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Ask to Join Warrior Cats :] The Hopefully Cry of The Forest

(( Hello and welcome the the thread ! ))

What happens when Starclan goes quiet, silent for many moons. Without starclan many cats are left unguided to fall into there own selfish ways. Clans slowly crumbling till only few cats remain, clans killing there own litter mates and friends. Only the silent cries of cats trying to find guidance from there fallen hope, Has the forest has fallen into disrepair. . ?

^~. “ Oh Starclan, I know your still with us.
Please help us the clans have fallen into darkness.
We the cats who few believe ask once more for your guidance.
May our sorrow filled prayers reach you.
Protect us from those who do not believe, and only seek to destroy us
As we shall follow your ancient rules forever know as,
Faith Clan “ .~^

As the newly appointed leader Owl’Star prayed out loud with the clan, the stars in the sky gleamed and shimmered like never before. Faith clan looked up at the skies and tears of joy. It has seemed that Starclan was looking at them hopefully. . . But Starclan wasn’t the only ones to notice the young clan, a deeper evil shall soon be awakened.

Welcome the the forest.

Now lets talk about rp rules !
  • Follow Pokecharms Rp Rules and Guidelines
  • No 18+ ( Snuggles are allowed )
  • Dog and foxes can join the clans or rouges, But preferably just side characters
  • For any High Up clan roles for example: Medicine Cat, ask before sending the bio
  • There will be NO POWER PLAYING example:- Something’Something lunges at Something’Something pinning them down to then tear out there throat- If you are going to fight, ask permission to kill or permanently injuring there oc
  • NO FAKING IMPORTANT ROLES Example: “ NO ! I’m the leader of Faithclan. NOT OAK’STAR !” Only way this is accepted is if the OCs are twins and are confused between each other , and the 2 OC owners agree and get permission.
  • NO EXTREME SPYING, You can spy, but when u get caught you MUST take any punishment following what you did.
. . . . . Bios . . . . .
Clan or Rouges:
Clan Role:
Moon( Age/Months ):
Appearance: ( Can be a image )
Backstory: ( Optional }

. . . . . Clan Roles . . . . .

Leader: Oak’Heart ( @-[ Just Vibin ]- )
Deputy: Rose'Splash ( @|Bread| )
Medicine Cat: Dapple’Moss ( @ThePlayfulFox )
Medicine Apprentice: Sable'Paw ( @Waiting... )
Warriors: Bat'Nose ( @|Bread| )
RainFall ( @ThePlayfulFox )
Lion'Spirt ( @-[ Just Vibin ]- )
Vine’Berry ( @Applebutter )
Muddy’Foot ( @Applebutter )
Apprentices: Whisper'Paw ( @Toasty| )
Queens: Twig'Snow ( @Angxl )
Kits: Apple'Kit ( @|Bread| ) (Twig'Snow)
Elders: None

Buts what’s a role play with out some threats.

. . . . . Rouges . . . . .

Rouge Leader: Solan ( @Prof.Ninja )
Rouges: Dusk ( @=Nightshade= )

. . . . . Others . . . . .

Dogs 1/2: Turtle ( @Applebutter )
Foxes 0/2: None

Loners :
Pine ( @ThePlayfulFox )

. . . . . . . . . .

- My OCS -
Name: Oak’Star ( Og name: Oak'Heart )
Gender: Female
Clan or Rouge: clan
Clan Role: Faithclan Leader
Sexuality: Bi
Moon( Age/Months ): 24 moons

Personality: She may be in her younger years, but she has proven herself with her determination and strong wits. She will never let someone she cares for be killed. Leading her down the path of bravery and strength.
Backstory: Oak’Heart was one of a few who where born after Starclans dark age. Making her have to be quick on her feet the moment she could leave her mothers side. Her mother passed on the belief that Starclan will come back to them. Never forgetting her mothers words, she lead a few friends to find more cats and pass on the will of the Starclan. Even though she was shut down by many, she lead on gaining the trust of her cats. And when the idea of forming a clan came up among them, they all where happy to let her lead. As she hade been the one to unit them once before.

