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Virgil's Fakemon, and maybe other sprites


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
I really don't know why, but 'Put it away' at the end of that sentence really made me laugh XD
Great little comic strip, and Drifloat is right, it is just a weird coloured square...

Your Togepi sprite is fantastic by the way, it looks like it could be a real in-game sprite.
First of all, that 'square' is a Battle Recorder, not a Camera. >>

Second, that other sprite (The one of Cattleya, or the girl in the other comic.) is half of a whole sprite:

It would be natural the skirt didn't have shading. The shading comes from the left. Kokuran (the other person) covers the light, so the skirt is monotone. >>

It's like you expect EVERYTHING to be down to the last detail. >>

Not to mention you somehow got the hair on the wrong side of the face somehow. o.O

**end rant**

*(c) Bulbapedia (Bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net) I do not own the sprite. just to show you WHY the skirt doesn't have shading.
Even if something was blocking the light source, there would still be shadows on the skirt. There would be shadows in the folds and highlights on the part that actually was in light. Pokemon sprites are usually very detailed when it comes to shading, and this new one really does looks shitty and unfinished.
lrn2shadows, plz.

Also your Drifloat comic made me laugh like a hyena.
Your Togepi sprite is fantastic by the way, it looks like it could be a real in-game sprite.

I didn't do much except revamp this Gold version backsprite of Togepi. When I was playing through I couldn't help notice how easy it'd be to make a new sprite out of the backsprite, so I did. Thanks for the comments everyone :D
Whee, it's December! Which means, to me, that it is now Winter! I usually hate snow but I'm excited for it this year, I just hope it doesn't last too long. Anyways, I edited a santa hat onto Togetic and attached it to this. Just because I wanted to attach a document and I was too lazy to go and upload it to tinypic or something. Yeah.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Actually, I was thinking about it while I was making another hat for a Politoed and I figured since they're pretty easy and it's the holiday season I may as well. 8)

So if anybody would like me to sprite a santa hat onto a 'Mon, I can at least try. It may not come out great but hopefully it'll at least come out.

PS: Only one request at a time, though. Just make sure whoever last requested has got their sprite to make a request of your own. Thanks!

PS: The Politoed I was talking about is attached. And Shado, to attach things you click that little 'Additional Options' button at the bottom of the reply box. It took me a while to find out how.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Here ya go! I just copied the hat from Togetic and put it on Aipom, but it kinda looks better on Aipom I think. Hope you like it!

And sure, Midnight, I'll get right on that.
Woohoo! Those sprites are epic! Could I have, when you have done everyone elses, a Riolu with a santa hat?
Bandwagons time :D

If you feel crushed by Santa requests, then free free to ditch mine, but could I have a Spinarak with a Santa hat?
Here they are, in no particular order. Well, alphabetical.



This one didn't come out so great...

Ok. There we go. Gah, I just read and realized I forgot to do the Riolu one, I will get right on that.
Glad you guys like 'em. Rayn, I just noticed I must have used the same color of the highlighting on Flygon's wings as the transparent color. It's not that noticable, but want me to fix it or are you good?

Well, I was trying to think how to fit a santa hat onto Jirachi's weirdly shaped head and I came up with this:

I thought it was funny, but not really good so I thought again and realized I could just put a hat on top of Jirachi's little head knuckle thing.

So I did that. I like this one. Feel free to use whichever.
*is gonna get shot for asking this*

Lopunny in a Christmas Hat? Maybe even a scarf if you feel generous. =D
Ok, I'll get on that tommorrow. I just lost my spriting mood for tonight.

Anyways, here's
Sandstorm Forme Castform. I don't know, I was just looking at the CastForme sprites and copied them into Paint to zoom in on them and then... I just ended up making this. It's not really good and the idea sucks, I was just trying to make it like he summoned rocks all around himself to shield from the sand. I don't know.
The phrase "shield from the sand" made me instantly think of Gaara from Naruto...XP The giant hat for Jirachi is funny, it made me laugh. I almost thought that you were gonna do a hat for each one... The single 'knuckle' hat is adorable. Yeah.
DayU, I'm sorry, I cannot find a way to put a hat or scarf on Lopunny. Wanna pick another Pokémon? Buneary could be hatted if you'd like.

EDIT: HO HO HOLD ON. This kind of works:


...Kind of.
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I used the Platinum sprite but I notice your avatar uses the D/P one. I can change that if you'd like, but here it is.

EDIT: Rrrg. Crap. Black spot. Fixing...

I was bored, I wanted to sprite and I was looking through Rayn's sprite thread so...

I sprited Rayn!
Sorry if you didn't want me doing that, Rayn...