riley
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Personality: Riley tends to wear her heart on her sleeve most of the time, and prefers honesty not only from herself, but from those around her as well. She's adopted quite the mournful demeanor ever since Mika's betrayal, but she still remains resolute in everything that she does; namely, taking down Neo-Plasma.
Flaw(s): She's competitive and can sometimes have trouble with authority. She also still cares for Mika, even after her betrayal.
Backstory: Riley always admired her mother, who was a Pokèmon Ranger and Riley's hero. As such, she grew up with a passion for helping people and Pokemon. Her mother, while warm and supportive, was a career-driven woman, so Riley was left alone much of the time to raise herself. The young girl didn't mind, though; when she wasn't studying, she was throwing herself into extracurriculars, especially martial arts. She definitely shined in her class, but soon found a competitor in her withdrawn classmate: a girl named Mika. When trying to describe Riley's relationship to Mika, the phrase 'opposites attract' is sure to come to mind. When they first met in the small middle school of Icirrus City, they felt contempt for each other on sight, being nearly opposite in personality but sharing a penchant for competition and a deep sense of pride. As such, the two continuously picked fights and ended up punished, usually alongside each other.

Over time, the two began to develop a mutual respect for each other's strengths, rather than their flaws, and their bickering became playful banter. One day, in their teens, a blushing Riley asked Mika if she wanted to leave town together and travel. They did so, and the two became an inseparable team to be reckoned with.

Mika had always seemed interested in Team Plasma, but as Neo-Plasma became a force that spread over the region, she started to seriously consider the organization, frightening Riley into giving her an ultimatum: Plasma or their relationship. It was their biggest fight, and the two began to grow distant before Mika soon left to follow Plasma.

Riley's main motivation for going rogue is for revenge; not on Mika, but on the organization that stole her from her. She knows that they can likely never have any sort of relationship again, but if she can bring down Neo-Plasma and release Mika at the same time, Riley figures she can at least be content.
Visual Characteristic & Outfit(s): She has fluffy, chestnut-brown hair cut into a medium-length bob and brown eyes. She stands at about 5'6 with an athletic build, perfect for her martial-arts loving lifestyle. She can usually be seen wearing black leggings along with a deep red, short-sleeved shirt. If it's cold out, she'll throw on her black track jacket, which also has red on the trim.
Pokèmon Team: Mienshao (F), Pelipper (M), Breloom (M), Chimecho (F), Lampent (M)

Name: Mika
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Personality: Mika has a cool and detached exterior, with a clear and sharp mind that is always surveying her surroundings and forming strategies. Academically, she was usually at the top of her class during her school years. She is usually slow to anger, but Riley always had a way of pushing the right buttons and allowing her to either get angry, laugh, or break down. Ever since the two split, though, this type of emotional vulnerability is almost void. She's a stringent rule-follower, and hates it when people stray from a carefully laid plan.
Flaw(s): She seems cold, but she still cares for Riley more than she lets on and would be reluctant to hurt her. She also finds it difficult to work with anyone who is outright abusive towards a Pokemon.
Backstory: She was raised by a single father who was hardly ever attentive, and when he was, it was to constantly criticize her performance, whether it be school or the raising of her first Pokémon, a Snorunt that she'd found injured by illegal loggers one winter. She constantly looked for approval from that man, and rose to the top of her class, constantly in competition with Riley. The brunette was the only threat to her achievement, not to mention the only person able to push her buttons and bring her out of her shell. Over time, Mika found that she was happiest in Riley's presence, as she was the only person to make her feel safe.

