Stillpaw knew she was dreaming,she was at a stream in the dead night.She bent down to get a sip of water,when she looked up,there was a ghostly looking cat on the other side of the steam.The ghostly cat walked over the stream like it was a grass plain,and it sat right next to Stillpaw."Welcome,Stillpaw."The ghostly cat greeted Stillpaw,"Who are you?"Asked Stillpaw."I am Spottedleaf."Answered Spottedleaf,"I have a message for you."Reported Spottedleaf,"One cat will change the five clans forever."She mewed,"What do you mean?"Asked Stillpaw."You'll see."Spottedleaf was fating away,"Please!Don't leave!"Pleaded Stillpaw,but it was too late.Stillpaw was awake in her nest in the apprentice's den.
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