Name: Lion'Spirt
Gender: Male
Clan or Rouges: Clan
Clan Role: Warrior
Sexuality: Poly/Pan
Moon( Age/Months ): 26

Personality: As his name says his soul is as brave as a lion. He doesn't have a issue with specking out on about what he sees as a issue. Even if everyone dislikes his honesty and determination he won't stop.
Backstory: He was a kitty pet turned rouge as his past owners abandoned him. He learned to live off the land and even found his way to hope clan. He keeps his callor on and always says, " It doesn't matter where you come from, but it's what u learn and cherish that important." Lion wears his callor as a throphy to show all the clan cats that kittypets can be warriors if they want to.
( Not blind also he just has dark grey eyes )

I hope you decide to join me on this rp adventure ^^ !
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Hey, can I have old characters (leaders before the disappearance of StarClan, ect.) be part of backstories? For my med cat, I'm planning on mentioning Otterstar and Crowsong (her mentor) in the backstory. They will either be dead or unimportant in the RP, unless you say otherwise.


Previously 'Candle'
Name: Rose’Splash
Gender: Molly, She-Cat
Clan or Rouges: Clan
Clan Role: Deputy
Sexuality: Lesbian
Moon( Age/Months ): 23 Moons

Personality: A serious yet quiet and calm Molly. She is extremely loving and can be a bit aggressive out of defeat and stress which happens quite a bit. Despite her small yet antagonizing flaws she is always seen as a heroic figure among the clan.
Backstory: TBA

Name: Bat’Nose
Gender: Tom
Clan or Rouges: Clan
Clan Role: Warrior
Sexuality: Straight
Moon( Age/Months ): 19 moons

Personality: Bat’Nose is a happy-go-lucky kind of cat. He is definitely always trying to remain positive in even the toughest of times even though it might not work out. Though still remaining positive, he has grown to dislike the responsibility of trying to complete tasks such as doing hunting patrols. The truth is Bat’Nose is really bad at hunting which has made him a bit more on the bad side of things.
Backstory: Unknown

I will be adding a kit somewhat soon, as soon as I receive approval of someone who has a Queen character.
Name: Rose’Splash
Gender: Molly, She-Cat
Clan or Rouges: Clan
Clan Role: Deputy
Sexuality: Lesbian
Moon( Age/Months ): 23 Moons
Appearance: View attachment 931518
Personality: A serious yet quiet and calm Molly. She is extremely loving and can be a bit aggressive out of defeat and stress which happens quite a bit. Despite her small yet antagonizing flaws she is always seen as a heroic figure among the clan.
Backstory: TBA

Name: Bat’Nose
Gender: Tom
Clan or Rouges: Clan
Clan Role: Warrior
Sexuality: Straight
Moon( Age/Months ): 19 moons
Appearance: View attachment 931496
Personality: Bat’Nose is a happy-go-lucky kind of cat. He is definitely always trying to remain positive in even the toughest of times even though it might not work out. Though still remaining positive, he has grown to dislike the responsibility of trying to complete tasks such as doing hunting patrols. The truth is Bat’Nose is really bad at hunting which has made him a bit more on the bad side of things.
Backstory: Unknown

I will be adding a kit somewhat soon, as soon as I receive approval of someone who has a Queen character.
Alright, Their both accepted !
Name: Dapplemoss
Gender: Female
Clan or Rouges: FaithClan
Clan Role: Med-cat
Sexuality: Aro-ace
Moon( Age/Months ): 38 (Three years and two months)
Appearance: Dapplemoss is a moltted calico cat with a white chin, chest, belly, tail tip, inner-legs, and paws. She also has a white splotch just above her right eye. She has sleek fur. She has heterochromia, a rare condition that makes someone have two eyes of differing colors. Her left eye is an amberish-yellow and her right eye is a yellow green. She has a small nick in her right ear.
Personality: Dapplemoss is a friendly medicine cat, proud of her status and strictly follows the Medicine Cat code. She has a big heart and has a desire to help out anyone in need. Though, this can often come to her detriment. She is also highly sentimental and easily nostalgic, still holding onto the memory of a cat killing her mentor, Crowsong and often goes to where she buried her mentor before joining FaithClan. However, she tries not to let her sentimental nature hinder her duties as a Medicine Cat.
Backstory: Dapplemoss grew up during the age of StarClan. The Medicine Cat of her former clan, Crowsong, needed an apprentice around the time Dapplemoss was Dapplekit. After observing Dapplekit and believing she was sent a message from StarClan, Crowsong told Otterstar that she wished for Dapplemoss to be her apprentice. Otterstar accepted, and so Dapplekit became Dapplepaw under the mentorship of Crowsong. Crowsong was a strict mentor, sometimes swatting (claws sheathed) at Dapplemoss if she was making too many mistakes or was taking too long and just did it herself, angrily muttering. Though, Dapplemoss understood why Crowsong was like that. Being a Medicine Cat was worse than being a warrior. If a cat died in the Medicine Cat den, it was all your fault. Eventually, Crowsong stopped swatting at Dapplemoss, merely watching over her as she worked. The two became good friends, Dapplemoss even receiving her Medicine Cat name before StarClan disappeared. Her clan stayed together at first, the two Medicine Cats swearing to stick together as the Clans slowly devolved into anarchy. Dapplemoss and Crowsong escaped their former clan, trying to look for any semblance of what had been. Crowsong died during the search, Dapplemoss hoping desperately that Crowsong made it to StarClan, even if she wasn't sure if they could even reach them now.

Gender: Female
Clan or Rouges: Clan
Clan Role: Warrior
Sexuality: Ace (Heteroromantic)
Moon( Age/Months ): 29
Appearance: Rainfall is a cool light-grey she-cat with a white chest, paws, muzzle, and tail tip. She has a slick coat and a lithe body. Her eyes are blue.
Personality: Rainfall is an ambitious young she-cat that is slightly jealous of Rosesplash and Oakstar due to them being chosen to lead the clan. She, however, doesn't act against them, using her ambition and jealousy to make herself a better warrior, as she tries to show them up (if that is fine). She does respect their orders though, as she is a strict follower of the warrior code. She is a prickly cat, seemingly rude to everyone. Though this is mostly because she doesn't know how to make herself more approachable and "friendly." She is highly loyal to those who can get past her prickly exterior.
Backstory: (Will fill in later... spent way too much time on Dapplemoss's)

You can claim to have Crowsong's murderer, if anyone wants. It isn't necessary, though.

This is very interesting!, i've never read the series but i'd like to reserve a spot for the medicine apprentice
Are you certain? You won't be able to participate in battles with that character and being a Medicine Cat can be highly stressful, especially with memorizing all the herbs. Also, that cat cannot (legally) have a romance with another cat. (There is the forbidden romance option, but that trope is so overused in Warriors.)
Name: Dapplemoss
Gender: Female
Clan or Rouges: FaithClan
Clan Role: Med-cat
Sexuality: Aro-ace
Moon( Age/Months ): 38 (Three years and two months)
Appearance: Dapplemoss is a moltted calico cat with a white chin, chest, belly, tail tip, inner-legs, and paws. She also has a white splotch just above her right eye. She has sleek fur. She has heterochromia, a rare condition that makes someone have two eyes of differing colors. Her left eye is an amberish-yellow and her right eye is a yellow green. She has a small nick in her right ear.
Personality: Dapplemoss is a friendly medicine cat, proud of her status and strictly follows the Medicine Cat code. She has a big heart and has a desire to help out anyone in need. Though, this can often come to her detriment. She is also highly sentimental and easily nostalgic, still holding onto the memory of a cat killing her mentor, Crowsong and often goes to where she buried her mentor before joining FaithClan. However, she tries not to let her sentimental nature hinder her duties as a Medicine Cat.
Backstory: Dapplemoss grew up during the age of StarClan. The Medicine Cat of her former clan, Crowsong, needed an apprentice around the time Dapplemoss was Dapplekit. After observing Dapplekit and believing she was sent a message from StarClan, Crowsong told Otterstar that she wished for Dapplemoss to be her apprentice. Otterstar accepted, and so Dapplekit became Dapplepaw under the mentorship of Crowsong. Crowsong was a strict mentor, sometimes swatting (claws sheathed) at Dapplemoss if she was making too many mistakes or was taking too long and just did it herself, angrily muttering. Though, Dapplemoss understood why Crowsong was like that. Being a Medicine Cat was worse than being a warrior. If a cat died in the Medicine Cat den, it was all your fault. Eventually, Crowsong stopped swatting at Dapplemoss, merely watching over her as she worked. The two became good friends, Dapplemoss even receiving her Medicine Cat name before StarClan disappeared. Her clan stayed together at first, the two Medicine Cats swearing to stick together as the Clans slowly devolved into anarchy. Dapplemoss and Crowsong escaped their former clan, trying to look for any semblance of what had been. Crowsong died during the search, Dapplemoss hoping desperately that Crowsong made it to StarClan, even if she wasn't sure if they could even reach them now.

