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Virgil's Fakemon, and maybe other sprites

And now she's an Espeon AND an Umbreon

Espeon is only in this one 'cause I fixed her ears a bit. They were really weird looking. I have the standalone new Espeon which I may put in this thread. I can't believe my thread got bumped down this much in like, two days.
I hadn't read all your posts, so when you said Kal I got my hopes up. (Yeah. I mostly look at pictures.) I got them up cause My PRP character's name is Kalseng. Is that a girly name?

Nyway. You've probably seen my post in Upon a Star, but if you could, check out my opner in Zuffir's post. Something about a ranch and hoenn. check my post, and then if you wanted, you could make Kalseng.

You could.

But only if you wanted.

I'm not forcing you.

Just suggesting it.

Would've posted here sooner but I was on vacation all last week.

Anyways, I don't really like taking requests 'cause I'm afraid I'll dissapoint the requester by making a sprite that isn't what they were hoping for. I made you a Kalseng sprite anyways but I don't think it's very good.


EDIT: I've created a monster.... And its name is....


Virgil's shitty attempt at a scratched Chimecho sprite.

It was my first ever completely scratched sprite and I totally screwed it up. The tail is what bothers me the most, I couldn't get the coloring right at all and the shading's all messed up and... Bleh. I just hate this sprite.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
You need to stop putting your abilities and sprites down, they look better than you think. I think the scratched Chimecho is great, especially for your first attempt. It's a little 'out' in places, but other than that the shading is practically perfect as far as I can tell. I like it's pose too.

And I like Kalseng's Hat ^^

I like your Fakemon and sprites, so stop putting them down :p
Oh don't be too hard on yourself Virgil. My first scratch was so bad I didn't put it on the internet...>.>; Just make a few adjustments to your liking and you'll be fine.
I also like Kal's jacket, it's just cool.​
I guess I am pretty hard on myself and I apologize to everyone because I know how annoying that is to read. I swear it's a lack of pride and not me fishing for complements...

Anyways, Virgil's Fakemon and Other Sprites thread will be temporarily closed for I don't know how long. I was spriting on my sister's laptop 'cause my computer's broken but she took it to college with her so I can't sprite now. Also, school started today and I'm gonna try to actually do well this year. So yeah, I can still check in on my Wii, which is what I'm using to write this, but don't expect any new sprites until much later. Feel free to give comments or critisism on my old sprites if you'd like. Bye!
I'm back! I got a new computer so I can sprite again. Here's a sprite that was done by request from a friend of mine. It's Yuki Nagato from some anime I'm not familiar with. I couldn't find any good pictures to base it off of so it's not an exact replica.


Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Yuki Nagato from The Meloncholy of Haruhi Suzumia. Great anime. The sprite looks almost exactly like her too. All your other sprites are also really nice. I'm glad to see you back in business Virgil, I look foward to more of your sprites.
Glad you guys like 'em :). Here's my newest Fakemon. It was supposed to be a chinchilla but I didn't feel like making the ears bigger so it's just a rodent thing. The colors are a little off but I dunno. I like it.


Here is RPG Phreak's request (But no, I don't take requests... Except I've done a few under the counter ones lately). I have the normal sprite and the sprite with his Umbreon and Espeon, which are probably positioned too strangely. I hate spriting hair so I just took R/S's Steven's head and pasted it on there, so it may look a little small. Anyways, enjoy.
Aww, the Chinchilla/rodent one is cute, reminds me of my gerbil...and the fall grass types look really nice. I dunno, I just like the colors. I kinda like RPG Phreak's guy, he looks okay.
Thanks! :)

Anyways, here's something I forgot about but found on another website today. I was really bored one night and made...


A Rebellious British Girl sprite! I dunno, this was kinda just made to tease the British person I was talking to at the time, but I like it. I can't remember if I submitted it to the TCM but I know I was considering it.
EDIT: I've created a monster.... And its name is....


Virgil's shitty attempt at a scratched Chimecho sprite.

It was my first ever completely scratched sprite and I totally screwed it up. The tail is what bothers me the most, I couldn't get the coloring right at all and the shading's all messed up and... Bleh. I just hate this sprite.

OMG! So...KEWL!!! It's really good for your first full scratch...a tonne better than mine... -_-

[quote author=Virgil link=topic=4648.msg75271#msg75271 date=1223870261]
Thanks! :)

Anyways, here's something I forgot about but found on another website today. I was really bored one night and made...


A Rebellious British Girl sprite! I dunno, this was kinda just made to tease the British person I was talking to at the time, but I like it. I can't remember if I submitted it to the TCM but I know I was considering it.