Ever since she found her Snorunt as child, she's been hyper-aware of the abuse that Pokémon face at the hands of some trainers, and became fascinated with the goals of Team Plasma. When Neo-Plasma began gaining traction in Unova, Mika tried convincing Riley to join with her, but the other young woman was horrified at the thought and gave her an ultimatum.
Visual Characteristic & Outfit(s): She has silky, straight black hair that falls to about waist-length, with feathered bangs. She stands at about 5'11 with a very slight build, and it would be difficult for her to overpower nearly anyone with bodily strength alone. Her skin is pale and the type to never really tan. When out of her uniform, Mika likes to wear black leggings with a white dress shirt and black denim jacket, as well as her favorite pair of black, high-topped Chuck Taylor-style shoes.
Pokèmon Team: Froslass (F), Scizor (M), Swellow (F), Mightyena(F), Vileplume (M)
That was a very touching backstory... It makes me like your characters more! I look forward to seeing you start in the RP as I accept your characters into the roleplay. Thanks for submitting!!
Hi everyone, sorry i messed up a lot this morning and couldnt figure out how to use the site until DragonFlye helped me out. May i join the RP? Tried asking through conversation - didnt know about the discussion part.
You can post it, but Sedna's the only one that can approve or deny when she gets online. Make sure you read the rules in her first post (as well as the site rules I linked earlier) and use the template she provided if you do post your bio.
Name: Travis
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Personality: Travis is a good fighter and loyal team member who does as told however does sometimes disobey orders if the plan fails. He cares deeply for others although he doesn't always show it. Travis enjoys strength over all things which is shown in the raw power of his Pokemon - Namely his Eelektross which is his powerhouse and his Galvantula which he trusts more than he trust himself.
Flaw(s): He makes rash and impulsive decisions unaware of the consequences which can lead to bad situations for him, his Pokemon or even his comrades.
Backstory: Travis has lived in Mistralton all his life until his mother went missing when he was 10. Since then he has blamed Team Plasma for her disappearance and vows to find her. His father works as a manager at the cargo depot and he relies on Travis to find his mother and bring her home safely. When exploring Chargestone Cave he encountered a weak Joltik which he nursed back to health and is now his trusty sidekick Galvantula. They have an unbreakable bond. Travis joined the resistance in order to help bring down Team Plasma in hopes that he will find his mother.
Visual Characteristic & Outfit(s): Travis wears a Red pokeball desgined tank top with a black hoodie, white shorts, red sneakers and a black cap. He is tall with Olive skin, green eyes and black hair.
Pokèmon Team: Galvantula, Accelgor, Escavalier, Crustle, Eelektross.
Last edited:
Name: Travis
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Personality: Travis is a good fighter and loyal team member who does as told however does sometimes disobey orders if the plan fails. He cares deeply for others although he doesn't always show it.
Flaw(s): He makes rash and impulsive decisions unaware of the consequences which can lead to bad situations for him, his Pokemon or even his comrades.
Backstory: Travis has lived in Mistralton all his life until his mother went missing when he was 10. Since then he has blamed Team Plasma for her disappearance and vows to find her. His father works as a manager at the cargo depot and he relies on Travis to find his mother and bring her home safely. When exploring Chargestone Cave he encountered a weak Joltik which he nursed back to health and is now his trusty sidekick Galvantula. They have an unbreakable bond. Travis joined the resistance in order to help bring down Team Plasma in hopes that he will find his mother.
Visual Characteristic & Outfit(s): Travis wears a Red pokeball desgined tank top with a black hoodie, white shorts, red sneakers and a black cap. He is tall with Olive skin, green eyes and black hair.
Pokèmon Team: Galvantula, Accelgor, Escavalier, Crustle, Eelektross.
I like it! I look forward to your start in the roleplay! ^.^


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
I've removed your thread ban now you've been formally accepted – you should be able to post now.
Hi guys, am i allowed to release a Pokemon and then potentially catch a new one later on? I wont reveal which Pokemon but i need 2 free slots on my team and I have 5 right now so is it cool if i plan to release one?
Hi guys, am i allowed to release a Pokemon and then potentially catch a new one later on? I wont reveal which Pokemon but i need 2 free slots on my team and I have 5 right now so is it cool if i plan to release one?
If the pokemon has already been revealed than I guess but I don't know how you'll work that into the RP. If you HAVEN'T revealed it yet, then go for it.