Gender: Female
Clan or Rouges: Clan
Clan Role: Warrior
Sexuality: Ace (Heteroromantic)
Moon( Age/Months ): 29
Appearance: Rainfall is a cool light-grey she-cat with a white chest, paws, muzzle, and tail tip. She has a slick coat and a lithe body. Her eyes are blue.
Personality: Rainfall is an ambitious young she-cat that is slightly jealous of Rosesplash and Oakstar due to them being chosen to lead the clan. She, however, doesn't act against them, using her ambition and jealousy to make herself a better warrior, as she tries to show them up (if that is fine). She does respect their orders though, as she is a strict follower of the warrior code. She is a prickly cat, seemingly rude to everyone. Though this is mostly because she doesn't know how to make herself more approachable and "friendly." She is highly loyal to those who can get past her prickly exterior.
Backstory: (Will fill in later... spent way too much time on Dapplemoss's)

You can claim to have Crowsong's murderer, if anyone wants. It isn't necessary, though.

Are you certain? You won't be able to participate in battles with that character and being a Medicine Cat can be highly stressful, especially with memorizing all the herbs. Also, that cat cannot (legally) have a romance with another cat. (There is the forbidden romance option, but that trope is so overused in Warriors.)
Their both accepted ! And Rainfall can have that jealousy, it’ll make for a interesting Rp. And also maybe some slight betrayal ^^ .
Her loyalty to the code will prevent her from outright betrayal. Her jealousy is the kind that makes her want to appear better than the others. Though she could start rumors, that isn't against the code.
Name: Sable'Paw

Gender: Male

Clan or Rouges: Clan

Clan Role: Medicine Cat Apprentice

Sexuality: Bi

Moon( Age/Months ): 13 Moons


Personality: Those around Sable'Paw consider him a rather unapproachable and perhaps even intimidating one due to his obsessive nature, but beneath all the scary aura, those close to him would realize his is a friendly and naive nature, though only the latter may be true, of course Sable'Song tries to be friendly one or two times but those around him sure don't.

In truth even though it would seem as there was no way he would be a medicine cat, his dedicated and obsessive nature really comes into play, Sable'Paw would work and study all day and at late nights, just to prove to himself that he can and will still become the self he always wanted to be, despite most of his efforts falling a bit short.

Backstory: TBA

Okay i have done it, i'm not so sure about the age since i still do not quite grasp what an apprentice's age should be but i think it's pretty good, also i may or may not put his backstory in, im still mainly thinking what it should be.

Also @ThePlayfulFox yes i do want to play as the Med-Cat apprentice, i honestly don't mind the herbs part, since i still kinda do have to learn about them just like this cat character here, so it kinda works with the character i guess, also yeah i won't probably be going for a romance route here so that's not a problem!:up:
That is actually a good apprentice age. For a Warrior, it takes around a year of training, after being a baby for 6 moons. Med cats take longer. (I assume he would've been an apprentice for 7 moons)

@Waiting... since you are ok with those limitations, I don't see a problem with Sagepaw being an apprentice of Dapplemoss if he is accepted.
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Previously Mx.Shift
@|Bread| I can be a Queen, maybe Batnose could be the father?..

Gender: Molly
Clan or Rouges: Clan
Clan Role: Queen
Sexuality: Straight
Moon( Age/Months ): 19 moons

A stubborn yet calm she-cat. She is peaceful, calm and trys ro remain fun and loving. Twigsnow has had her rough days though, growling at anyone who dares come near and saying nothing but muttering curses to herself. She has a natural talent for hunting but trys not to brag too much about it. She loves kits and is dying to have some.
Backstory: TBA


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@|Bread| I can be a Queen, maybe Batnose could be the father?..

Gender: Molly
Clan or Rouges: Clan
Clan Role: Queen
Sexuality: Straight
Moon( Age/Months ): 19 moons
Appearance: View attachment 931613
A stubborn yet calm she-cat. She is peaceful, calm and trys ro remain fun and loving. Twigsnow has had her rough days though, growling at anyone who dares come near and saying nothing but muttering curses to herself. She has a natural talent for hunting but trys not to brag too much about it. She loves kits and is dying to have some.
Backstory: TBA
I like it. But you have to ask Bat'Nose owner ^^


Previously 'Candle'
Cute child: Check

Name: Apple’Kit (Apple’Heart)
Gender: Tom/Male
Clan or Rouges: Clan
Clan Role: Kit
Sexuality: Unknown (HE IS JUST A CHILD PEOPLE)
Moon( Age/Months ): Three moons

Personality: Apple’Kit is a kind kit who loves nature. He loves his mom (He calls her Mama) more than his father which he hates to admit. Mushrooms happen to be his favorite thing to play with and stick in his fur. He has always wanted to have friends but he is called weird looking because of his eyes and declined of playing anything. This has caused him to be stubborn and hard to deal with at times.
Backstory: Over the past two months, the kit has been learning of life and has yet to leave the nursery unsupervised yet.
I won’t be able to join the Rp. I think I need to take sometime off of pokecharms and do a little soul searching. I just need to be able to get more creative with my characters and be more original as well. I do hope things go well and this runs for a long time, bye.
Cute child: Check

Name: Apple’Kit (Apple’Heart)
Gender: Tom/Male
Clan or Rouges: Clan
Clan Role: Kit
Sexuality: Unknown (HE IS JUST A CHILD PEOPLE)
Moon( Age/Months ): Three moons
Appearance: View attachment 931650
Apple’Kit is a kind kit who loves nature. He loves his mom (He calls her Mama) more than his father which he hates to admit. Mushrooms happen to be his favorite thing to play with and stick in his fur. He has always wanted to have friends but he is called weird looking because of his eyes and declined of playing anything. This has caused him to be stubborn and hard to deal with at times.
Backstory: Over the past two months, the kit has been learning of life and has yet to leave the nursery unsupervised yet.
Adorable ! He in !