Looks a bit weird...but works
I like the rebellious Brit... I dunno, my brain says more recoloring would make it that much cooler but it's probably fine as it is.

I thought of a description for this one! It's too long to be used in a game but I thought I'd share it anyways. :)

Name: Senstep
Type: Steel-Psychic
Bio: This Pokémon's face is located in the center of its body and appears blank. It moves it around when listening, as its many microscopic ears are in different spots along this part. Two mouths are attached to its tail and this is where Senstep's eyes are, one on each mouth. Senstep smells and feels with its feet. It is rumored that Senstep have the ability to give senses to those that don't have them.

EDIT: Oh yeah, forgot the most best part! I made this Fakemon entirely out of Scizor. Well, except some scratched stuff and the colors, which were Rampardos's.
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i like i like, if that was a real pokemon it would be on my team, i would heal the blind and deaf. i like the colours on it, and it was only a matter of time until someone put eye on a scizor pincer
I have to say that Senstep is cool. I probably wouldn't personally use it, but I think it's cooler than Metagross. The claw things add a nice touch.


Wow, Virgil! These sprites are really nice! I especially liked your fakemon as they are really,really cute! And I liked the colour combinations you used on the trainers!

Keep up the good work! :)
Thank you Pokepok :)

Yeah, these sprites are pretty half assed because I'm tired but I attempted a Skarmory evolution. Well, it started as just a random fakemon to try out using Cresselia's body and a Mini Nose but, unfortunately, neither of those work very well with anything. So. I added some Skarmory stuff, recolored it badly and...

I know I said I wasn't going to put myself down as much but... C'mon, we all know it's terrible. ;)


Naked Tropius.

My original plans were to make an Elephant Pokémon using Tropius's body but then I got bored and just made a naked Tropius. No questions, please.
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Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
The Skarmory thing isn't terrible, it looks like a goose, or a swan, or some other aquatic bird. But I could see something like that in game.

Add a tail to Naked Tropy and we have a Sarupod from the Jurassic ;)
I like the Skarmory thing. Maybe it could be Skarmory's pre-evolution?
Yeah... to me it looks younger and cuter than Skarmory. Like a little ducky. Well, a big ducky but a ducky none the less. DUCKY.
Got that out of my system. Tropius. I've always imagined that one could have parts taken away and here we go!​
All right, I guess it can be the prevo of Skarmory.

Anyways, I went crazy with the accessory sprites and made a bunch of simple stuff.

Here's a Piplup being eaten by a Pokémon whose name I just attempted to spell but then messed up too many times and decided to just call it this because I'm too lazy to look up the correct spelling.

Here's rare spriteographic proof that female Rayquazas exist. This one happens to be named Raychel and this picture was taken at her birthday party last week. Remember, you saw it here first.

And here's a picture of a Ledyba singing at a nightclub. It was open mike night and she had repressed feelings she wanted to let loose.
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I think the pokemon you're trying to spell is Victreebell. Yes, I looked it up on Google, so don't ask nice Fakemon and other sprites btw ;D

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Victreebel actually. One "l" due to the 10 character limit on Pokemon names.

Back on topic, these are brilliantly done and very comedic. I love how the sprites in question even have their own amusing backstory.
I'm lovin' the newest ones, I laughted pretty hrad. :D Great job, I love the Ledyba one, I can see her at one of those poetry coffee shops, expressing her feelings in poems.
Yes, Victreebel, that's it. Thanks for the comments guys.

Here's a few rare sprites, none of them new, but rare nonetheless.

Here's a sprite that I made right before the old trainer card topic was locked. I wanted to post one last one so I made her really quick. She didn't get in, but here she is now.

And this... Is my first ever attempt at a sprite. Ever. It's in an old topic in an old website and I thought I'd resave it and share it. This is left unedited from how it was first made and the only thing that's different is it's transparent now. Enjoy!
Double post 'cause I got a new sprite.

For Lizzey AKA fishyface:

It's actually not transparent but I made the background the same color as the 'Charm's one so it'll hopefully match.

EDIT: Well it'll look transparent half the time I guess... Now's not one of those halfs...


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
That Chatot and trainer sprite/animation is great! I love naked Tropius too, a simple concept but very effective... in a round about way. I also like your Pokemon edits, like the female Rayquaza. Methinks you've improved a lot in your spriting ability.

Well it'll look transparent half the time I guess... Now's not one of those halfs...

That made me laugh. Typical isn't it ^^
Methinks you've improved a lot in your spriting ability.

:D Thanks.

And glad you like it, Lizzey.

So here's a new thing. I've always wanted to make a trainer card but I knew I had no idea how. So, I finally decided 'screw it, I don't care if it doesn't look anything like how real trainer cards look, I'm making one.' And here's the result:
