Also, I wonder why it took until the end of the episode for Lucario to be overcome by the Steel type problem.
And I once again thank the fansubbers for giving me this answer XD
Lucario was using its aura to block out the low frequency wave that was affecting the other Steel-types. I'm assuming that at the end of the "Gen and Lucario" episode whatever type of energy the beam was made up of finally overcame Lucario's own inner strength, thus it finally lost control.
But back tracking a bit, the guys fansubbing these latest episodes have been working in overdrive, so I've gotten the chance to watch a handful of episodes in a short time.
The episode "To Befriend a Pokemon" (or whatever it was called) was alright, but I actually felt the events/dialog was a bit weak overall. Ash has had an uncontrollable Pokemon before, but he didn't seem at all concerned about Hikari's issue. He just kept smiling and nodding and saying "Don't worry! If you keep at it everything will be fine =D" ... I was hoping that Hikari was going to react when Piloswine kept getting beat on, too, but no... they just sat there and watched. Eh. It's nifty to see Mamoswine because I like the Pokemon, but they could've done a better job leading up to it.
As for the Roark vs Byron episode... DAMN I loved that one. Byron's "I LOVE _____!" cries cracked me up, and now I just
have to parody it somehow. The episode in general also showed a new side to both of those characters - a funny one at that - which put a smile on my face. Fossil freaks, lolz. The dynamic between father and son was both hilarious and touching.
Now, the Gym Battle... Am I the only one who cheered when Buizel was knocked out so easily? I love Buizel - I DO! - but seeing it in Gym battle after Gym battle has been a bit boring. Even though it was a good match-up for this gym I'm glad things went how they did. Lots of Chimchar love! (And I loved how Roark recognized it as Shinji's Chimchar) Then we had Gliscor's first gym battle... Its usage of Fire Fang seemed much more appropriate than Crasher Wake's Floatzel's Ice Fang. Even though the battle felt a bit slow at times due to Gliscor's flying around, it was still fairly good.
And finally, "Gen and Lucario" ... First off, I want Gen's hat. Second, Jun does care about his Pokemon! :'D I was rather amused and happy to see that, because Jun kept comparing himself to Shinji before... After seeing this, I think he's actually a bit more like Ash than he lets on, lol. As for the episode overall... Maaan, secret temple. Was not expecting something like that. Does it tie in with Platinum's plot, or was it completely new to the Anime canon? Either way, pretty snazzy. I can't wait to see how things go down in the next episode.