Previously Applebutter
Name: Vineberry
Gender: She-cat
Clan or Rouges: Clan
Clan Role: Warrior
Sexuality: Lesbian
Moon( Age/Months ): Around 25 moons
Appearance: Vineberry is a cream colored she with a white muzzle, belly, neck and legs. She has one dark brown toe on her front left paw and a fluffy dark brown half tail as well. Her ears are straight up with cream colored tufts on the inside, they are also dark brown. Her eyes are light blue. There are small tufts on the back of her ears towards the bottom and a hair tuft on top of her head which is cream colored as well. She has a cape like thing on her back the same color as her face with darker colored cream stripes. Vineberry has a small pink nose and a dark brown mask around her white muzzle. She is unusually small, about the size of an app.
Personality: The young Molly is a bright, quiet and anxious. She is always trying to prove to her clan mates that she isn’t a bad warrior because of her size. She can be underestimated though, making herself seem larger or hide much more easily because of that one flaw. Her smile makes up for it and she definitely enjoys cuddles. Vineberry can be a bit awkwardly social and shy but she doesn’t want to.
Backstory: Vineberry grew up on a barn the runt of her litter. Her mother named her Vine, and the second smallest Muddy. The rest died within the month because of other rouges, foxes and dogs. Vine loved Muddy and they were named “The Fluffy Duo” by the other rouges despite Vine not being as fluffy as her brother. The two’s father was unknown, seeing as he never visited. But he was said to have killed Vine’s and Muddy’s mother while they were at the age of 5 moons. Vine was extremely sad because of this, making her shy and anxious about anyone in the barn besides Muddy. She never grew to love Muddy like she did before after that because one day while he was a approaching she clawed him. This gave him a scar across his face, she deeply hated herself for doing it. As they grew to 19 moons each, they traveled to the clans to find that only one remained because of ‘StarClan’ disappearing. Vine explained their dilemma and the two were able to join under one condition. “If the two would find a way to betray the clan, attack any of the clan mates or break the code, they would be sentenced to death.” She was named Vineberry and Muddy was named Muddyfoot.
Moons later, she nor Muddy had broken the condition.
Family: Muddyfoot (Brother; Loves him a lot), Neko (Mother; Dead), ?? (Father; Unknown)
Name: Muddyfoot
Gender: Tom
Clan or Rouges: Clan
Clan Role: Warrior
Sexuality: Straight
Moon( Age/Months ): Around 25 moons
Appearance: A brown tom with a white muzzle and underbelly. He has white paws and white ear tips as well. His underneck is also white. Muddyfoot has a smaller tail than Vineberry that is also dark brown in color. His nose is black. A dark brown mask surrounds his face and a one s fang protrudes from his mouth. His eyes are the same blue as Vineberry’s. He way taller than his sister and has a dark brown cape. A pink scar is across his face.
Personality: A clumsy Tom. He is very protective of Vineberry and happens to enjoy being taller than her to tease her. Muddyfoot can be a real trickster, always trying to make someone smile or laugh at his clumsiness too. He can be really quiet or distanced on days he happens to remember his mother but other days, nope.
Backstory: Muddyfoot’s backstory is pretty much like Vineberry’s -_-
Family: Vineberry (Sister; Loves her to death), Neko (Mother; Dead), ?? (Father; Dead?)
Name: Vineberry
Gender: She-cat
Clan or Rouges: Clan
Clan Role: Warrior
Sexuality: Lesbian
Moon( Age/Months ): Around 25 moons
Appearance: Vineberry is a cream colored she with a white muzzle, belly, neck and legs. She has one dark brown toe on her front left paw and a fluffy dark brown half tail as well. Her ears are straight up with cream colored tufts on the inside, they are also dark brown. Her eyes are light blue. There are small tufts on the back of her ears towards the bottom and a hair tuft on top of her head which is cream colored as well. She has a cape like thing on her back the same color as her face with darker colored cream stripes. Vineberry has a small pink nose and a dark brown mask around her white muzzle. She is unusually small, about the size of an app.
Personality: The young Molly is a bright, quiet and anxious. She is always trying to prove to her clan mates that she isn’t a bad warrior because of her size. She can be underestimated though, making herself seem larger or hide much more easily because of that one flaw. Her smile makes up for it and she definitely enjoys cuddles. Vineberry can be a bit awkwardly social and shy but she doesn’t want to.
Backstory: Vineberry grew up on a barn the runt of her litter. Her mother named her Vine, and the second smallest Muddy. The rest died within the month because of other rouges, foxes and dogs. Vine loved Muddy and they were named “The Fluffy Duo” by the other rouges despite Vine not being as fluffy as her brother. The two’s father was unknown, seeing as he never visited. But he was said to have killed Vine’s and Muddy’s mother while they were at the age of 5 moons. Vine was extremely sad because of this, making her shy and anxious about anyone in the barn besides Muddy. She never grew to love Muddy like she did before after that because one day while he was a approaching she clawed him. This gave him a scar across his face, she deeply hated herself for doing it. As they grew to 19 moons each, they traveled to the clans to find that only one remained because of ‘StarClan’ disappearing. Vine explained their dilemma and the two were able to join under one condition. “If the two would find a way to betray the clan, attack any of the clan mates or break the code, they would be sentenced to death.” She was named Vineberry and Muddy was named Muddyfoot.
Moons later, she nor Muddy had broken the condition.
Family: Muddyfoot (Brother; Loves him a lot), Neko (Mother; Dead), ?? (Father; Unknown)
Name: Muddyfoot
Gender: Tom
Clan or Rouges: Clan
Clan Role: Warrior
Sexuality: Straight
Moon( Age/Months ): Around 25 moons
Appearance: A brown tom with a white muzzle and underbelly. He has white paws and white ear tips as well. His underneck is also white. Muddyfoot has a smaller tail than Vineberry that is also dark brown in color. His nose is black. A dark brown mask surrounds his face and a one s fang protrudes from his mouth. His eyes are the same blue as Vineberry’s. He way taller than his sister and has a dark brown cape. A pink scar is across his face.
Personality: A clumsy Tom. He is very protective of Vineberry and happens to enjoy being taller than her to tease her. Muddyfoot can be a real trickster, always trying to make someone smile or laugh at his clumsiness too. He can be really quiet or distanced on days he happens to remember his mother but other days, nope.
Backstory: Muddyfoot’s backstory is pretty much like Vineberry’s -_-
Family: Vineberry (Sister; Loves her to death), Neko (Mother; Dead), ?? (Father; Dead?)
Both accepted ! Sorry for not noticing it last night.
Name: Pine
Gender: Male
Clan or Rouges: Neither; loner
Clan Role: N/A Might help the clan cats. Might not. Depends on their hostility to him
Sexuality: Straight
Moon( Age/Months ): 20 moons

(Made with Felidaze Felidform, 2)
Personality: Pine is a friendly cat with a playful personality. He doesn't believe in StarClan though, nor does he understand clan cats. He just wants to have a peaceful life. He is a very open-minded cat, not judging a cat unless they are actively harming themselves or others with thier actions, and even then he trys to humanize thier actions, like saying they are in a difficult situation.
Backstory: Pine was born and raised as a loner. His mom was a street-cat in a nearby two-leg place. Along with his siblings, Marigold and Grove, he was taught basic hunting skills and how to defend themselves if they're attacked. After a year, they were kicked out of thier mom's territory, Pine migrating to the forest, not too far from the clans. After the clans fell into chaos and fell apart, Pine migrated further into the old territories, though he tried to remain out of conflict with other cats. His home just so happens to be on the border of FaithClan's new territory, unknowest to the red tabby tom.
Name: Pine
Gender: Male
Clan or Rouges: Neither; loner
Clan Role: N/A Might help the clan cats. Might not. Depends on their hostility to him
Sexuality: Straight
Moon( Age/Months ): 20 moons
View attachment 932981

(Made with Felidaze Felidform, 2)
Personality: Pine is a friendly cat with a playful personality. He doesn't believe in StarClan though, nor does he understand clan cats. He just wants to have a peaceful life. He is a very open-minded cat, not judging a cat unless they are actively harming themselves or others with thier actions, and even then he trys to humanize thier actions, like saying they are in a difficult situation.
Backstory: Pine was born and raised as a loner. His mom was a street-cat in a nearby two-leg place. Along with his siblings, Marigold and Grove, he was taught basic hunting skills and how to defend themselves if they're attacked. After a year, they were kicked out of thier mom's territory, Pine migrating to the forest, not too far from the clans. After the clans fell into chaos and fell apart, Pine migrated further into the old territories, though he tried to remain out of conflict with other cats. His home just so happens to be on the border of FaithClan's new territory, unknowest to the red tabby tom.
Accepted I'll put him m in the other category tho. Due to not being a rouge or clan.